STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Princess, maybe Sas is do have pets....ha ha ha....❤😋😷😎

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    I know some of you from the 2010 thread know Torigirl...I keep in touch with her and I also have not spoken to her in a while...She lives in Oklahoma..last week I ent her a pm....nothing...

    Scary stuff goin on here.


  • Dyvgrl
    Dyvgrl Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2013

    Ladies -

    I'm seriously considering making this shirt from iron-ons at Michaels and wearing it to the Womens Run in June. I'll be post op 2 weeks - might be pushing it but I just want to show up - my hubby is playing in his band there and gals from work are walking so... Somehow, I don't think others will find it as hilarious as we do. What do you think? Should I do it??

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Oh Dyvgrl....don't let the Princess see that pink it turns her red..😡

    Princess...Chevy made me say that. She is trying to be nice to you so I have to take over....❤❤❤

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013 are right, it's scary when our sisters go MIA.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    The mods are workin on it.

    Who put that pink shit on there?yeah I go crazy with that pink shit...where does the money go?not for research?in someone's pocket...don't get me started Scottiee...ya see Chevy is being nice to me ...look off and running.

    Now ya got me scratching.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Princess PK - you're going to be nice tomorrow, right?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Princess, your right, you were bummed by your situation, not posting, we were talking for 2 weeks maybe 3 weeks, and everyone's wondering what's going on with you. I knew, but wouldn't break privacy. It was really hard, break your heart hard. I was so happy when you finally said it.

    I have people calling from all over the country and abouts, I think I'll manage it differently too.  Not sure what.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    I had first of 2 neupogen shots today. My MO stopped the Xeloda for one week. If the shots work, then I get to finish the second week of Zelda before I start all over again on June 4 with Ixempra/Zelda. I came home and took a 2 hour nap.

    I'm glad you ladies put out the APB on our little red. I've been worried too.

    I'm glad PPK is sounding feisty again. Sorry you're itchy. Do whatever sassy says. That's sassy, not Chevy. Chevy will get you in trouble...or is that the other way around?

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    Hi, guys! The tornadoes have been terrible. We do not have a fatality count yet. No children died in the elementary school that was hit which is a miracle. The Edmond tornado yesterday missed my house by about 1.5 miles. Moore is a part of the metropolitan Oklahoma City area. This is the third time that it has been hit by deadly tornadoes. There are still tornadoes this evening also. Keep Moore in your prayers please.Beatmon

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Veggy, ssssssooooooo funny, STFU funny asking Princess Purple Kantaloupe if she'll be nice STFU

    BTW in along away post either here or in PM's Princess said, she prefers Pricess Purple Kantaloupe. Did i get the K spelling right? Granny if you want to change your name , you can do it. All previous postings will change to the new. If someones to old to remember you then What? STFU they didn't remember you to begin with. LOL. People that know you will figuire it out. Also, on your active threads, people will stop calling you granny.. Win Win.. Love you Babe   sassafrass

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Sayin prayers right now for Oklahoma...I'm itchy thinkin about it.

    Torigirl started a thread Lumpectomy Lounge.some of you have been on it so you do know her...I don't know exactly where she lives but I will give her a day or so then call her.

    veggy...I swear I'm gonna be nice tomorrow...ill just scratch all day.ha.

    I was in touch with a few sistas via pm...ill never do that again.cross my heart...

    Chevy..your killin me with least tell me to STFU.

    Hugggs everyone.princess purple kantalope....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Phyll if it's how to deal with people and their STFU stuff's CHEVETTE.. I'm a technical person, At aloss my whole life on Chevy's and Cami's abilities.

    Have had soundscape music on all day-------STFU have no idea about storms. DUH

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Sas....we posted at the same time.ha.

    I love princess purple kantalope...the new sistas can call me either princess or just plain kantalope...the original name that Chevy gave me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Little Kantalope.... Nope, I would never tell you to STFU funny face....  You are like my little Sister.... 

    Yes, I'm itchy too!  We MUST be Sisters... Ha!    And I KNOW when you don't feel good....  so we just have to help you get your mo-jo back...  Just don't STHU little one....   We're all in this together....  xoxoxoxoxo

    Thanks Scottiee.... I'll just wait until someone hears....   Hi Wren and Marywhat....!  Talk to y'all in the morning!

    Sweet Dreams Sass!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Beatmon....stay safe.....prayers going up.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    WTH.....Chevy, I just told the Princess that my back has been itchy for about two months !!! you.....what's going on????? may need to get Sas on the case...😱

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    OH Beatmom oh $%^***%#, Oh prayers your way sassy

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    Oh my dear friends, now we are finding out many children died at the second school that was hit. Up to 7 deaths with rumors of up to 20 more. My heart is broken brenda

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    OMG.......this is just horrific.....Beatmon....especially children....breaks my heart also. Please please stay safe .

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Scotieeeeeeeeeeeeee, make me crazy. Remember some stuff I know, some stuff I don't remember.  Alott. Some stuff I don't know and google , and some stuff I say google. The key is to "Know what you know and admit when you don't know". I don't remember if that's original or learned LOL. I'll google it LOL cassylorina.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Oh shit the report his horrible in minnutes WTF

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited May 2013

    Ladies I don't post on this thread only read (and laugh along usually) but I have been wracking my brain to remember who was in Edmond. Beatmon I am so sorry for the damage in Moore. Am glad your house was spared yesterday. I have been crying off and on all afternoon. I've had my TV and net on Oklahoma TV. I know if any city was prepared it was Moore. I remember the 1999 tornado. It was an ugly spring here as well that year. Know that this lady from North Texas is praying for your city.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    All this just makes me sick. such utter devastation.and all those poor babies.Cry

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    beatman so sorry, stay safe, I just read about the kids in the school.....thoughts and prayers to the families in OK!!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    I just did a google on Oklahoma....turned my stomach...prayin real hard for all those people

    Torigirl...where are you????????

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Hi chick magnets.....port sugery went very well today and the surgeon and his team were a hoot.....I even got Mardi Graw beads since they got to see my boobs...HA

    Next a very big SHOUT OUT to Miss SASSY...I love this woman...she totally went out of her way AGAIN and I learned so many lessons about meds today and how to be my own advocate....

    Short reminder I posted on I had insomnia really bad and was in terrible pain and was taken off Cymbalta cold turkey the day before that....SAS posted many informative posts for I Payed Attention as I realized she needed me to learn a good lesson ....well I listened, reasearched, she researched, and voila' drugs were not copacetic......PharmD wanted me off Cymbalta due to interaction with TCH starting tomorrow and PCP took me off COLD TURKEY 20mg....hence the pain, etc (serotonin syndrome).....PharmD called PCP and said cant do this cold turkey, etc.....PCP prescribed Zoloft.....but that doesnt work on my fibermyalgia pain from spine ruptures.....ugh....meeting with ALL docs tomorrow to straighten out...

    SAS thanks for caring enough to get me through this very new lesson...PLEASE continue to Butt In Any Time On Me♥

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013


    BEATMON.....stay safe, so sad...lots of love.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    Beatmon, Thanks so much for posting. I immediately wondered how you were when I saw Edmond was hit. I grew up 13 mi from Moore in Midwest City, so know what tornados can do. I feel so bad for the children and their parents. Sure hope you have a good safe place.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Chick--- a ok,

    Avatars   Veggy's springing pink panther and Dana's chick how creative.  A wish, my avatar would be if i could create one, would either be  --the chesire cat or the mad hatter. They both convey so much.