STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    May 17, 2013 07:53 AM, edited 6 hours ago    by sas-schatzi

    May 10, 2013 11:44 AM, edited 22 hours ago    by sas-schatzi

    May  6, 2013 10:29 AM, edited a few seconds ago    by sas-schatzi

    By next week we're going to have to do a roll call to see who's who and who've each has decided to be. I'll start off then as people add the old ,the, new, and the wanna be, I'll keep adding names to this list as I see them.

                         "A child of many names is much loved"

    *ChickaD, ChickieD, chickadee, Miss chickie, chickie, chickiepoo, Dchickie,Chickadana, Our Baby Dana, Chicklet-- OHIO, Treatment: BMX with DIEP sameday-surgical history; chemo to start approx may 17th2013, Furballs:Shepards-Tasha& Samantha Contact:sassy

    *Mary, Marywhat, Marywho, Marywhen, Marywhere, Marywhy, Maryhowmuch, Maryhowoften, Marycontray, Ice-road Trucker,IRT Short for I-R-Trucker,  Hoedown Girl(Nov9th2013 DS wedding), NORTH CAROLINA,Treatment:chemo, Furball:ZiggyDog; Contact:Sassy

    *Camilegal, Cami, Spunky, Spunkie, ILLINOIS, Treatment:done,Furball:Kati-Kat, Contact:sassy

    *Chevyboy, Chevy, Olds, SweetPea, Chevette,Chevylicious,Chevorlette, GM Chevy, COLORADO, Treatment:done? furbal:?, Contact:

    *Princess Purple Kantalope, GrannyDukes, granny, GG, Princess Kantaloupe, Princess K , PA, Treatment:done, Furball:none, Contact: Joan811, Veggy, Sassy

    *Pdgraham, Phyll, Phyllis, Phyllopian(phoenetically that's fa'-lop-pian, Chevy did you really mean to call her a tube attached to the uterus?), Phillissians(now Chevy's got you in the bible), Ph/pH now your a measurement symbol for acid/base balance. Choro-phyll ah environmentally correct producing___? Is it oxygen or sugar? Phyllo Dough. Phyllopteryx (the weedy seadragon) now she's a dinosaur er weed?. PhollicleDamage speaks for itself. Phyllandita, is this a drink or a plant species, PK,Phillidromia=plant?, Phyllipinat, Miss Pie Dough, Phylissnavidad, Phyllylopsided NE, Treatment:chemo, Furball:none, Contact:sassy/PPkk/Chevy/Ducky/Jan/Chickie

    *duckyb1, Ducky, Promqueen MHC, Duckling, Duckmiester, Miss Ducky, Duckster, Duck,  PA, Treatment: AI, Contact:PKK

    *SasSchatzi,Sas,sassy,cassyorlina,sassafrass, FL., Treatment: BMX, recon, chemo, brainsx, done, Furballs:dini-lab, schatzi-germanwired haired pointer(GWP), Contact:CkickaD,PPK,GMA,Lindan3,Fuzzy,Julianna,Stacey,Marywh,PdGraham,Wren44,blondie

    Red, Carla Terry Hunt, our Angel 5/4/2013

    April485, Stretch (am 4'11" - Ha!), Glinda the GoodWitch, Treatment Rads May 2013, Furball:, Contact:

    *Shellshine, Shell, Shells, Shinyshells, HA. Treatment:TE to foobs May2013, Furball:, Contact:Stacey, Marywh

    *Kathindc, Kathy, Kathy-in-dc, Treatment: None, Furball: taking care of daughter's cat (that I'm allergic to) and dog when she travels, Contact: ocassional poster, home thread elsewhere she's okay :)

    Cmbernardi, Flower, Flowermound, Flowers, Ms Flowers, Carolyn, TX, Treatment: chemo, broken foot5/13, Furball:Broadway Rudy Guiliani dog, Contact:

    *Scottie, Fartface, ONT., Treatment:, Furball:kitty?, Contact:

    *Chabba,Treatment: lumpectomy, radiation done, 4th fo 5yrs of Tamoxifen,problem toe now4/13, Furball:Yo aka Pal, Goof, Contact:Sas

    *VEGGY, Plain Ole Veggy, Veg, Val, PA., Treatment:BMX,Chemo May 2013-NED 5/22/13, Furball:none, Contact:PPK

    *Blondiex46, Blondie, Sandy, Miss Purple, Blondiepurpledarling, akaBPD, PA., Treatment:chemo, Furball:, Contact: sassy, Scottie

    *Wren44, WA., Treatment:LX, re-excision, MX 2012. 1year anastrasole done/4 to go. Furball:none, Contact:sassy

    Mericat, mer, meri, MARYLAND, Treatment:, Furball:,Contact:

    *Iatiger, IATig, Tigger, Tig , IOWA, Treatment Bmx, no chemo/rads, TE exchange 5/13., Furballs: 4 kitties, Jazz- 16, Jack-5, Sniggle & Fritzy both 3, Contact:

    Beatmom, Brenda, OK., Treatment:, Furball:, Contact:

    *GMAfoley, GMA, OR., Treatment:ProblemSleep apnea/Insomnia, Furball:My Tigger Dog, Contact:sassy,PKK, Bernardi

    *savgigi, jeannie, Treatment:LX/SLND/IORT/AI, Furball:Kitty-Maggie, Contact:

    *Julianna, Jule(s), Jewel, Treatment:BMX,AI, Furball:none, Contact:Sassy,Shells,Marywh,Stacey

    *Jan69, Jan I am, Jamarama-ding-dong, Jan the Ding DongTreatment: BMX done; chemo/rads 2011done, Furball: thumper, bambi gopher, smokey the bear, Contact:

    ShaneOak, Shane(where are you?), Treatment:, Furball:, Contact:

    *Spookiesmom, Spookie,Treatment:, Furball:spookie, Contact:sassy

    *Joan811,Joan, Treatment:, Furball:, Contact:

    Dvrgrl, Alaska, Treatment:, Furball:,Contact:

    Stacey, SweetPea Treatment:chemo5/13, sx in 6/13; Furball:, Contact:sassy

    *Luvmygoats, Luv, TX., Treatment:, Contact

    Dwilli4483,Dwilli, Dwilliwillinilli,Treatment:, Furball:,Contact:,

    Mostlymom,WV, Treatment:, Furbabies:Dog-jessie-Australian shepard, DD kermit mostly pug. Contact:

    Charles Petleyocassional poster

    Who'd i MISS???????? SASSY

    Jo1995,jojo,jomojom,treatment:tram done, fruball:, Contact:PrincessK

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Multiple people need to have PM's to see if they are still here or not here?

    Phyillpaininsobad----go for the oxy, what liver worries? I'd worry about NSAIDS and tylenol for being hurtful to the liver more than oxy. ASk for Fentanyl patch for this week, Less constipation than oxy, better pain control. Ask to start with 25 mcg first then add a second if pain not controled. Wear for 6 days versus 3 and you will self wean easily. Talk with your doc. Give me a call sun or mon will chat about details.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Thanks sassypants! You're wonderful!

    Took the oxy about 6 pm and sat in the recliner with the living room door open and dozed listening to the kids in the park, skateboarders on the sidewalk, people out walking......very nice. It was a beautiful day.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013


    Oh the tales I could tell of the hospitals who send the elderly home when they have broken bones.  Had a 92 year old fall the day before she moved to Assisted Living.  Broke both her ankles, couldn't bear weight--but wasn't "bad" enough to stay in the hospital even overnight.  She was discharged to the rehab unit but had to pay privately since she didn't stay the 3 nights to qualify for Medicare.  

    I live for the day Karma comes back and bites the butts of all the insurance/hospital people who decide this care is okay.  

    Hope everyone is geared up for a restful weekend with minimal side effects.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Phyllo -- Is that a phylogram?  Or maybe it’s your brain....on drugs :-P

    Maryloops – glad you found something that helps you get through.  Glad you are doing OK in general.

    Chevy, I love the endless variety of chickens appearing on my computer.  I never knew....Hey, I was dreaming this AM too. (edited) so, in the dream I found kittens with face in puddle...I rescued and then 2 more appeared.Grrr I was past the point of no return with 3 of them. 

    Jo, one thing you really don’t have to do here is stfu...even if someone tells you to...
    It sounds like you are getting closer to surgical solution ... I wish you better health and peace through all this-the never ending story..

    PK, how’s the rain?  And is the purple streak in place yet?  Can’t wait to see it. 

    Ducky, you are having a time, aren’t you....I don’t blame you for moaning about it...I wonder all the time who I would be w/o BC.  Feel better.

    Blondie, wishing you a great day even though you are probably floating away by now...
    I have to get some sleep so I can keep up with Grandaughters. 
    We are floating away here in the just won’t stop raining.  Big day for me tomorrow...have to take care of grandkids (5,2) in NJ...DD tells me that the baby (2-1/2) had been “crib divng” [climbing out, hanging on by her nails, and dropping to the floor] then she wanders around at night....well, she hasn’t done it all week but still, I am kind of a wreck.  The last time I was there I messed up the exact story/hug/kisses routine and she lost it and held her breath so long I was terrified.  DH won’t come with me...wish me luck!  After 6 kids of my own, I should be fearless.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    geeb, wow, we have the night shift covered....
    Shell (Hawaii) needs a night off now and then.
    Thunder here...gotta sleep...took Benadryl to combat the itching (poison oak) on my ears. 
    Be safe, be happy, and make the most of what we've got.
    Hugs & love,


  • geebung
    geebung Member Posts: 17
    edited June 2013

    Oh wow - what an active thread. I want to stay and contribute but I'm packing for a trip to the US - not sure if I'll have the time to get on here much for the next month but I just wanted to say thanks for the warm welcome and that I love reading this thread. You women rock!

    lots of love from Jane (geebung is a plant! Wish I could say I was an avid bungee jumper!)

  • geebung
    geebung Member Posts: 17
    edited June 2013

    Oh and my avatar is a joey - a baby swamp wallaby. He was the cutest thing! He's probably a big boy by now.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Geebung, Have a wonderful trip.  Where are you headed?  Business or pleasure?  We are a nosy bunch.  We'll be here when you get back, ready for a play by play or picture by picture account of your trip.  

    Safe travels.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OK I'm home and tired too,,,, but I had to check in and Jo we do not scare anyone away. Chevy does so Chevy be nice. She is when she;s sleeping.

    OK there was so much to read I don't remember it sll so I'll just comment on what I remember--Hmmm OK I;ll just talk about whatever.

    I love raiby days, I'm not a sunny day person, it's ruins my scary movie thing that I do.

    Princess how's u'r hair?  Just didn't do mine tonite but zi did the different color nai polish with 2 different colors--I have to do one thing at a time with my famiy.

    Ducky it's a new world out there with people working from home--wow my oldest does sometime and it amazes me still---she's busy but may no feel like going in and then doesn;t used any days. That's great for these younger people. My girls have excellent work ethics, but not from me either--Maybe from my parents. I barely remember their father and he's dead now so that's that.

    Phyloslut u photos are beautifuly done--I like the colors and the mixture.

    OK Australia u'r coming to rhe US--tell us were u'r going we may be able to stalk u here. Oh stalking can be fun--Don;t worry we're not dangerous well, most of us.

    Diarrhea I am the queen----ask u'r Dr. for a script=I take Lomotril? but take alot so there might be something better now.

    And hold on--Who's even questioning whst to take tyenol or oxy---a a a a ---OXY of course=don't even worry about u'r liver--the chemo is worse on it then u think.

    Blondie how are u doing----take whatever u can to be comfortable--anything.

    Oh I had a nice time tonite with my family--fun stuff and tthe food was great but I did tast something spicy cuz they eat it like bread and I thought I was going to pass out. Can't do that anymore. But my brothers and sister geeze they stil can-nice restaurant too we had a round tabe in our own little room, but way to expensive for chinese (to me) I wouldn't personally go there I have no idea what the bil was but I ordered 1 thing and I saw it was 14.00 Sesame  CHICKEN--(Chevy) See I thik u can get good stuff at half the price. But that's just me.  So my night out is done. And tomorrow I do nothing hahaha somwthing I'm used to by now.

    Phylonobrain--that picture of a brrain was actually a compliment to most of us--Thank u.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    Hi beautiful hooligans trying to catch up... Page by page

    Camillegal I am so sorry that happened at the drs office. You have got to be kidding me no one in the office knew how to take your BP in the office. Then for the DR to walk in and say that, I'm sure that was probably the first thing he said to you. Thank you for your words of encouragement and sharing your story. I am glad you did not have much pain. I wonder if having just one breast will be disturbing. Since I need

    radiation my PS said he has better outcomes with delayed reconstruction.

    Shellshine I have a right mx then radiation. They decided to take the left mx at time of reconstruction to spare skin. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

    ChickaD you are amazing!! Thank u for sharing your works of art. I think preschoolers can draw better than me. How old were you when you started?

    Sass I have been working on my deep breathing thank you for your help. Didn't sleep very well last night, hope I can get some sleep tonight. Oh my meeting with my boss and hr went really good. We have a game plan to keep my job protected ;) all of your info just made me that more confident. Also the needymed is amazing, how did you find this? Your story floored me I was speechless! It made me angry and then I cried to think the pain you felt getting your diagnosis then some a**hole lets you go from your job. I felt bad even complaining. Just heartless :(

    GMA ugh I have been trying to brain storm ways to help with pain. I wonder if the surgeon could pin point the nerve that is causing the pain. I wonder if they could cauterize it somehow so maybe you would be numb but not have pain? I think if the surgeon could increase your quality of life maybe it would be a good idea to have mx. Keep us updated ;)

    Ducky I loved your story about getting rads. You always put a smile on my face. Your comedic timing is perfect ;)

    Healing hugs and prayers

    Sweet Pea

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Well, it seems most of the hooligans have gone to bed with the chickens tonight.  Hope that means we will party-hardy tomorrow nightWink

    Sweet dreams.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Jules we go to bed with the chickens and wake up with the rooster. Every so often I sleep a full nite and what a nice feeling in the morning.

    I just checked the weather and it wil be nice today (here) lower 70's -no rain- and now there is a full moon--aaahhh no wonder I feel as I do---wahooooooo.

    A story--Today my DD and my SIL were doing errands and my GS's friend was coming over and he said to me that he couldn't come over unless there were adults home. And I said OK he can come over and my GS said are u considered an adult? WTF I said I might not act like one but yes I am.  Brat

    Well I'm glad everyone is sleeping so u all get rest and feel better today-Me? I'l be crabby as chit, I know no one will notice---Chevy.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013


    I'll leave you in charge of making the morning coffee.  Our weather has been in the mid 80s-today the same.  The house is just cooling off so it's time to go to bed.  My DH has a job in Wisconsin so I'm alone for 6 weeks, then he comes home for 2 weeks. Well, I'm not exactly alone as DD #2 lives with us.  However, she is house and dog sitting for friends for 2 weeks so the house is all mine!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Anyone up yet---Geeze u lazy bums I've been up for 2 hrs. and took my meds and having my first cup of coffee now--which I made myself---Oh it's going to be tto to strong for the wimps on the other end of the house, but by 5am Marty already has the coffe made--he's sleeping late this morning, So I took over.My Katie-Kat gave me a nice big hug and slept with me for those few hours and stayed sleeping next to me--so I fed her and she was happy. I almost forgot to take my makeup off last nite, cuz I never wear any so I'm glad cuz I know my skin would feel awful this morning--it might look awful anyway, but I don't like it ti feel awful.

    So how is everyone's day starting?

    Chevy if u mention those chickens again--I'm eating more chicken tonite  then. Hmmm chicken tenders sounds good even now.

    How are all the chemo gals doing?, I hope today is a decent day for all of u and I hope u see sunshine even on a cloudy day. It's scary movie day for me and I taped all my Crime (real crime) shows that I watch

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    You BAD girl!  Is it okay for you to call miss Phillisanthropology a slut?  SEE?  I'm NOT the bad girl! 

    You just crack me up reading what you say.... or shouldn't say, or you are the life of this thread...Ha, ha!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Julianna!  Come back on.... Cammi is going to smack me around!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Cami, I'm up and having my first cuppa......kitty is nowhere to be found. I need to spend the day reading and catching up.....thePrincess is right.......this thread is 24/7 ...poor mods, we do give the a run for their

    Chevy......could you send me some eggs for breakfast please....I. Joy organic here and hey are so bloody expensive.....doesn't matter if they break, I'll just make scrambled eggs ....ha ha ha ....ok STFU Christine, too early yet.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OMG That thing is as ugly as one of my  ex- MIL---actually either one. What do u do Chevy search for a chicken picture just for aggrevation? Well u succeeded Miss Chevybukbuk----Is ssnyone else up? Or will Chevy and me spar by ourselves.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Hello!!!!!!!what am I chop liver here.......Cami put your specs on

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    PS that is one ugly chic!!!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Oh Damn!  I just hit refresh and lost what I was writing!  And so YES Cammi, chicken pictures ARE just for you...I was going to post one of them mating, but you really can't tell what they are doing, and I didn't want to embarrass you, so I didn't.  Wink

    And then Scottieeeeeeeeeeee piped up and said SHE wants some eggs, but I don't they those ducks/chickens know how to do it yet... Scottieeeee did you find your cat?   She's probably with the chickens... AND Cammi.  Smile

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Okay chopped liver!  Just you and me babe!  As the song goes....  Remember Sonny and Cher?  I used to love listening to them and singing their songs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Scottie I got u Babe---I must have bumped right into u'r post cuz it wasn't there when I hit submit.

    Hey Chevy I loved all those songs from the 70's and I was older and I still listen to them---for the most part I could understand the words. Now I bare understan any word--u chickenlover

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Chevy.......I still listen to all the songs from the sixties.....they're my favourites, but I do get down and dirty sometimes with my sons when they are listen to rap, I do a good imitation of emcee...ha ha ha ...

    Cami....give me my kitty're being greedy, you have you're own...😹

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Scottiee My cat was giving me my right arm massage a few minutes ago--she's get to the other arm later.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Oh shut UP!  Okay...I found this!

    I know what you mean about understanding the words!  You should try it with these f (bad wird)  hearing aids!  Ha!   I mean it's bad enough, trying to sort out the words, but it's almost having to read their lips! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Oh wait, I spelled "word" wrong.... anyone even notice?Wink  At least I SAY when I do!