STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2013

    I suppose I should have told you all that I am a "shitstarter".  I like to stir things up and then sit back and watch, ha!

    I'm so glad to see you have all had so much fun and lively conversation without me!!

    So, a new STFU story...........

    I've had a small mole under my left breast my entire life.  Never changed shape, size, color....nothin'!!!

    When I woke up from my exchange surgery my DH said the doctor removed the mole because he didn't like the shape of it.  I was instantly pissed off to holy hell. 

    A few days later at my post surgery appointment the following ensued:

    PS: "How are thing going?"

    Me: "Well, I'd like to know why you felt it was necessary to remove my mole?"

    PS: "Uh..well I didn't really like the shape of it and when there's beene cancer it's just good to take it off".

    Me: "Well, that mole was the last bit of my god given breasts that I had and I was glad it survived my double mastectomy, only to have YOU remove it".

    PS: "Gosh, I'm sorry I feel bad".

    Me: "Yes, you should but hey I'll never get it back again now will I? You can't go in and sew it back on can you? You saw my boobs every week for 8 weeks and you never mentioned a single, GD thing about it, but you wait until the surgery to take it off?????  That is Bulls*hit and I am pissed off.  (By now I'm crying, realizing how much that little mole really meant to me).

    So, I leave and then the nurse calls me at home and says that the PS feels so terrible and he wants to pay for the bill for the lab work for the mole.  Really? STFU...I have insurance you moron and very good insurance at that (which they know). I tell her that I'm not going to get a bill for anything related to this BC crap.  I say that if he is trully sorry, he can put the lab fee on a Starbucks gift card.

    I see him on Thursday and we will see how that goes.  Stupid, man doctor. 

    My MIL, the devoutest of all Catholics every to breathe air did not make one single phone call, text, letter, nothing to ask how I was doing after the last surgery.  Didn't even call her son to see how he was.  She is as worthless as my PS.  Is it wrong that whenever I have to see her I make sure I have a pop in my hand?

    As a side note, my boobs are fantastic.  Aside from the fact that they are numb, sore and without nipples, they look great in a bra.  I have woman boobs for the first time in my life.  And I have this thing I've only heard about.....CLEAVAGE! I told my DH he needs to step up his game, no re-virgining here.

    Glad to see the new ones that have joined and the old faithful ones (old as in past, not old as in well, old).

    And....thank you Scottie.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2013

    Thanks for the invite to this thread,  I enjoy reading the posts and contributing.  I do feel like I belong here, too!

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2013

    ShaneOak, thank you for such a humorous story.  It really had me laughing out loud. I had this pap inside of my mouth where I had bit through by chewing on the inside of my mouth when nervous; and, it had form into a hard bump.  My dentist told me to have it removed and checked for cancer over a year ago.  I just thought what does he know--I just ignored him.   Well, when I was diagnosed with the BC and had the BMX; I started to freak out about that little bump.   Stiil in pain from the BMX, but just had to have that bump removed;  I was sure it was cancerous.   Well it was removed and it was sent to the lab.   Okay The results it was a papilloma--a benign tumor.  Okay, STFU-now I am going to think every little skin tag is cancerous. 

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2013

    Grannydukes, prayers for you and love ones!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami, Flowers is from Texas, Beatmoms from outside Oklahoma city not far from Moore. (?  Beatmommy), and MaryIdon'tknow's on third, erhhh north Carolina.

    Chickie Pm'd you.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Sas, thanks for the toothbrush research...I already put odd stuff in the dishwasher; i.e. the scrub brushes sponges used in the kitchen...and cutting boards...putting the toothbrush in sounds logical.
    Sorry about the DDBF is the universal problem;  everything comes at a price...just gotta add up the plus vs. the minuses I guess....but that missing piece of life that can't be shared is a very high stress high cost part of the whole picture.  I hope you can have a breakthrough and find a way to compromise if his plus-es weigh more than minus-es.  Ugh this isn't making sense...things of the heart can't really be resolved mathematically.  Follow your heart and guard your soul...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Well hit the wroNg button, post in the netherworld.

    Dwilli nice to see you:) Lurking is good, posting is better, you even have a nickname. It's like CHEERS, everyone knows your name. The roll calls on pg 150, send me your stuff and I'll put it in. :0

    Joan why California? Forgot......

    Shane Oak glad to see you, even without the mole. Personally I'd like to have one of the handheld zappers. Zap away some of these things that show up with AGE. I was just getting hooliganized when you stopped posting. How's your son?

    Janaramadingaling been thinking about you re: the cymbalta and lexapro thing. Do you want to know what I'm thinking or leave it alone. When they take you off one or the other remember to wean. Likely on cymbalta for fibro? lexapro for depression? Cymbalta will hit both. If I tell you what I'm thinking, you'll be safer, but you're going to be pissed. 

    Chevy dear drama boyfirend DDBF(someone asked?). Not married for sure, 3 kids, 2 grown +one graduating HS next week. Divorced 16 years. He's not been in a relationship for along time. He waffles day to day. He wants his space, but he wants me too.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Joan I like that ---"Follow your heart and guard your soul" Hmm going to put that on the frig.Yes the plus and minus, Just when the minuses seem to be taking over, he does allot of plus things that sweep me off my feet. LOL literally. Sorry couldn't resist.

    Joan it's on the frig I'll let you know what kind of talk it starts :)

    One the toothbrush thing. The next year he swabbd mouths,  brushes went through the dishwasher, showed that it reduced bacteria in the mouth. Brush clean, and mouth cleaner. WiN WIN.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Sas, went to CA for annual visit with my son in San Francisco.  We always go somewhere special together...this year we (DH, son, his partner and self) went to Big Sur and stayed in an amazing house on a mountain top with views of ocean in 2 directions...bonding time and total relaxation for us.  Then back to SanFran- stayed near the beach and hiking trails near GG bridge...drove to Marin; ate a lot...overall, a good trip...still on CA time so still up. :-P

    How are you tonight?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Joan, up now , feel good, just not ready for sleep. TOO much napping going on. Your trip sounds devine. SF is soooooooo much fun and the surrounding area. There in1980 there abouts. Sounds like great visit with family. Wish DH and DS and I had done more of that. He's only 2hrs away, but time is so short. Any jet lag suggestions.?

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Shane Oak, so nice to see you back "home"...this thread has been a landing place for so many of us...
    I wanted to know if your mole was an accessory nipple or just mole.  I have one under my non-BC side, and during pregnancy/lactation, it would enlarge and sometimes produce fluid.  OK - I know it sounds gross but it is common.  When I got BC, I was concerned that it should be checked but BS said no since my BC appears to be in primary site only.  Not sure how your doc made the decision to remove...I don't understand why you were not told of this possibility.  I think I understand your response to this.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Well on the mole thing Shane, it could be just as he says, he didn't like the way it looked (under the very bright intense lights of the OR).  STFU or maybe the rent was due.........

    Joan there's a very fancy medical term for the accessory nipples. Forget what it was. Interesting you lactated. AND you raise a very interesting question about the removal. Ask doc to have their research person to a search and see if it's got any evidence behind it. The research person will like it b/c it keeps employed doing stuff like this and you get to see exactly what's out there.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Going to try sleep, big day tomorrow, then again may be back :)

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    "supernumeray nipple" is the 'extra nipple' and the term is polythelia (nipple) or polymastia (nipple plus extra breast tissue)...usually these are much smaller than the primary breasts. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    PMG I wil never remember anyone on here with me talking--but I'm going to try--SaneOak good to see u, Loved u'r post. Sorry tho u got so supset, he sounds like a nice Dr. tho.

    Princess I'm sorry for all u'r going thru all at the same time too. (HUGS)

    Phylobiteme I wondered what u'r new avatar was sll about--very clever and kooks good.

    Blondie eat what ever u can but remember to ise straws and plastic utensils, no one ever listens to me I know cuz I do proclaim I know nothing, but some things I know about-the important things. like food, make-up, jewelry to make u feel better sometimes. And how to fix a bald head so it looks pretty good. So those are my highpoits. My low points everythin else.

    Joan I'm so glad u were with u'r son and had such a good time--it's great but I'm sure u have to rest up now.

    Sas I like that u have someone, just don't let u'r heart overul u--I don't care how old we are we can ll get into a sad reltionship for us. But if u are having fun--enjoy

    Dwilli u sure as hell belong here so don't go anywhere and post with us too.

    How u gals find pictures amazzes me don't tell me how really cuz it's something that'll never happen for me.

    I know I forgot someone and u know I don't mean to so forgive me. I hope everyone has a special day today and we all remember the reason for today. And I know we do.

    Chevy cluck, cluck, cluck u've got til Friday. LOL 

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    ShaneOak - sorry for that crazy experience but did enjoy reading your story.  Made me laugh which is something that does not come easily these day.  One question - you only suggested a Starbucks gift card?  How about a Jag, Benz or even that cute little Fiat that is on the road now?  i'm sure the PS could afford it.  Lease deals are super cheap these days.  I do not know what type of car YOU drive but perhaps just switching cars with Dr. Mole Removal would even be a fair trade.  Think about it.  I certainly could come up with a few more suggestions if need like maybe he pays your mortgage for a few months or builds you a nice pool!  HA!  Would he be flabbergasted by some of these ideas!  Call the RN and run them by her just for fun!

    GrannyDukes - so sorry for all that has gone on in your life lately.  Of course you have made my prayer list as well as son and BFF.  What a shitty deal huh?

    To the rest of you hooligans, Happy memorial Day and thank you to all of our veterans far and wide!  It just might be a pool day here in North TX.  The kids were in yesterday but i am not ready to sport that bathing suit yet in mixed company.  Me and my crazy Pug, Broadway Rudy Guiliani will be taking a dip soon though.  He's quite a crazy pooch and wakes me each morning between 5 and 6 am to take his hip medicine!  Of course, getting the pills with a fine provolone or a nice muenster might just be his motivation.  Currently we are back in our bedroom and he is snoring away like a champ in his doggy bed after getting his way!

    And to all my Fellow Sister Warriors - Peace, Prayers, Love and Blessings with minimal to no SEs today and into the future.  Now I will STFU and try to go back to sleep for a while.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Cool !

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Hi ladies......came home last night.....this was an "open the pool, clean the house, work weekend........never got out of sweat pants, and long was very cold Friday......wind was 40 miles per, did not open windows either.........Saturday and Sunday were better, but hardly pool or beach next week, gorgeous......very hot....... by the time we go down again it will be ok......the pool will heat takes time cause it is big......22x40.....graduation party for granddaughter, so no shore next weekend.all but one panel

    We washed all the curtains, or should I say " I" washed them....everything good.......well my daughter took the bedroom curtains down, and put them in the washer..........I hear it running and think........she has that washer on fast speed.............went in, turned it to gentle and let it go...........finally it was granddaughter and I went in to take them out of the washer................."CAN I SAY SPAGHETTI ANYONE"............I did not know whether to laugh or cry.........1panel survived.........the others look like Freddy Krueger visited my house and did not like my curtains..............well it gets daughter, who had taken my grandson to the driving range came home..........I showed her........the look on her face was priceless.........this was her comment......"OH MOM, I Will HANG THEM, AND PUT THE SHREDDED PARTS IN THE FOLD"...............needless to say I am looking for new curtains for 2 of the

    So I am home......wanted to avoid the ugly drive back...."TRAFFIC"......and to boot, they are widening the Garden State Parkway, which cuts out a whole lane.........this summer driving back could turn. a 2 hour ride into a 4 1/2 hour ride........

    You know when they ask you a "secret question" as a hint when you forget your password........well one of mine is. WHAT IS YOUR PET PEEVE.........guess what my answer got it.....TRAFFIC.....should be a fun trip home each weekend we go.......oh we'll......SHIT HAPPENS.....

    Have a fun day.........

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    thanks Chickie I got the package, chocolate....but now have mouth sores, OMG does it ever cell phone batter is dead along with my car battery OMG, is not the end of the world, I know, I do have a back up phone and charged it, just have to get ahold of the person who pays for it to get it switched....whatever....

    I know Phy how r u?

    Hey Joan {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone, checking in. Life is good over here, started working as NP intern in pediatric clinic and enjoying having our son home. He's helping us a lot, especially in the garden. Nice long beautiful days.  Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying your long weekend.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited May 2013

    Welcome back, Shaneoak. We've missed you!

    Speaking of missing people - has anyone heard from Charles?

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2013

    Okay, it's been a while since I've logged in and I see several messages from you guys, wondering if I am okay.

    Yes, I am doing great. I had that stroke a few weeks back, but everything is good, although we're still sorting through medical questions.

    I've just been really busy at work and being self-employed it means that I work for a complete asshole slave driver.

    We have cases all over the state and I've been spending a lot of my "free" time on the road.

    I'll try to check in now and then.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    I use my ironing board all the time, sometimes for ironing and sometimes as a shelf....

    Mary {{{{[[hugs}}}}}}}}}Sas

    Shane that is why I like you....shit starter, that would be me also...

    Sas don't they all want there cake and eat it too, well we appreciate you....

    Cam thanks what good hair is falling out but is still purple will be changing the color not sure to what...

    {{{{{{{{{FLOWERS HUGS}}}}}}}}}}]Cool

    DUCKY I never go that way, I only do when going to AC, I got commodore barry bridge....the back way.....glad you had a good time, and now the house it all ready for you, so now you need to get curtains, have fun picking them out....

    going to watch soaps and crochet.....luv you guys....i iwll now STFU!!!  not invited anywhere which is fine....

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    Thanks Charles for checking in and sorry about the stroke, glad you a feeling better tho......

    Hey Shell, thanks to you for check in also...

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Blonde...we always use the Commodore Barry too, but this area is the end of the GS would be the 3 lights before you hit Stone Harbor, North Wildwood, are riding along side Rt. 9,you pass Berdette Tomlin Hosp........also Cape May Zoo.....unless you don't go down that far..........we go to the Rio Grande exit........

    The only way for us to avoid it coming home (this is coming home, not going down)....would be RT. 47 ( a disaster also)..........or go on RT 9 instead of going on the GS Pkwy when you come off of the back roads, which is RT. 50.........and RT 9 is right through Cape May Courthouse......another disaster....

    We're screwed......or one back really late at night...which they'd on, and won't

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited May 2013

    SaS - If you like, PM re: Cymbalta.  (My prescribing doctor is about 150 years old, hard of hearing, and, and, and, etc.)   Janaling

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited May 2013

    Hey, Charles. Thanks for checking in and I am really glad you are doing well.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Hi Gals!  AND Sir Charles!  WTH?  You had a stroke?  I mean how did you know, or how did it affect you?  I'm always worried about that, and just wondered what the "feeling" was....  Were you hospitalized?  Now don't go waitin' another 6 months to let us know.... Here I thought Princess Kantalope had abducted you, because you BOTH were missing!

    Sorry about that stroke.... that's AWful!  Glad your business is doing well...  Road trips, eh?  SURE they are!  Ha, ha!   So do you crank up your stereo and play music and sing while you are driving?  And NO texting.... you hear?

    Here are the "girls" I am chickin sittin' for...

    AND their 2 story Coop!

    And one of Lacee's garden....

    Ducky....  I KNOW!  Sorry about the curtains....  I am so CAREful anymore of the things I put in the washer...  You just have to do it yourself!  Then it will be perfect...Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013