STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Miss Blondie...I start chemo on Tuesday...ick

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Chevy - WTH - You went to bed at 7 pm Colorado time. That's ABNORMAL!!  It's still light outside at that time where you live. You need to have a glass of wine and party a little, watch a movie.

    My family is headed out to see the Graet Gatsby tonight after dinner. We just love love love having our boy home.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2013

    Hi beautiful ladies, I'm sorry I didn't get on to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day. I hope you all had a wonderful week. I'm hanging in there usual symptoms from the chemo. I go in again for more on Monday. My surgery date is set June 13. It drives me crazy how long and drawn out this process is. I know STFU. Oh yeah I was driving back home after shopping and this lady in her pickup truck had this huge decal on her back window that said OMG STFU. It made me smile and think of you wonderful women. I am so glad I found this discussion board. You all are amazing. Sweet dreams!

    Sweet Pea ;)

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Is anybody up at this hour??  Insomnia now too!

    Whine, whine, whine...... STFU !

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    CM, Sorry you can't sleep.

    I'm up, but not for long.  Been doing laundry and trying to pack for a trip.  I'm heading to Colorado to see my mother, in-laws and for a nephew's graduation from high school.  My DH, DD#1 and family will meet me in Denver.  DD#2 can't come until later in the week, so she'll meet us in Colorado Springs.  Can't decide what to take as the weather is so unpredictable.  I would really like to wear something besides my cool weather duds.  

    I'm not looking forward to this trip.  Neither my mom or MIL have seen me since my diagnosis/surgery.  They both talk before they think, so this could get ugly.  I'll stop my whining now...STFU

    BTW..guess we won't have our trip bankrolled by the lottery winner?!  Someone in Washington State won $1million because they didn't have the powerball #.  Next time...right?

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Juliaanna, if you haven't seen either your mom or MIL since you had your surgery, and it was a year ago, and they both speak before they think..... Practice the look before you go so you can communicate effectively with the least amount of stress. If you get riled, we're here to support you.

    Chevy - go over and kick butt if anyone messes with her while she is in Denver - K?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Shell , are you still up? How was Gatsby? Better than Redfords version? A florida person won the 600$ million, It wasn't me Boo-hoo

    Sweet Pea,glad your weathering chemo. Was starting to worry about you. Wonder if that bumper sticker was taken from us LOL.

    Thinking about Chevy, when she joined coffee yesterday. Everyone's yacking,  and she keeps on saying "Hey I'm here, anybody going to talk too me"? Let's not talk to her this morning and see what happens?LOL

    Oh Chevy you didn't see that did you?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Hey! Julia, hope they don't complicate your vist, Had a MIL that used to say the most most hurtful things. They can mess up so many visits.

    Flowers, you said, help, LOL. That's a word that get's those juices going for everyone here. I like Chevy's "just shoot it"

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    It's a beautiful day in the NEIGHborhood!!!! Blah, & blah again!

    Julianna!  It's been beautiful here!  Don't worry about the weather... Maybe just bring one warm jacket, or fleecy type thing.  Been in the 70's to 80's, and not much rain OR cool weather.


    It's 52 out right now at 5 in the morning....  That's pretty typical.  Just don't pay any attention to family.... Don't you hate that?  When you have to dread being around brainless people? 


    Just change the subject if they can't THINK before they SPEAK!   And turn tail and tell them you need a shot of Jack.  You can't change them, so don't even try and explaining things. 


    Shells.... I got her back.... And SASSAFRASS!  You got us pegged girl!  Ha, ha!  


    Oh wait... I'll post this, then go on posting... so I can see if you are actually "here!"
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

     Morning Flowers!  I forgot, and called you Bernardi, Ha!   And it isn't "whine, whine, whine".... It's WINE, wine, wine, damnit... I keep TELLing you this...   My neighbor was out front yesterday, working in her flower boxes, and I yelled "Hey Rachel, want a glass of wine?"  So we DID!  She brought me 6  fresh eggs from her "girls!"  They are so yummy!


    So now I have to "chicken-sit" from Monday to ... well 10 days in all!  Yes, you read that right.... I'm a "chicken-sitter"... My OTHER neighbor on the OTHER side has 6 Hens.....  For God's Sakes!  So their New Digs are all ready, and I will pretend I am not afraid of these little winged warriers, in their new coop, and go in to feed and water these little cluckers!   Little 31/2 year old "Ivy" chases them, and then they let her pick them up & sit with them in her lap!   Nope, I haven't made close friends with them yet.....


    Hi StaceyLee!  Is that the best we can do with your name?  You want a nick-name like the rest of us Hooligans?  You better speak up, or we'll find one FOR you... Ha!   I LOVE that decal too! 

    You know, my PC had BC also, don't remember what type, etc.... But she also had chemo first, THEN the surgery... It really worked well.... don't know about any mets, but they are probably just a speed-bump for you.... the chemo will blast their little butts right out of there.


    Okay, I'm going to post this, then see if ANYone is awake yet!
  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Hey Chev laid low for a day or two....up since is now

    7am....drinking coffee, then headed to my daughter's (yes the nasty one) to help her make T sandwiches for my grandaughter's baby shower today...........she said she was was sorry for being a bitch.....I thought "yea till the next time"

    Hope your haven' been your usually goofy self lately...........I probably depressed you with all my whining........hugs

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

     Little Chickie!  Sounds like you are with good company, with your Tuesday appointment...  We'll all be with you kiddo, so don't worry.  Just take a snack-bag... and a thermos of Chocolate Cokes.  I have always loved them...  Bring ice, chocolate syrup, and cold Cokes.  Or else just bring something you don't have to mix, like a box of that Margarita mix, right out of the freezer!


    Flowers, I KNOW your boot thing!  I had one for Plantar's Fasciitis, or  whatever ... It was a "night-splint".... not the same as yours, but mine was still a stupid looking boot... didn't help my problem either, but maybe it was a "fashion-statement" at the time?  Ha!   I finally had shots of Cortisone, and THAT helped!  HEY, now THERE'S an idea!!  SAS, can she DO that?  I mean would it help her pain?   I think Cortisone works for everything from warts to asthma.


    Ducky, you're UP!  Good job gal!... Hey, don't even think about what went on.... we both know how that goes.  It will probably happen again, so just watch what is said, and avoid any cues that something is going to set them off.  Because THEN it last for DAYS!   They get this thing stuck in their craw, and they hang onto it like a dog hangs onto a bone.

    Just have fun...  It's like we have to walk on those egg-shells.  Go barefooted...  See if anyone notices, Ha!
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    Little Scottster!  No, don't buy a gun.... get one of those compound bows...  WHAT are you going to do with it?  Shoot off Flowers foot?

    Guns are a sore subject around here...  along with Pot Shops, Ha!


    I swear, everyone wants a gun and a bag of weed!  I am so scared of guns, and rightfully so, for so many reasons.... Oh wait.... CHICAGO?  Okay.... buy a gun...... Ha!


    How are you Phylisinavidad?  You've sure been laying low...Hope you are feeling alright.  You can always come over here and help me plow around in my gardens! 


    Hi Jan!  You are relatively new, right?  I LOVE Yosemite!  Was there once with my folks and my baby Daughter, in about 1959! 

    Hope you stick around with us....  Yes, Sass helps us all.... I've printed so many pages of her information, and just keep it in my Med. book.


    Savgigi... or Jeanie... WHAT is your nickname?  We can call you "fluffy"?  Or is that your little fur-ball?  Ha!  Except I love Jeanie too. 


    Morning Blondie...  See, I'm just trying to answer everybody here.... 


    And WHAT is a kmmrmiami???  Bet you are from Miami, right?  Your name must be Kathy?   I don't think I know what video you mean, can you post us the link?    Yes, we come down hard when we hear about the stupid things people say.... 


    And Princess Kantalope!  What happened to you?  Where have you been?  Do we have to send out the troops?

    Okay.... love you guys! xoxoxo
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Chevy, Stacey is SweetPea, somehow I missed her on the roll call(done now), PG32. She needs a couple more, have a go at it!

    Ducky, could you make "something", that when DD starts bitching, you just pull it out, like little notes that says stuff-- "We've been through this one, next", "On to the next", "You already apologized for that one", "What was that?, can you sing it?", "Wasn't that the problem in____(insert year)?", "Good for 5minutes of bitching , then time expires". Don't say a word, just hand her the note.  This could actually be fun. I'm thinking it may diffuse the situation if you keep it going.

    Hooligans give Ducky some more notes 

    Reds been MIA for awhile, Shanes been MIA since accident of DS,

  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited May 2013

    Well arent you a talkative bunch this morning. Sas bummer about not winning the lottery, now I have hope my mom might have since she lives in FL. Just wiaiting to see where it was purchased.

  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited May 2013

    Just heard it was Zephyrhills FL my DH aunt lives there.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    Hey Sweet Pea don't STFU, I would love that for my car....and hang in there with the poison....we girls stick together with this crap...

    Ah Chick.....the waiting game starts...

    is it Mr. Rogers or Chevy on these boards now, lololol

    Shell, great idea love that "look"

    ducky....of course you will help....I have the same daughter, that is so passive-agressive I can't stand it, told her she was causing me too much stress....she said I didn't do anything, WTF whatever.....I can give myself enough stress....have a good time at the babyshower...

    OMg Chevy...are they your new "friends"...hen sit, never heard of that one...I always eat at chemo, nobody else does, but I go to mcdonalds and get breakfast and sometimes takes snacks...we also bring stuff in for each other....the last time there was nothing....had that also Chevy, my son has it now really bad...I got the shot and it went away, son is having a big problem with it and a friend of mine got surgery for it....the shot is so painful....hate them friggin eggshells, told son, thank you for not causing any drama, the girls do it enough for me and can't keep up...I will just take the weed, cause I would be in jail if I had the gun within 5 minutes, cause I would hunt them down and shoot all the ones who get on my friggin nerves and would start with the person my daughter married....

    julia....hang in there and get on the puter if you can we will get you through the stupid comments...

    Phy check in how r u?

    yes princess where r u....

    CMB got up at 6am and still up a nap for is raining out...waiting to see if I am going to Denny's for breakfast, friend who also has chemo brain invited me but might forget and since she is paying, not reminding I patiently wait, if so that is fine if not that is ok also...

    I am here who is?

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    I know worried about Reds!!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Good morning hooligans.....we're off to a good start already I

    Ducky, sorry, but here's my suggestion...."grow up daughter and STFU". I have a 30 yr

    old son who tends to dredge up the past...ha past , he's 30!!! Why is it that our kids can

    dredge up the negatives and fall short on bringing up all the positives???? Sorry for the rant.

    I sent a PM to Shane a couple of weeks ago....I hope she is ok?

    Red and Princess....come out come out where ever you are...❤

    Cami and ChickaD....did you two become night owls????

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Sas?........just pulled out my little yellow post-it-note pad.........think I will start writing them now in permanent marker so I can be sure she can read them, and paste them all over my shirt.........this way she can pick which one she would rather deal with can be sure it will happen........either the bread won't be shaped right. Or the f/n cucumber won't be in the right place, or too much shit on the bread, or not enough shit on the bread, or no placed right on the ELMO...actually it might start by her not liking how hard I shut the door when I go

    Since I have been up since 5am, and pain woke me up, ( and the pain was not of the male gender). Lol I am not prepared for anyone's " bullshit" today.........hugs

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    and don't take anybodys bs today either, you never deserve it, f um!!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Just a footnote, off the subject......only 3cortisone injections are allowed in any

    1 son did more....2 different dr's never said he already had 3, and one day lifted a very heavy door ( construction carpenter),.........and tore his bicept muscle......horrible, and 2 surgeries, and 6 months later was still in pain, but now ok........,,they said the cause was too much cortisone........

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013 the UK they only allow two. My mother used to get them for her rheumatoid

    arthritis. BTW go bull shit allowed!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Ducky, if you put them on your shirt, then she can read them beforehand, but that could be okay too. The fun is in the delay time while you pick one. Remember Jack Benny's genious was in the pause. All comedians after him have done it. The first couple of times ---with her it may take more LOL, she likely will get real mad. Then it would be interesting to see what she does. It's a combo. She not getting you to react verbally or showing your upset by what she says. Then the wait for the note. Whatever you do, have some fun with it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Anyone needing a stretch that helps allot with plantar fascitis. I still bless the doc that taught me it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Chevy, I know I wrote , Nope on the injection for a fracture, but can't find it.

    Others right on re: x's for cortisone injections, Sometimes will not even go to #2 if first showed no affect. Localized injection is not without problems.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Hi ladies and chicken sitter....hmmmmmm on that one....I think Chevster is trying to steal my chick thunder......

    I've been up but trying to fill out my SSD forms and LTD forms...ugh...I have no motivation and so tired....think its the anxiety/depression kicking in....chemo.....ugh

    Also trying to complete many tasks before port surgery tomorrow and chemo on Tuesday just in case I don't feel good.

    Also packing for Florida leaving on Friday to celebrate our oldest daughters college graduation hopefully I will not be a mess.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Chick, has anyone said to you that the bad chemo day(s) may not necessarily be days of treatment and may actually be worse the next week? And that your immunity level is checked a few days after first day of chemo. Some chemo's are one day some are more than one day. The blood test checks Neutriphil count and WBC white blood cell count.That a boost shot may be given?

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Hi Miss Sassy......yes the GORGEOUS PharmD told me that....I will always get the Neulasta shot the next day as CC (Cleveland Clinic) protocol ....I think I am just anxious..........

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Chickie hugs, as long as GORGEOUS talked to you :) Where are you tripping too after chemo?