STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Cami I told you , you were smart. You've spread wisdom seeds all over the earth.

    "OK my wisdon has been spread like the seed upon the earth to grow and prosper."

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    A young man was interviewed here on TV. He had recently moved into the state. When asked how long he had lived in Oklahoma, he answered " about 5 tornadoes"...oh, about a week. Poor guy, I think he is moving! Possible bad weather the next 2 days also. As long as we have electricity, my wireless works in the shelter. All of you sweetheart hearts take care with your chemos. Wish we could be there to go with you.

    My BFF daughters friend had bil. Last week at age 32. She has dcis on one side and invasive on the other. Please say a prayer for. She has 2 small Children.I am going to introduce her to bco. BE

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Finished the premeds, and just started running the Ixempra. 3 more hours. Doc lowered the Zelda dose, but I'm back on it.

    Phyllo with the chemo juice flowing

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Wow , so much going on..everyone is worried about something, but we have our Cami with her ever inspiring words of ya girlfriend

    Mericat....God Bless the kids with their size....because of the history, make sure they are ok.....not that I needed to say that.....just reassurance I guess.....

    Beat mom.....prayers for your friend, and tell her to come join us.....she is welcome to the nuthouse.....could have never gotten through this without my is wonderful, but after a while they forget what a battle we go dear friends never do.....never get tired of listening....never get tired of tell her to come enjoy a few "nuts".......

    I am on pins and needles about the kids.....keep looking at the clock, and I am sure no result of the testing is a blood draw.....Sean may have to get an MRI of his Aorta.....dear Lord let this be good news....

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited June 2013

    Mary, That's horrible to have your insurance go south. What would you have to do to have medicaid declare you disabled?

    Ducky, When will they have the results? Sending loving kindness to surround all of you.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Okay Sassy..... what do I have bad,.... Or WHAT did you say???  Or did YOU have it bad, or whatever?  If you do, I'm sorry.... for something...Wink

    So good to hear from you all....  I've been working outdoors, AND straightening up the garage, and getting rid of my 10 huge cook-books I have made.  I collected recipes.... from my high-school cooking class, My Grandma and my Mom.....  Even made both Daughters cook-books with their favorite recipes. 

    But you know, you can find anything on the Internet!  So they just have to go....  I'm only saving some favorite's and the plastic sheets the recipe's were in.  For something, but I don't know what FOR yet.... Ha! 

    Marywhat.... Maybe you can have them declare you disabled, and maybe another type of insurance will pick you up???  Just like the President declares a disaster area, you can claim a disability for state or federal help?   I have declared my hands a disaster.   But I can't do anything about them....  They just ARE.

    But you gals that are going through chemo AND radiation, MY prayers are with you.....  Just keep posting and talking to us....

    MY NEIGHBORS ARE GOING OUT OF TOWN AGAIN FOR ANOTHER DAMN WEEK!  Don't those people ever stay home?????  And I can't say anything like "You people think you are Hippies slash  gypsies and farmers, and why the hell don't you stay home and take care of your damn OWN damn farm?" AND CAT!!!!   I don't get paid.... I am just a good neighbor.... but a Starbucks card would be nice once-in-awhile!  

    Oh well....  They say thanks, but it gets a little old.... I think.  I took the Hens  a couple little cinnamon powdered sugar donuts.... they were my Husbands.  He said if you give them any more of my donuts we are going to have cinnamon flavored fried chicken! 

    I thought he didn't see them mixed in with the celery and watermelon.... Ha!  So I feed them, even when I'm not responsible for them....  but STILL!  If they lay eggs, I'm gettin' them, and they are NOT!!!   I will eat them, and pretend I don't know a thing.  That's what I will do.  I will be the neighborhood chicken-egg snatcher! 

    Okay.... gotta get busy....  love you guys! xoxoxoxo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    roll call list is on PG 175, I haven't been good lately about catching it up. But did notice Dvrgirl and Kathindic haven't posted. Mostlymom doesn't usually post here, at least for along time. She sent her info to be added. Dwililiy as you noticed changed her avatar. Very happy she did. It's a self protection thing. TOO many lurkers that may use what we write in the wrong way. All you Cunninghams and Fonz's probably best if you PM me updates for rollcall. Pm's can act as a check list. Should have minimum 2 contacts PKK odd you say I posted on FB, I hadn't for months, did this Sunday cuz DS hadn't called. But otherwise not for months.

    Just feeling lonesome for all you guys, wishing you were all here, wishing none of you had to go through this bunk, wishing you didn't have all the problems. Gonna take back what I said about not talking about DDBF. I realized I'm slipping back to depression. I am going to a counselor, but the other necessary thing to stop it from happening is talking. Preferably live, but this page does help to sort out stuff.

    Many people have mentioned LE, with many saying to go to LE thread. That's great advice. If you don't see me jumping in on something, it's b/c I don't tread where I lack knowledge unless I do a search.

    BTW Stacey, please, if you can fit in a search on Evidenced Based Research on Shoulder Immobilization Post Mastectomy. I did full range of motion within 10 hours of BMX, b/c I couldn't locate any info supporting evidence of the immbolization. Some of these things can go back decades and decades without any science behind them. In the case of MX it may go back to the start in the 1890's. The treatments are done b/c they have always traditionally have been done that way. I could be dead wrong, but I think that is what happened with this. The resultant problem is disability of the shoulder post op and through recovery that may  be avoided. You are our only one going through sx right now. Perhaps we can help you avoid one of BC's troubles. Stacey, an example, that supports the point. The first evidence based study on Digitalis was done in the late 1990's. It was used for  a couple of centuries by orthodox medicine that followed the use from healers before that. Then BINGO someone said Duh Digitalis's efficacy has never been studied.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    I could not get on last nite.first on the puter it said this server is not workin i went to the ipad...same thing...i was pissed so i did my exercises and went to sleep.missed 3 pages and i dont remember anything.

    i did go for a blood test this morning.tomorrow i go to the surgeon who did the only a month late.Then thurs i go to see the friggin dentist who tried to squeeze more $$$$ until i screamed.funny how fast they got me an appt.fri i am getting all this hair cut off.then goon try the purple week it starts all again...reg physical thats way overdue and get blood work results....and i freekin have to wait till tues to see the PT.

    yeah im still wearin the compression bra,the big swell thing plus a bra on top of it.Thanks to this stupid rash and the prednisone.grrrrrrr.

    i read every post and all i can remember is duckys...prayin for your GS.prayin real hard.Damn will this shit ever end....i hate those damn drs...each and everyone of them...

    end of workin up a sweat just thinkin of it...And my breast is still like a kantalope...

    ill be back.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Gran.....our the best.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Wren, not urge how soon they get is CHOP, so I am sure it won't be long....they are on the ball at that place......they see it all.....thanks or the prayers....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Stacey going to put abstract or links here as I find them so, come back to this box prn.

    citations: 20,64,65,67,68,69.70.71,72

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited June 2013

    Ok, I just had trouble signing on.......because I wasn't spelling breast correctly. Somewhere they snuck an 'a' into the word. I think the BCO server was having trouble last night. I was reading when it just went away.

    I had my eyes checked this morning. It's sunny and luckily I had 2 pr sunglasses and wore them both.  He said the cataract in my right eye is progressing quickly and will need surgery within 1-2 years.  The one in the left is slower. I'm likely to need new glasses again in a year. He said not to get the deluxe package cause they're going to change.

    I've also been having nausea, presumably from the Arimidex. If it keeps up they'll prescribe something. I'm already taking so many meds that I worry about a dangerous reaction. They're all in my HMO's computer, so at least the biggies are checked.

    Now that I've aired my miniscule complaints, I'll STFU. Hugs to all.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Since so many of us had trouble with "computers" last night, it sounds like it was BCO instead.

    Wren, I take Arimidex, too, and was feeling nauseated. I take it in the morning along with a ginger capsule and that seems to work. MO said ok plus to take it with food.

    Spending the day caring for GD. Life is good.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Just heard from MO and will start on a new chemo Thurs. Ixempra, I think Phil is also on it. Anybody else? Im really glad to be starting on something tho,Its hard knowing you have cancer, but to be able to see the tumors (on my chest wall) getting bigger was scaring the hell out of me. Hoping this is my magic bullet....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Wren, Don't assume HMO checking interactions. I did assume and it almost killed me. That's why I do my own. I know it's being done. Just for a lark Pm me your list and I'll run yours through genelex's youscript.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Wren don't ever say any of u'r cpmplaints are small--they are all impacting our lives in some way. So at this point nothing is small.

    Ducky u';; probably get the results tomorrow---we;ll all keep our fingers crossed and prayers in our hearts.

    Chevy not the damn chickens sgain--can't u put chains on these people so they can't leave the house almost like Phylochemo. No pictures or silly pictures of chickens I don't like them. LOL

    Ok today starts chemo time for u gals--I;m sorry really--we're here to do the countdown and comfort u tho.

    Ok so far I've schedule tomorrow has been sll figured out for sure--Dr, Blood Panels and urine test and today my meds were all figured out and another BIG thing got taken care of--So after tomeorrow no Dr.s for at least another week. YYY AAYYY--I just stikk hate all this stuff, I was much better the first 3 yrs. now forgetaboutit. I'm a bitch. Not to act like a shhh type but the BIG thing is my GF whom will go straigt to heaven helps me bigtime. So stress is somewhat taken away from me. The surprise to her is that I keep on living hahaha and she's going broke from me. Good things we are such good friends. That's why I've sid I'm so blessed my friends just do so many things for me without a thought. And my family too--God blessed me that way.

    I've been on this one post for 1/2 hr. cuz I was talking to my BIL, SIL, GF and another GF--so zi'll STFU for now

    I'llbe back,

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    GMA please don't give up on your passion. I am with the other hooligans when I say put it away for a while. Maybe you could help teach or be a mentor. You have a wealth of information. I tell my self that this too shall pass. I hold this to be true for you.

    Flowers I am sending you strength. I have rads coming up after surgery. Just think you are blasting all those micro cells that none of the tests can detect. I hear it takes longer to set up. We will be in your pocket cheering you on. I wish I could give you a hug. I am scared too.

    Sass thank you for the links. My surgeon said she wanted me to reach for things and movement use just not above 90 degrees. As the date grows near I am so nervous :( it's hard when you know too much. But I know I gotta do what I gotta do.

    Merrcat snd ducky I am praying that the doctors do all the testing and then the genetic testing to see if your family had the marfans gene. With proactive doctors hopefully they can lessen your fears. I am so sorry you have to worry about this.

    Sending healing hugs to everyone

    Sweet Pea

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Ok, talked to my daughter....this is what she said.....this (woman) Dr at CHOP said..let me tell you the will be a little long, and to some boring, I'm sure.

    Me...are you still there

    Nikki...I don't know anything yet...

    Me...ok, are you with the kids in. Room.


    Me..did she evaluate them yet...

    Nikki...yes, said you should br tested for the BC gene.

    Me...who me

    Nikki.....yes, you and Sean's Mom as well......

    Me...I was told not necessary...

    Nikki.....she said, yes you should because of Nannie dying of Colon cancer, mostly for Makayla's sake

    Nikki....ok, Dr just came in...All is good, however having blood drawn on Sean just to be absolutely certain. Marfans, nothing

    Me...neither of them....

    Nikki....both, nothing, but no blood draw for Makayla

    Me...why is she jot positive he is ok

    Nikki.....she says they have no Connective Tissue Disorder by exam, but Dr Dormans may ask for proof for Sean which is the blood draw, and a couple signs are there, but nothing significant. He is a stickler or proof.

    Do God is good....but no rest for me till the bloodwork comes back.......however his woman Is thee Chief Geneticist at Children's Hospital of Phila, so I am sure she would not have said he wasn't ok before the bloodwork came back if she was not sure...Lord I hope so........all your prayers you guys.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    Well all i remember is someone is doin rads today...I did the rads.33tx.Its not as bad as everyone thinks it is...i was told it was a walk in the park...not exactly but i was just tired at the end...i did listen to my the T and the sistas were very helpful.Check out the rads thread.just remember the ones who have an easy time are not hollering and screaming...knowledge is power.

    Did I read anyone was missing?thanks for reminding me to check once again on our Torigirl.

    For all of you remember every nite i pray for a cure/vacine....

    Funny how my entire body fell apart after the bc.Everything i had came back in full bloom.

    ill be back

    princess Kantalope(purple)

    Oh joan where are you?

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Ms. Chevy,

    I am a registered dietitian and for years my hobby was to collect cookbooks and recipes.  When my dumb a$$ soon-to-be ex husband told me he could not longer take care of me after I got sick because it would cut into his time too much, I kicked him out.  Before he came back to move tho, I packed my Jetta to the gills with what I REALLY needed, took my Pug Broadway Rudy Guiliani and booked out of there.  Anyway, the point of this post is to say I left most of my cookbooks behind and I truly miss them.  I know one can get anything on the Internet now, but the books and recipes were just treasures to me.  I'd like to ask U for your recipe books if U have not already gotten rid of them.  I will be happy to pay the shipping.  I am a giant food snob and LOVE trying new things.   Let me know what U think and enjoy those eggs.  U R a GREAT neighbor to have and I know it is a lot of work for U.  I would love to see your "digs" sometime.  Peace!


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    OMG -- I just got up from about 20 hours of sleeping -- my body is revolting -- LOL  I feel like I missed a lifetime with all of you -- teach me to keep sleeping.

    Can't remember everything -- so prayers, hugs and smiles where needed -- love to you all.

    Here is me now....with NOT sure how to post pics any more -- last time I just copied and pasted from my big girl computer -- but not working this time....  can you see the pic???

    20130604_090301-1.jpg (file://DANA-PC/Users/Dana/Dropbox/Camera%20Uploads/20130604_090301-1.jpg)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    No luck Chickie.....

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    UGH -- can anyone explain posting a pic -- searched it in the Help section -- but it was so easy before and now nothing -- UGH

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    gotta go on the ipad for that Chick...ill be back after i see you...

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Oh Ducky, sounds like good news. Im soooooo happy for you.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    UGH -- I suck (and not in any good way -- tee hee)  cannot figure out the posting pic thing .......

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013 luck either.went to the iPad for nuthin.its ok because somehow I missed duckys good so happy for you. mom also died of ovarian cancer.should I be doin something?WTF now,

    Also ducky are you gonna have the test?

    Oh the joy of this damn disease.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Ducky it all sounds good--whew, I know when everything is completely done it's a better feeling but no Dr. would say all thst if that'what they saw.  Thank God

    I sometimes wonder when zi pray if God or St. Jude is saying here we go again.

    No chicki and I can't help u--I t first learned how to do an avatar a couple of yrs ago no--I can't even do that I don't remember. LOL I love benadryl

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    OMG Hooligans you have been busy, let me start reading...hope you all are well!!

    Chickie how sweet is he...

    No Philly tomorrow, back to torture which is what I call it, love the people at chemo...they are so sweet...Will be thinking of you while I am there, also have a drs. appt....having trouble breathing so need him to get him to check my lungs...
