STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Phylospider and Batmary that's what we need children, but not 24 hrs a day. LOL They seem to make us all happy.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    HA HA !

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Okay.... Janis Joplin!  You have to go out doors, take your ironing board and ironing, and a little stereo, and play this song as loud as it will go!  And SING along with it!  I used to do this....  I LOVED her!

    Okay Cammirammra!  Now I know who Joey is!  I remember doing this with my Grand-sons, when they were little!  You know, they will ALways remember the fun things you did with them!  Mine are now 25 & 27.... but we still talk about the "stuff" they remember.

    They lived close to us for their first 13 years!  Then to Orlando....  But I miss "my boys."..... Enjoy them while they are little, and you still have him!  Be careful that you don't worry the little guy....  When I had Breast Cancer, I just didn't say much about it to them....  I just said, "Yeah honey, but we caught it in time, and it's gone now.".... 

    I can talk to you guys about things like that.... just not the fam.  Wink xoxoxo

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    I loved Janis too. Knew some people who went to high school with her. They said there were no clues about what she would become.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Quick check-in....have not read posts since page 150 or so PLEASE forgive if missing hugs, etc needed for anyone..((((((hugs)))))))) it you that likes to shoot things? I VOLUNTEER! Bone pain is still unbelievable....sleep, drugs, sleep, cry, drugs...rinse repeat.......

    I promise to keep checking in....ugh

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited May 2013

    OMG - I forgot how much I liked Janis Joplin!!!!!!!  I'll be playing her all afternoon while I'm basting my quilts.  That tempo ought to speed me along. 

    Neighbor kids (well early 20s I guess) are speeding up and down our country road on quad runners.  I think they get drunker every hour.  The "law" people are busy with the tourists on the highway.  One kid just might drive off the cliff or run up the side of hill and roll over.  Who wants to bet?  I'm staying inside with Janis Joplin.  Hope all you sister hoodies are b'havin and if not, just pretend.  Loveya, J

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Little Chick!  We're here for you!  SORRY about everything going on with you...

    No, don't shoot the things that hurt.... You'll probably shoot off a foot or something...Wink  Just don't cry... it makes us so sad..... 

    Okay Janarama.... YOU shoot the kids!    Don't get near those little trouble-makers.... Lay out some spike-strips or something! 

    We were out this morning, and I could not beLIEVE the traffic!  I was so glad to get home.... safely, I might add! 

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    I bet I have you all beat with the traffic, as we have the race this week-end. Dont go to that side of town for anything. Ds works traffic at the race, so we get to hear about all of the drunken shenanagins sp? of all the race people. They are a breed of their own. Newest from the race track- a five pound hambuger thats made with 12 patties, and a pound of cheese for 35$ Barf!!!!!!!!!!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    just checkin in and i gotta tell ya Mary whats your name??????well you gave me the chickle i needed today.thank you....

    chick-----i wish you were feelin betta

    chevy--still laughing with your shirt inside out...hey i wear everything inside out cause everything makes me itch..of course only in the house.

    been on the puter all day lookin for a lawyer..found 1 and im waiting for a call back.they do NJ,NY,PA.lets see what they have to say.

    They are Kline &Spector....keep your fingers crossed...

    just checkin in....

    hugggs everyone.

    xo princess purple who the hell ever herd of a kantalope being gonna put that purple streek in my hair as soon as i get a real short haircut.dont ask me for a pic cause i dont know how to do it...

    Veggy will post one when i get my mask thats just like hers...Big red lips.with the purple streek...and no teeth i should look just ravishing.ha.

    oh and when i get my teeth im gonna buy red beets and make GD has all the directions.

    Distractions are good

    now STFU.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Chevyboy and ALL

    First off, THANK YOU for sending me that Janis song.  She is my absolute favorite.  It's very sad that she left us so soon but her music and spirit will live on forever!  Thank you, thank you thank you again!  It just started pouring rain and the wind is kicking up like mad here in N. TX. so I hope we do not have to evacuate.  One hour from the border of OK. and I never want to see that kind of action  Trouble is, no one has basements in TX.  WTF?  What were these builders thinking.  Probably that they will be able to build MORE when the wind and rain knocks people's homes down!

    All the rest of my Warrior Sisters, Happy Weekend and Peace, prayers, love and blessings to you all.  Stay safe and well all.


  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2013

    Good afternoon hooligans went to work Thurs. and Friday trying to catch up. Up in the mountains for the holiday weekend. Trying to enjoy myself and family before surgery. Hugs to all...

    Welcome Dwhilli you are right it takes all of your strength to get through this. You are a fighter, and these hooligans are amazing. I have felt a mess since getting diagnosed. I'm going along enjoying life blessed with my first son and an amazing husband and then this. Cancer sucks but I strive every day to stay positive. I might have cancer but I'm not letting it take my life away. These hooligans have helped me smile, laugh, and cry. We can get through this together!

    ChickaD sorry about the pain with the Neulasta shot. I also had a lot of pain from the Neulasta. I noticed after the third shot the Claritin had built up enough in my system it actually helped. I couldn't take ibuprofen but took Percocet on the bad days. The Neulasta really did help keep my blood counts up. The pain would last about four days then I would feel better.

    Duckyd I'm sorry about what's going on with your grandson. I hope he gets the genetic testing underway and if needed for the whole family. There are great specialists that can protect him and watch out for his heart function. Ugh wish I could say something better to you. You and your family will be in my prayers. Wish I was at the shore with you. Grew up going to the jersey shore every year for 30 years this will be the first summer I don't get to go. Just kills me not being able to take Austin. Any day at the shore is a good day!

    GMA does your sister live in the same state? I'm sorry she has to go through chemo. Do they think they found it early? I worry for my sister too. I am 33 and my sis is 22. I kinda want to tell her to get a BMX just to hopefully avoid all of this. But I haven't even gotten through my first surgery. Praying for your sister.

    Blondie and Camillegal l I think you guys are amazing, fighters! You guys help bring me strength, thank you. Keep being who you are, sassy and strong!

    Sas you make me laugh (just a constricter), I'm so scared of snakes :) I better get over it. Don't want to be a wimp for Austin's sake. I need to google a snake hook might be handy one day. I have surgery June 13 then RADS for sure they just don't know how much yet till after surgery. Trying to send you my survey.

    Phgraham glad you are feeling better. Having good days would just help me fight harder. I have surgery on June 13. I have one lymph node they know about for sure. Well we will see after the sentinel node testing and mx. I might have tons of questions for you. Glad to know the LE massage works and you like it ;)

    DingDong Jan sending prayers your way glad they got the ultrasound done. Any next steps yet?

    Marywh what about those screened in tents would something like that work? Trying to find a pic to send to you.

    Hugs... Sweet Pea

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2013

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Thanks Sweet Pea......we are hopin, and praying too...

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited May 2013

    ChickaD  So sorry you've got it so rough.   I'm holding your hand, wiping your brow.  Now rest, little one.

    Nebraska Phyll  Glad you were able to get some little people distraction and a walk around the park.  Both things have healing powers, don't they.

    I have both ultrasounds of thyroid/parathyroid on a CD to take to UCLA on Friday.  I'll see and endocrinologist and hopefully get a plan of attack that doesn't involve too many trips there.  It's 250 miles from home. Each way.  I'm tired of local ENT doctor who wants to sell facelifts and hearing aids.  Thanks Sweet Pea.

    MaryWhoAreYou  Try to make nice with brother.  Big chocolate cake? apple pie? his favorite dish from childhood?  Just swallow hard and butter him up.

    Ducky good luck with huntin down a lawyer. 

    Off to baste another quilt.  Jan whatever you want to call me

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Jan......Granny needs the lawyer......right church, wrong

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Gran.....sent you a PM...

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    chickie....feel sorry

    appears not to be the starter but the battery, that is what DD2 and I decided, lol being married to 2 mechanics and their father's being mechanics surely helped.

    Granny would that be Arlene Spectors lawfirm?  although he is deceased.

    Thanks Sweet Pea...we will be in your pocket on the 13th

    ducky r u down the shore?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013


    Was this animal yours?  If None mark x and stop here:           No           Yes   X 

    Whose animal was it? My husband, son, and I.

    What type of animal was it?                                                    Cat:        Dog:  X 

    Breed and age: English Labrador Retriever

    Does the animal have any special training:                             No: X           Yes:

    Specify training:   N/A

    Did you seek medical advice because of pet behavior?           No: X           Yes

    How long before diagnosis did pet demonstrate behavior?

    Identify stage of BC and mets at diagnosis?

    Stage: Possibly Stage II or III awaiting surgery and final diagnosis

    Mets: Lymph node

    Describe in detail activity that pet exhibited? He did not exhibit any actions out of the ordinary.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Janis Joplin oh I haven't thought about her in years--I liked her too. Shr reminded me of the guy who sang Maggie Mae, Of course I can'r rhik of his name but I like him too.

    ChickaD what can I say--I know how bad u feel and it will be over but during that time if u have pain meds take them regularly and the pain won't get a hold on u as much--I know no one likes all these meds I was one of the first to yell about meds --taking so many, now I'm like whtever And feel like that just take something tht helps.

    Philopeepee where are u are u all right?

    Stacy that's a great idea about those screened in tents--they look nice and big enough to put some comfortable furn. in it and affordable. Wink

    Flowers do u have to worry about the wether ther? Holy cow---u'r close to OK? Hey wait I thought OK was in Nebraska, I was awful with geography, stil am. Just be safe somewhere.

    My memory is chit

    Princess I hope u find the right atts.

    Chevy --Bouck, bouch, bouck, sound familiar, u sweet little chicken lover..Now can u still eat chicken? I don't think I could after getting up close and personal. I remember bein a little girl and going to the butcher with my mom and picking out a chicken and my mom and I would go outside til the butcher got finished killing him or her and my mom never ate chicken until much later in life. Oh memories LOL

    JanJam u have to go that far for a Dr. where in the hills do u live.  OMG I don't think I could do that I want everyone close, no reason except I'm not traveling Oh good Luck

    I wish we lived on the same block, there are a couple of threads I'm on  and I really like the people , it took me a while to feel totally comfortable on them but I do with this one a couple of other threads I go for info but now we have our own authorites so it's all good.

    Blondie are u doing all right? Now I don't know much about all this as u all know, but if u loose u'r hair I'm good at what to do so just ask. The things Drs. don't give a damn about I know, the things they do give a damn about I don't listen and all my Drs. know this. So that is my talent helping others to look good, of course it doesn't work on me, but I can help u, if u want. LOL

    Have a nice weekend everyone.

    And Stacey we'll be with u for u'r surgery, but quietly u won't even know and I'll put my pilllow over Chevys mouth so she won't cause any trouble.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    blonde..all I know is from the puter the law firm is Kline and Spector..any info will be great..thanks

    I gotta answer some pms.lots of people have sent me names from different people I know on FB.

    Something gotta give...

    Xo PPK

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    That would be Rod Stewart Cam. He was also 1 of my favorites, I was listening to him today. His music is still good. I remember my sister getting to go see Janis in Chicago before she died. I was so jealous. My dad took them downtown on the train. I was really young but had older sisters who introduced me to Janis and Jimi,all the old rockers were so good,Thats about all I listen to now.My kids like it too...

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited May 2013

    OK  Whoever needs a lawyer  -- good luck..  See my brain has drained. !!!!

    Cami - we live close to Yosemite National Park.  It's a 45 miles to get to the "local" doctor.  When we deteriorate much more, we'll have to figure out what to do.  It takes a half hour for an ambulance and then at least a 45 minute dash to a hospital.  Maybe we could get a caretaker to change our diapers and pluck my whiskers.  Don't even want to think about that. 

    We are having great cool weather, but too many folks are being flooded or snowed upon.  Sure hope it is not doing that on you.  J

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Freeze and frost advisory in pa..veggy stay safe and warm.

    Yesterday in nj I had the AC I'm wearing a winter robe.

    Hope ducky is warm by the shore..

    Shitty weather all over.


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Stacey, my sister is about 500 miles away and I can't afford to go see her. Most of my family is down there and I haven't seen them in about 3 years.  Bummer - I am going to make her some summer scarves and a lap throw blanket.  I hope that I picked the right type of scarf to make.  I needed something easy to make but comfortable for her in the heat.  

    None of us have gotten the BRCA test. I know someone asked that a few pages ago. My sister went to a class on genetic testing and decided not to do it, because it really just tells you your chances of getting it and if you didn't have it you might be lax on being diligent with your exams.  When I found out I had cancer, no one in my family had cancer. Then within 2 years we found out our 2 aunts and my 2 sister found BC. I have to be more diligent now that I can't take any of the anti-estrogen meds.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Princess I wish u success but please try to relax some.

    Jan U relly live far from civilazation, I would love that as long as Drs. were around tho. It sounds like peaceful to be there.

    Marywhatever---alot of times I put the music on from he 70's and I love those and some 60's--that's when I could understand the words and I like the sound of that time.

    GMS u'r family sounds like mine now--we're loaded--I did the Braca but I don't remember what she said ezactly so I was not a good one to take it. The thing is I live close to my sister and we talk everyday and wow what a difference and my cousin too. I don't know what I'd do without her being around me she's just my bestest friend along with my cousin and still to this day when she starts preaching to me I tell my cousin to shut her up and she does. LOL So I still tell on her hahaha and we laugh.

    Geeze Princess if u lived in ILL I could help u but no one knows anyone where u live. Sorry.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    I wish y'all could see this sunrise coming up!  It is just gorgeous!  The sky is pink and ORANGE!  Wow!  And I'm the only one out, Ha!  We could all go out there and sit and drink coffee this morning!

    Chicki!!! Hope you are feeling better...  When I go feed the chickens this morning I'll ask if they have any suggestions for you...


    And little Princess!  I kind of like THIS look for you!

    Good luck with the attorney!  SOMEone has to be able to do something, right?  What is going on with your Son?  Will he have to go through another surgery?  Or can he take meds?


    YOU are going to make your own LIPSTICK?  Are you nuts?  I'll just send you some of mine.  Oh don't wear red... only tramps wear red.   And WHEN are you getting your teeth?  Are they just waiting for you somewhere? 


    Flowers!  Is the reason a lot of states don't build with basements, is because of the under-ground water level?  I mean I know SOME parts are beLOW sea level....  Like in Florida, with all the sink-holes and stuff going on underground over there!  Just stay safe....  And glad you loved Janis Joplin!


    Stacey.... morning to ya!  WHAT are you going in for again?  I forgot.  And when is your surgery?   Miss Sweet Pea, we have to know all this! 

    It's true about some of the gals on here that are going through a lot!  Even old Philisisinesser sometimes has bad days, besides Blondie and Cammiperson.

    And then SOME of us have bad days that have nothing to do with cancer... usually some other crap that is hell-bent on disrupting our lives... like Granny's teeth... or Ducky's Pilot whereabouts.


    Yes, Maryellenmercy!  Sweet Pea said a screened in tent! 


    I just built you one!


    Okay, this is at sears!  GOOD IDEA Pea!  Just go to Google Images and type in screened in porch or tent, and it gives you a lot of ideas.


    Janarama... that was funny!  "MaryWhoAre You".... Ha, ha!  No, it's that Princess person trying to get a lawyer.... DUCKY is trying to find that Pilot! 


    No Cammi!!!! NO!  Don't tell me my chickens are CHICKENS!!!  Damn!  I never thought of that!   You know, I won't eat Rabbit either...  I just want to be friends with THESE chickens and not feel anything personal, Ha! 


    Yes, I remember the Sunday/Grampa with his as/chickenchasin' ax, and me SCREAMiNG at him!   I never really DID like him...  And maybe that was why.  Everyone else thought it was funny.


    Yes Marywhateveritis.... I love Rod Stewart too!  AND remember Tom Jones?  But Rod was so MELLOW!  That voice of his!


    Janarama... my only advice for you, is don't get sick.  Don't get stung, and don't get hurt! 

    I'll bet it is beautiful where you live!


    Grammie.... I'm going to have to look up my final path report again... Just to check that I don't have the BRCA gene .... My Doc said no, but I want to make sure....


    Okay gals... love you all! xoxoxo
  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013


    Happy Day!  Enjoy!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    good morning sistas

    Chevy just love that picture but u know how i feel about the the hair style but purple is my gonna do it.and yes make the lipstick too.My son still needs another surgery and he refuses to do it...enuf he said...cannot blame him but the anyurism is still growing....gonna try to talk him to goin to NYU...

    Today is another sad day for BBf and mentor is in ICU...30 yr.cancer survivor and it finally is getting to her...of course 30 yrs ago it started in the breast..i freekin hate cancer....goin to the hospital to see her...hope i hold up cause i dont expect to see her alive again...drs gave her no more then 2 weeks.grrrrr.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Oh Granny, hugs for you and your friend.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Princess Prayers too.