STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    I'm sorry this happened, Veggy. You don't need a white jacket, you need us to comfort you.....and that Nurse Practitioner - bad, bad NP. I'm glad you are done with her and your onc apologized. Good job on everything you did, especially requiring a written document of your future prescriptions. Kaiser Hawaii gives us an "After Visit Summary" with all of our current medications updated, and any new instructions we are advised to follow. I don't like to see that you got all riled up and it affected the rest of your day - I wish there was a patient advocate you could have called that would take care of all the phone calling and fact finding you did. Sounds like your onc did a good job once she was aware. BTW - what movie did you get at the library? Sorry those idiots upset you, glad I don't have their phone number.

    Sassy, honey, you stay up too late - I want you to go to bed by midnight tonite.

    I love lace, and when we visited Ireland I went to an Irish lace museum - forgot what little town it was in - and I bought bookmarks and notecards with antique Irish lace in them. When I get home I will send you a picture of one. Quite a history but I can't remember any of it right now.

    I leave my friend's beach house today and go back home after my doctor's visit. It was so nice and relaxing here, even had my doggie Olivia with me.

    Gotta get up and shower off all of this drainage from the night. Talk to y'all later.

    ~ Michelle

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Okay.... Lace Curtain Irish....  That must be me... or else I am "Black Irish"  or else Shanty Irish.   I thought the name "Black Irish" meant we were not Catholic!  And "Shanty" were more lower class than just plain ole' Irish.  BUT it says that Lace Curtain Irish didn't want to think of themselves as shanty, so they hung up lace curtains to appear more proper.  So there.  Black Irish were the ones with black hair. 

    My Dad's Mother had black hair... and VERY white skin!  She was beautiful!  My Mom's family was "something".... I think English and Irish.  So I am REALLY mixed!  Then my Husband is all Italian/Greek....  So that makes our Daughter's  Heinz 57'.... Ha! 

    Lacee our little Sheltie is the only throughbred around.  Wink  And I'm not too sure of that!  Her legs are sooooo short, not like a typical Sheltie....  And she has a Pomeranian face, and the sweetest thing around.    I have heard of Sheltie-Pom's, but she doesn't seem to know who her Father was...  or her Mother...Wink  other than me. 

    She looks just like this, only a little larger.... and rounder.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited May 2013

    Catching up around here is impossible but I have to comment on what Veggy just wrote. I would have been in jail for sure. I would have popped that freaking librarian right in the face. Now I will STFU.

    What is it with people when they hear the word "cancer" or "terminal?" My MIL was telling her friend about her cancer (she is stage 4 colon cancer) and the woman in the restaurant overheard her and said "You really look great for having terminal cancer - just how long do you have left? My neighbor had colon cancer and was dead in 3 months"

    My MIL could not believe a perfect stranger just asked her that! This woman was at the table next to her and her friend btw and had NO business in the conversation. Since my MIL is "white lace curtain " Irish, she did not say anything to the woman except "No one really knows" I tole my MIL I would have told that beyotch to STFU in a heartbeat!

    Speaking of furbabies, I haven't been on BCO in a few days cause I have been researching the hell out of feline diabetes. My cat was diagnosed with it. We found out definitively yesterday evening although we kind of knew. He lost 4 lbs in a short time, is drinking like crazy and eating like crazy and PEEING like crazy (although never outside of the litter box bless his little heart) so we took him to the vet. 400 bucks in blood work and tests later, yup, diabetes.

    Anyone ever had a furbaby with diabetes? I am so sad and worried. I read some do well with the inuslin and some don't. He is my BABY! I can't handle any more bad news right now. My BC was supposed to be the last of my shitty luck for a spell. WTF?

    I guess I am having a pity party today. Yell

    Hugs to all. Missed you. Did read Ducky's earlier posts that made me laugh out loud for the first time all week. Feel like shit from the rads still too and trying to work full time and feel like putting my head on my desk and crying cause I feel so lousy and tired. Ugh!Cry

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    OMG you people do all niters and we are the busiest thread on BCO.

    In Brooklyn white lace Irish was called shanty...covering up their windows so no one could see how they lived.

    Back to the court....I could have gotten off ASAP...all i had to do was say i worked for AIG but no i had to give them a run for their $$$$$$$.Thats just me...

    Ill never remember 4 pages back but i wanted VEGGY to know im comin up Monday...gonna stay about 10 days.Can you spare 5 min?

    tomorrow the lavender patches come off....please say a prayer that it is cause either way im leavin for PA on sick of it and now ill STFU.

    hugggs to all my sistas. Princess Kantalope

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    I got the movie Men in Black 3.

    After all that craziness I told myself, "Enough, now we are only thinking happy thougts. Hugs, cute babies, my friends, a hot shower, a glass of wine, my son's, a lasagna that 2 friends brought me yesterday, sunshine, cheesecake, happy things." Doing that I couldn't think of bad things at the same time. On my way to my favorite support group. Don't worry Princess Grannydukes, I'll be seeing you. You'll be here on my good week.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Hey Granny and Veggy...what part of Pa are you going to be in......

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Near Scranton.I posted on the cure for stupid the details....Please Ducky try to come.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Hey now this is not fair...nobody ever comes to n.c.I get lonely here by myself.You all should plan a roadtrip-We could make a movie out of it! Call it  The Hooligans On An Adventure. It would be a hit for sure!!!!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Well Granny and Veggy are going to be near Scranton, PA. (ficticious town in the TV show the office) and my old stomping grounds.. Got my Food & Nutrition undergrad. degree there and have fond memories of all of the trouble we got into and all of the trouble we got ito with the Nuns (graduated from Marywod College - now Marywood Universtiy.  Scranton is about 10 miles or less from the "Pizza Capital of the World", Old Forge, PA. and my mouth starts watering everytime I even think of the pizza and authentic, housemade Italian food in every little restaurant in that town.  My preferance is the double crust white pizza at Arcaro and Gennell on Main St. in Old Forge so if you have the time and the means, DO NOT MISS IT!  GOOD LUCK SISTERS!

    FLOWERS (AKA Carolyn) 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Just checked Gran.....2 hours and 50 minutes....154 miles.......damn it...

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Hi ladies.  Yesterday I felt like CRAP!  Good news is the 2 neupogen shots worked and I don't need to have a third!  I guess a yesterday of crap for a today of no shot is a good trade.  My feet are happydancing.  Red count is still low, so I'm tired, but that's okay!

    My hair started to really fall out today.  While at the hospital for labs and to check if I needed the third shot, I leaned over the wastebasket and was dusting off my T-shirt.  My sister wanted to know what the hell I was doing.  I told her I had forgotten and run my fingers through my hair and now it was all over!  I made a mess, but WTH, it's a chemo unit!

    We played "94 Seconds" on her Kindle.  They asked for a body part that begins in "T".  I said ta-tas and she typed "t*ts".  Neither was in that dictionary so we missed the question, dammit.


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    wow ducky that is far....we need to meet 1/2 way

    CAM I just died the ends of my hair purple, I love it, kids hate it, who cares....

    you guys were after chemo they gave me extra fluids that seemed to be the ticket for yesterday, today tired and nauseous....


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Good to hear from you Phyllandita and Blondie. You are handling all the side effects with such humor and grace. Happydancing Feet and and Purple Hairtips - an inspiration to us all.

    Ducky - MEET THEM - whatever you have to do to get there. IT WILL BE WORTH IT.  If you guys ever get a "Hooligans on an Adventure" trip going I WILL BE THERE, and I'm bringing sleeping pills for Sassygirl.  

    Princess K. so happy you are going to be able to make this trip - you deserve it. Cammi and Chevy and all of our other Romper Room friends, let's keep each other company when our Co-Hooligans are meeting up. I brought the "Hooligan" phrase to this thread, by the way, so I would like credit.

    Welcome all our new friends, sorry I was out of it when you came on board, I couldn't greet you properly, but our sisters did a good job of that. I go see the PS in a few hours, then back home. DH not doing very well, his mental health declines when I'm not around, but I needed the break. Here's a picture of my eyes today before the sutures come out later. I'm squinting a little because I'm outside. No narcotics for 36 hours, not even tylenol today!!

    Next time I'll see if I can wear make-up!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Miss are your eyes feeling?

    Beautiful......I think we posted at the same time.......edit

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Who told me to eat pizza?????with no teeth????Damn you make my mouth water..... If I want good Pizza I go to Brooklyn...My GD went to Johnson College in Scranton to become a vet tech.dont tell her that cause she thinks she is a dr...the entire neighborhood brings their animals to her to fix...and she does..and if they dont want their animals she takes them too. 3 dogs and a cat.

    We can meet half GD will bring me anywhere but its all up to veggy....oh veggy where are you?????Comeon can do it...we will find a way...

    Blondie---you can come ya far are you from us?

    NC..road trip...ill go when i get my flyin tho....

    purple love love it.take a picture....I had burgendy hair yrs ago.

    Shells your eyes look sooooooo beautiful....

    ill be back.

    xo princess kantalope

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Blondie & Duckie & Veggy & Princess K - the thought is too wonderful for words!! Greetings ChickaD - let's all hop on planes, trains, boats, whetever and join them!! What a party that would be!!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Oh Pricess, you would fit right in here in nc without any teeth...jus kiddin. I wish we could all meet someplace halfway betwwen all of us though that would be fun, Or better yet we could all go to Hawaii and see Shell..... now theres an idea...Hooligans in Hawaii...Im game!!!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Hooligans in Hawaii!  I second the motion.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Mary--my GD told me everyone in Scranton has at least 1 tooth...ill fit in there too.

    im not gettin on a not ducky....but ill go on a bus or a train....

    Sooooooooooo hawaii is out for me.......

    let hawaii come to the good old USA....ha.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Gran...I got on a plane for a 2 hour ride.......Hawaii is 13 hours, and your up and down.....not straight thru..I would need more then Adivan or my sexy Pilot for that to far for me.....

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited May 2013

    ducky...Hawaii is 11 hours from NY JFK

    Non stop by Hawaiian Airlines......

    And non stop from NEWARK by United Air......Wink

    It's a very long trip

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    We could split the difference and meet in Oregon.  We have nice beaches but are usually short on sun and warm temperatures.  Lots of vineyards and great wine, though. 

    Shells, the eyes look great.  Hope the other drainage resolves soon.

    Wishing everyone a pleasant night.  

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Oh, well we could always go by ship??? I cant fly that far any more anyway. Lymphedema is too bad. I have always wanted to go to Oregon though.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    ChickaD travel agent your service. Its my FAVORITE of my 2 (maybe 3) careers........Travel agent and owner, paralegal and soon to be poll dancer with my perky new ones!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Sheila knows all the Hawaii traveling..ya gotta no she is right.Run away right now from these crazy sistas...they are 24/ shocking to see the all nitery.

    Can u get to Oregon by bus or train?????after I get my teeth...maybe ill try to meetSheila.ha.

    Who goes on the beach with LE? What else does Oregon have to offer?

    Does Ducky want to go?

    is this an open invite?Can we invite Chevy?

    Just imagine.....I'm LOL in my bed....gettin ready to see dr.lavender patches tomorrow.

    Then tomorrow it's cards with the men.yay.maybe ill wear one of my low cut tops with a pair of my CFM shoes.chevy will have a party with that one.

    Ok...enuf STFU.

    Gnite.xo princess kantalope

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    GrannyDukes a free bed and breakfast on my mountain is what is in Oregon!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Hi Sheila...not sure we've met yet!

  • Zephyr1929
    Zephyr1929 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2013

    The worst reaction I got when telling someone I had breast cancer was "oh, I know someone who died of breast cancer".  That was very helpful....NOT.  What is wrong with ppl????

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    April, Good luck with your furbaby. I think cats respond better or worse the way people do. I knew a man whose diabetic cat lived to be 20, so it can go very well. The shots are easy to give and use the tiniest needle I've ever seen. It's not painful for the cat at all. I've seen ads for litterboxes that catch the urine in a tray underneath so you can test it. They may have better ways now--that was a while ago.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    I love the beach even with lymphedema. Mine is not in my arm as much as under it, so I can still wear a baggy tank top and get away with it. Cant keep this sexy bod out of the sandSmile. Heres my newest-Hooligans on a train...Now wouldnt That be fun!!!!!!Maybe we should just rent an rv?!!! Oh my little brain is just full of great ideas tonight.Im going to bed. I need my beauty sleep so I can keep up with Ducky, and I have gs for the afternoon tomorrow. Cant wait havnt seen him in a week.xoxox