STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Does coffee count? Lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    In my book it does, but u should see what counts in my book LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    I'M here!  Don't go...I have my coffee too!... Are you there?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    I'm right here Chevy and zi'm so cold right now--I'm bundled like the middle of winter.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Oh now I'm so LONEsome!  I'm all alone... sad and blue and also morose.  I'm so lonesome I could cry...

    This guy is good!  And HE cares...  Cry

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Scottie's usually here right now, I hope she's OK--I worry to much about all of u if something changes, I have to stop that.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Chevy ...its early on your side of the always up early too?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    I think Chevy and I bumped one another and she gave up and left--I'm waiting and she's leaving--Chevy u brat--Well everyone is up in the house. So Sunday starts which means not much different than any other day cept everyone is home--more noise. I taped some shows last night and I hope I got the right ones, cuz I usually do it in the day time and I totally forgot til later. Last nite Joey and I watched the cat from hell--and it's true. OMG who could keep a cat like that not only fights with everyone but beats the chit out of the other sweet cat.It was funny cuz Joey and I both look at katie-Kat who's laying so nice with us and think whoa are we lucky. Our kat;s a cuddler and sleeps with me all the time.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    So okay Phylliopian...  YES, it WAS a bedcheck! Sleepin' all the damn day.... 


    Yes, me too.... I HATE some of those words the "boys" use.... no class...  just lower than dirt.   Did  WE sit around talking about  stuff like that?  It was OUR job to deny, to hide, and to pretend it never happened, Ha! 


    You were in PRISON?   Because you stole lunch money?  From the Mods?  Oh for God's sakes!  And you walk amongst us?   Can you teach us how to make a pair of shoes from a bar of soap?  Were you in Alcatraz?   I didn't see you when I took my Grand-son's there! 


    And so little Princess, you are FULL of shit?  I mean Italian?  Oh man, now we really have to be careful.   It would be bearable if you were only 1/2, but "FULL BLOODED?"  I'm sort of shaking right now....   I've lived with one of you for over 55 years....  so I know your tricks.  Actually that must be why I love you....  Because you can't help it.


    I hope they get your Lavender situation under control.  Do they have to surgically remove it?  Or WHAT are they doing?  It sounds like

    "de-sensitization"  ... I believe that is correct. 


    It's like they inject or "patch" you with the possible allergen, until you are so full of it, you can't stand it, and then you will not be allergic to it anymore.   It worked with me....  If that is the same concept I mean.


    So I am now oblivious to any allergen like "grass".... I mean REAL grass, and pollen, and mold, and dust, and horses and weeds.... I mean REAL weeds.....  And now I am perfect.  And I am woman...

    Morning Dana... or what is it?  Someone said another name for you...

    Cammi, it was Cammi!  She named you Chickadee!  That sounds perfect, because you look DAYS younger than we do!  You are fitting right in! 


    And then Marywhat....  Yes, we HAVE been busy, but look at YOU girl!  You unloaded two semi-trucks, with your hands tied behind your back?  Blind-folded?   So now you will be an "Ice-road Trucker"?  Damn, you amaze me.


    And Ducky!  I'm so happy about little Grayson!  She is like a little Angel....  and coming along just fine... Oh NO, you CAN'T be the "all those things"..... can you?  AND a member of the MHC?  Bulls**t.  You didn't even know what it WAS until that un-suspecting pilot threw you back in your seat!    He said he had to get back to driving the plane.  You little trollop.... xoxoxoxo


    Little Chicky....or little one!   I have SHOES older than you...!  And bottles of cologne.... even.  And cereal! 

    Don't pay attention to Marywhat or Ducky.... they have this thing going about which one is sexiest....  we just let them ramble...... And Ducky has mis-matched boobs..... Don't we ALL? 


    (Ducky, THAT was funny....! Ha, ha!) HOW do they GET like that?  I didn't notice anything, and then all of a sudden, there they WERE!  Or there THEY were!  I could make them a sling, I guess, but it's just the THOUGHT!  We should have all taken pictures of ourselves in our youth, so we could remember what we WERE!   But we would just cry.


    Now Cammi, if your read your post, you said


    "I am one of the elders here and I may not have the beauty, talent, or knowledge but I've got class.(pipe down Chevy) But one thing we are all here for u little chicadee--u look adorable."


    So you have a "glass pipe"???? is THAT what you said???  Remember, I threw one of those away when it fell out of my Daughter's little purse when she was in high-school.  Did YOU find it?  And so what are YOU using it for missy?


    Kathy, how do you know Kantalope is not a Strega?  What is it?  Oh, well, maybe she is.... we don't know....


    Oh so now I'm back to you guys talking about morning and coffee!  You must have ALL gone back to bed.  So I'm just here alone....  (refer to song posted on last post.)  sniff....




  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    WTH...Chevy I'm so excited about the Leafs winning last night that Inwas wide awake at midnight so just woke up and now it's Kitty and me having our coffee together...sorry Cami you were missing Kitty this morning, hate when that happens.

    Dana, welcome to the morning coffee club, love it, the more the merrier.

    Granny is going to have a field day with the new coffee club....she' s right, we just go


    What time is it with you lot...I have just past 8 am here Toronto?

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    BTW hooligans, remember I'm going to that Greek BBQ today from about lunchtime till

    whenever....PLEASE keep the correspondence to a minimum as I'll be "under the weather" when I get back and won't be fit to read at least 6 pages from you lot..yeah,

    like that is going to happen...😜😢😷😎💃

    Can't wait to be surrounded by all these Greek Gods....😋

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Scottieeeeee!  Yay!  Greek Gods for you.... WITH a bag of chips!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited May 2013

    5:18 on the Pacific coast. Up early to go cook breakfast at the Senior Center, on my first cup of coffee.  Takes my awhile to get going in the morning any more.  Can't jump up and go like I used to do when I was 20 years younger and still working.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Chabba!  My hands are a little better!  I am taking the Vit D3...    (I had those... pharmacist said they were the same as Vit D) And the Vit A.  I also bought some Vit A & D ointment.... So I will conquer this "thing" YET!  Good morning to you! Thanks again!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Hey here,......... drinking my coffee, and eating my raisin bread, (which I am not supposed to eat), but I don' give a shit.......oh sorry that is....I would give a shit if I could shit.......I am so tired of shitting like a " rabbit". It is so ridiculous Dr Oz could make a 1 hour show about my bowel habits.....oh we'll, " shit happens".............oh wait, no it doesn't...isn't that what this conversation was, it was about coffee and raisin bread........well you get the message....or do you......anyway....

    My 5ft 9 in, natural blonde, gorgeous granddaughter got Prom Queen last thrilled for her......( did I mention she takes after me)........the only truth in that statement is.......I was Prom Queen back in 1953 (quiet Chevy).......that is what the Pilot said to me......"honey you must have been Prom Queen at sometime, cause you just earned the crown"......I think you get my drift.

    Chickadee......your a cutie, and in your Avatar you look like Jacqueline Smith........guess I'm not the prettiest anymore, but I'm still the sexiest (hear

    that Mary) do I know that you say......(.the Pilot told me)........,..QUIET Chevy.......

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    My goodness, you girls do get up early, and you have me lost already! Cant remember what anybody said.My house was quiet til 8 when ds#2 called to say they were almost in Fla. They spent the night in Ga. last night the weather was bad and they were tired from all that moving. So Im up now, and going to go to church,yes,really.If I can find something to squeeze this sexy (Ducky) body into. xoxo

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013 have some "spandex" I can send you Fed-X but it will never make it in time for church today......just

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Finally having my cup of coffee. Anyone else? There was no one on last night. This morning everyone is up and at it.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013


    Gald U like the video.  Sp That is were that mall is.  interesting!

    Happy Sunday All with happy health!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Good Sunday Morning and Cinco de Mayo.

    Ah hah Dana named herself she's  Little Chickadee, which we will often shorten to Chickie or Chickipoo. "A child of many names is much loved" from a 1800 sampler.

    Bernardi, our Flower, did anyone tell you about the world watching us as they wish. If your surname is Bernardi and you want to remain annonymus(recommended), it would be a good thing to change your name now cuz it's early in your postings. It's easy enough to do, just go back to your profile and follow the prompts. It will change all your postings to date. I did the same when I first came. I was on OMG and we found some of our stuff was being reposted on FB. Changed it pronto as did quite a few others. Bunch of others changed their avatars too. It was very confusing for a few days to figuire out who was who. b/c we just couldn't say we were so and so b/c that would destroy the anonymity. I also took off path/sx stuff b/c it was one thing to share with sistas, another thing entirely to share with the world.

    D-Chickie(see already another nickname), i'm from Akron, where's Novelty? Lived in North Roylaton/ Broadview HGTS for awhile.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Veggie we seem to be more day people than nite people---I wonder why. Well Chey is in rare form---actually usual for her. And BTW I resent that staement about out boobs not being een---Mone are perfectly flat none left--but they are eenly flat. So some of us still have nbeauty, of course I am the beast part but doesn't bother me---cuz I am still G O O D as chit. Talking about that I hope ducky u get help with that.

    Chevy I keep that pipe for memories when I use to use it on husbands. I don't know why they all left me tho.

    Phy have u popped in yet?  We need to know what prison u were in , how long, and why if it has anything to do with hidung a body (like a husband)we don't have to know where it is.

    haha Chevy Granny's all Italian--like me so there u have it. U are surrounded--so u'd better watch u'r step.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    OK sea-shaltz.  I get it with the name change thing here.  I wil certainly change to "Flowers" as my substitute name as some of you already have referred to this "Flowers" thing!

    Happy, Happy Sunday All aand Peace!

    The new "Ms. Flowers"  ( I kind of like it!)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    By next week we're going to have to do a roll call to see who's who and who've each has decided to be. I'll start off then as people add the old ,the, new, and the wanna be, I'll keep adding names to this list as I see them, except leave off "B"'s.

                         "a child of many names is much loved"

    DanaM, chickadee, Miss chickie, chickie, chickiepoo, Dchickie,Chickadana, Our Baby Dana

    Mary, Marywhat, Ice-road Trucker,IRT Short for I-R-Trucker. I will add Hoedown Girl,

    Camilegal, Cami

    Chevyboy, Chevy

    GrannyDukes, granny, GG, Princess Kantaloupe, Princess K

    Pdgraham, Phyll, Phyllis, Phyllopian(phoenetically that's fa'-lop-pian, Chevy did you really mean to call her a tube attached to the uterus?)

    DuckyB, Ducky, Promqueen MHC, Duckling

    Sas, sassy



    Shellshine, Shell, Shells,

    Kathindc, Kathy, Kathy-in-dc,

    "?", Flower, Flowermound, Flowers, Ms Flowers




    Blondiex46, blondie


    Who'd i MISS???????? SASSY

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Yawn! Good morning ladies. I'm finally up about 9:30am. Just sleeping the day away. Hey, where were you guys at 3 am when I couldn't sleep?

    Dear duckling, I m sorry that you turned into a rabbit. I'm sure veggy or chevy can find a picture of a rabiduck for us.

    Chevy, didn't the honey work for your hands? I was so hoping it would.

    Scottiee, have fun with the greek gods. I would like some tips when you get back.

    Hi chickadana! I'm glad you were hooliganing this morning.

    Princess K, I hope you get a fabulous day today. You deserve some fabulous after what you've been through. Sorry for the suck-up but I really mean it.

    Red, if you're reading, don't let the ruffians wear you out!

    Cami, you are such a funny sweetheart. That's all I have to say.

    Tonorrow night is my last Zelda for a week! I'm sure I will be healed immediately of any lingering freekin' side effects. I will have a whole week of hooliganization to look forward to before the next smackdown!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Good afternoon

    Question for Our baby you know what sharmutta mean?

    And yes I'm a Strega..really I am.

    Ducky...yay for our Grayson...

    Veggy..u sound so good.keep it up..I'm comin.

    Yeah Chevy I hope it's the the patch test on tues.sounds so simple right?

    I'm gettin outa here soon....gonna buy me some new CFM every color...wish me luck.

    Happy Greek Easter sweetie.enjoy.

    Be good while I'm gone.

    Xo princess kantalope

    Btw I have a GD I call sweet pea.and a GGson Greyson....

    Connecting the dots.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    So many names, so little brain to member.

    Chevy Phyl doesn't mind being associated with a uterus--well at least SOME PEOPLE HAVE THEM--what do u do find all the parts missing on me and talk about them--what's next n0 n0 I do have a brain. LOL

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    Just an FYI. There's already a chickadee on the boards. That's why I'm Wren.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    thanks Chevy love it....

    and yep Phyllis apparently it is!!! and love going to work, only 4 hours, but it makes me feel like I am still part of the world accomplishing in housewares, things are too big to steal, lol...sorry you are feeling sick, feel better....

    welcome Dana....the nut house, I resemble that remark....cry all you want.....we can take it....and if they bring it on, let us know, we like to slap and give salt to people....

    Hey where is Charles......YOOOOO HOOOOO CHARLES WHERE R U?

    Shell so happy you like your breasts, that is a big thing....need to get more meds....apparently what I am taking is like aspirin...WTF....drs. appt on Tuesday....looking forward to the pix.....I would love to be able to be at the fla beach, but settled for Jersey shore, it worked...

    that friggin steroid schit has to stop....omg the just plain stupid....

    So enjoying my week off....chemo just sucks....anyway, eyes are still watering, nose is still running and there is blood when I blow, neck and back hurting still....wth....anyway, going on to the next page cause I can't remember is sunday and I am in the house but worked as I said so recuperating, lol.....SIL came over and mowed the grass AND need someone to do the dishes cause of the fungus from chemo and yea could wear gloves but am trying to get them to do it....Michael's turn....George did it the other day....

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    no chevy I found it at a little store on the boardwalk and thank goodness.....

    I don't drink coffee does that count only tea?

    did you have fun at the BBQ with the greeks, and what do they eat at a BBQ?

    come on Phyl we are really hanging about this prison thing....hurray

    forgot me and I have enough trouble with keeping that one, lol

    Red where r u?

    and Chevy I read it all caught need a nap now, but I will STFU!!!!