STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited May 2013

    Hi, ChickaD. My "handle" is savgigi but my real name is Jeanie. Thanks to all for the warm welcome.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Gma somehow u post must have squuezed in with everyone else's I didn't read it til now I'm sorry--So one is a stimulant and the Tamox. doesn't help for sleeping at all. Can't u take something to sleep, alot of the girls take something for a sleeping aid, me too but all the Drs. have their own ideas what to ive. call u'r Drr. and tell them U CAN NO SLEEP and need something. He/she should be able to help u out. U can't go without sleep, no one can and u need help.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Ding, Ding, Ding, Scottie u there? I'm going to get my coffee now I just heard it ding--it's done.I'll Check back

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Savi------welcome to the nut house.........well that is everyone else.....not me......I 'm the good one...the smartest, prettiest, an the sexiest........oh did I mention the OLDEST........we,re here all the and me....your gonna love it here........

    What the hell am I doing up.......since 4:30.........already had a hash brown, and 2 sunnyside egg, and now I'm having my coffee........HEY WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL OF YOU......GET UP........I'm not sitting here by myself.....GET UP.......HEY, HEY, HEY,......RISE AND SHINE........YOOOOOO IS ANYBODY OUT THERE??????............Chevy, Granny, Scottie, Veggie, CAMI.......WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU??????? GET UP............

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    I'm up WTF I just called for Scottie--why do the older get up the eariest and tired the rest of the day. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh see I come rushing back and no one wants to talk to me. Oh we also have Jeanie that's new and

    SaviI don't think I welcomed u, maybe I did but if I didn;t WELCOME to this group of hooligans, not me of course--I keep the sanity in the postig. I just can't type and spelling has become a real challenge for me.

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2013

    Ahhhh coffee yuummmm... I am currently on my second latte of the morning after making lunches for my oldest 2 kiddos...I swear, if dd misses the bus AGAIN, you'll hear me screeching regardless of where you are. I am in Maryland and its gross, overcast and threatening to rain AGAIN. Although it my be nice if baseball tonight gets rained out....more on the baseball drama later

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Cami.....ARE YOU AWAKE??????????........Jeanie and Savi are the same person.......WTF.....put your damn glasses I have to get on another plane to Chicago, and bitch slap you and wake you completely..........Gonna get Chevy, and Granny and we will be on the next hope my Pilot is flying this baby today......we're on our way, and your in trouble.........

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Ducky well I welcomed Jeanie 2 times then---right of the bat she's gotta know this sight is crazy. And I say I'm the sane one.

    And Merl (another name I have difficulty with) u already made lunches--OMG i'm bare on my first cup.  OHH the drame of baseball games God how I hate ll that stuff. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Meri.....crappy in Philly too....and the next few days.....

    Kids are grown, but go to all my granddaughters games.....hers were cancelled yesterday, don' know why, but that was good cause she got hurt in Sunday's game.......she is a softball pitcher, and got hit in the leg with a line drive last pitch of the game, wow her leg above the knee blew up like a balloon, so the time to rest (rainouts this week) will help......last year she fractured her hand in the 2nd game of the season, again line drive, and put her hand up to protect her they have to wear protective gear on their faces if they play infield

    Are you waiting at the door for us Cami.....take that lock off....we'll HUFF AND WE'LL PUFF AND WE'LL BLOW YOUR HOUSE DOWN.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Where do u thik I live in a forest with a straw house---It's all brick and at our age all we can do is huff and puff. Actually /ducky you and Chevy sound so good all the time--and I love it do u actually feel that good? I hope so. cuz I know u'r older but u both have a lot of energy and sassy in you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    ☼ ☼

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Hey girlfriend.....some days are diamonds.....some days are 78 waking up is a we just play the hand we're dealt till the game is over.......God knows, but he's not saying........mild heart attack, bad knees, BC, broken vertebrae, ischemic colitis, cataract repair, glaucoma surgery, torn retina, early stage macular degeneration, but I'm up and at em everyday........will travel on Saturday to my grandson's college graduation from Franklin and Marshall is good.......

    You do ok too Spunky......hugs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Well I tease the shit out of u guys but I really admire both of u--u'r attirudes are great and contagious. OK nuff nice stuff. The End. LOL

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Yea Cam....STFU, and stop being so nice....your gonna spoil Chevy......IF SHE EVER GETS HER ASS OUT OF BED.........hey Cam.......why do you suppose she stayed in bed this morning........hmmmmmmmmmm..........ok, not gonna go she wii tell

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    STFU good morning , whose spunky, can't add 'em to the list, if I don't add'em this morning I'll never be able to remember till thursday.

    Jullianna, used to teach in OR and EMS, and we all teach in each job, but those were official. But not a BSN, let alone a MSN. I'm a Diploma Grad "74 from a hospital based SON. They were phased out by the middle to late 80's. I'm old LOL, but I'm a middle one here, 62. I always tried to learn stuff in depth, so, I could tell if the doc's were telling and doing the right stuff. Learned very early there was a huge difference in what docs do & know. Didn't want to be doing wrong stuff b/c they were wrong. Started as a nursing assistant in 1969, at 18. A lifer. Are you still nursing? Our Shellshine is a ARNP.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Spunky is our Cami..........

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2013

    Ha ha! LOVE the cats....I swear, I'm headed to being the crazy cat lady and I am married, have kids and busy with schlepping them around but I do love my kitties.:) my little one (compared to the other one- my avatar) wants to be in my lap or snoozing with me ALL the time..makes it tough to get much done.

    My daughter, the dancer- NO, not pole! lol ballet, had the worst winter/spring last year: she had 2 metatarsals with stress fractures that didn't show on X-rays so it took us forever to get insurance to let us go to an orthopedist and an MRI. After about 6 weeks , she was finally put in a boot to heal then while on crutches at schoolafter about a month, non weigh bearing, she tripped over a backpack at lunch and sprained her good ankle! Lol you should have seen me trying to hoist her into my car, then into the house! She's bigger than me and I'm just shy of 5'10"... Thank goodness I have my dads old wheelchair here....THEN, that weekend- couldn't get her in to see the orthopedist until Tuesday. She ended up coming down with mono uggggggg

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Ducky, STFU you fly one time, get screwed and now your a bird? Fly to Chicago to wake up Cami? Probably wouldn't be able to get you out of the bathroom away from that pilot.

    Granny, yes back problems can interfere with pooping, but it's paralysis and or very severe nerve damage. will do a search when back. Good luck today!

    MaryWhat, not sure where Ferdi____is, but will look for it today. Now directly across from space center.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    I don't know who started the poop conversation Might as well join the crowd of talk - but my pain pills stop me up if i don't eat my prunes and/or apricots - Since I started tamox - don't have to worry about it anymore Tongue Out

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Oh for Gods Sake!  "Someday's are diamonds... blah, blah"..... THAT'S a SONG! 

    And WHAT???  We have new kids on the block?  Yippee!!!.... Okay, I'll say more to you new restless gals in a sec!

    Just have to add what Sassy was talking about....  If you take Tamoxifen, it really disrupts your sleep!  You will dream and carry on forEVER!  So then if you think you can take Melatonin for that, it might work for a little while, but then, don't be surprised if you notice you have diarrhea....  It creeps on you so slow, you don't put the two together!  Tamoxifen plus Melatonin equals diarrhea.  So THEN you are STILL in a quandry, and you will head for the Imodium AD......  By the time you are taking about 4 a day, you are thinking WTF is going on?  Damnit!  You are scared to go more than an hour, without making a bee-line for the nearest rest-room.... doesn't matter if it is girls or boys!!!    The Immodium AD is NOT doing it's job.

    Finally, a little light goes off in your pea-brain, and you say to yourself... "self?  If I stop taking Melatonin, WITH the Tamoxifen, then I will not HAVE to take the Imodium AD."  And if you REALLY want to push the envelope, stop the Tamoxifen!  Then ALL your troubles are forever gone with the wind!  And you will drive your oncologist nuts! 

    Oh well, maybe don't do this, unless you want the wrath of the whole tamoxifen community coming down on you.  But I did and now I am perfect. Wink  I mean I can SLEEP without dreaming my butt off, and I don't have any plumbing problems!

    Cammi!  You live in a straw-house?  In the forest?  Damn girl!  Do you hunt for fish?  Or is that game...  Do you eat mushrooms, or just smoke them?  And yes, I feel good, most of the time.... Ha!  

    Ducky is going flying!  I don't blame that little trollop!  She puts "friendly" back in the skys....

    Oh wait.... Husband just got up, now I have to go behave and act wifely.... I'll be back..... 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    The 2 faces of Chevy starring Chevyboy---Eve had 3, Chevy's got 2--Ducky we're going to get it from chevy whe she comes back--do what u'r name says and duck. It'll go right over us.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Ok, who got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.......Chevy you got a problem with my verbiage......or is it John Denver you don't Pilot can cheer you up, and you don't have to be wifey..........and who started this SHITTY conversation anyway...must have been Granny.......hey where is that little Tramp.......playing cards Granny....or whatever you call what you do with those 4 men......Cards yea right......DO YOU THINK WE ALL JUST FELL OFF THE BACK OF THE TURNIP TRUCK.....I know all about you Italian chicks...............QUIET CAMI.......YOUR ONE TOO.........NOW ME......I'm LACE CURTAIN IRISH.......Italian injected my you garlic snappers can't fool me..........if its Italian......I can do it........ask the Pilot......

    Oh Sas..............a very happy bird.........DAMN IT'S A TIGHT SQUEEZE IN THIS BATHROOM..........hey is that turbulence, or did he just rock my world....yowza, yowza........

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    my God you girls are nuts this morning. 43 posts since last night? I cant begin to catch up. Most of them seem to be about drinking coffee and pooping, niether of which I do well, so I think Im going back to bed for awhile. Its 9 a.m but I dont care. Nothing to do today except get over chemo and stay confused by you girls. Will check in later when my brain in functioning more normally...well as normal as possible. Hello to all you newbies, cant possibly remember you all.xoxox

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Good morning.....crazy women!

    I'm up late again.  Stayed up too late reading a smutty bodice-ripper novel. It was kinda fun to say at the smutty parts, "hey, I've done that!" or "Whoa! I missed trying that it to late for me now?" (the answer is probably yes since some of the positions require acrobatic skill that my chubby 61-year old surgery-sore, chemo-bombed body no longer has.)

    I wake up to people yelling across the country on the bullein board.  With some aggression, I might add.  Something about a straw house in the forest and storm-STFU'ers knocking down a door.  Really, just knock politely and it will probably fall in anyway. And baseball is in there too, with pooping.  Oh and turnips.

    and ducky! -"hey is that turbulence, or did he just rock my world"  ROFLMBO!

    marydear - Hope you feel okay today.

    ANNOUNCEMENT:  I am now officially on my week off of Zelda.  Hopefully I will start to feel human again, SOON!

    I know that by the time I click 'submit' there will be 15 more posts and I will be confuzzled again.

    Phyllopteryx (the weedy seadragon)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Hey Philly....will send you my latest book.......1,000 positions....with a special chapter on "Great Sex in Tight Places".........including "how to fly free".........hey is it getting warm in here.........

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Oh ducky cant stop laughing - peeing my pants - thanks alot!!!!!! Now I'm crying - boy today has been a good day for bouncing off of a wall of emotion... BTW - I tried what the docs suggested - NOT A GOOD IDEA - I'm more jittery and as I said emotions are all over the place - I HATE DRUGS especially Tamoxifen!!!!! 

    Sorry - I will STFU now...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    It must be only ME!  But don't you guys EVER act, or talk differently around other people?  I mean I only posted on the older womens thread ever since I was diagnosed.... and being "there" was so comforting , and feeling like I wasn't alone.  Those women, are so caring, and I just felt at home all the time....

    But then, I was mis-directed to HERE!  By miss fancy pants Princess Kantalope, and I thought, well okay, these women are nuttier than I am!  And for the LONGEST time I would NOT say the F word.  And Princess thought that was her goal in life, was to make me say it.  So I DID on one of our PM's.  SHE is the cause of it all....  Wink

    But it is sooooo fun to act ridiculous-er on here.... amongst all you women!   It's like we can tease, and almost cuss, and say things we wouldn't say in church, or elsewhere!    

    So now I have to do my hair... because we have lots of dirt to scratch and eggs to lay....   That's okay.... don't wait for me.... just go ahead... which I KNOW you will.... but I will KNOW if you talk about me...  and to add a foot-note here.... I love you guys! xoxoxo

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Gma....I hate drugs, except the ones they give you right before you have surgery......that is some good shit........oh sorry did I say "SHIT" we go again.......someone is sure to mention their diarrhea.......or their constipation.......just say the word, and the nuts in this house are off and running.........damn did I say running........I'm gonna myself in deep shit now.......oh there goes that "dirty brown word again".....,.lalalalalalalala.......oh boy someone pass the Vodka........IT'S 5 o'CLOCK SOMEWHERE.....

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2013

    Uggggg I hate ALL drugs- after my last surgery I barfed and barfed then they gave me anti nausea stuff and I barfed more...they injected me with some crap right before they wheeled me down to the OR- I was dizzy sick on the guerney.... Although I will get my drink on without the should!! spring soon- I could go for some strawberries filled with coconut vodka or rum topped with whipped cream...yum

    Yeeehaaawww bitchez it IS 5 o'clock some-where eh?!