STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Am so glad today is over, although it wasnt as bad as I expected yet. I dont know what they gave me in place of the steroids, but it was wonderful, and havnt felt like shooting anybodylol. Still really sleepy from whatever it was they gave me, so will catch up on everybody tomorrow. Welcome Jo. Philly, thanks for the warning about the bladder, hasnt hit me yet, glad to be forwarned...xoxox

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Blondie u crack me up with N E X T

    Hi Jo welcome---I'm not a hooligan I'm the nicest one and so sweet and I come on here to keep everybody under control OK. Oh and I can't type or spell.

    But i my humble opinion I think u should talk to u'r Dr. about getting a full hysterectomy, u don't need these problems or want them anymore.

    Chevy One ,ore chicken picture and I'm sending Phylogunrunner to the hen house and u'r trubles will be over with those chickens, but she will not hurt the cat.

    Oh princess I love that u'r striping u'r hair I know cuz my DD wouldn't do it for me at all--she said I was nuts, I did not want pink, but purple, and then whe I got it she said oh kinda cute--I just had a couple of streaks, then I got carried away and did my nails red with my pinky more purplyblue hahaha--and I don't give a chit either. I wish I knew how to take picks I would. And tomorrow nite I'm going out to dinner with my 2 conservative proper brothers and my 1/2 kooky sister so this should be interesting and I wear sparkly jewelry and huge rings.  hahaha If I was cute, small and thin it might be cute, but I'm not--I look like I'm a drag queen, not that there is anything wrong with that.

    I forgot who said it but Benedryl, my favorite and the nurse used to tell me just buy it, but I told them it's not the same, I could actually feel it corsing thru my veins and loved it--I wish they sold bags of that and I could learn how to use my port. great stuff.

    ChickaD rads are not a worry thing they're an inconvenience thing that's all.

    OK just passing thru.

    Talk later

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Granny, and you can either on the lt save it to it and pull it from there or copy and then paste it.

    Cammie that is cause I can't remember from page to page, making fun of me, I still love you!! You are right the benedryl through the veins is not the same as the pills...

    So SAS does such good research but wanted to tell you ladies that for the ones going through treatment there are alot of sites you can go to for help, financial you just have to fill out the paperwork and get the dr. to fill it out....also the american cancer society here in pa has a "homemakers" grant and you can get a grant for getting someone to clean, but you don't have to use it for that....They also have a grant for a gas card toward going to the drs. and chemo....I have gotten 1 gas card for 30.00 the program is open for a year....I will post the places I have gotten financial help if you want... 1 is, check out for information and you put in what kind of cancer you have and it lists all the services. I also got a grant from Living Beyond Breast Cancer.  I just applied for another one, but have to find the information...You have to be currently in treatment to get some of them...

    Thank you so much for your concern....I love all of you...

    HUGS to all of you....sorry I didn't write individually fading....hopefully the steroids are wearing off, lol

    See you all tomorrow...


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    ChickD, Beautiful pictures!  You are so talented.

    Welcome, Jo.

    Hope everyone has a restful evening/night.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Jo, Jo, how are you......don't believe any of them.......I am the oldest, smartest, prettiest, and most of all sexiest hooligan on this thread....but better yet, a member of the smile High Club.......oohhh boy.......So Jo, welcome to the Nuthouse....did you bring your "RED SOLO CUP". Yowza Yowza.........

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    Sitting on pins and needles. My MIL fell down a couple of steps tonight. My husband tried to help her but it was too painful. They had to to take her to the hospital by ambulance. She's 88. I'll be up until DH gets home.

    I had some visitors earlier today. A friend brought  her 3 year oldd son. He was so funny and adorable. He took my heart home with him. We picked some red bob (rhubarb) for his grandmother.

    Hugs to all!

    Hi Jo!!!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013


    Sorry to hear about your MIL.  Hope she will be okay.  

    Marywoohoo, Glad to hear today wasn't too bad for you.

    Blondie, good to hear from you.

  • geebung
    geebung Member Posts: 17
    edited June 2013

    My d-in-law's mother said to me "Breasts are such a nuisance - you're lucky you only have one!" ???

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Welcome geebug, praytell what is your avatar? I enlarged it forever and still couldn't figure it out. We are irreverent hooligans, that will make a joke out of anything etc etc etc. But are fiercely supporrtive of each other. If your going to stick around , let me know and I'll add you to the roll call PG 175(will move it forward soon.)

    I'm the geek, so, named by PHYLLITROpTEX ,I get excited about weird stuff.

    YOO_HOO Shellshiner, you should be up now, How's it going?

    Blondie, Yup I would say you were enjoying your roids, but could see you were petering out. Keep adding those links on financial stuff I'll find a place to put them.

    Last check I think before bedtime. L&H&'s everyone sassy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Welcome geebun---I know what u'r avatar is a little doe in a blanket right? adorable. Oh and u sure are lucky having one breast Yow--I would have slapped her with it and told her that's why u kept it. People--well I do hope u stick around we help and have some fun.

    Oh Blondie I laugh at that it just sounds so funny to me--u'r so cute.

    I'm getting ready to sleep now I hope--took my meds sometimes I have to take an extra one so I'll see.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Hi Jo, yup, this is a good place to be but they never stfu so it's pages and pages if you miss a day.  or an afternoon.  or Chevy in the morning....but seriously Jo, so sorry you are dealing with this.  I hope you find the best path to health and peace.

    geebung, I thought the creature in the blanket was a mouse/rodent?  A doe works for me.
    So, wellcome geebung, and it could be time to tell your daughter's MIL to stfu....

    Granny, so glad you had a good time at the dentist ... Tongue Out   Once you get the teeth back, you will be ready to step out and meet up. 

    Well, I'm waiting for Shell to take the night shift...

    Still have poison oak but it's fading.  I won't take the prednisone...enough drugs already...I have a lot of remedies that are working and I'm not "covered", just annoyed in a big way. 

    I will have to look for Chix pix tomorrow...can't see straight to go backwards.
    Veggy, oh what sorry to hear of the mishap.  I hope you get sleep.
    To all the chemo ladies this week, gentle hugs and positive thoughts.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited June 2013

    geebung - love the joey.  In this picture the head looks a lot like a babby deer without the spots.  Cute.

    Welcome to this thread.  That comment from your DIL's mother was beyond tactless and stupid. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Geebung my mistake, I didn't see u were from Australia--wow we're really going far.

    I'm still awake GRRRR---I have a slight fever and feel like crap but I know what it's from so it's probably why I can't sleep--I'll start my antubiotics tomorrow. Well this morning I mean.I'm sure everyone is sleeping so I'll just wander around.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Quiet group tonight.  Hope that means everyone is off to pain-free dreamland.  

    Shell, hope your clinicals are not getting you down.  How many more days/hours?

    Welcome geebung.

    See you all later.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    A quick good morning to all and welcome Jo and Geebung...yay, it's Friday, will be able to catch up on the reading here on the weekend.

    Where are all my early birds ?????

    more hugs for the chemo gals and for those having S/E and in pockets for any appts today. ((((())))....

    Ok into the shower I go....It's bloody cold in Torontonand has been raining since yesterday. People are back into their winter gear. But as Tororonto goes, it will probably

    be 40 next week and everyone will be stripping off

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Hello Jo - Nice to see you again! ((((HUGS))))))

    I'm up at 3:30 getting ready for work - thank goodness that just intails walking to my computer... Better get to my work but thought I would leave a picture that would say: "I don't have to say STFU" Quiet and peace is good sometimes -

    BTW I'm still in pain in the breast this morning - OT yesterday discussed thoracic outlet syndrome and decided He doesn't think it is but talk to the pain doc about it.  He showed me how to wrap my hands until I can wear my gauntlets again. I'm going to try the gauntlets this morning . I left the wrap in the bedroom where DH is asleep.. LE T and I are both hoping its just the heat that is causing the swell. Anyway I will STFU now and give you that peaceful morning Picture.

    "Good Morning Sun"

    morning sun

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Okay "geebung"..... You're KIDDING, right?  So your name must be Gina, and you bungee jump?  Yes, that must be it!  You thought you could fool us hooligans, but it can't be done... no-sir-ee gal!  Ha, ha!

    You should have smacked her!  Or we even shoot people for less than that!  Wink  Next time, just smack  her and say "oops.... can't control that arm sometimes with all this cancer stuff going on... maybe I should just remove it?   And then just turn around and swish yourself away in a huff.

    Sorry Grammie about that pain....  It's just hard to even think straight when something is going on like that.

    Scottiee!  You say 40?????? And that is warm?  What would happen if it reached some scorching temp, say like 60???  You would probably throw off all your clothes, and run naked through the streets.... with Phylisiser!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Julianna!  You probably gave up and went to bed...Ha!  

    And I got up at 5.... Slept later today... and dreamed the STUPIDEST dreams you could ever imagine!!!  I just remember some part where I was in this huge hall-way, and these 5 guys came running in, from SOMEthing, and I thought "they don't have any clothes on....I'll pretend I don't notice".... So I just went on, like nothing was different!!!!!    Like I was USED to that or something!    And nothing happened...I woke up.  MAN what I could have done with THAT dream!  Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    Morning Joan!   We can't stfu, otherwise no-one could find us.

    And I KNEW that picture that the bungee-jumper posted was either a baby kangaroo or that other thing!  Hah!  Didn't fool me!


    Sorry about being bothered with the poison oak crap.  I'm getting a new prescription ointment for my hands...  And from now on, I'm just using water and Vaseline with it... and all my vinyl and cotton gloves.  They look horrible, but the Doc and Sass seem to understand what is going on...  So I just have to "listen to, and follow directions." 


    I TOOK Prednisone, but when you QUIT taking it, the same problem comes back.    And you are looking for chicken pics tomorrow?  Is THAT what you said?  You want chicken pictures?  

    Don't tell Cammi.... she goes nuts over any mention of chickens...


    Okay, I'm going out to water....You guys are still all tucked in..... xoxoxoxo
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Morning, Quiet? Everyone sleeping @950a. OKAY SHUSHHHHHHHHHH :)

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Nope I'm working and talking to dreamsleeper Wink  Let them be quiet though so I can read the 10 pages I'm missed. 

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    GEE really...

    Veggy sorry about your MIL...hope she is okk. How do you feel?

    Joan sorry about the poison oak, so sucksss...

    Cammie are you ok?  How do you feel today???

    GMA feel better!!!

    How are you friends the chickens?

    Scottie, Chickie, Ducky, Granny, Julies, chabba, shell, sas and JoAN [[[[[[[[[HUGS]]]]]]]]]]

    luv you all....have a nice day


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    OH BLoNdIe your up, feel okay?

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Well, so far so good with the new chemo, whatever they gave me yesterday worked, slept all night except my usual zillion trips to the bathroom, but at least I didnt wake up wanting to fight. but I would take a shot of whatever they gave me yesterday everyday if I could. No not really, I think I was pretty loopy. Dont need to be loopier than usual. Hope everyone is a-ok. have to find something to do today, its raining again-yuck I need to find a hobby, but Im not really creative and my fingers are numb all the time, oh well maybe Ill just clean the house, yuck again...xoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning finally, I was up til 4ayem??? OK here's the thing and then I'll STFU---When I was younger and got a bladder infection it just burned and we'd all say haha having fun in bed---Well no fun is going on now and it doesn't burn--now I get constant pain on my side and toward the front and it's pretty bad, then add this to my back pain and viola I'm a bitch. This time she's doing a culture??? and I'm on a new antibiotic--they never go away. That's me.

    CHICKENS----no more pictures we know what chickens look like and we know how they taste and all kinds of recipes for them CHEVY--Unless I see them plucked, (I remember) cleaned and in a pan in a recipe from the oven--NO CHICKENS-

    Bless u'r poor hands Chevy I hope u have the right mix now.BTW Chevy I can read what u wrote, ya know.

    Blondie u are so nice to me--I wanted to say I know I' complain and get tired of all these Stupid Drs. But hat happens with me , don't think that how everyone is going to be--so many women do so well after they heal--Oh the thought might be there--but u;r life is full--Remember I'm no young chic--oops I mean I'm not a younster anymore and all cancers and stages are different.

    so pay me no nevermind whe I complain. And altho I am of the belief lot of my woes are not cancer but all the treatment that this old body took it aged my body alot--so don't think it's typical. I am very unusual hahaha in so many ways. My fever is not here now, but if I get another one I'm not sure if I'll go tonite so I'll see--I used to get a temp of 100 and feel ok, now I feel like my head is exploding LOL What a wimp I've become, I think that what I'm maddest about, I'm wimpy.

    Now it's Friday, I'd like to say something clever and meaningful but hell what can I say, If u work then WOW it's Friday, if u don't then WOW (who cares) it's Friday--and anyone getting chemo if u can do some walking or some type of excercis pease do it, then rest and drink and trest u'rself gingerly cuz u deserve it.

    Oh and If I go tonite (Chines rest.) I'm getting Sesame CHICKEN for anyone who's interested. Phylokookoo are u all right? 

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Oh Cam, no jokes, I hope you get the answers you need about your bladder, that is no fun...and you have every right to moan and groan, we all do. Where else would we go to do it if not here? nobody to say stfu. Thats why I love you guys....

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Off to work.  Hope everyone has a good day.  Sesame chicken sounds great for supper!  What time?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Mary this bladder thing has been going on for at least a year and it does get to me sometimes mentally cuz i never had this before. It's not that important I know but all the pai is silly for a bladder infection. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Okay CAMMI!  Dangit!  Well I'm so sorry about your bladder infection..... Man, I had one years ago, and the way I knew was when I went to the bathroom I shot straight up to the ceiling, the pain was so BAD!   Went to the Docs, took some drug with Sulfa, and found out after I had to go to the emergency room that I am allergic to sulfa...!   But I eventually got rid of the bladder problems, ONLY to have to have it raised....meaning elevated up to my neck as I got even older! 

    They did something where they make a sling, with a ligament, and attach it to your back somehow.... probably with baling wire and duck tape.  So since this was the 2nd surgery for problem bladder, it finally worked.   And I no longer have to worry about it falling out and kicking it to the curb.

    No, you are not wimpy.  Just tainted.   And weak.... maybe even  dis-enfranchized.  Who knows? 

    You are actually going out for CHICKEN???  I'm going to tell the girls.   THIS bit of news will sadden them terribly.... 

    Yes, where IS that Phylliharmonic person?  Man, I hope she is alright....  And everyone else!  Love you guys! xoxoxo

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    Its still morning...yay.good morning everyone.

    Veggy---i hope your MIL is dont need that now...

    Chevy and Ducky----you just proved to Jo that everything i said about both of you is true...


    Im doin fine.thanks for askin....

    Ill be back.

    princess purple kantalope.

    Haircut today...yay...then the streaks!!!!