STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OMG I was thinking that Red was at leas PMing a couple of u, cuz naturally she might not feel like talking all over the place. (Prayers)

    Veggie I'm sorry u haven't heard anything--Geeze, tomorrow u wil hear--

    That horrible storm is just taking me on TV--I can't watch it anymore--and now we're getting thunder and lightning the storm is moving but hope not with all that wickedness--for a couple of days.

    Oh we complain about our Drs. sometimes well there is a Dr. (on TV) this was reported that a women came in and said she has a hard time swallowing and she gags so her prescription was she should practice oral sex with her husband. Idon't know if he was a friend of her husband's or a perv, or if he actually wrote a script for it. But it was on TV---

    nd I can't copy Sas---I can barely use the computer u know that--but all my ansers would be I never had a pet with a problem and mine were all sweet and caring and not sick--So I never thought of the 2 being apart of each other. Beside I had cancer many years ago and no pet was in the house---low low stage. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    It's self something, whatever, to say. but the wonderful people that I worked with then in + or - 1980 and then forward, made the disaster response today better. Took years to meld on many levels. Our primary focus was on local responders, either paid or volunteer.

    To those that expend their lives for others, give them recognition on all levels.  Bless them

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited May 2013

    happy Birthday, Cami!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Thanks Gigi.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cammmi, your still important to the survey. Why? Because in this small group of women plus Charles, multiple friends here have identified a dx connection based on pet response. So, in this small space of SFTU, we may create a BIGGER thing from our small survey..... a recognition may occur to others to pay attention when there pets --ALERT---we have no scientific response yet. But there ARE researhers that believe. WHAT IF everyone here acted immediately on there pets alert. We have heard the stories. This is a beginning. The next step is BCO wide. What we do on MAY 22nd is a microcosism of the things that can be researched. WE CAN MAKE A CHANGE

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Please, one of our Hooligans can describe how to  C&P,

    Once I was taught this supossed simple manuver, it changed my communication. I was able to bring links that had meaning to me, and hopefully to the group that the discussion was about. C&P is a HUGE tool. HUGE- I will leave it to another of our group to directions. If no one comes forward.  I'll give directions. In this regard sisters. please, com forward and teach.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone, took a day off and now I’m out of touch.

    Julianna – Gatsby was very enjoyable. It will not be everybody’s cup of tea, though I loved it. Hope your family reunion is going ok.

    Chevette – thanks for having Julianna’s back. How are your foster chickens doing?

    Blondie – it’s so nice to hear from you this often, I love it. 

    Stacey is SweetPea, that’s great – but I do call other people Sweet Pea sometimes because it’s one of my terms of endearment, like FartFace. If I call you FartFace you know I really care for you, so you all must be Fartfaces!!!

    Princess PK and Scottiee - Thank you so much for following up on Red. I’m really worried, she is so precious.

    Phyllanthropia – so good to hear from you. You have been in the thick of it, girl. Please keep checking in

    ….and Blondiee, you have been posting more often, makes me smile.

    Have fun in Florida, April. Congratulations.

Happy Birthday Camarita

    Chevette – maybe we can call you and Princess PK the “Itchy Bitchies.”

    I’m so sorry, Brenda, for the heartbreaking devastation in Oklahoma.

    Chickadana, you are such a trooper. You are our True Warrior.

    My love to all of you sisters, Sas, Joan, Duckster and everyone. Praying for good news, Veggy.

    P.S. There is a separate website  where we can list all of our names, addresses, birthdays, etc. It is a private place for BC.ORG members. I registered my real name and address with them, but now can't remember the contact info...will forward info when it resurrects. 

     ~ Michelle

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Camille, whew, I'm just in time to wish you a Happy Birthday?  I hope so...Hope it was a good day for you.
    I haven't been here in awhile....glad someone remembered me...unless there's another Joan...I just couldn't keep up with everything...
    I am visiting DS#2 and it has been great...I put in my grades today and am done ... my summer class was canceled and that sux because I don't get paid in the summer; but I guess I'll be forced to rest.
    I will be having lots more time on my hands soon...then you will be telling me to stfu for sure...
    Missed y'all and hope to read back and LMAO Tongue Out

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Nope, you're our one and only Joan 💛

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning all.

    Yes Joan u are the one.-LOL

    Bren u live in OK? Oh what a catastrophe--again. I wtched it for hrs. and as bad as the devastatio is as soon as they started talking about kids I chringed and could only watch it a little longer.

    Then I cheer myself up with the Jodi Arias trial yesterday and how no one is going to speak to the jury on her behalf and the lawyers wanted to quit. I thought either they are trying somefor a mistrial oe they're really throwing her under the bus. Ikinda went toward the bus idea. AZ and TX are the roughest state for a mistrial or overturn so I don't know what going on there. I talk like I know.

    Well ILL made Pot legal last week for script use.I guess there wil be a lot of brownies made now, and I don't know if it comes with a recipe pamphlet.

    Princess K did the mods get back to u at al.I know u'll tell us as soon as they do, so that was a stupid question I guess.

    The first storm passed pretty quickly here late last nite but they are saying we're getting more the next couple of days. Always get a little more jumpy with these storms now.

    Oh I just put the news back on--OMG so many more.  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    I am soooo sorry Brenda....!  I was watching TV yesterday, and all the stations were interrupted with the news....


    This was when it had just happened, and no details yet...  Just can't imagine what these people are going through!


    I remember my Mom talking about a tornado she went through when she was little, and all that was left standing of their house was the bathtub....  But the loss of life is just heart-breaking....  (hugs)


    Morning little Chick!  Glad everything went well...  So funny about your Mardi-Bra...(I mean Gra) beads..!  That last paragraph you talked about all the crap Sassy helped you through.... WACF!!!!!  I mean REALLY! 


    Cammi!  Are you making this up?  EEekkkks!  Splat, sputter, DAMN!

    I think the whole thing was some sort of joke...!   WTH????  That ding-bat could get the same effect with a banana... maybe even  a popsicle!   SOME guy came up with THAT one.... I just know it!   The only thing THAT would cure is a HO.


    And Sassy, we only have Lacee.... unless you can count the cat, and 6 Hens I am now sitting.... 

    We/they found my BC with a mammogram.... The annual one, and they saw a tiny spot, about as big as my small fingernail... so that was the only way I found out.  I was very lucky!!!!!!!!


    And so do you mean "copy & paste?"  I just  left click my house, hold it over the whole post or letter, going down to the end....(that way it is "high-lighted"..... then right click and hit "copy"...

    Go to where you want to copy it, then right click & hit "paste.".....

    My Grand-son, who was about 10 showed me how to do this....


    I also just found out, when I am writing an email, with AOL, and I mis-spell a word, it is underlined in red.... So I just right click over the word, and all these OPTIONS are displayed, and I can click the right spelling!



    Shells!  I'm going over to the COOP this morning!  I'm taking some packaged lettuce, and carrots, for the girls...  It's like I'm asking them to please not peck me senseless!   I'm also assuming I have to watch where I step... it must be like one big cat-box... so I'm taking a few utensils to clean up?  And a bag.


    Hi Joan!  SO!  Taking a break from us, right?  What for?   Sorry about your Summer class!... But at least you can rest, and enjoy the Summer? 


    Cammi, I've kind of been keeping up with that trial also!  Yes, the bus part sounds appropriate!


    Okay girls....  guess I'm at the end of our posts for now...  Such a bummer this morning, about Oklahoma....  It's hard to watch, without breaking down in tears...  Stay safe, everyone! xoxoxoxo


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    This was my post on Facebook today to my family and close friends:

    My port surgery went well yesterday -- its uncomfortable but its in my chest, neck and heart -- so I can feel it a little -- kinda weird - John and I were at Hillcrest all day again -- I think they think we work there -- LOL

    Today starts chemo -- me and Cait are planning a lovely day of fun, laughing and oh yeah ... God knows what.... we are going to ice my hands, feet and mount during one of the drips as it has side affects of losing your nails and causing mouth sores -- ice has been known to freeze the local area so the chemo medicine does not get full throttle to those locations and helps with the side effects.... ... Hopefully I will be able to update my journey today for those of you asking..... keep watching I am sure that Cait will take some embarrissing photos during the day....

    Scared but ready!
    See More

    MEDICAL/SURGERY UPDATE:  My port surgery went well yesterday -- its uncomfortable but its in my chest, neck and heart -- so I can feel it a little -- kinda weird - John and I were at Hillcrest all day again -- I think they think we work there -- LOL  Today starts chemo -- me and @[1427100103:2048:Cait McCarthy] are planning a lovely day of fun, laughing and oh yeah ... God knows what.... we are going to ice my hands, feet and mount during one of the drips as it has side affects of losing your nails and causing mouth sores -- ice has been known to freeze the local area so the chemo medicine does not get full throttle to those locations and helps with the side effects....   Hopefully I will be able to update my journey today for those of you asking..... keep watching I am sure that Cait will take some embarrissing photos during the day....  Scared but ready!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    ChicaD Good for u--u'r attitude is marvelous that means so very much in all of this.

    When I first told my GF's at work (3 of my best friends) we went into the office locked everything up and I told them--well of course they had to feel my boobs and I let them we were laughing so hard u could hear us out in the facility--about 20 mins. When we got control we walked out and somone said wow u were having ssuch a good time in there and one of my GF's said oh we were feeling Camille's cancer. and we were laughing again. Wel no one believed us, so when I came o work with no hair--it was like we told u. So attitude is really a big factor.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Sas if I figure how to do it, do u want all the meds we are on?

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    I found both of my cancers. My husband has a cat that only likes him. She attacks the rest of the family and visitors. That's why I didn't list her as a pet.

    My heart isbroken for the familes affected by the storms but especially for the children. I can't express how much I hurt for them.


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Chevy, I meant to ask you if you kept your clothes on right while I was gone. Back when dh and I were young we went to an outdoor music festival and the couplle we went with, the guy was not the brightest bulb on the shelf, anyway, we were drinking beer and danced the day away, later we sit down to rest in the grass and said guy, says oh my feet are killing me..well wife looks at his feet and says, well no wonder honey, you've had your shoes on the wrong feet all day....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Had to let you all enjoy this picture - He makes me laugh so much - I have both hummingbird feeder and 2 squirrel proof feeders and he is trying to find his way to them LOL


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Just got a message from the mods

    Carla Terry Hunt of WV passed away May 4th.

    I have the details but somehow cannot copy and paste it.

    she does have a Facebook page.

    I'm shakin from head to toe.

    Sooo sad.39 yrs.old.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,502
    edited May 2013

    Hi All, 

    Grannydukes suggested that we post this here regarding Carla (Redhead in WV). We aren't certain this is her, but after a bit of investigation, we found this (see below). We are terribly sorry if it is her. If anyone can confirm, that would be helpful: 

    Carla Terry Hunt, 39, of Scott Depot died May 4, 2013, at St. Mary's Hospital, Huntington. Service will be 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 14, at West Virginia State University, Wilson Student Union Room 134, Institute, W.Va. Chapman Funeral Home, Hurricane is in charge of the memorial service.

    Carla Terry Hunt, 39, of Scott Depot, passed away Sunday, May 4, 2013, at St Mary's Hospital, Huntington, W.Va.
    She was born on July 8, 1973, in Charleston, W.Va., to Curtis Terry and the late Shirley Cobb Terry.

    She was an administrative associate for West Virginia State University, Institute. She was also a 2013 Graduate of West Virginia State University.

    Carla is survived by her husband Tom Hunt; son, Michael Terry of Scott Depot; step-sons, Chris Hunt and James Hunt, both of Hurricane; father and step-mother, Curtis and Karen Terry of Scott Depot; half sister, Krista Morton of Scott Depot.

    Memorial service will be held at 1:30 p.m. May 14, at the West Virginia State University, Wilson Student Union, Room 134, Institute, W.Va. with Rev. Charles V. Williams officiating.

    In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations to: Susan G. Komen for the Cure, 303 W. Washington Street, Suite 207, Charleston, WV 25302.

    Online condolences may be made at

    Chapman Funeral Home, 3941 Teays Valley Road, Hurricane in charge of the memorial service.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2013

    Good afternoon ladies :) Had another round of chemo yesterday. I'm hanging in there my sister stayed with my son yesterday and she is hanging out again today. Tried to weed a little bit and I just can't get over how weak I am.

    ChickaD I am thinking about you, hope I'm remembering right. You have chemo today? Hope you are feeling okay. Veggy thinking about you also, hope they give you the results. Doesn't it drive you nuts to wait! One time I sat in my doctors office right after my test and waited for him to read me the results bc I just could not wait. You are so strong! Hope everyone has a good day.

    Sweat Pea ;)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Hi Gals....  Does anyone know if this is "our" little Red?   And Thanks Mods.... I would write a note on her memorial page, if I were sure this was her.!/Obituary

    I'm just so sorry about this....  I had no idea things got so bad....   And thanks Mods....  !

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    It seemed she was here and then not, but I know if it is our Red - she was strong and always had something good to say. Another angel to watch over us...Cry

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Hello All

    I just thought I would report in from north of Dallas, TX. on the "wonderful" weather we are having.  LOTS of wind, horizontal rain, thunder, etc. but no immediate threat to have to jump in the car and get going.  Most of the family is home today, thank goodness and we've all got our laptops, money, 1 extra set of clothes and dogs ready to go.  Got my brother-in-law watching the radar and looking out the front window and my nephew watching the Weather Channel and watching out the back window.  HOPE we do not have to out run this thing as there in NO PLACE to be safe in the house.  NO BASEMENTS in Texas for the most part so......wish us luck y'all.  I'll keep you posted.  Thinking that Northern Virginia might want me back!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    @ JO-5

    As a long-time Prozac user, YES, the SE's will last at least 21 days or longer.  That is the half life of the drug.  It has worked wonders for me but does not sound like the right drug for you.  So sorry for your trouble with it.  Be careful as you get up , walk slowly and stay safe and well until maybe your MD can find a replacement.  Have you ever gotten a second opinion?  Sorry if I am asking too many questions but we all care about each other sooooo understand.

    ALSO - I did not know Carla Terry Hunt but if in fact she has left us, I would like to say a silent prayer for her and her loved ones.  I hope she is in a much better place and know she will be sadly missed.  R.I.P. Sister Warrior.  I know you fought the good fight!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Hi Bernardi!  Stay safe!  Sorry about this season..... My Daughter who lives in Florida is always afraid of Hurricanes!  Not quite the season for that yet.

    I remember a few hail-storms we had here in Denver.... blew out all the windows on the North side of the houses, pulled up trees, and took the shingles right off the roofs.... But at least the house stayed.  

    I didn't know little Red either, by her name Carla....  didn't realize she was so young....  Yes.... another beautiful angel to watch over us.....Innocent 

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Just came home to Princesses message.....I am so sad....feel like someone

    said she was with us and then she wasn't!!!!! I'm also feeling very guilty that she fell between the cracks.....There was so much going on in the last few weeks.....This should be a lesson to us....we are so many now and it's hard to keep track!!! I think our list should be checked every week or so so this doesn't happen again, ever....she was one

    of us and I'm feeling so bad at the moment.

    Bad time all round as I watch the news and all these fatalities, OMG the children, the's a sad day. Sorry hooligans don't feel like posting anymore today. Tomorrow will be better...❤

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Mods, sorry, I wanted to say thank you for finding our young, but at peace now. My prayers go out and up to her family and all who knew her.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    As soon as I can compose myself I will write a note to Carla's family through the funeral home condolence link. I would like her family to know how much we cared about her, and let them know about this site so they can read for themselves. I looked back through our posts and found some really special notes back and forth. I think Red received a lot of love from us. Even though there is a broken place in our hearts, it was wonderful to be a part of her life.

    Love to all of you, my Dear Sisters.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Jo I'm glad u saw thru the title these ladies are wonderful and we try o have our fun somewhat---u have to laugh or everything is so awful so alot of us choose to laugh sometimes, so I hope u stay, there are alot of very knowledgeable people here plus we have our own nurses so we're good.

    OK now off hand I know who Red is, but I can't think who she is, her name or anythig. OMG are we all sure that's her? I hope not but it does sound like it might be. She was so young.


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013


    The USUAL half-life for Prozac is 21 days.  I'm not sure if it will take that long to get the drug out of your system after only 12 days of using it but you yourself mentioned how sensitive you are to all meds.  So remember to be careful and perhaps try to talk to a psycho-pharmacologist (an MD - Psychiatrist) who know MUCH, MUCH more about the effects of these types of drugs than any other MD.  Or perhaps a pharmacist can be more helpful.  There are so many threads here on the BCO website, you might even pose your question on a different thread.  I'll hope and pray that these SEs go away more quickly for you but until then please stay safe and well.  We are all with you and you are loved !  Peace and Blessings to you today and into the future.

    "Flowers"  (aka cmbernardi)