STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Veggy, LMAO

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Re: ironing...there was a time when an iron and ironing board was considered a toy. 

    my mom had a huge ironing basket; it was always full.  nothing got ironed.  my brother used to pay me to iron his shirts.  never underwear....
    we don't iron.  that's what putting stuff back in the dryer is for. 

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    I had one of those toy irons. It worked, well it didn't get very hot. My father was afraid that I would burn myself and cut the cord off it. I never played with it after that. It didn't work.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Thanks for saying hi Blondie and Julianna. Blondie - I love to see you posting so often, does my heart good! Julianna - did you do ok with  DM and MIL?  I am in the last part of my program - 210 hours of pediatric clinic doing physical exams and diagnosing and treating fevers, colds, ear infections, sprains, etc. under a pediatrician's training,  then will have my Family Nurse Practitioner degree. Started last Friday, it will go by fast, need to start job hunting. Thanks for the greetings!

    Princess PK - Your grandson should sign a medical release  requesting all his medical records from the beginning of treatment until now. They will probably charge by the page if the records go directly to him or your GD. If an attorney requests them,  I think they may be free but I'm not certain. Next you find a really good attorney, RN, NP or PA to review them and see if the current standard of medical care was met. Attorneys usually have a medical person on staff who do this for them. If the standard of care was not met, you have a case. It is an arduous process (I've been through it as a patient with massive blood clotting from fertility drugs - wasn't worth it in the long run - settled out of court for low 6 figures, after the attorney took out expenses and their 1/3 cut I think I got about $10,000). It was a lot of blood sweat and tears - wouldn't go through it again, but this is for your family so you might feel differently.

    Good luck and LMK by PM if you need any further guidance.


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Shell, that's so awesome that you are in the home stretch of your training.  That is a lot of hours; like when I was a student teacher...had to observe 100 hours and student teach 100 hours...long haul.  You will not regret this investment of time...and you've done so darned well on the should have no problem getting a job.  Good luck!

    Chevy, those chickens look really good....and that I've lived in places not half as nice.  You spoil them...  my co-worker has chicks that lay very blue eggs....I never heard of that before..but seeing is believing.

    Cluck cluck good night...

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Veggy, re: toy iron cord...I picked up my toy iron by the cord and swung it around and around and hit my next door neighbor kid in the head with the iron...needless to say I never played with my iron after that...   She later bit me in the back when I was lying on a swing...brutal memories!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    Toy Irons- I had a real one (small size) that my grandmother used.  She would put it on the coal stove to heat up.  Mom always had a basket full of laundry.  She would "sprinkle" the clothes-dampness helped with the wrinkles.  (Lots of cotton, no permanent press).  I got the privilege (?) of ironing the hankies, pillowcases and tablecloths.  If we didn't get all the ironing done, she would put it in the fridge,in a plastic bag to keep moist.  All the laundry was hung on the line.  I still think line dried towels and sheets are the best!  Loved the crispness and the fresh smell.

    Pleasant dreams, one and all.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Thanks to ALL of my fellow hooligans for the good thoughts and well wishes.  I so enjoyed reading the posts made by lots of U since I was on-line earlier.  MY opinion about the BC, family probs., sick friends, un-yielding SEs et al is that 

    THE WORLD IS A VAMPIRE!  (good song too, no?)

    Now generally, I am intrigued by Vampires and the like but often life is just a bit over done or come on like a landslide all at once.  So glad I can say STFU while feeling healthy & stronger each day and getting confident enough to B successful with a job again soon.  Started a free yoga class for BC patients and survivors last Wed. and that is what I started to feel and think while in a nice, peaceful meditative start for a hot minute or 2.  Not bad for someone who can whine with the best of them.  Yoga will now always B a essential part of my life.  I really enjoyed it for a zillion reasons.

    Ok, gotta go check on the Baby (new car) before I hit the bed hard soon.....  Peace and a good short work week to those lucky enough to be out there 52+ weeks a year!  HUGS and in your pockets with dark chocolate for those needing it! (a boost).  Thanks again ALL!


    PS - when is this insomnia going to let up?  OK, now I will STFU!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Thanks Joan. I am logging about 40 hrs a week, so should be done by the first week in July. It feels good to be on the home stretch!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Miss Shell...congrats...sounds fun on your (new?) career.

    Ive been up most of night with my toxic waste dumping....does this happen each treatment? Ugh

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    Princess K!  Okay, maybe try this.... Call the records department of the Hospital....  And demurely ask them if you could get a copy of your Son's records of his surgery.....


    Ask if you have to sign, and you could pick them up.   If they get wind of what is going on, it might be harder. 


    But if they ask why, tell them you need them because you are going to another Doctor for advice, and possible surgery, and you need to have the first reports.


    I think we've all tried to get copies/xrays, and you DO have to sign, but if your surgeon or Doctor finds out, and knowing how they screwed up, it might be harder without a court order. 


    Wren, those chickens are really cool, Ha!  And yes, someone else said they made one a "Pet."...  My OTHER chicken neighbor Rachael, who has 3 chickens, picks hers up, and holds them & pets their bellies, and thinks they are her cats!    She let them out of their pen, and they went running over to the grassy area, and started digging & scratching under the bushes for "things!"  Man, dirt was flying everywhere!


    Cammi!  NO-SIR!  They don't have funny faces.... do they?  They just have beaks, and these things that are growing on top of their little heads!  Must have them checked out.  Maybe a Dermatologist?


    Flowers it is so fun reading what you talk about!  I think you need a couple MORE things wrong with you!     And a BIRTHDAY on top of it!  Congratulations girl! 


    A NEW CAR!!!  I bought my first NEW car in 1999!  Still have it!  But yes, it is a stick.  REAL women drive sticks, you know!  We know how to power shift, burn rubber at 15 miles per hour, and flip off the best of them!  We can open the hood, the trunk, and load more stuff into a little trunk than any man on the road.


    But yes, next time it will be an automatic.  Just so I don't have to listen to "Let the CLUTCH out."  And "Give it some gas!"  And 'You're going to burn the clutch out.!  STFU!   Just Get In, Sit DOWN, and STFU!

    Sometimes I'm not sure WHO is driving this car! 

    See, I paid for it with my Dad's money, I DRIVE it, because I am a better driver, and I don't hot-rod it around! 

    I've white-knuckled that '57 Chevy dash-board tooooo many times to even THINK of riding with him in MY car!  I trust Me!   He's much older now, but I still don't trust his driving.


    MaryellenDON'Tknow how to use a phone.....  THAT was priceless!  How fun!  So you SHOULD have said, "Okay, never mind...go put your ass back into bed, I'll call you later!"  Ha, ha!


    Chickers!  Sooooo sorry about all that!  Just take books, a sandwich, a quart of pine-sol, 10 cans of air freshener and call it a day.   And listen to Janis Joplin....


    You guys that ironed!  WTH?  It was hard enough ironing everything else, without ironing all that other stuff, that is just hidden under stuff ANYway. 

    Yes, I used to sprinkle the clothes, put them in a bag in the refrigerator, and then iron it all!  We sure made a lot of work for ourselves, right? 


    I think that was before dryers anyway... I still fluff the clothes in a dryer for about 5 minutes, then hang them on our one clothesline, or on a rack, or just on hangers, to finish drying.   So not that much ironing.   I supposed you all ironed socks?


    Dwilli... sorry about losing your students...  It's just hard, moving on from people you care about.. You WILL move on.... I promise!


    Chabba, that was sweet about what your Dad said...  He KNEW you were afraid he would get mad....


    Princess, is there anyway you can Google up that Nederland bogus surgeon guy, and see if there is any info on the Internet?  And if there are any pending law-suits THERE???   Just a thought.


    Welcome Goldie!  Your "friend" deSERVED to lose you, along with a much needed smack on top of her head!  She was pretty stupid to say something like that!  I know we ALL have them in our lives, but just shut them out.... No, she didn't mean well... she was just being hateful.


    Morning SHELLS!!!  You deserve caps for saying hi, Ha!  That was good advice for Princess....  Hope you have been alright! 


    No, Joan,  you can't have my chickens!  Don't say they "look good"...  They might hear you.  Yes, I was told one or two WILL lay blue eggs.  My other chicken neighbor gave me a bluish and even a pale green egg!  Very good, all of them!


    Okay, getting light out now...  gonna go feed the "girls!"  xoxoxoxo




  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2013

    Good morning ladies!

    My husband threw his back out yesterday afternoon. Again. We spent from 5:00 pm until 1:30 in the ER ugggggg -thank goodness that our 3 kids are old enough to stay home by themselves. Have 2 off to school already, need to shower nd be ready to get the 3rd up and rolling to elementary school then start calling around for doctor appointments and figuring out how I can get youngest to his baseball game, middle one to and from ballet- of course, complete different dire toons and at the exact same's not easy for me to assist my 6'4" 235 lb husband in and out of bed etc...... Thank goodness it isn't soon after umx or reconstruction !

    I'm sure ill have some good stfu stories when I can take a breath!

    Hopefully,I can catch up on posts while I'm waiting with him at doctor appointments. Sigh

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Oh do be careful today! Find a neighbor or friend to assist???? Don't be too proud to ask for help! Praying he gets better quickly!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Good morning all of you hooligans and soon-to-be-hooligans!  I'm here and much less of a mess than I have been. 

    So glad that Shellybelly checked in!  And I see we have some new hooligans-in-training!  How wonderful!

    Chicklet, please talk to onc about the Big D.  If you don't like what he says, come back here.  We have great ideas but can't prescribe for beans.  Something about a degree..or a license?    Chemopoop and Chemofarts are FOUL!  I've warned my sister that when she comes to my house, she will never know what hit her.  She could be down for the count. I will know though.  Laughing

    I've had a week off of Zelda and you'd think I would be feeling good.  NO!!  I suck.  This is so kicking my ass.  I'm still taking Claritin and it takes care of most of the muscle and joint pain.  I use tylenol when that's not enough.  The nausea has settled down, which is very good.  I'm still so, so tired though. 

    Yesterday was pretty good.  I got up and did all my stretches, then cooked a little.  I made a pot of black beans for this week and some deviled eggs for our holiday dinner last night.  Also did a little housework (ick).  And guess what???  I IRONED!!  I have about 5 blouses that look exponentially better with a little ironing.  Mostly they just hang in my closet being wrinkled.  I thought it was hilarious that you guys were discussing ironing while I was ironing. 

    Hey!  It looks like I really did a lot so I'll quit complaining and STFU about it!

    I have labs today at 1 pm to determine if Zelda and I will dance again this week.  She's such a bi**ch!!  If I have to put up with her, she'd better be worth it!  Oh wait, does that count as a complaint?

    I spent a little time with the grandnephews yesterday.  My favorite from Coen (4 1/2 yrs): " Aunt Phiyus!  Aunt Phiyus!  Yook at my fish! He breaves YAVA!"  Yep, he had a lava-breathing carp that he was coloring.  Very exciting!  No wonder I needed a nap.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Shell u've worked so hard and u'r on the last leg is right--so proud of u and it is good advice for Princess,

    Chevy u too with good advice, even tho u;r main jobe is chicken Master.

    Merlcat tell us what happens with u'r DH back and what they do.

    Goldie we must have posted at the same time, and WELCOME ro our goofy family--u'll love it here really post often and whatecer u want--we are caring and silly too sometimes.

    ChickaD I'm sorry u'r having a bad tim--there is no timing on this whole mess =--it is wht it is and different for all of us, but yet kind of the same--Sounds silly but u know what I meant.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Yay, my brother is here looking at my porch, does not sound to promising, evidently the people who built the house did not know what they were doing, but at least he is going to try....lots of off angles and roof slope is weird. We'll see. Off to do ekg, and chemo if everything is ok with ekg. Dont go until 3 so Im going a little nutty right now. This heart stuff is for the birds. Its scary cause there are no symptoms to look for with this particular problem, except for fainting. They rely solely on the ekg,so if its good this week doesnt mean it will stay that way. Im suppossed to stay stress free-ha.Oh well, wish me luck!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh Mary of course good luck but I love when they say stay stress free---sounds easy to them, they're just telling u wht u need, but to put it in practice hmmm nt as easy.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    My Mom (and therefore me) ironed everything but sox. My Dad's knit undershirts, sheets, bath towels, you name it, we ironed it. She had a hysterectomy the summer my period started. I can still remember ironing those sheets in front of the swamp cooler with cramps so bad I could barely stand up. I do have to say that she embraced permanent press and dryers as soon as they were available.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2013

    Hi Hooligans,

    Mary thinking of you today, any news?

    Flowers, Happy Birthday :)

    Shellshine congratulations!!! That last clinical will go so fast ;) I think u will be an amazing peds NP. U will help so many moms and dads too. U are such a patient advocate. I am glad to have u on my side.

    ChickaD I had the Big D all the way through chemo :( but Imodium would help sometimes had to take about 12 tabs a day. Two times I had to go in to get a fluid. It really helped me when I couldn't keep anything in. I am so glad the bone pain has stopped. But if its not one thing it's another.

    Humm ironing well I have that wonderful chore a couple of times a week. Trying to save money... Our new washer & dryer has a steam feature but I still end up ironing. Any words of advice??

    Hope everyone is having a good day or at least able to manage pain and SE's. I am having anxiety off and on. My surgery date is hanging over my head. I know the right side off just worried about how aggressive this all is... All of the remaining questions will be answered. Thank u for letting me vent, now I will STFU ;)

    ShaneOak loved your post sorry that happened. Wanted to thank u for starting this thread! It helped me laugh when I really needed it!! Give us an update on what the Dr says. I am with the other hooligans a car or pool sounds good. I would like to add a spectacular vacation!! Maybe Bora Bora ;)

    Healing prayers and hugs ;)

    Sweat Pea

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    To the ladies that ironed: do u also remember wiping of the clothes line everyday before hanging the clothes on them? And the blue jean stretcher forms? I press a few things theses days...dh shirts good shirts go the laundry. Thank god for permanent press and iPad!

    And granny dukes, only the person that had the surgery will be able to pick up medical records unless you have a signed release. And the people in medical records probably could care less that he wants his records other than it is work for them....they very seldom have interaction with surgeons anymore since everything is electronic.they copied off my chart which will be a lot smaller in 2 minutes. It had every electronic entry, every person that even looked at the record..very complete.BE

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Beatmon!  That sounds about right....about picking up the records!  Also Princess, would any of this information help you?




    And yes, I DO remember wiping off the clotheslines, AND those metal pant-stretchers!  Ha, ha!   And my Grandma used to use vinegar in the rinse water, to help get the soap out... or pickle the clothes, whichever came first!


    Sweet Pea.... I never dry clothes until they are dry.... hardly ever..... Get a folding clothes rack, or hang a line, or put them on hangers AFTER putting them in the dryer for about 5 minutes!  That fluffs them up, gets the wrinkles out, and you don't need to run the dryer that whole time.


    We hung a line from the house to the garage.... Or find some where you can hang one.  They have all different kinds.... Or else just get a metal clothes rack!  They hold up the best.


    Yes Wren!  Those God-awful cramps!  I remember laying on the couch at the phone company with a hot water bottle, trying to survive the PAIN!  And we took Midol, or Excedrin Plus?   Those cramps just doubled you over.


    Hi Phillisiness!  Man, you are going through a TERRIBLE time!  I'm just sorry~!

    But do you mind me asking WTH is a lava-breathing carp?  I have not ever HEARD of that before!  YOU just made that up!  I KNOW it!
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    The picture just changed...called 3 different Drs. And 2out of the three said no case because he had brain surgery 35 yrs.ago.Just waiting to see what #3 lawyer says.Soo I don't need any records cause my son will not do anymore surgeries.

    Thank you everyone of you for all the support and help you have given me.

    Hugggs,love and kisses

    Princess purple kantalope.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    I remember wiping down the clothesline before hanging clothes and the pant stretchers.  Mom had a "suds-saving" feature on her machine.  We started with the whites and hot water.  The wash water would get "saved" in the tub and reused until it was cold or too dirty to reuse-usually had to add a bit of fresh water each time to fill the washer.  Always clean rinse water.  She used Fels-Naphtha Soap or Ivory Snow- no detergent.  Had to be sure it was dissolved in the water or you had white residue on your clothes.

    Just got back from caring for my GD (13 months).  It is my regular gig on Tuesday morning so she doesn't have to go to daycare for 1/2 day.  Now onto the dentist to have a prep for a new crown.  This one in 25 years old and was only a 1/2 crown.  Now I get to have a whole one.  Going to ask for the old crown-it's gold and I paid for it.  Maybe I can sell it for a few dollars!

    Hope everyone is having a decent day.  Look forward to more conversation later.

    Granny- please take care.  Your son should probably get a copy of his records anyway.  You never know when he might need them.

    Signing off from the cool, windy and rainy Pacific NW.  (When does summer get here?)


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    Of course you have to wipe down the clothesline. Between birds and blowing dust, it was too dirty for clothes. I did use the blue jean stretchers. Mom used vinegar in the clothes rinse and in my hair rinse. Really hard water in OK.


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Zelda and I will NOT have a fling this week.  My WBC and ANC are up.  My RBC and hemoblobs are down a bit but not too bad.  I won't be dancing with Zelda because of neuropathy.  Does that suck or what?  I'm not sure whether to be mad because I can't take it or happy because I don't have to take it.

    I have Ixempra/Xeloda scheduled for next Tuesday when I see the MO.  An alternate MO because my MO is on vacation.  The fill-in onc today wants to wait until I see the other fill-in onc next week to decide if we will reduce Zelda dose more. 

    I'm going to go take a lorazepam and find a picture of a Yava Breaving Carp for Chevy.

    flowers - yippee on the new car!  And Happy, happily birthday! I love driving a stick.  I gave it up a couple of years ago when my little 1996 Pontiac Sunfire lost its A/C.  the cost of repairing the A/C was the down payment on my current Impala.  I do miss it though.  Sometimes I still reach for the gear shift and feel my left foot reaching for the clutch.

    Ironing - I remember coming home from school in the first grade and ironing pillow cases.  I would never, ever have remembered that except one day while I was sweating and ironing, a BOY called me!  This might not shock other girls and moms but I was a complete hooligan in those days. A tomboy hooligan and I could spit further and run faster than anyone else in my school. And I was a smart-mouth.  Shocking, I know.   A boy calling me?  He must have taken a hit to the head...or he was a slow learner.  I remember his name - Garry Walden.  Looking back, I think he was brave!

    Beatlymon!  I love your photo!  You're so cute.  Permanent press and Ipad, YES! I'm waiting for the 3-D printers to print me some new clothes.  I'm sure I will be able to afford the ink.

    Wren - that's awful!  I will call CPS for you.

    Joan - You were a hooligan back then too!  I loved your story...then she bit you!

    Merlicue - how is the husbing?  Tell him he must get well FAST.

    goldie - welcome! 

    uh oh - I think I need a nap now. 

    BTW, chemo nurse that did blood draw for labs today loved my little "low battery" temporary tattoo next to my port.  She said, "You're so funny!"  I think she meant "You're so freekin' weird!"


  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    My mom would hang the wet clean clothes out on the line in winter. Sometimes the sheets would crack in half. We would have clothes hanging from the curtain rods in the kitchen. Later my father got a pellet gun and I would shoot the clothes pins. Mom would yell.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    rofl veggy!  I'm sad that I didnt have a pellet gun.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    chevy - okay, maybe I made it up.  But Coen was convinced he was coloring a lava breathing fish.  Later he cried because nobody in that house could draw a baby shark for him to color.  Well, I drew one, but it looked a lot like a smashed cracker from one of those bags of cheddar goldfish.  He was not impressed with me.  3 adults in the house and nobody could draw a baby shark.  What losers!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited May 2013

    juli, if we're lucky we'll get summer on a weekend this year!

    Anyone else ever have to hang laundry out to dry in below zero weather?  One time my hands were so cold and numb that I dropped one of Grandma's embroidered dish towels.  It had frozen and it broke.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Oh Damnit Phillopastrypiecrustshell.... Show him this one!

    Or even THIS one!

    Okay, print this one out, then trace it, or draw the outline, .... oh hell, wait a minute....