STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Hi who's ever up I am now---Breand Yay Like I've said before we say Yay for migraines now. We're sick people.

    Julie u'r another one with a difficult job--Bless u.

    OK Shell was it u who said tak without THE OLD PEOPLE---yes u'r spelling is getting worse it's because of this place--that's what I ike to think anyway.

    Sas u are forever cute--when r u leaving???

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Okay now 3;55, will talk to myself, you're all abed. Looking at my Schatzi. She's a German Wired Haired pointer. GWP. A pound puppy, but confirmation and intelligence is strong pure lines of great breeding. Gentleness abounds at 75 lbs. Her weakness -being a goat on the furniture. She imprinted that my 17lb beagle-schnausser mix that stood on the arm of the couch to greet people, is not allowed. Her strength, I take her to a back road at a cattle and horse ranch and run her. She initailly started on a leash held out the drivers side window, the long retractable type. Would run and pause (there's the pooping and peeing thing again). Then the RUN, the full fast stretch that showed the beauty of what running at full speed to a dog is, that's why doing it in the car was necessary. 10 to 20 MPH. Then the window broke. Then I took a risk. Let her run off leash, maybe it will be okay? Outcome....It's beautiful. She runs outside the fenceline, stays with in a perimeter.  There's tortoises, that she noses, but only bothers if they aren't in the right place. She runs in a canal only when it's dry, except for twice, very muddy. Too much to tell. She comes to a honk:)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Sas we have a Lab-border collie and so so good especially with my cat, my cat is not thriled but doesn't bother him anymore and he never bothered the cat would do the curious sniffing and my cat would slap her and this big od dog would walk away. So it works out fine---we have a big yard with a fence and he just runs al over my cat won't go outside scared to. LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    CAMI, Hi still up, Cute, the cats got the dog trained, that seems to be the usual. I can just see what you've said LOL.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Yea woke up took some pain meds and now I wait,LOL I was hardly on all day, Joey was at the Drs. for hours today put a walking boot on, so it's much easier for him to get around. Sas he broke his growth plate, now I know u know what that is but I laughed. When I was younger and everyone was breaking something no one ever broke a growth plate, they didn't know about it then or it's some new way to hurt u'r self. hahaha

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Go to sleep Sassy - and Cammi - put on your glasses - I said "elders," not OLD PEOPLE.

    G'Night y'all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Shell hahahahahahahahaha

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    I look at schats and I can't believe life without her. I know that may happen(the given is I may go before her). I've had lovely and exceptional dogs in the past, very exceptional for two, but this one is even rarer. Is that even a word rarer. She's actually my DS's dog who couldn't keep her b/c of school and then apartment restrictions. Then when DH died, I said, please, I can't lose her too. What was unusual. He went for 21 weeks in a row, either to our local SPCA or the Tallahassee pound to find a dog. He grew up with dogs and knew what to look for, I had no idea he was doing this. When he told me this(21 weeks) and that this was the dog he wanted. No question --yes. His eval of a approximately a 3 m/o pup was so on mark. The self control to be that patient to seek the right dog.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Sas peope who don't have a furbaby don't get it. I don'y blame them. But once u have a love one u actually feel calmness when they cuddle with u or just comminicate with u somehow, and when I'm gone mine sleeps in my chair and when I get home she meows so loud and stand up to hug me. U can't go wrong with that feeling. It's a joy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OK I'm going to close up for now, see if I make the morning coffee thing.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Oh first jUles goes to sleep , then shells, then cami, oh my where is the tin man.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami-google Ephyseal plate, google will correct my spelling , doesn't look right to me. It's a serious issue, but whats cool is there is treatment for it today . Has been available maybe two decades. Came from Russia, the storey is one of those wonderful scientific thingys that the the scientist was ridiculed for at first and now is "state of the art".

    Not to imply that the treatment is an absolute. The orthopedist will watch him for abnormality of growth on the  broken extremity. If there is a significant change in growth then the Russian Plan can be implemented. The LOL thing is todays docs likely don't remember or wern't taught that a Russian invented it.

    The epiphyseal(that looks right) plate is the area of a bone that causes growth i.e lengthening of the bone. If there is premature closure of the plate by trauma,( don't know if there are medical reasons that cause premature closure--google will tell.) Premature closure can cause the limb from growing. Thus a shorter limb, than the opposite normal limb. But not to worry, they will likely apply an External fixation device that can be adjusted IF IT'S NEEDED. Ortho docs know there stuff, Should go well. Have Mom and dad google stuff and ask questions

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami our pets--I agree don't like to call them that---our furballs know everything. Dini the dog that came with DDBF. Dini has grown so well in response to consistency of treatment and commands. Except the other day,jumped out the window while Shats was running, went through the barbed wire, chased the cows, then headed towards the horses. The odd thing in the fray was the horses came towards the problem. That I don't have an understanding of? Called him off and he responded--surprised, very surprised. I was looking at an out of control scenario and it was corrected very quick. Dini will never know the freedom that Shats has, but I was sooo glad dini responded to my commands, could have been a major catastrophe.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Okay, all hooligans, and lace curtain Irish wake up and have coffee

    Ducky, Tell me your definition of Lace Curtain Irish, I;m Irish too, would like to know if we concur, please, sassy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Sass!  Me here.... Are you there?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Oh wait!  You say Lace Curtain Irish?  Could I possibly be one? 

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning hooligans!  Luv how this thread goes day AND night.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    Morning gals!  It's just so nice, waking up, and knowing you all have been raising hell on here, and then I can start my day!


    Oh Granny, I think if they EVER see you again in front of ANY judge, HE will asked to be excused!  AND both attorneys, Ha,ha!


    I was also on a 1st degree Murder panel one time.   We were going through all that questioning of the juror stuff...  This was a case of a 17 year old boy, being with another kid who tried robbing a gas station.  The attendant was killed, by "his friend" he says...  Anyway, the law says something about if you are WITH someone when a murder happens, YOU will also be charged with that same crime.


    So when it came to my turn, I stood up, shaking in my CFM shoes, and politely said in my best meek voice, "I would like to serve on jury duty sometime, but not one of this much importance."

    So the judge says.... in her sternest loudest voice, "THAT does not matter what you want!  If both attorneys want to keep you on this jury, you will serve!" 


    I thought, "neither ONE of them will want me now!!!"  I was sworn in.  Went home and cried the whole week-end!  I had a husband and 2 little girls, and I did NOT want to think of this 17 year old kid being tried for murder...

    They called us in to judges chambers Monday morning.  Seems as though one attorney was "ill" so the trial would not go on!  We were all excused!  Never heard anything again about this guy.... ever!


    So what is this I sort of heard this morning?  That the other 2 brothers will not be charged?  I must be dreaming.  Were they NOT there when these "crimes" were being committed for what.... 10 years????

    This whole story is just bizarre! 


    WE hooligans, I mean THREE of us together, would raise so much hell, the WORLD would know what was going on! .....  10 years my ass.


    Chabba... I think something was going on about this kid too.... He belonged to "Head-start" or something, and I think, from what they DIDN'T say, is they didn't want this to go to trial, for some reason, so I think there was a plea of some sort.  Do you watch those shows on TV?  I do, and YES, it is so frustrating, especially to BE in the middle of  a trial.   With all the technology now, I'm amazed at how far they have come.... like with NCIS!  I love that show! 


    Chickawhat?  YOU were in Prison?  For what?  A guy actually choked you?  Good God!  Did you give him a knee in the never-never land?

    This "Charles" that sometimes stops by here, is also some sort of attorney for corporate or workers claims???  or something.  Charles, did we actually scare you off? 


    Ducky!  You and I think alike!  I mean she MUST have gone out some time during that pregnancy, right?  It's just hard to believe that someone could not get away if they WANTED to. 

    Yes, also the Police... !  We haven't heard a lot about this yet...  That one neighbor DID call the Police when she saw one of the girls crawling around in the yard "naked"... But when they came out, they didn't DO anything about it!


    Beatmon!  Concratulations!  Yes, we will send our cure-guy angel to come sit with you...


    Veggy!  Those pills were in a bottle?  Not a pack?  Do not take them, until you check!  I was given pills one time, for something.... But when I opened the bottle, the pills were DIFFERENT than what I had been taking, and the prescription was NOT what was ordered!  BIG screw-up there!  I took them back, and got the right ones, but like SASS says someone ELSE must have gotten the ones for me!  Yes, they apologized, but it could have been serious!


    Sass, I love our names... Ha!  Every-time I see "Olds" I crack up!


    Shells!  You live in Hawaii, remember?  So they don't have courts there.  Just Dog the bounty hunter...  OH! and Beth, his severely over-endowed wife person!  So those guys just hunt them down, and turn them in.... and then they are guilty, and go to jail.  No trials.  They are always guilty... I'm pretty sure of this.... that's why they sic Dog on them.  No-one else can catch them, so that's their job.


    So Juliaaaannaaa... you say most of them are over 90?  I didn't know there WERE such a thing, as women older than us.... Ha, ha! 


    Shellsaroni!  Oh, BAD girl!  You said Godammit!  You mean you AREN'T on drugs...  ???  Says who?  You are such a kick!  So glad you are getting un-sewn.  Next time do it yourself.


    Yes Cammi!  Yes, she DID say old people!  These KIDS!    And Sass is leaving for somewhere?  Where? 


    So it's Cammi & Sass... Sass & Cammi.... all up raising hell!  Oh, and Shells with one last quip!   Said she was going to bed... or somewhere.


    I love your Dog story Sass...  Yes, all of us are special people who love animals!  We rank right up there with Angels!  Because we take care of them all. 


    Ah HAH!  It's now morning for Kath!  Bout time SOMEone woke up!  I'll have coffee with you!  But I gotta go now....  Talk to you lovelies later! xoxoxox

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    MS. Veggie,

    I totally agree with many of the other posts I've read since your post about the mystery drugs.  Do not take them first of all and try to look them up on-line to ID them if you can.  I am reposting another Sister's great words of advice.  Before I got sick, my job was Dietitian and Food Safety Expert for a large gourmet food chain in the DC, Baltimore and NYC Metro areas.  This situation is no joke.  If I served a customer something that did not declare on the label that it had tree nuts, peanuts, soy, wheat, milk, shellfish, fish, eggs, or other known allergens in it, WOW could I and my former company have been in BIG TIME HOT WATER.  Below is the post of what another Sister said.  Superior advice!  Especially NOT GIVING THEM BACK THE BOTTLE and photographing it and the contents.  Hope you still have the receipt!  I would also add calling the Corporate office of the pharmacy chain (if it is a chain) and asking for the Loss Prevention and/or Asset Protection department to give them a heads up too.  Please keep us posted and good luck!


    VEgGYEEEEEE, STFU, STFU, STFU. Report this to the Board of Pharmacy for the state, Call your insurance company, Call the Pharmacy. Talk about ERRORS. 1.labeled once a day for seven days. 2. There's a place that says"dispensed" if it says 60--error-----if it says 14---error. Don't let that bottle out of your hands. The pharmacy may ask for it back b/c then it can cover up the error. Take a picture of the number of pills, have a witness besides you and your DH.

    Don't Take the pill--until it is verified that it's the correct pill. Could be that the wrong drug was put in the wrong bottle, If that's true.... then someone else got 14 pills and is possibly taking a wrong drug. God forbid they are allergic. THIS is a clusterfuck.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    By the way Sas-----my Pilot calls me Wonder Woman.........oh and "ELDERS"..........EXCUUUUUUUUUSSE ME. .............Watch your name calling little one or I will get the Lye Soap, and wash out your fresh little mouth.......

    Also......Lace Curtain Irish......are a sophisticated, well bred, soft spoken, lady like, type who would not say "shit" with a mouthful.............of course that would be "MOI", however there is also.....Pig Shit need to explain that ladies decide which "Irish Lass" you qualify for....hmmmmmmm.........I'll never tell..LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Ducky, LOL, but can you do yoga position 1 and 3???????????? The lace curtain Irish, forever so long heard it was what you said , and liked that, but then whomever corrected us and said it was "curtains made by spiders b/c the Irish were such lazy housekeepers", wait was the whomever British?????

    What happened to Stacey?????

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Sas......actually the true story goes to Irish people putting "lace curtains" on their windows because they thought it made them look like they were better off then the other neighbors.....even Irish who lived in some run down areas, called Shanty Irish did the same thing.......

    I am actually Scotch, Irish, and Great grandparents were from Edinborough, history on the "father's side" he took off at a young age....mother never spoke of him much......very sore subject......she took a lot of secrets to her grave.......not good for me, children or grandchildren, considering "medical history", but it was her I wish I had been more persistent......oh well she was a great Mother, raised me by herself, and never left my side.........

    I married Italian, and did pick up many of their ways, especially cooking, and their feeling about is everything.....lost my husband when he was 57, and so it goes......

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    ducky, much prefer your story, that's the one we grew up with...

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    First - I haven't taken any! I want to get this cleared up.

    Last night in the dark i looked up the name on the bottle, sulfamethoxazole. It is substitued for bactrim. Bactrim sounds familiar because it sounded like bactine. I wan to call my doctor and comfirm that.

    It is a white, oval shaped pill tablet (horse pill) imprinted with H 49 on the front. I checked and that is correct. 

    Quantity - 60 with one refill.

    one tablet twice a day for 7 days (=14 tablets)

    Prescription ordered - ??? wait for call back from doctor's office (AUGH!!!) They called back in 10 minutes. Right drug.

    Called Cvs cooperate number. (press this numberor say this 40,000 times. Blood pressure sky high) Finally got  live person. The called CVs and taked to pharmiscist(s) The script was writtien up like that.

    Called doctor's office. (press this number, press that number, please hang on) Left message. Called back because I forgot to leave my number. I got a call back from the nurse. She said it was the right drug and probably written like that incase I get another infection.

    Ten minutes later My oncologist calls back apoolgizing and qpologizing. She is infuriated with the Nurse Practioner. She made a major screw up. The onc is going to stop using her for me and the rest of her patients. I didn't like her anyway. Just something about her that I couldn't put my finger on. Its weird when the other nurses didn't talk highly of her either. I asked if next time they could hand me a written script so I can see what I am getting. Or a computer printout of the med and generic name.  Some of the names of the prescriptions are so hard to remember and then when you get back from the pharmacy you have the generic pill.

    Now I'm waiting for the onc office to call so I can file a complaint. So, this has been the last hour and half of my morning, second cup of coffee and now has put me in tota insanity mode. Someone get me one of those white jackets that make you hug yourself.

    One last thing... 4 years ago today I was diagnosed with my first breast cancer. I count that as when I started fighting. I plan to scream and fight and not go peacefully.

    Thanks everyone for your help.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Veggie u did everything right--u'r on the ball and I'm glad u'r following thru for those that really don't pay attention so it's good. I'm sorry about the 4 year thing--Just when u think it's safe to go back in the water, that damn shark is right there.

    Oh I've got thos Castro on about the three women. I could poke his eyes out. ick

    I was on a jury one time and I thought for sure when I went there I'd get out of any jury. I wrote my Brother was chief Judge of the county, my 1 nephew was a Judge, my other nephey was an attorney and another a police officer, tthinking Oh I would have been disqualified--but no I got on the coroners jury, that was rought to take cuz u say all these pictures of al the death scens and after. Never got called again. I wonder why.--that type of jury u can ask questions to the police and any witnesses and anyone that sits in hat chair--well I asked alot of questions, I didn't want anyone to get away with anything. So that was my jury time and I worked for the state so they had to let me off, but I had to sign over the little bit of pay that I got--how silly.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Hi hulagals.....I know this was last night's topic for Cam and Sas...but wanted to share about my furbabies... I have 2 German shepherds Samantha (8yrs..130 lbs) and Tasha (2yrs...70lbs) as soon as I figure out how to post a picture here I will the're beautiful.

    Tasha is the reason I did not wait the full 6 months to have my repeat mamo... all she kept doing was sniffing my left boob constantly ...pawing at it... sleeping on it ...called doc and said i need to come in now.... my Tasha just might have saved my life!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    I must have been lucky.....always got excused......someone told me, (although I never used it) ........if you say your bias about skin color, or another ethnic excuse they excuse you.

    Your right Cam......this was some sick is all so hard to believe that someone could be missing for 10 years, be in the same town or just miles seen by neighbors with someone crawling naked in a yard, and the cops don't insist on entering the home when they go to check.......what about the kid in the window in the attic..........sorry I am not buying any of it....time will tell

    Also heard he should be over........put him in the center of town, tie him to a post, let the people take him the same mercy that he showed the 3 girls, and the aborted babies......what 5 of them, and 1 he beat her on the stomach till she me nuts, but I say.......kill the mercy shown.....

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    This day doesn't get any better.

    Went to the library to pick up a movie. The librains in the office behind the desk were talking about death and the death rattle. I'm at the counter, bald, no hat, no head covering. I can't believe what I am hearing. I said to the librarian that I couldn't believe what I am hearing. I left and went on to my next store. I started to lose my temper. Okay, I lost my temper in line paying for my stuff. I made up my mind to go back to the library and confronted them.  The one librarian tried to deny it but I know what I heard. I know she saw me earlier when they were talking. They need to cloes the door or shut their mouths. I don't ned to be more depressed than I already am.

    Where's my white jacket that makes me hug myself?

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    People are really stupid. I was getiing really friendly witha girl that works at my bank. She was dx about 4 months ago with bc. Stage1. Did all her treatments, rads etc...was my really good friend while she was going through it. Got done with all that and now she runs the other way when she sees me coming...Talk about feeling like I have the plague..when I go into the bank she pretends she still my really good friend. I try not to make anybody uncomfortable, Im just me. Act the same as I always did, dont talk about my disease all the time. What does she think? Im glad for her. Maybe she thinks Im contagious. Who knows? Well my friends, and I Know you all are...Thats my rant for today...xoxoxox