STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    My oncologist ordered me a sleeping pill. Guess what? It's not working.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Up and having coffee.....doing last minute things for the shore.....horrible weather here today and the next couple days

    Thanks for your prayers and hugs...

    Sas you are right bout the contact sports or sports that tax the body...he never was interested, however he did play baseball for years, but no more.......he does lift weights which I will tell my daughter today to stop till be gets an actual diagnosis from the Geneticist, just to be safe.......I did read that.

    My daughter said to the Dr...who is Chief if the Scoliosis Dept at Children's Hospital in Philly. " Is this Connective Tissue Disease something I can look up on the computer"?..,,,,,,,his answer was....."please don't, until you see the Genetic Dr, and we have a true diagnosis, because it will cause you anxiety, and remember I said, I want to rule this out, not I am certain he has it".............." He has some of the signs, and this is a precaution"......but he does have more then one sign...several more, but there I go again getting ahead of myself......


    Thanks Sas for the info, and you are right, better to know, then to have a tragedy, and find out too late.......this is a wonderful hospital, and one of the best in the he is in the best hands.....again thanks for the prayers and you all..

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Ducky girl.... So sorry you're dealing with more crap.....prayers going up for them...❤

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Joan811's survey:

    The folowing survey is to identify those members that have had an experience with animals/pets that had behavioral activities, that led the member to associate the behavior with their cancer.

    Was this animal yours?  If None mark x and stop here:          No           Yes    

    Whose animal was it?

    What type of animal was it?                                                    Cat:        Dog:  

    Breed and age:

    Does the animal have any special training:                             No           Yes

    Specify training:  

    Did you seek medical advice because of pet behavior?           No           Yes

    How long before diagnosis did pet demonstrate behavior?

    Identify stage of BC and mets at diagnosis?



    Describe in detail activity that pet exhibited?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Ducky, I soooooooolike this doc how compassionate can you get? And CHOP IS one of the best, not just here, but in the world. Besides the weight lifting , tell DD about the golf bag:).This is an out there question for next visit. How can he play golf? If not while brace is on, Is there any chance once or twice a month he could play. Or even just once. The rationale is it would allow GS to have it to look forward to. It would be very special. Again , psychologically good. Maximize what he can do and he likes to do within the guidance of the doc.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Sassy, I sent you the PM, and talked about I do have a little dog, but when I/we found cancer, she was oblivious.  The mammogram found the very small "thing from hell" and then we took care of it...  Little Lacee still has no idea I had anything wrong.....   She just cares about getting her tummy rubbed, and making sure I am up by 5 to DO it!  Ha! 

    So Marywhere!  I have an idea...  Can you get something like one of those screened-in pool coverings?  Only on a much smaller basis?   I mean we can even BUY those "screen" material door things that hook up at the top, like with vel-cro or something?   What ARE these guys, dense?  Find a neighborhood guy, like someones handy-man, and tell him what you want....

    Fot God's sakes, I'LL even come by and build you one!  Ha!   See my Daughter in Orlando has a screened in Pool, outside of her back patio...(well actually it would HAVE to be outside.)  And I don't know if it is connected to the roof or not...  Duck tape comes in handy for things like this, right?

    Sorry you don't feel so hot little Chick....  Oh!  I get it!!!  We have Chicky and Ducky!  And I'm taking CARE of chickens!  What's this back-yard coming to? 

    Okay, morning gals to Jan, little Scottiee, Cam-miester, Veggy, Chabba & Grammie!  And to all who are on the LAST page that I can't look, because then I will lose this... xoxoxo!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Could someone, please,work on contacting ShaneOak through Mods. She hasn't been here since shortly after I came. I think Phylli Dough sent her a PM recently. When she stopped posting, her son was involved in a military mishap and things were in an upheaval. :) sassy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Sassy, I just assumed she just quit posting.... I hope that's only the case...   I  found this for you..

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Mericats survey:

    The folowing survey is to identify those members that have had an experience with animals/pets that had behavioral activities, that led the member to associate the behavior with their cancer.

    Was this animal yours?  If None mark x and stop here:    X       No           Yes     

    Whose animal was it?

    What type of animal was it?                                                    Cat:        Dog:   

    Breed and age:

    Does the animal have any special training:                             No           Yes

    Specify training:   

    Did you seek medical advice because of pet behavior?           No           Yes

    How long before diagnosis did pet demonstrate behavior?

    Identify stage of BC and mets at diagnosis?



    Describe in detail activity that pet exhibited?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Another one......  I think this is the one I had read about...

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2013

    My week: Urinary tract infection- STFU!!!!!! Ugggggg

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Chevy.....the Dr said as long as he gets his 18-20 hours a day, he can take his brace off for golfing....he just has to monitor himself to make sure he does his required time....but trust me....The Lion.....will make she was telling us the results of the curvature, she said casually...."we'll he mentioned something else" .........then dropped the bomb......her voice cracked, and she tried not to be emotional in front of the kids..........that scared me, cause I have a "mother's intuition" that she is holding something back.......maybe she will share more today, and maybe it was just the emotion of finding this my granddaughter needs to be checked....

    Does it ever end......hugs

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Great now it's friggin raining again, and we have to pack the car,,,,,,,,

    Chevy......your right about the golf bag.....if he is positive for Marfans, and the heart is affected that could play a roll, as far as playing that is not an issue........bag could be because of the weight.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Have a great weekend....we will be you all.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Oh I'm sorry Ducky!  I know about the Mother's Intuition....  Our radar is always ready, right?

    I don't think Jo5 will be back....  This just isn't her type of thread.... I mean the way we carry on, and the things we say.  She needed help from Sassy, and I hope it worked.... but that's okay....   I just felt bad that she wanted to apologize to her "home" thread for visiting us....  We Hooligans are just "different"....   Maybe we ARE much to rowdy for a lot of folks, but at least we are having fun with each other....  And we really DO care. 

    Going out to work in my garden!  Have a great day gals! xoxoxo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Chevyroller, Thanks.  HUGSSSSSSS

    We started talking about this several weeks ago. Multiple members  identified they had experience with their animals. Hence the survey. What we are doing is an anecdotal survey. That means "I had the experience". When everyones survey is done. They will be C&P'd to either hard copy or email. Then sent them Dr Guest and Dr. Church in England. The end goal is to have them refine the survey and come back to BCO and post it for response by the full cadre of BCO members. The reason I would like them to go to Church and Guest is that they were the two of the earliest researchers in the field. AND would most likely be open to gathering this anecdotal information. Anecdotal information is the beginning of the scientific method. It raises the question from which the serious steps of the method are applied. Both Church and Guest had to fight a battle when they started, their work was not well received b/c it went against the norm. That can be very hard in the scientific community. They were paddling up stream. My feeling is, who better to ask to listen to us, than those that listen? Cool. So, STFU and fill out the survey's LOL, there almost done.

    The reason for a larger survey here eventually on BCO, the results would be discussed. BCO is watched by many. It may lead to many women(men)paying earlier attention to an animal alerting.

    BTW I need someone to get them off the computer and onto word perfect(?) then run off on printer. They are spread over pg 146 to likely 152(3). It'll be a bit of work.  If there's a volunteer, it would so be appreciated. My computer and printer aren't communicating. The reason I wanted them done over one hour on the 22nd was to make retrieval easy. But this is doable, I just need someone to do it LOL.

    The survey is flawed, bummer, but alas is true. The need to know is there though---Did an animal alert you to a problem and or change behavior just before diagnosis.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Ducky it was me that talked about the golf/ weight  stuff. I'm gonna go out on a limb here cuz your worried. The worst case scenario is the heart. One b/c of the heart structure it self.  BUT CHOP is THE PREMIERE INSTITUTE in the world for pediatric heart surgery. The structures can be Treated.  Second the concave chest can cause problems it's called Pectus Excavatum. IT'S TREATABLE. In both cases, he will be having all the diagnostic studies to determine his baseline. He will be taught what to report, he will be taught what his limits are. He is in the best possible situation. Don't allow fear of the unknown to consume you. Go with the flow, fear and anxiety are your enemy right now. HUGSS

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    STFU! Chevy we got apologized for? I'm laughing so hard I have tears. I'm finally hanging with the right girls!

    And so glad 7th grade is over. I wasn't a good fit for the hooligans back then. I kept trying to correct their grammar and they just wanted me to do their homework. Here we have sassy to do our homework and help us pass tests! And as you can see by the first sentence of this post, I now prefer creative grammar.

    Sorry if things were uncomfortable for anyone but so so so happy that I've been Hooligangineered.

    I'll stop now before you guys tell me to STFU.......or I discover that I misread Chevy's post.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Wow Chev we actually scared someone away.......would not have you gals any other way........we love and care regardless how rough we are around the edges.....your always there....we never shut down matter what time of the day or daughter said 9am sharp.....ok, it's 9:17. ..........but won't bitch or will be walking down the

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Hooligans, quit it, Mom says your being not nice, It sounds as if your making fun of someone who came for help. She was very thankful. She has a home thread. Now I know you can't resist being irreverent, but the untrained eye doesn't know that your nice and wouldn't hurt anyone , even if they do have fleas.( so, it's not misinterpretted I need to put in PPK). But it's true. My My. OH WELLLLLLLLLL

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Really? Making amends for being on this thread? Oh well, I love us. You guys are the first people I talk to in the morning.Smile

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Yes, no problem.... We are who we are.... and I really like Jo....  She has helped a lot of women with her thoughts and prayers.... Just like the rest of us...... 

    So WHAT???? Who has fleas?  Did I miss something?

    Phyllisisinerva!  That was funny!  That you are finally hanging out with the right crowd....!  Ha, ha! 

    Have a great day gals! xoxoxoxo

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Oh dear, I havnt been called naughty in a long time. Being on this thread has nothing to do with the way you live your life. I go to church every Sunday, and Dont feel like I have to ask forgiveness for what I say here. It doesnt offend me in the least.ok I will STFU now, or should I say be quiet as not to bother anyone?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Well, actually I don't go to Church, but I pray every night, and Thank God for everything I have, and have gone through alright!  But you can be the most wonderful person even if you don't believe in God.... Even if you are agnostic, or whatever you believe in... or don't!  

    And I thank you all the time,  my friends....  for making me laugh, and letting us be ridiculous to each other. 

    Ducky!  You are LATE!  Don't you just hate that?  Why do we always know the certain people that will never be on time, no matter what?    It's just something you have to laugh about....   DON'T tell anyone I said that! xoxoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    g o o d  m o r n i n g  e v e r y o n e-----I'm draggin this morning as u can now officially see. I'm sorry if we lost who- Damn I already forgot her name--this is maddenibg I tell u maddening. I think sometimes people might think we just don't take this seriously, and of course we do, every single one of us.. But we'd prefer just hanging out and not let it rule our everythought. But I think this thread just make everyone cope in anyway they want. Be proud to be a Holligan--After all the country is run by them so why not.               

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    I'm having my late morning coffee with some homemade rhubarb muffins hot out of the oven.They smell good. Want some? Come and get them!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    The problem we're having with the porch is according to nieghborhood ass. rules anything we put up outside has to be a permenant structure, and somebody in this place would complain about a tent like structure. We havnt gotten along with these people around here since we moved in 14 years ago. We kept a baby calf for a guy 1 time for a few days, and the county had 8 calls from people complaining about this poor cow. We are only allowed to have horses. Its not like we are in town either. We have 5 acres, all fenced in. We did find another guy to come out today, so Im keeping my fingers crossed.....

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Long Live the Hooligans!

    And..........STFU !