STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited May 2013

    grannydukes - oh yeah! That's the one that really gets me - especially since I am stage IV now! Just because I have some hair since I'm on Xeloda instead of AC/Taxol; just because I have a tan due to being outside with grandchildren; just because I occassionally put some make up on as it makes me feel good to do so, many people comment that I look great and must be doing better. Better? I don't think so - Onc. gave me the option of Xeloda or stopping treatment as nothing is working to control mets. I am trying Xeloda as my last resort, even though I look "great". 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Reality stay on xeloda don't not take anything--u moght be surprised with xeloda (((prayers)))

    Flowers (HUGS))) to u

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OK have u all settle down.?

    Oh Chevy please like u act like a prim and proper lady anywhere else==ive me a break.

    Ducky u and flying hahaha u fially got the nerve and now u'r queen of the sky and lovin/ every minute of it. LOL Seriously U r good, I never would have gotten on that plane.

    Scottie let me know all u'rlans when the time comes OK?

    And who's peein alot---well get used to it, the fun is just beginning. I feel really bad cuz I don't even get embarrassed anymore--pooping, peeing whatever--It's sad.

    Princess K no shower for 3 days oh well that not awful at least , but after 2 days it's not so pleasant. I took a shower today and I still smell delicious and I can't stop smelling myself. It's difficult keeping men aways but I do my best.

    U know I can not remember all that was said, I just hope anyone who is in pain finds relief--Yes take drugs regularly, it soften it.

    I spent a lot of time with Joey today he's so damn cheerful all the time--I'm not--u'd thik it would wear off on me-nope not at all.

    OK I'm tired like I usually feel so I'm slowin down here. I hope everyone can sleep tonite.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Been up since 4:30 am.......I should be in bed......watching DWTS's and can' believe that lap opera clown is in the inal....Pissed....and Kelly is in jeopardy....not watching

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    I will be takin what we call in Italian a putanna bath.

    Gotta do what I gotta do...takes a long time but I will not stink...

    I'm about ready for bed myself...need my beauty sleep.ha.

    Hope everyone sleeps straight throu the nite.

    Xo princess kantalope

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    I think Im going to bed early tonight. Usually stay up, but what a boring day, Ive been boring myself, cant even come up with any good one-liners. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Its been raining for a week!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    You hussies make me laugh! You ladies too!

    Zelda is still kicking my ass even tho its my week off. Neupogen shots for the next three days. If Zelda is this efficient at killing my good cells it BETTER be killing those mortar forking cancer cells too!

    And my hair is falling out again. The good news is that I'm gorgeous bald.


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    princess k - putanna bath. Must be a whore bath. My granny also called it a 'possible bath'. Wash down as far as possible. Then wash up as far as possible. Then wash possible. I miss her a lot!

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited May 2013

    ShaneOak, your post made me chuckle...I know what you mean...but, what is really grating at me lately is whenever I run into someone I haven't seen in awhile, their eyes are always shifting towards my frustrating.  I know it's just a natural reaction to see what is goin' on down there, but honestly...???

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Joel hahaha that's happened to me and I do ask if they want to see it--the answer is no, but I would show it--it's nothing but scars, no boobs so why not.

    Good Morning all. It's 4:40ayem and I crabby as all hell. My beauty and sexiness can't even cheer me up and my DD still won't streak my hair with pink or purple what a brat. Coffee is not made yet I guess I could but WTF they don't like my coffee, they're wimpy.

    Phil I'm glad u have a pretty head that's really sexy u know nd being so tall everyone will notice u---wear hige earrings, sparkly ones and u'r perfect.

    Oh princess K we've all taken those baths before comes with the territory for being a women well some of us have no woman parts but we're sill women with mustaches now. A lovely sight.

    Where are all the early birds==I can't be the only one up. Or am I????????/

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Morning Cami and et al......I'm here, but just to say morning all...Slept in a bit so gotta run....try to behave until I get back from work....huh, like that's going to happen. 😜

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Morning Scottie I just made coffe, and I can't tell how much water I put in hope it's OK and my Kitty is right next to me--have a good day at work.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Morning Hooligans!  Are you still there?.... okay, I'll whip up a post, and see you in a few!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Well Good Morning All of you STFU Warriors,

    Thanks so much for all the ((((HUGS)))) and good thoughts yesterday after spending the WHOLE day at the Flower Mound Presbyterian Hospital getting a blood transfusion.  Whoopee!  It was a terrific way to pass the time on the 7th day of my Birthday Month.  They even fed my Mom and I a nice lunch and Praise God, we did not get killed from Home to the Hospital or back with my Mom bucking and stalling my new Jetta 5-speed car along the way.  Did I mention that I broke my LEFT foot (no more clutch for me)!  I think today I will find the closest VW dealer and trade up to a nice Passat with an automatic transmission.  Or maybe a cute little Bug?  The Jetta is a leased car anyway so who the F*CK cares!  Besides, it is now day 8 of my infamous Birthday Month and I am quite sure that I deserve it.  Especially since Orthopaedic Dr. "Too Busy to See Me Until Monday" cannot squeeze me into his schedule and give me a walking cast!  I think on the way to the VW dealer I will throw these stupid crutches OUT of the SUNROOF at his office on RT. 2499.  So listen to your traffic reports North Texas people because you are likely to here about it!  Now I know why I truly do belong here on this STFU thread!  It does suit me, NO?


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Hi Flowers!  Oh I LOVE to drag out a Birthday!  Ha!  You broke your foot?  Good God, can't you walk without falling over yourself? Wink  YES!  You go get whatever you want!  And tell that "too busy to see me until monday" Doctor that he is a Dick-head! 

    What did I miss?  Why did you get a blood transfusion?  Are you leaking?  What did you do?  Get that leak fixed before you get a new car!  It's just a mess trying to get those stains out.... You KNOW that!   I can just see you two trying to drive a STICK shift!

    I LEARNED how to drive that in HIGH school!   And that's what I have now, a little '99 Chevy Prizm, with that damn clutch, Ha!  But I can get that thing wrapped up to..... oh, maybe 20 when I am in a hurry!  I scare the boys, I do!... Okay...  Get a handle on that leak.... talk to you later, little miss flower-pants!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Where did Cammi & Scottiieee'e go? 

    Hi Joelelelee'e!  You are aNOTHER new little hooligan?  Good!  It's so fun to be a rebel!  You go tell anyone that looks at your breasts, that maybe they would like to see them without your clothes on?    And yes...!  It's okay to flash them....  THAT will make them STFU.

    Actually, they all know, as we do that breast cancer is NOTHING to mess with, and they are just scared for you, and concerned...  and they don't know how to react or relate with you...  So just go get a cigar, light up, and have a shot of Jack Daniels with them!  Works every time.  They will forget any mention or "look" about BC.

    Cammi!!!  You little fun-miester!  Are you having a bitch of a day?  It hasn't even STARTed yet!   Your day IS good.... you have kitty!

    Someone ought to send "Shane-oak" a PM or something... she hasn't been around in forever!  If only she could SEE what she started, Ha!

    And Charles!  You new girls, we have a "Charles"....!!!  But you wouldn't KNOW it, because he doesn't show up much!  He is not immune to our teasing either....  He won't let us call him Chuck, or Chas though... so don't try it.

    Phyllissisiness'er!  You sound like the nice little meek/mild fluff of the day!   So you are losing your hair again?  I didn't even notice, with all your gorgeousness flowing over!   I have a hair poem, I will find it for you ... can't do it now, or I will LOSE this whole post.

    So Princess K!  You are giving yourself a spit-bath?  Ha, ha!  Have one of those Poker buddies do it for you....  No?   I can just en-vision it all...  OR you could just cover all your little lavender patches with plastic, and shower the hell out of yourself!  God!  It's a wonder that you aren't one big giant hive, with all the lavender spread all over you!   Don't worry about any cologne... the Lavender will squash any attempt of smelling like anything OTHER than Lavender!

    Hi new little Reality!  Now THAT's a cute name!   I don't think we can screw that one up, even if we tried!  You are going through a lot.... so I can't  make fun of you..... yet.... Ha!  Don't let those people bother you....  You have Grand-kids!  Yes!  Perfect!  You play with them anytime you want...

    And wear make-up!  Always!  I think it makes us feel better, if we high-light our gorgeousness... like miss Phyllisiopian or whatever her name is! 

    Morning Marywhat....  Don't let the rain get you down....  It's better than snow, Ha!  Just whip off all your clothes, and go stand in the rain.... and dance!  Just like Fred Astaire!   Only don't use an umbrella....  The whole PURpose of dancing in the rain, is to get soaked, and run in and grab a comforter, sit in a recliner, and demand hot cocoa!   See if anyone pays attention to you....  It's harder if you live alone... though.

    Ducky!  Where ARE you?  Raised enough hell on the LAST page, so you thought you might give yourself a break here?   You are going WHERE again?  I forgot...  

    Oh wait, you'll probably use ANY excuse to fly again!  But I'm pullin' for ya' kid!  Go find that Pilot of yours, show HIM all those new things you learned on the "learning channel"..... Or was it from that book you read.... the 50 shades of whatever?   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013



    There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. "Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today." So she did and she had a wonderful day.

    The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head. "Hmmm..," she said, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today." So she did and she had a grand day.

    The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head. "Well," she said, "Today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail." So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.

    The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head. "YAY!" she exclaimed. "I don't have to fix my hair today!"
    Attitude is everything. Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly.
    Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.

    May we all learn to "Dance in the rain!"

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Mornings Hulagals!

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2013

    Lol! You GO girl!! You sound like me! My husband sold his convertible and bought a passat to drive back and forth to work. I LOVED having a convertible...missed it SO much even though it seems like spring and nice weather will NEVER arrive here in Maryland. I went out and leased myself a m4 convertible...ha ha F@$& YOU dcis, mastectomy, etc, I'm gonna have some fun!!!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Aloha sisters - downloaded and read all of your posts since May 1.... so much inspiration  to ponder, commiserate, LMAF - ROTFL, wanting to hold your hands, make fun of, and comfort and inspire ...but unfortunately, fell asleep with laptop  in the recliner. Have comments for successful pooping, C. difficile, toenails, plastic bottles, husbands, list too, too long. 

    Pulled the F%&@ing drains out a couple nights ago, now  need to EXPLAIN why at my 9:00 am appt in a few hours. Will go back to sleep AGAIN & reschedule appt.... so wake up you beauties, get your coffee, burn up this thread, and I'LL BE BACK. 


    ~ M

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Chevy - yes I'm fluffy today. It's my 3 hairs floating down to the floor. Not really. I have way more than 3 hairs and every one of them is yelling.

    Also, I'm about to go across the street and tell the road crew to STFU! geezopete, jackhammers at 7 o'f**** clock in the am.

    Neulasta is working so I will spend my day in the recliner taking tylenol and advil and yelling swear words at the road crew. Btw, NONE of them are even cute.

    I'm making a banner for my front porch but I doubt it helps. "STFU! CRABBY NOT -DEAF CANCER PATIENT WHO CAN KICK YOUR ASS LIVES HERE"

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Hey Chev.....I'm here, where were you all day said "be back, have to go do my Wifey duties".........hmmmmmmmmm so is that what they call it now.......been a while for me, so my memory fades me............unless you count "my Pilot"

    Shitty day here, raining.......

    Going to Lancaster, Pa for my grandson's college graduation on plane ride.....just a 1 hour car ride to the land of the Amish, and horse and Buggy traffic.......

    By the way my husband referred to a wash down as a PTA BATH, better known as pussy, tits, and armpits.

    My mother called it a "Cat Licking".......hugs

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Chevy - good story about the three hairs and attitude. I guess I' ll wear makeup to chemo today and put mascara on my one eye lash.

    It's raining here this morning. It would be nice if we get some lightening just for some excitement.


  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2013

    I'm right below you in Maryland- I can't believe it!!! I see sunshine!!

    Hopefully, it will stay and head your way! I'm so sick of rain and cold weather ugggggg

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Oh Wow miss PromQueen.... Ducky!  THAT was funny!  PTA!  Ha, ha!  I'll have to remembe that one!   And "Cat Licking" is really cute! 

    You say you are taking a horse and buggy to see your Grand-sons graduation?  I got to watch both of mine graduate from Florida State through a live feed from the university!  I just sat in front of my computer WAITING endlessly to see my boys!  And I did!  I just calmly yelled!  I know how you must be feeling. 

    Then go find that Pilot...  WinkOh wait.... I found him for you.... He asked where you were.... I told him getting your nails done, getting ready for the next time you see him....  I gave him your number....  that's okay, right?

    Shells, you BAD girl!  Boy you are going to get it now!  You said you want some drains?  Can I help with anything?  I have some washer drain tubes, if THAT will help...

    And so Phillisinsesses's.... WHAT is it that is wrong?  Guys working in the street?  Oh yeah, YOU can fix it, right!!!  You had better leave them alone with their jack-hammers and all....

    You mean like THIS?  Or on a smaller scale?

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Chevy, JUST like that!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Phgraham - here's a sign for ya!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Did you brats wake me up at 6am this cranky,crabby and thank the good lord my phone went dead...

    PTA= parents teachers assoc....but i like the way your hubby thinks....

    Yes Phyllo---i call it a whore bath....

    woke up to pouring rain...then the sun came out,then it poured again...i hate the rain but we do need it for our NJ allergy sufferers...

    damn my phone went back on and its ringing....

    ill be back.

    princess kantalope

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Chevy....are you still in awe of yestesday's Wifey duties......WAKE THE HELL UP.....I SAID HORSE AND BUGGY TRAFFIC......I DID NOT SAY I WAS GOING IN A HORSE AND BUGGY.........That is what the Amish people ride in..have you never heard of Amish country??......they have no electricity, TV, phones, cars....they make all their own clothes by hand, and their clothes have no buttons......check Google.....they are quite a story.....very peaceful people......several years ago, some lunatic went into their school, nd shot many, many was tragic....similar to the Sandy Hook killings......only this bastard lined them up along the wall, and executed sad...check it out...

    Yea Veg, right now it is friggin pouring here in the Philly suburbs.....sounds like my family room ceiling is coming down.....pouring like crazy..

    Hey our town they can't start any kind of work till 8am...still early, but better then 7am.

    By the way Chev...where did you find that Pilot.......and if his sight is that bad that he needs those Coke bottle bottom glasses to see, my ass is not getting on any plane that Mr. McGoo is piloting......shit I'll find me an Amish dude with a horse and buggy, and a back seat......

    Was gonna walk today, but its raining out........what a shame...there goes my exercise intent right down the shit tube....I am so sad. Lol,lol,lol,lol,lol......yea right......THE ROADTO HELL IS PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS........

    At least I can do some wash......later Gators.....

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    Waiting to hear about my brain MRI. I told him not to tell me if it said faster than normal aging...stfu ......we already know that. Keep your fingers crossed for me girls, please.Brenda