STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OK Mary is officially revirgined--since she's forgotten and now doesn't care. Mary u'll be fine with this new one---I know everything is way to much so it boggles the mind. But we're here for any help we can give. Mary keep u'r spirit full for u'rself it can be so healing for u.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited May 2013

    Scottiee, if you are claiming eldest I'll claim youngest, but not to a male rather the bumper of a John Deare green 39 Ford pickup! Now that was painful and traumatizing.  Dad and a couple of my adult cousins were standing at the back of the truck talking and I was climbing up to try and get their attention when I fell a-straddle the bumper and cut myself stem to stern.  I was 3.  It was in 1945, right after the end of WW2.  It was a horrible end to what had been a wonderful day.  One of the cousins was on leave, he had spent the war as a fighter pilot in the Pacific.  He had rented a plane and taken Dad and me on a ride.  I remember seeing the Spring break up of the ice on the Missourie sp? River.  He also gave me an embroidered red silk kimomo he bought in China before we got in the war when he was with the Flying Tigers and a sheepskin teddy bear from New Zealand that he bought when he was on leave there during the war. I still have them both.  I know, TMI,

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Chabba OMG except for the part where u got hurt---what a great story--how proud u'r family must have been. Oh goodie--u'r older than me.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited May 2013

    Not the oldest on this site by quite a bit but definately one of the Seniors! lol

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    I'm probably one of the babies.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    I'm the hoo............

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    I think I'm close to being a baby too....just ask Shell...she posted a pick to prove

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Wait a minute now it's who's the oldest and who's the youngest??? Ladies most of us are old. LOL

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    O.k, Im 54 where does that put me?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Baby OK we're not all old.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Baby OK we're not all old.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    I'm 48.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited May 2013

    I know at least one woman on another topic with preschool children so I'm guessing she could be under 30.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Chabba yea, there are some super young ones on here and the ones with kids (small) I don't know how they go thru all this, if I had to take care of young ones in any way there is no energy left. Unbelievable.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited May 2013

    Well, for one thing, they are starting out with young bodies that probably have a lot more strength and resiliency than this seventy year old body has!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Chevy, snow in may...sounds normal for Denver.  When I lived there it snowed 5" one May morning...I got on the phone with my friend in NY and by the time we got off, all 5" had melted under the glorious Denver sun.  Long phone call...
    Granny, so, I'm not over it either....we have to do it again...and I'm not waiting a year or even 6 months.

    Sas, you asked what's a superscript?  it's a little nubmer that hangs up in the air like when you need something "squared" you put a little 2 up there.  opposite of a sub-script which hangs down below like when you write a chemical formula.  Is that what you wanted to know??  I like new stuff, too.  Oh, yeah, if you want to make a "degreees" sign, you use a regular letter o and hit ctrl alt and + and the o should go up in the air.  Is this useful??

    Up too late...getting up early...running a photo contest tomorrow...had to run around and print out the entries 'cause the student take pix on their cell phone and email them to me.  I have a ton of work in the morning getting the photos ready.
    nite all, be well...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Well chabba that part is no doubt true but when u'r in the middle of chemo it must be horrible for them, cuz to me alone is all I wanted so I can't help but think of that. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Joan I meant to tell u ---u'd better get to bed is right it's later there and u've got a busy day.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Crap! Mary and Veggy you trumped me - I'm 58.

    I'm told I look and act much younger.  Of course, with this group, looks may be one thing, behavior is another.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Shell U do seem to have lots of energy for 58--hold on why are u awake now???

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Chevy I forgot to talk about the "body double" for Elizabeth Taylor---I didn't know we had so much in common, I was always mistaken for Liz I was ging to say ET, but I knew u'd get on thst one) I was so difficult sometimes especially in an airport. It was quite overwelming, but I took it in stride who was I to argue with her public.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    I just got back from partying with my former co-workers - it's 11:30 pm in Hawaii and it's 4:00 am in your neck of the woods, Camigirl  what are YOU doing up?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Why didn't I know where u lived--did u tell us? Wow u've got the perfect weather, no wonder u never complain about it. Had a bad night of no sleep, but I'm glad u had a good night.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Actually a coule of different things happend during the night--Around 12 I was falling asleep and I heard a noise in the kitchen, well I have to protect my family so I thought I'd better chek it out and like so many scary movies we watch and think how stupid are they? I went toward the kitchen with my lighter in my hand, like that would totally do the job, I figured I'd poke him in the eye with it, Duh Well thank God it was my SIL and I realized it in time whew the dog had to go out. Never does it at midnight. So of course I awoke and kept awake with a headache and backache because of my bravery. Now I'm miserable and all shaky thinking if it was someone.  I'm going to take my pain pills IDK why I wait that another stupid thing I do. So adding up all my stupid things before dawn I've accomplished a couple of them. OH I feel like chit. And the dog had something to do with it. But he's so sweet.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Good morning and good night, Florida is having a Seattle and Cleveland day, Rain and overcast.

    Last thought about use of enemas and suppositories, The doc technical papers all stated not to use in "a reduced immune state". All referrenced neutriplils and WBC's being below normal as a reason to not use. None refferenced that are immune systems are altered when using things like AI's and Tamox. So, discuss with doc , I suppose the MO is the most qualified. Lastly when using , lubricate well and be very gentle with insertion.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami, any word about rereading on imaging report? Scarry about possible intruder,

    Joan, tried the enlarging to see avatars , IT Works, couldn't get degree thing to work though, Have fun with the pic contest. I'm still in awe of not having to squint.

    Phyl did you read the whole C thread? Here's to a better go continuing :)

    Chabba"Flying Tigers" they were so famous. At least two movies on them. I think one was with Van Johnson and a huge cast of notable actors, and most recent was Ben Affleck. Is that right.? Aren't they the ones that bombed Japan and then crashed/ landed in China, were helped by the Chinese and hunted by the occupying Japanese?

    Mary, and word on treatment appoval?

    62 here !I'm in the middle.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Hi Sas well I read them and they were easier than I thought actually and I talked to the Dr. so I'm ok with them and what needs to be done--not cancer related so that's fine with me of course/ u've been a lot of help to me Sas along the way with so much info and so much caring I so appreciate the time u have taken with my questions or my thoughts on things, and altho I think out of the box sometimes u never ever have made me feel that way. But we go back aways that's why when I see a topic I'm on I have to brag about u to everyone and I think yea she's on this one hahaha cuz I don't go on the others so much anymore they just made me to sad. U know I don't like to delve into things I'd rather not know alot but when I do want to know something u've always come thru for me and many others. Thank u so much.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami , we go back to insomnia thread when you first came. Ah those were the nights LOL. Sweetie, you AlWAYS make me feel soooooooo good. It's such a nice warm feeling and I end up just smiling... SUPER BIG CYBER HUG. AND Chickiepoo, your kindness to all is special. :)

    PHYll, check-in on C thread, caught up on your posts :)

    Chevy we need your wit on the constipation thread, just a few lines to lighten things up!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    I have permission from Chabba to update you. Her toe has made great progress. It's looking pink, and doc believes that it will actaully make it. I learned __again __ the value of patience. I didn't think the toe had any possible chance of recovery when it was black. She has followed her doc's treatment plan religiously which has been tepid water soaks for ten minutes three times a day. Elevation and non constrictive clothing. Way to go Chabba

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    So Sas says, "lubricate well and be very gentle with insertion."  Period.


    Are we still talking about the horrific virginal Normandy invasion or what?  Oh, okay.... something else. 


    Okay, you guys can have your own little club thing.... re-virginized, or whatever.  And miss Ducky pants...  I probably COULD have been a "hot" number, but at THAT time, who knew? 

    So now, being married for God knows HOW long, just makes you sort of slow down a tad..... but just a tad.

    And back-seats are out.... Haven't tried THAT one in years, Ha!  I remember when the girls were little, and we would send them about 4 blocks away, to go get them a "Dairy Queen" when "things" became necessary..... They were only 3 & 5, but STILL! 

    JUST KIDDING!   Or we would go out in the garage & lock the door.... Ha, ha!  Damn, that was fun.


    Little Kantalope!  Today is the day?  They WILL help you figure it all out.  What kind of tests did they do?  Would some of them include foods that you possible eat?  Which would be remarkable, since you don't even EAT. 

    Yes, you DID get married early.... 18?  I had must met DH then...  But we waited 1 1/2 years to get married, so we could save a LITTLE money...


    Morning Veggie!  Crossing my fingers for good news, and no more chemo....  And just tell that PERSON that you DON'T look WHAT??? Did she say you look "pretty?"  Or like really bald?   I'll bet she means you look "PRETTY".... when you are bald.  THAT makes sense now.

    You can walk around any way you want to!  Yes, hold your head high girl!  Tramp or not!  

    Okay, my AOL just won't let that picture come through... it has "issues" sometimes. 

    And yes, I used 4 frozen tomatoes in that soup, from last-years garden, but just a can of green beans... So you were a Martha Stewart type?  I used to save every recipe I could get my hands on...  I LOVED to cook! 


    Shells, you little brat... !  How can you remember ALL of us?  I must take to writing us all down... I can forget me, cause I'm here, but I will make a list of all my best friends!   And you say you try and settle us down?  Hah!  That's a good one!  You, miss fancy pants are right in the middle of our mayhem! 


    And Scottiee is right there with you...!  I let them out of their room, and they go nuts!  Every time! 


    Cammie!  It's shenanigans!!!  Not shenigans...  WTH is that? 


    YES, you can eat that soup for the rest of your life, with nothing else, and you can get down to...... nothing!  It has no points! 

    Yes, those 3 minute "deals".... Weren't they the worst?  WHY would any woman WANT to do anything other than make out?  I think that each girl, maybe 18 should be en-trusted to some guy who actually KNEW what he was doing, and be locked up with him for maybe 2 days.  During that time, she would learn what it COULD be like, which would include the proper amount of  time NEEDED for a girl to even WANT to do anything, other than hop on pop. 


    When I look back, which is really a long ways, I think why in the hell do guys THINK it is just as much fun for the gals, as it is for them!  I mean it takes YEARS before a girl even understands that SHE can TOO!  And that's by pure accident!  It's like "Whoa....  WHAT was THAT?"  Damn! 

    And you said an act of contrition!  THAT was soooooooo funny!  Ha, ha!  Not 10 Hail Mary's?  And did you go to confession, with that smirk on your face?    Yes, it was horrible...  we were just girls.


    Scottiee.... You were a virgin until you were 23?  My ass.  What did you do, forget the years from 16 to 23?  Were you locked up in a convent or something?   Sure I was a virgin too!  Until I was 16... I must have been considered "loose" or something.


    Mary!  Good to see you again!  YOU are revirgined?  Or whatever?  You are starting Halaven on Monday?  I don't know anything about that... but I'll always be here waiting to hear how you are!  Just take care...  we don't care if you are bald or nothing!  I have barnacles.  Yep, the Doc called them "barnacles"  on my skin.... those things that you get when you get older... SHE doesn't care, but they look like hell!


    Chabba, you HAVE to be the youngest.... SOMEone does, and it ain't me!   Oh wait, man I screwed THAT one up... totally different conversation I imagined.  I'm so SORRY about that accident!  That is awful!  Poor little thing!   My Dad was in WW2... went over to Hiroshima 3 days after the bomb.... to help clean and sweep the streets.  He brought me back those little straw "shoes" and Mom a Kimona too!  And silk umbrellas!   I only have the memories of Dad and I talking right before he passed away...  He finally talked about Japan, and what it was like.....I never knew anything before.... guess he didn't want to scare us when we were little.


    Oh Cammie, you are just glad ANYone is older than you, Ha!  Most of us ARE, I think....  Ha! 


    Veggie, you are a baby?  Damn!  I'll hang with Ducky... she's more mature than the rest of you kids.


    Mary, you are 54?  I have socks older than that!    And Veggy is 48?  You are still a teen-ager!


    Yes Joan!  It snowed about 10 inches, but going to warm up today!  The sun is coming up, and it looks beautiful! 

    Sounds like fun "working" with your students!  I'll bet they have fun with  you too....


    Cammi, Shells is ALWAYS awake.... she doesn't sleep... she just plots. You were mistaken for Liz?  You must have been just gorgeous!  Like me!  We are probably the prettiest ones here.... you and me!  Ha, ha!


    Sassy!  You are soooooooo right about Tamoxifen..... You know I tried to sleep better when I was taking it, so I started Melatonin.....  But somewhere along the way, it caused diarrhea.... which I didn't connect the two.... Finally I had to take about 4 Immodium AD each day, just so I could be "normal."...... But one day I said to myself.... "SELF.... it must be the Melatonin causing the diarrhea, because of the Tamoxifen, and therefore, the Immodium is necessary beCAUSE of that, so quit taking ALL of that." And I did, and life was good.


    Okay, I think I've reached the end of our thread!  Just want to say I love you guys!  So fun to wake up and know you have all been here, stomping around yelling, and making this day fun!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo