STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Love it Chevy!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Chevy..your garden is beautiful.

    Ya wanna look at my hands and maybe you can figure out what this damn rash is?

    Goin to play with the boys tonite...yay..card game always gives me a lift.

    Tomorrow I start again makin calls to the lawyers.grrrrrr.

    And my GD is goin to get all the medical records from the hospital

    I'm hoping that they didnt alter anything.should have asked Charles if they do that.

    Wish me luck!!!!

    Hugggs everyone...princessPK.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Chevy...WTH.....never saw chickens that looked like that.......they look more like

    Yea on the curtains, but my Nikki busted her ass for 2 days cleaning the is not dirty, cause its closed up the whole time, but it needs something done to make it fresh, and I am not as good as I use to be, so poop out fast......honestly she is a human dynamo.....the place is immaculate.....

    My other daughter came late Friday night, by then the big stuff was done.....but her husband and Nikki's husband open the pool, and that is a big job.....

    Won' be back down for 2 weeks, and with new curtains...I hope.... Still LMAO...

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Home all invites, but that's ok.......enjoying the quiet an my iPad.....

    Appt this week with the Orthped to see about my broken vertebrae.....hopefully something can be done...just hope it's not to late for kyphoplasty. Had that done before, and it worked and was. A walkin the park......

    Watching the news and being glad I left last night......the backups coming back, where they are doing roadwork is take out a whole have problems.......did someone say "road rage".....what a mess...glad I'm home already.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    No Damnit Ducky!  They ARE chickens!  For sure!  Put your glasses on!  They are almost full grown, but won't be laying until maybe July, my other chicken neighbor said.  Pigeons, my a$$! 

    That one DOES look like a pigeon, Ha! 

    Hi Princess and Veggy!  Kantalope, I don't think another attorney would say anything about altered records.... They have to be subpoened.... Maybe find that out, before your GDaughter goes after them?  If they know what you are doing, then anything could happen!  Talk to an attorney first, before you go after them. 

    It's just that I wouldn't trust anybody.... I know you can request records, but it might have to be in writing, etc..... Just do it the right way.

    Maybe they don't even HAVE them anymore.... you know?    If they pulled something that terrible, they could have destroyed everything.  What about your Primary Care Doc...  I don't think they would have the records?  Or even support you, if they know what is going on.....

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    Chevy, DD has chickens and one of hers is the black and white spotted one. One of her chickens went missing and she was worried about coyotes or racoons. Then the group home next door said the clients had made it a pet and loved it. She let them keep it.

    Ducky, Here we don't just take out lanes, we take out bridges. Usually it's in wind storms rather than truck accidents like the current one. The traffic backup is the same however.

    PKK, I agree about not trusting anyone.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    Ducky glad you are back....didn't go out either.....

    Chevy.....whoa what a nice house....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone---busy, busy, busy

    Charles I'm glad u posted to tp let us know u'r doing ll right, well it sounds like u'r dpoing great and u r busy--with traveling and all. That's all good.

    Ducky isn't it wonderful to have everything done? Even with shredded curtain--it's kind of a fashion style u know. But that was great having all that help.

    Chevy those birds look like megachickens to me--they look huge with funny faces. Are u sure u'r feeding them good stuff.? U'r garden does look nice--I know tht's just the strt but it's a good start.

    Wren I agree with u. Now it is simple to change records, nothing is written in it's all computer so it really nakes a difference and if they know u'r coming chances are records might be changed lready.  You know before when things were changed and copied u can tell with a magnifying glass if something was chabged, but not anymore so this is very difficult--and Drs. take another oath that's private watch each others back so unless u have it on tape or something similir it's not easy, that's why people buy those pens with tape or u'r cell phone if it tapes. I'm very bad about these things. Princess I just hope that u find a gutsy lawyer to take this on.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Hi Everyone,

    Great posts today, great home Chevy, hope all is well out the in the free world!  Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!  I have been sitting around the house alot with my broken left foot up on a BIG stack of pillows and the swelling is down quite nicely.  Having more pain than I thought I would so back into the Bride of Frankenstein Boot full-time (except when feet up) and lots more milk, calcium supps. and Vit D-3, pain meds. and a Celebrex once in a while.  Even getting some unprotected sun today to make the Vit D in the skin.  Just 15 mins. a day tho all for skin safety.  Obviously I think we all can agree that we NEVER want to hear that Fu**ing Cancer word again in our life times.  Well, the 52nd. anniversary of my Birthday Month is due this Friday, May 31st.  My Mom & Sis have been concerned that I have been spending so much time in my "cave" and I have not been in the best of moods.  I try to explain: #1 - I have BC; #2 - I am fatter & bald; #3 - I have suffered from mood disorder/depression for 40 years; #4 have just been diagnosed with osteopenia of the hips which I choose to do NOTHING about for now; #5 - lots of behavior probs. with my 17 year old nephew who will not be graduating from his very expensive private H.S. in Dallas as expected this Thursday, May 30th and his retired Navy Captain Dad has been treating me like sh*T, like it is my fault in some way (JERK! - I live with my Sis. and Mr. Retired Captain JERK since November 2012 when I got the BC - so very stressful in the home);  #6 - Left foot is broken and will take 3 months to heal and I drive a VW Jetta 5 speed, stick shift which doesn't make for much cruising on my own.  #7 - I have had 30 years of severe reflux disease and irritable bowel that limits MOST of my pain meds. options and does not mix well with the BC.  Shit, I hate to go on and on but really now?  Their concern is sweet but STFU already, OK?  Well, the good Happy Birthday month news IS......... that I got up today, took a long shower and groomed well and went out for the day with my dear Mom. She has been the driver of the stick shift and has improved greatly from the bump, stall, grind the gears, beep, stall, skip, etc. of just a week ago.  We shared a nice, healthful breakfast (I am eating very small portions these days so as to drop some of this darn chemo. weight and get back into fighting shape).  Tough with the broken foot to exercise a lot but not impossible.  Anyway............. after breakfast Mom and I just happened to drive right up to the front door of the Lewisville VW dealership here in Lewisville, TX. and don't ya know they were open for biz and there were great deals to be had.  So, the ultimate Birthday Month gift that I bestowed upon myself is a 2013 automatic Jetta in a Moon Glow Silver color (perfect for the hippie I have always been) and I drove it off the lot just an hour ago!  Whoooooooo Hooooooooo!  Saved myself $50 a month on the lease payment compared to the 2011 Jetta that I turned in, insurance is dropping due to more safety features, VW makes my first payment for me, I put some money down using my Bank of America credit card that gives me cash back into my checking account automatically as I accumulate points and I have a brand spanking new car with all the bells and whistles and a 3 year bumper to bumper warranty and free service plus better gas milage.  I even met the owner and got him to through in FREE window tinting because of the heat here in BIG TX.!  Can I say Whooooooo Hooooooooo again Sisters!  So now, it's back to somewhat of an austerity program as I can only do a bit of nutrition consulting and won't be working full time again until after the RADS and oophorectomy.  But, WTF, huh?  Who deserves it more than me?  ME, that is who!  Well that is all for this posting and now I will STFU!  Peace!


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Oh a new car-yay!!!!!!!!!Thats always fun. I love my little car. Its a Rav-4. Ive had it for a year and I love it. I was so sick of driving mom-vans. Did the most embarrassing thing today, but you guys will love it. Called my dd on the phone, and this guy answers. I thought it was dd boyfriend, sounded just like him so I said hey,what are you doing? He says sleeping. I say sleeping? at this time of day? Get your ass out of bed. He says who is this? I say you know who this is.. let me talk to Rachel. He says Mam you have the wrong number!EmbarassedNeed you guys in my pocket tomorrow..go in for my ekg before chemo-fingers crossed everything is ok.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Mary u r so silly---I like when the guy said who is it? hahaha I'm sure tomorrow wil go fine really--I know u'll be glad whe it's over--I;m always glad when anythings over.

    Flowers u'r o much--I love it u just got the new car like that. Wonderful and now u can drive u'r self that's even better. OK my speech to u--(with love) If u don't feel like doing anything right now--don't, it's u'r choice u'r body has a lot to heal from and mentally too. When u'r ready to go, go, go u'll know it but pushing it sometimes can make u more miserable--pick and choose what u want. Of course everyone is worried about u but it's u'r decisions--sometimes we need to cacoon ourselves to be open for the better times--and how could this be any of u'r fault about u'r nephew that one I don't get. I know my DD says things to me about Joey (8) that I infuence him so much, well maybe I do but again it's with love nottrouble, anyway I tell my DD to stay out of it--but I can't imagine u doing anything to cause u'r nephew to do anything not right. He's a teenager righ --The worst of times--let's face it. U do whatever it takes to heal and the car sounds like a good start. If u'r truly depressed than please tell u'r Dr. but sometimes we just need our own world to be in and it's not depression. It's acceptance and people take it differently than we feel.

    My grandson is doing his own laundry now--I taght my kids at this age and I see my DD is too. Oh now she agrees with me.

    Anyway Flowers u rant here all u want cuz we get it (as we say) we're here for u always.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    Hey, did any of you girls iron underwear? I grew up ironing underwear and t shirts also! And to the other about the mole being taken off, I was pissed out why my dr. Didn't take a mole off. It was right there, how did he leave it it there?

    Where is our Phyllis tonight? Beatmon

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    OMG...I feel like an ASS right now.....back to that in minute

    Miss Flowers sending you lots of love and big hugs and yay on new CAR!

    Miss Mary Mary....don't sit on your pocket all the way....

    Miss Cam....Amen

    Miss Beatbaby...I hate wrinkles on my underpants (and yes my face too)

    Back to ASS thing...literally...just got rid of most of the bone pain and for the past 24 hours can't leave the bathroom...I swear toxic waste is bubbling out of me non-stop and the mouths sores started...cant eat...cant sleep...

    WTF....I hate cancer today is my motto.

    Affectionately........still Chickiepooped

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Beatmon Phylladodo is probably resting or out having a good time--she'd better check in soon.

    U actually ironed underwear--Oh my stars u worked hard, I never thought of that. Altho I did do alot of ironing when I was young my mom taight me then she rented me out for anyone who wanted ironing done--godd thing I didn't learn well cuz that little business of hers went down the drain quickly. So as an adult I hated to iron, among other things. LOL

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Yes, and ironed hankies too, and the dish too if they stood still long

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited May 2013

    Chickie, I don't have any suggestions to offer - I just hate it that you are having such a tough time.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Me too Miss Savigirl...I want off this rollercoaster

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    What a busy bunch of hooligans!  Haven't had a computer handy since last Sunday and it's too hard to keep up on my iPhone.  Just finished all 10 pages.

    Sas, Thanks for the PM about the survey.  I had a dog but she didn't act any different when I was diagnosed.

    Got back from my trip to Colorado last night.  The whole family was together to attend a niece's "graduation" from 8th grade and nephew's graduation from high school.  My mother and MIL were too busy being enchanted by their first great-granddaughter to say anything stupid to me.  I had "the look" ready, just in case.  I felt your support around me, even though out of touch.  You were all in my thoughts and prayers. 

    So sorry to hear about Red.  

    Veggy, great news!  

    Shellshine, Is this internship part of your clinical experience or a "real" job?  Glad everything is going well for you.

    Hope you all are safe and sound.  

    Hugs to all!!

    Edited to add:  Welcome to all the new folks.  

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Mary - I'm in your pocket. Bringing brownies.

    GMA - Hi!

    Yay for the new car. I'd never trade in my standard for an automatic.

    My mom used to iron underwear, bras and pillowcases. She also had a wringer washer and breast feed me while she put the clothes through the wringers. Maybe that's why I am tall?!

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2013

    Hi cymbernadi, I understand how you can miss your work and the normalcy of things in NY.  I went on a routine checkup in February--and found out I had BC.  Told my students one week before I had surgery in March.  Cried with them and told them I planned to return  two weeks after surgery.  Well that did not happen. I felt so guilty and wanted so bad to go back.  I did not know how long it would take me to heal especially with the TI--so I lost the last two months of teaching and they movwed on to another grade with a sub.  I felt disconnected from my job for the first time in 18 years.  Can't wait to go back to work after summer break.  Just hoping my PI and last surgery is done by then.   Hang in there, yourself!!

    Julianna, thanks for the  newbie welcome!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited May 2013

    I had to iron underwear, hankies, pillowcases.  At least Mom didn't insist on ironing sheets! 

    I do remember scorching Dad's white shirt one time.  Mom was out of town at a conference somewhere and Dad and I were watching TV while I ironed.  It was Harry Belefonte's first variety show and he was dancing.  I was mesierized.  When the dance was over I looked down to see an iron shaped burn on the back of the shirt.  I looked at Dad and he had a big smile on his face.  He just said "My little girl is growing up!"  He insisted on wearingg the shirt the office the next day but he must have disposed of it before Mom got home because she neveer said anything about it.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    I hate to change the subject but before I send my GD to go pick up the records if they were already altered...time is ot on my side..I'm waiting to speak to 2 different lawyers tomorrow....everyday counts.

    Can the drs.change the records.i do have on tape that there was supposed to be a dr.from the Netherlands performing the failed surgery.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited May 2013


    Call your onc ask for magic mouthwash. Won't heal the sores, but WILL make your mouth and throat feel a whole lot better!!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013


    The doctors can change the record that they print out.  Any changes on the electronic record will show up but only on the electronic record.  If there were changes, I don't think they would remember or be smart enough to go back and change every report.  Be sure to get all of the reports sas(?) suggested. 

    Sorry you have to go through this.  What happened to morals and ethics?

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Thanks j.can we get the electronic records?

    This is like shoveling shit against the comes back in your face.

    Oh what to do....

    As usual I'm itchy and my ha ds are still shakin.

    I need answers before my GD makes this trip.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited May 2013

    I know you post of over a year old, but I think I love you.  You said it all, sister.  I actually had one stupid friend say, "what the heck are you worried about?  I would be happy to get rid of this huge things, they just get in my way.  You need to move on."  I swear she said that to me! I haven't spoken to her since.  People are so thoughtless. I keep trying to tell myself they mean well, but.....

    Anyway, thank you for the laugh.  I hope you are doing well now

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Luck princcess u. right tho u have to get right on this.

    Welcome back Juliaanna it's good u'r back, but I bet u did have a good time and everyone was busy so u didn't have to splain u'rself.

    I see u all on the rollercoaster now, it not a fun one so sorry but it does pass. I should talk I'm still being chased by one. LOL

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    Granny, You can ask them to print out the entire record including the corrections, addendums.  Otherwise, it may take the lawyers to subpoena the records/computers.

    You are a very remarkable woman to take on this challenge on behalf of your son.  (As if you don't have enough on your own plate)   I'd want you in my corner, anytime!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Thanks J..ill go to bat for you anytime..