STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Jo5 sorry, went to bed for a couple of days. Glad CMB popped in and Shell sent me a note. I know allot more about Prozac then I did before.

    A number of months ago a drug manufacturer rep directed me to daily There are two websites that come up on google. One of the page says login, you can enter the site here after going through login registration . Number two takes you directly to the drug page. The link below goes to that page. Put it in your computers Favorites. The site gives the info thats on the drugs package info. Plus it's annotated--links to more complete info. You get the real deal info here versus the watered down info on, Epocrates. To use just type the drug into the search box and click on go.

    You asked three major questions 1. Concern about dose? 2. Could the drug be working this long after such a short time? 3. Could the bleeding be associated with the drug?

    I, also, read that you are upset with your doc because you told him how sensitive you are to medicines. The fact that he could quote the 3% stat related to your problem. says he knows the drug or did his homework. A significant amount of what I'm going to type is new knowledge for me.  Prozac is not indicated for fibromyalgia, but in order to understand why your doc prescribed it, you need to ask him.  The doc's experience with the drug and considering your sensitivity to drugs, he felt this the way to go.

    1. Concern about dose: usual minimum starting dose for an adult is 20mg twice a day. You were on 10mg "twice a day?", that's the pediatric dose. So he did try to have you on the lowest dose possible. If you were on it once a day that's unusual, but would be even a lower dose.

    2. The drug link identifies that there should be a five week period after discontinuation before another drug is started. So, yes the drug at 2 weeks from dc'ing could be working. In general, you will see this in the literature as the wash out period. Flowers identified the half life of the drug as 21 days, she's on mark in what she told you.

    3. Could the bleeding be associated with the drug? The following has been C&P'ed from the drug profile on

    5.7 Abnormal Bleeding

    SNRIs and SSRIs, including fluoxetine, may increase the risk of bleeding reactions. Concomitant use of aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, warfarin, and other anti-coagulants may add to this risk. Case reports and epidemiological studies (case-control and cohort design) have demonstrated an association between use of drugs that interfere with serotonin reuptake and the occurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding. Bleeding reactions related to SNRIs and SSRIs use have ranged from ecchymoses, hematomas, epistaxis, and petechiae to life-threatening hemorrhages. Patients should be cautioned about the risk of bleeding associated with the concomitant use of fluoxetine and NSAIDs, aspirin, warfarin, or other drugs that affect coagulation [see Drug Interactions (7.4)].

    AS you can see there is a bleeding association.

    I'm just quessing, but I think your doc tried prozac because it was less risky for you than the other SNRI's or SSRI's. Gastrointestinal bleeding would be a risk with all of these drugs because of the concentration of this neurotransmitter serotonin in the gastrointestional tract. These drug classes may not be something you should consider. I do think based on reading about prozac, he really was trying to come to a solution best for you. It just didn't work. Talk it over with your doc

    Hope this answers your questions, sorry for the delay :) sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Jan a while back I posted some info from AARP magazine about drug errors--400,000 per year, this was number reported. I said I think the number is higher , i'll add that this, many errors aren't reported, and others go unrecognized. I'd put you in the unrecognized drug error slot. One SSRI--lexapro and one SSNRI---cymbalta. There is no indication to be on both drugs. The prescriber should be questioned. All the folks after that missed the boat. Someone should have picked it up. Consider youScript. It's cheap at <30$ a year. Do not assume anyone is paying attention when it comes to drugs, if you take that approach you will be in self protection mode all the time. I could site story after story ad infinitum.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    With you all about RED, I'm not taking her name of the roll call, Just keeping her there will be a comfort. But there is nothing next to her name. I'd like to add something, what should it be.

    The roll call is on Pg 132, I added this"Red, Carla Terry Hunt, our Angel 5/4/2013"

    I'll move the roll call forward after the survey's done. I will be chasing everyone about the survey. So, if you forget ,I'll be coming for you.............

    I got a couple by PM, I'll repost them tonight.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    In completeing this survey on STFU thread on May 22nd, 7pm-8pm EST, use only your screen name. This survey will be sent to a researcher in the field of "animal use in the assisting of diagnosing breast cancer". Cut and paste survey to posting box. Then complete.

    The folowing survey is to identify those members that have had an experience with animals/pets that had behavioral activities, that led the member to associate the behavior with their cancer.

    Was this animal yours?  If None mark x and stop here:           No           Yes        

    Whose animal was it?

    What type of animal was it?                                                    Cat:        Dog:      

    Breed and age:

    Does the animal have any special training:                             No           Yes

    Specify training:      

    Did you seek medical advice because of pet behavior?           No           Yes

    How long before diagnosis did pet demonstrate behavior?

    Identify stage of BC and mets at diagnosis?



    Describe in detail activity that pet exhibited?

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    it's a brand new day and I am still feelin so crappy over our RED.

    GmaF...those flowers are beautiful

    Speaking of flowers....I'm your neighbor family has a house in Honesdale..I'm here now.Also yrs ago when I was married we had a summer house in Beach Lake. I wish I was at that mall...the way I feel now I would have probably got arrested.

    veggy...waiting to hear from's crowded in your pocket.

    Ill be back...

    Xo princess purple kantalope

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    I'm feeling better today, I think.  Except that I found lump in my right groin area last night.  I was doing the lymphedema massage in that area and there was the freekin lump. 

    I got about 3 hours of sleep last night because I was on my 10th day of Zolpidem CR and didn't want to continue it.  It's the 12.5mg and FDA just told dr's to stop prescribing it because of non-alertness (?) in the morning after.  That's not really my problem.  I think it was helping to cause my teary sloppiness yesterday.  That and the world! Yell

    Called MO today and she referred me to PCP here in my town for assessment of lump and possible US.  I see the PA at 2:45 pm.  Oh, and to get the offical diagnosis of freekin truncal LE.  If it's not one thing it's 57 others!

    The good news?  I was able to set up a new operating system on my Nook Tablet.  The microcard updates the OS to full Android tablet capabilites.  THEN, I was able to set up a wireless connection with my computer as a server and download eBooks (I have a library of 4500 eBooks) onto my tablet.  Wirelessly.  OMG, I'm a genius!!!  Bahahahahahhahaha. Ok, not really.  I just got lucky.

    veggy, thinking about you and waiting with the others.  I know there is more stuff and more of you ladies I need to say things to, but I have no idea what.  So sorry!  But I'm off to the nursery to buy some pretty hanging baskets.....for my basket case.  Laughing  And to go with my beautiful lilac bush that is blooming and my roses which will bloom next week.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Sas.......where do I get the survey......not running on all cylinders today.....

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    Phyl: I think zolpidem is creepy! Have u tried lunesta? U don't need anything causing u problems. Hanging out with u and Veggy. And of course all the other perfectly refined ladies we hang out with here. Be

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Ducky it's several posts back. copy and paste to post box. You're going to have to alter your's a bit because I think you want to tell the whole story about your daughter.

    Between 7-8 pm EST tonight. The reason for the specific time. It'll be easier to retrieve the information. If someone forgets it can be done later.

    Chevette, BTW LOL I was going to talk to you about this. It'd be easier on the phone. My printer and computer don't communicate. Maybe Phyllopsided could fix it for me :)

    Jo, you definitely need a special pharmacist in your life. Scroll back to the info on getting the genetic testing done. If your on medicare they cover testing. I suggest Genelex and then enrolling in youscript because they are the only ones that do the direct correlation of dna results to known drug knowledge. Other companies do the dna testing and leave it up to the docs to figuire it out. This is just to huge a task for docs and maintain patient interaction. The doc's can register their patients on youscript. My MH  counselor has most of his practice enrolled, and my PCP offers it to her patients.

    Talk with your doc. the number for Genelex is 1-800-DNA-TEST.  Once your tested it may explain why you react so poorly.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Sas I'm glad u got rest, u need it---I did want to know if we need to put all meds down for tht survey?

    And luvmygoats, u'r not bring them in the pocket are u I'l be in another one just in case.

    Jo some of these drugs take along time to leave u'r system and I'm sure it takes longer for u because of the sensitivity.Even people who can rolerate drugs easier I thik Prozac is one of the toughest (personally) Tho u'r Dr. did go low with u so that part was good.

    Veggy tell us how everything goes.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami, the scope of the survey is limited to what you saw in your animals and what your dx was  right after.  No drugs or treatments. I'll move the survey form closer at 7 pm. sassy

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    MissSassy, I'm confused...AGAIN. If I have no pet and the non-pet never sniffed me, do I send the survey with the X?

    My sister has a giant white newfie/great Pyrenees mix that always gooses you in the crotch when you come in the door. We think he was trained to look for bombs....only in crotches. However, I don't think that counts for your survey?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh phyasilly u are so funny---but actually it could have been trained for drugs or may it's just a pervert dog. U do know there are some.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2013

    Good afternoon ladies just rocking my son to sleep. Reading over the posts I have just sat here and sobbed. I never knew Red but from reading her posts she was as supportive and kind as the rest of you hooligans. My husband and I said a prayer for her last night. As I hold my son I think of how much her family misses her. She had HER2 + like me I wish I could have gotten to know her.

    Oh and the OK stories that come in on the news just kills me. Did you all see the story with the lady and her dog. It gave me goose bumps how she was talking about the dog and then all of a sudden the dog appeared alive under the rubble.

    Sending healing hugs to everyone. You all are in my prayers xoxo hope you have a good day.

    Sweat Pea ;)

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    It is such a wonder that there were not hundreds killed in Moore. There are miles of homes flattened. We have such great meteorologists here...they have been forecasting for days,but of course everyone doesn't have a safe place to go. The generosity of Oklahomans and our fellow Americans is overwhelming.

    And on another note, instead of a bomb sniffer, maybe a treasure hunter! Trained by a man.Be

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Beatmon I forgot u were in OK, is that far from u. Oh I've watch so much of it I had to stop and yes I saw the dog lady, it is a wonder how so many got thru this and u can see how at times of horror how all the people get together in the whole country. That's the beauty of America it is the people who care. That's all I'll say on that one.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Ok ladies, need some help here. Getting over roid rage today after Mondays dexamethazoneFrown. Cleaning my house cause I couldnt sit still long enough to do anything else,and was listening to old music on the cd player and I was listening to Talking Heads, Psycho Killer, and Burning Down the House......Do you think Im in serious need of some help?Smile

  • Kayce234
    Kayce234 Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2013

    I wish I had said that to a few people when I was first diagnosed - I was actually told by my sister and her husband and daughter "can you talk about anything but cancer", "you know you aren't the only person to ever have cancer" "you disgust me" "she was talking to her aunt who HAPPENS to have cancer"  and many more ugly things.  I've learned to say screw them and tell people if you can't say something positive then SHUT UP and if you can't do that get out.  Needless to say I haven't talk to my sister or her family since November 2011 and never plan to!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Mary hahahaha sorry for laughing---but I remember being thakful at first cuz my chemo and roids were on Monday and I worked a 12 hr day the next day and 9 hrs the day after and I just zoomed along, then it would wear off hahahaha for 4 months I did that, then sarted all over again after operation and didn't work then and I acrually cleaned--which I was known not to--so I think it's pretty normal, it's the after they wore off I was a zombie til the next week for chemo. So that's why I'm laughing

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Well  people you have been dancing and celebraing in my pocket since I got the news. I have been dancing with NED (no evidence of disease). I get a 3 month vacation from chemo starting today. Me and my husbacnd cried. My mom cried. My boiys were speechless. Tey hugged me so hard. Thank you so much for everything! I can feel your hugs. I stil go in monthly for Zometa and a blood test and see the doctors but NO MORE CHEMO! Hey, I may even grow some hair. I have more people to call and share it with!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Hey little Mary.... Try Sentimental Journey.... or something soothing like that.... Maybe even "Cry" by Johnny Ray! 

    Kayce....  Where did those people COME from.... Ha!  Maybe they just crawled out from under a rock somewhere!  Shame on them.... They must think they can say ANYthing to you they want to....!  Just don't be around them and their stupid remarks....

    If you act just like them, then the battle is on....Walk away, and  hold your head high... Then if you still don't feel any better, go out on the porch, and scream as loud as you can F*** Y** AND the horse you rode in on!   If the neighbors  call the Police, Oh well! 

    Hey, I've got a question.... See we've been talking to our mail-man.  His wife had a mastectomy about 3 months ago maybe?  Well HE found a large lump, and that's when it all started....  But she finished chemo, and he told my Husband today, that she COULD have gone to stage "5" chemo.... Does that sound right?  I don't know what stage, or grade she was.... We just tried to re-assure him that she would be alright...  Had a lot of trouble with drains, etc....  I didn't know anything about stages of chemo....    Just thought I'de ask you gals.... 

    Hi Stacey!  How sweet it sounds, that you are rocking your Son to sleep!!!!  How old is he?  And it's okay to cry, but remember you still have to find something to be thankful for.... like your little Son....  I think we all cried for little Red, AND the children in Oklahoma....  Just so hard to understand sometimes, and we wonder how to keep going.... but you know.... that every day is a gift!  Just look forward to tomorrow if today wasn't so good.

    Phylisiness-er... WHAT the hell are you talking about?  Yes, go find a survey.... just any kind will do, and post it here.... It will SUREly drive Sassy nuts!   Post some non-significant story about a dog and his sniffer, and the survey should also include his weight, height, and what he eats for dinner!  And where he sleeps!  THAT should cover it.

    And Cammi!  You have a WHAT kind of dog?    jAnd Grammie!  So WHAT did you put in the Brownies?  Are you trying to get us all in trouble?  You and Willy? 

    Duckie...  You sure are quiet... is your family behaving?  And little Princess...  We are sounding almost normal lately....!  Ha, ha!  We might have to stir up some trouble ....  So see you gals later! xoxoxoxo

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Mary, I get like that on steroids. Can't rest, can't sleep, eat like an oink oink. When I was inpatient at UCSD had to go on them for pericardial effusion (Sas- it was tamponade).... got so wacked out they moved me to a private room. My roommate's television was on 17 hours a day, and every time staff talked over the intercom it was broadcast in each of our rooms.  My mom tried to soothe me, it was hard. I ate like a son-of-a gun, though, that was a good thing. Then when they were tapered down and stopped at home I had depression. Haven't been on them since, anyone taking roids, let me know, you will get the kindest sympathy I can muster. 

    Mary - surround yourself with happy, peaceful experiences, anything that delights you. In your pocket.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Oh yay for Veggy!!!!!So happy for you!!!!!Am calming down a bit this evening, thanks to an ativan this afternoon. I hate steroids,havnt had to have them in a while. I think Chevy, if I had listened to Sentimental Journey I would have smashed the cd payer. A little punk rock never hurt anybdy I geuss, although that isnt what I usually listen too, it suited my mood today.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Chevy is that mean or what :(  Actually you have my number. LOL  That's why I love it here. You can keep me from getting to serious. Being too serious is very fatiguing. Thanks:)      No idea about the chemo question.

    PHyll, go to "If none mark x your done " I'll be cross referrencing whose on the roll call list. Tomake sure everyone that's had the experience has done it.

    The reason for the survey, there are about 20 here. To have 5+ in this group is highly unusual. Scientist all over are disputing that this is possible. It may lead to bigger things.

     YOO-HOO new people, Hello:)let me know if your staying and I'll add you to the roll call pg 132.  Already added LuvMyGoats. Jo you staying? Kayce? List moved forward every so many pages.

    IDEA: We could add to the roll call whose our contact person on this thread. That way we can check real quick


  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    Yeah for Veggy!!!!what wonderful news. Beatmon

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Princess is my contact person. I'm still flying high!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    In completeing this survey on STFU thread on May 22nd, 7pm-8pm EST, use only your screen name. This survey will be sent to a researcher in the field of "animal use in the assisting of diagnosing breast cancer". Cut and paste survey to posting box. Then complete.

    The folowing survey is to identify those members that have had an experience with animals/pets that had behavioral activities, that led the member to associate the behavior with their cancer.

    Was this animal yours?  If None mark x and stop here:           No           Yes       

    Whose animal was it?

    What type of animal was it?                                                    Cat:        Dog:     

    Breed and age:

    Does the animal have any special training:                             No           Yes

    Specify training:     

    Did you seek medical advice because of pet behavior?           No           Yes

    How long before diagnosis did pet demonstrate behavior?

    Identify stage of BC and mets at diagnosis?



    Describe in detail activity that pet exhibited?

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited May 2013

    Veggy - Absolutely thrilled for you.  Hoping you and NED dance for a very long time.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    In completeing this survey on STFU thread on May 22nd, 7pm-8pm EST, use only your screen name. This survey will be sent to a researcher in the field of "animal use in the assisting of diagnosing breast cancer". Cut and paste survey to posting box. Then complete.

    The folowing survey is to identify those members that have had an experience with animals/pets that had behavioral activities, that led the member to associate the behavior with their cancer.

    Was this animal yours?  If None mark x and stop here:    X       No           Yes      

    Whose animal was it?

    What type of animal was it?                                                    Cat:        Dog:    

    Breed and age:

    Does the animal have any special training:                             No           Yes

    Specify training:    

    Did you seek medical advice because of pet behavior?           No           Yes

    How long before diagnosis did pet demonstrate behavior?

    Identify stage of BC and mets at diagnosis?



    Describe in detail activity that pet exhibited?