STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Yep...its been a long time since I have picked up a pencil or brush...just never had time anymore with working so much...hopefully my recovery period will let me get back to the hobby I enjoy so much! Got my artistic talent from my dad...he was a design draftsman!  My husband surprised me two Christmases ago and had the 3 drawings professionally frames and now they hang in our living room .....they had been dormant for about 20 years and he found them and loved them!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Congratulations little Chick!  Yes, those ARE gorgeous!    WHAT are we going to with all this TALENT around here?  I can hardly "draw" my own name without directions.....  I just admire anyone that can pick up a pen or etc, and see something in their head, and can transfer it to paper. 

    I had a hard enough time painting on velvet.... by number! 

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Ok ladies, being some of you are talking MX - how much nerve pain do you all have??? I want to get rid of the nerve pain in my breast from high dose rads... do you think that will work.. My BS said he would discuss the idea. DH doesn't want me to have any more surgeries - but he's not in the pain I feel.. I took my first Lyrica last night with my neurontin.. gave me a sense of calm... slept better too, but the pain is still there this morning.  Help me.. I know its my decision but need some on-hand input from people who have done this. I've been mulling over the idea for a year now.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Miss Gma...I totally understand the nerve pain as I have 2 ruptured disc in my spine it is extremely incapacitating.... I also used lyrica for a couple years and then it stopped working so they switched me to Cymbalta which did not work as well... I'm Way past the neurontin and now just pray for good days..... I also have some pain from the breast surgery in April... its not so bad but I do get those zingers every now and then.... not much has helped me either not even the morphine.  Ugh...I feel your pain!

    Thank you Miss Chevy!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Good morning hooligans, Hugs to all that are in treatment ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))).

    Chickie ---Such, Talent, Try doing your impressions of cancer, people, care , rad. Each phase as seen thrrough your artist eye. It'll be diversionary and enlightening.

    Stacey, I answered your PM on anxiety, let me know if it works. C&P my answer here, it may help someone else. Many components are similar to others mentioned. The Lamaze thing is known by so many. It's techniques were developed in the 50's(?). While Meditation is centuries old, early on was seen as too alternative and eastern, to be taken seriously. Lamaze and meditation really took a wider spread foot hold in the 70's because of the flower childern's generation that was willing to look at both because they went against the "Establishment". Another form of protest. That's kind of fun, neat, whatever you want to call it. The accepted now was once a protest against the status quo :)

    GMA, Hugs, call your insurance company and ask for a Social Worker referral for determination of services . The social worker has the LIST, of who and where to get things. For, example, the American Cancer Society's major thing is to help with pain meds. I must admit for each thing requested from them, I was disappointed, but give them a try. Through my social worker, we found a foundation that only covered my county and the county south of us. with a cancer diagnosis, and a pathology report signed also by MO, picture ID, they gave my Dh and I each 2000.00$ a piece. It's,also, when I found about theLeukemia & Lymphoma society. They gave DH 5000.00$. Every Pharma has a compassionate care  department division. Pfiser is just one of dozens.

    This next thing is applicable to all. 

    First, ask your insurance company for a RN to be assigned as your insurance Oncology nurse case manager. There's a few pieces of paper that you'll need to sign to allow them to access your records. Once case manager on board. These nurses are worth their weight in gold. They become your advocate for everything that is not going right. Go through your problem list with her/him. They will help develop a plan. Some stuff they will get solved, some they may give you things to do.

    Insurance companies started nurse case managers for different problems i.e diabetes, heart, cancer. The reason? Patients with unsolved problems use insurance resources at a higher rate. The industry recognized that costs could be kept down by helping patients through these problems. Patient care is enhanced, Insurance companies save money. It's a win win situation. This is an underutilized resource. This case manager is not the type that calls and asks a thousand questions and offers standard gobblygook. If that is what the insurance company gives you recall and be persistant till you get the right type as described earlier.

    I've used this service 3 x's. Navigating through problems without them would have been a nightmare. Some places actually call these nurse Nurse navigator. So, find out what they are called with a few questions, to assure you're getting to the right person

    Many cancer centers have there own Foundations, ask for guidelines of what assistance they will provide.

    HealthWell(google) will cover costs of certain drugs. They covered some of DH drugs 100%, but insurance covered them so it was a nice thought. The key is if, they didn't cover we had a resource. Edit:Checked with Cancer center. DH got a 2500$ grant in 2010 to cover copays for neulasta go to web site. Plug in drug name. Hit's will identify sources for assistance. Just found this one by calling my Cancer centers, financial assistance coordinator. See above or below or whereever I put it. Sent it to Mods and added it to my Just diagnosed thread-get prepared. OH GMA your question has lead to such a great thing bless you! All of what is found to be good, started with a question:)

    There are thousands of foundation and companies that have monies allocated for giving to cancer patients. OR maybe the group only does one thing like have volunteers install bathroom grab- bars or do wheelchair ramps, house cleaning. Each has there own guidelines for application, diseases covered, if allocation is based on financial need or just diagnosis. Many are well hidden secrets. That's where the social worker comes in. It's there job to locate these resources and make people aware of them

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    ChickaD thanks for your input. I reacted real bad to the Cymbalta - Doc took me off right away - I turned very very mean, the dog and DH even left the house.  I wanted to shoot something - yes ME - that mean!!! oh my... If the zingers were just once in awhile, that would be ok... but I'm having them sometimes constantly.. I just think ok - today I will be better.. but I've been thinking that for almost 2 years... It is wearing on me... I have a call into the BS to "discuss" the pros and cons. Figured that is the best way. If I do an Mx I won't have any reconstruction.  I don't need them anymore.  I so don't know what to do especially with my DH not wanting me to do anything that drastic.  But he won't help me with my decisions either. He is on overload and won't talk it out with me, it just seems to put him in a bad mood.  Ranting again - Stacey - your turn....

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    (((Ducky))) Worrier = Warrior with just a few changes...I would be beside myself as well.  Just be there...your grandson sounds wonderful and that will not change.  Oh, if we could spare them....I don't understand it and I hate anything that affects kids...try not to project too far...time enough to think about what tomorrow brings.

    Gma, archeology?  That's osteology the study of bone?  I have a huge collection of geology materials, books, rocks & minerals.  I do think about downsizing and have decided not to give them to my college as I had planned originally.  I say hang on for now....organize, store if you can; and keep your ears open for an opportunity to downsize if someone deserves your gift.  I would love to hear about what you do when working.  I think you can hold on for awhile and see what happens. 

    Veggy, please be diligent with your cream.  MRSA (resistant type of staph infection) needs to go away.  I am hoping it clears up so you don't have to worry while you are dancing with ned.  Meanwhile, keep dancing...

    Hi Chevy, good morning...OMG it's almost lunchtime for you. 

    Off to work...will read back better be good...I need to LMAO. 


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    GMA Back to Pharma. is on of the best web sites I've been directed to in years. Read "home" page then the "about us" page. This whole web center is everything you ever wanted to know about patient assistance programs, what each companies requirement are, downloadable applications. i think it even holds info and fills same info in  other applications. has pharma PAP program links, disease specific links, discount card, coupons. A PLETHORA. Thank you Deb s Cancer ceners titusville Florida.

    PYLOOHappytosavemoney the question was raised by Stacey. I went searching all over, ended up finding it on the financial forum here from a member that mentioned it. So, we do benefit from posting links for all to see. Glad it helped, sure wish I'd read it before I acted. OH well........................I thought I was doing the right thing the day I found out about BC and Brain tumor(same day---bad day which is and understament). Told my boss , I was IMMEDIATELY relieved from work, and have never worked again. Did I say understatment. Two potentially life threatening illness diagnoses given to me starting at 11:55 am and by 3:30 I lost my career. Cluster FK. The stuff on C&C would have saved me from making such an error of honesty.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Miss Sassypants......I just love your totally ROCK girlfriend!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Hey Chickie, it's me and THE PHONE and THE COMPUTER and two finger typing LOL.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Visited THIS SHOULD BE RESEARCHED BY EVERYBODY AND ALL THE LITTLE SIDEBARS READ. Covers all meds not just oncololgy meds. Did not see narcotics , but only checked hydrocodone. One of the side bar search boxes, you plug in the name and it will give a comparison listing for all pharmacy current charging. You can flip betweengeneric and trade name. It brings up all again. I did Gabapentin then Neurontin what an eyeopener on cost.

    Revising above reponse so, recheck for changes.

    link to web site.

    HAVE A CALL OUT TO MY RESOURCE PERSON:If you bring in the coupon taken from the web site to the cancer center, will/can  it be utilized to help pay copay ANSWER to question NO.

    Per my resource: This is how to make the website work or other resources work for you while receiving cancer meds in a cancer center, SPEAK UP and let them know you need financial help, best to do when you have initial contact with CC. What they then do, if they are connected like mine, they go through their resources the same we would, but would be contacting as a a provider. Grant money or assistance can be available under all kinds of circumstances. Do not assume you make too much money or b/c you have insurance, money is not available. If say you get turned down initially, recheckin should circumstances change. :)

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited June 2013

    Chickie your pics are beautiful. You have such great talent and I would love to see more. I quilt as a hobby and would love to make a quilt that depicts my cancer but have been too busy with work. Hopefully I'll get to it one day

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Savigirl have you seen this thread. It's right up your hobby lane :)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Had Rads......38 treatments.....had no sunburn, without the hurt......worst was the C-scan, and having to hold my arms over my head for so long.....had 2 rotator cuff surgeries, so that hurt.......everything else was easy......oh no, having to show the boobs to my black haired, blue eyed, old enough to be my grandson "tech" was not fun....the first day he said " ok, take off your robe and get up on the table" ........,I said......" Ok, sweetie, if you can handle this so can I" ..........we both laughed.....that broke the ice.......he was adorable, and knew it was not easy........

    Your gonna be fine.........hugs

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited June 2013

    Sassy, I had not see that. Thanks so much for the referral. I'm going to add it to my favorites.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    BIG BROTHER is poking it's nose again into abridgement of our freedoms. We should just move to a totalitarian government and then it'd be out in the open that our Constitution and our freedoms mean nothing. OKay off soapbox, but becareful what you write , say in public, and now what you say on the phone, have your makeup on right for the cameras everywhere,SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what else is left actually nothing. The Government have things in the sky that can look right into your bedrooms/livingrooms anywhere. We are in a totalitarian society, they just haven't let us know yet.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    Sas I printed out the articles you mentioned about needy meds. I want my Dh to see them.

    I slept in until 11 today. I was shopping yesterday and tired myself out.

    Lastt night I was so excited. I found my first chin hair. I found my tweezers qnd yanked it out. My hair is coming back in. I have a very thin layer of it on top of my head. Its all white.

    Getting company in an hour. Have to make myself presentable.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Thanks SAS - I just got a $10 off coupon for my synthroid!!! Will do the other meds after work.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    YAY Veggy for fuzzWink

    GMA cool, I flipping don't have a printer POOP. Let us know how much you can save.

    This could be fun.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Bush did it too.....this is not is just being extended from the previous administration.....I think the question is why........if it is to track for "our security" to avoid another Boston incident"........go ahead......if you have nothing to hide....why be concerned.........if it is for any other reason........forget about is an invasion of privacy........The point is.........have a security reason to allow other

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited June 2013

    Also look at the thread: Let's inspire each other to be creative. Lots of painters and wanna be's on there. Also various crafts.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Ducky, your right Bush Started the shit with the PATRIOT ACT after 9/11. The problem is our rights are slowly be eroded, by the words "WHAT IF".  I'm not sure what rights we have left. Everything is being monitored. So, we go day to day, every movement is watched, and listened too. Those watching are cautioned to not talk of it for security reasons. Every word I'm writing is being analysed for subversion.

    Years ago a street survey was done. Words were read to people on the street and they were asked to give an opinion. Far and away the majority felt the words were treasonous. It was the Declaration of Independence.

    So, in today's society, if I agree with the Declaration of Independence, there are those in my government that would see me as treasonous because they have bought into the "What if" mentality to the exclusion of Liberty.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Sas u'r research is extrordinary--I;ll have to reread it over and over to get the real idea cuz I'm slow digesting things anymore but so so interesting Thank u for all u do for us.

    OK more stupidity time for me--what is an MX---is that like a BMX--taking off a breast or 2. I just wsnt to know before I gice my opinion. LOL cuz I will give an opinion.

    I'm getting confused--who's getting chemo today? Chicky did u have u'r yesterday--My days are all together lately.

    Chevy u do have taent a gift of words to make people smile that's not always easy. Oh and of course u'r chickens, can't leave those tasty treats out.

    Ducky that was cut what u said--but isn't it true by the time u get to rads u've showed u'rself so many times it's like u wanna see anything else.? I have absoutely no modesty left especially groing up so Catholic, Imean when I wasin the hosp. the first time __I was there 6 days--complications--everyone was coming in--and once this lady walked in in a uniform and I opened up my top and she said with an accent--no no I'm here to clean. I didn't care.

    I have to keep track of my pain meds I just took them---hahaha I never remember, I know I need a timer, but why make it easier.I love the challenge, it's how I live on the edge.

    OK I'll be back.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Camillegal, Yes Mx is one breast - just want to get rid of the painful one.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    My opinion----I understan u'r husband is leary of any more operations, but like u said he doesn't live with it so if u talked to u'r BS or Onc and they think it's a good idea--I WOULD GET IT THE HELL OUT--now this is my reasoning I had my first out--the 2nd was not covered by ins.0whole other story---about a yr later my Onc said the ins. would cover it now but it was my decision cuz she thought it would be a good idea and she (on her own) put it thru to see if it would be covered so I said fine get it out. She hugged me so hard and said I'm so glad and when my BS went in there was a bad node I think just one but because of my history that was happening he took out a few more nodes and they both acted like my decision was so good. So I made my decision with just myself but u do have a husband, so I would talk this over in depth with him and the surgery doesn't have any pain like a lumpectomy does, really and tell him that-- so if that a worry for him tell him it's the least painful surgery me, my sister, my cousin, my niece, my mom ever had00I was shocked---u don't even ned the pump in the hospital cuz he might think he doesn't want u in more pain---Good Luck with all this.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Sent a PM to Blondie.....she had chemo and has been sleeping a lot....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Just got a pm from Blondie, she gave me her contact number, so, we know she's moving :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Blondie IS moving--what a time to-Ick But as long as she's OK--Thanks Scottiee and Sas.U guys are good.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    I've been spending my time notifying everyone of that's in my rolladex.

    My STFU neighbor that I've known since 1992. Says "Now wait a minute I'm a concervative, I don't think I want to get involved in this, I don't believe in handouts, Obamacare will cover it anyway" I explained  or tried to anyway what the site was about. Finally realized he has his head up his ass. Decided to cut to the chase. Final question to him "You would rather have someone die, because they couldn't afford their meds? His answer "Yes". Well, that freindship is over.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OMG he actually said that----what a wicked person to even let that cross his lips, by the way they should be sewn shut. Just the thought of someone saying that disgusts me. U know when u have money (enough) u really don't think of the ramifications of someone who doesn't--they think they are all street people, but now a days so so many are one paycheck away from being street people--not that there is anything wrong with street people but they seem like they are lazy to someone who has a decently good life and they are so wrong. Oh I'm getting on my soap box I'd better STFU