STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Couldn't help myself - really got to get back to work!!!! bad bad bad!!!!

    Not sure how to take this can someone explain it to me????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    I love that smiley face---that's us

    Phylokissass---u seems to know more about this ins. thing so I hope u can help Mary witth u'r know how.

    And I do hope u gals are doing OK today-this can be ruff I know.

    I'm fuzzy today to I'll be back later,

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    OOOoooooohhh Cammi!  You BAD girl!!!!  You come up with the funnest names!  Smile  Can you imagine a bunch of us having lunch and drinks somewhere and acting like we DO???  Ha, ha! 

    I had lunch with my friend...actually she was my 2nd Daughters' X Mother-in-law....  ANYway, we have been friends for SO many years.... So we went to Red Robin, and as we walked in, we were laughing, and she quipped..."I even wore clean underwear for our lunch!!!"....  And I said "Since when did you start wearing underwear?????"  She just cracked up!

    And I think we would give the staff a run for their money if we were all together somewhere! 

    And so I'm here to say you are ALways fuzzy!  Oh wait... no that's another thread....!  xoxoxoxo

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Hi all..just a quick check in as the se's are really kicking in again....ugh...

    Miss Blondbombshell...I took my chemo pics with my tablet...then saved them to photobucket and then posted...haven't figured out the cell pics yet

    Miss Gma...cant wait for the fabric surprise!

    Can barely lift my arms to type....hugs

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Chickie.... I'm sorry!  Undecided  Hope you feel better in the morning....  xoxooxxoxo  (((Chickie))))

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Cami - whoops, I fell asleep for 3 1/2 hours. Hard to get any research done that way. Should have put my tablet on my head while sleeping. Maybe would have absorbed something.

    Phyllokicksass is what you meant, right!?


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    No Phylokissass, I my use that another time tho. LOL U were so being so so nice when we kniw it's u'r ankle bracelet that u want one of to figure out how to turn off the beep. See I know about these things.

    Chevy I love lunches like that---when I go out with my GFs we laugh so hard and loud (we always did) we try so hard to not bother anyone but doesn't happen. One time we went to lunch (hadn't felt well, so hadn't been there in a little while) and we were laughing and all of a sudden a waitress came over and said I was in the kitchen and we all heard u'r laugh and so glad to hear it so I guess I'm extra loud????? We'll be going out soon cuz my one GF is coming to Chgo from FL--I think this one is going to move back (we all hope) We told her to take a course to brush up on her nursing or we really don't care if she comes back.

    Oh ChickaD I was hoping this was going to be easier for u--maybe it won't last to to long? I don't know except to say I'm sorry.

    And Phylosicko how are u doing now any better.

    MaryI'msorry for all u'r going thru right now.

    Well I got my pain meds today--didn't have them for a few days OMG didn't u notice? I did so I started cleaning my room just all the mags and paper and washed a load of clothes except I don't know where to put them shit--there's never enough room for me --my DD will help me figure it out. (I hope) they are putting up a 4 foot pool tonight some one gave them cuz they got a bigger one--My SIL is super handy otherwise this would be a disaster cuz he had some leaks to fix too. If I can get in and out--that will be my home PT place--I don't know how often I go to my PT at the hospital yet so I'll see how this goes--I hope it helps. oh I get so excited I'm seeing my best friends Sat. for our party--my sister and cousin--u'd think we never saw each other I could see them everyday like we used to. My other cousin does not to long ago and we all miss her so. Her son son will be here--he's in his 50's so he's one of us know. LOL so tomorrow Joey wil help me finishe my room and hope it will pass my DD's OK. Never got that from me. It's ok someone has to be that way and so is her husband. I just need a few more shelves in here I found some that are reasonable so maybe next week I'll get them and reorganize better even for me. One of my pilow pets is ripping-Yell I guess it can be sowed if I can do it--Chevy STFU hahaha I thinks thes meds give me a high then, I;m down for the count as u can see.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    ChickaD - I pray that the SE's don't last too long.  ((((HUHGS)))))

    Cut everything out including a blouse for me... I ache all over. Guess I'm done for the night...

  • MaryLW
    MaryLW Member Posts: 1,585
    edited June 2013

    One of my favorites, which more than one person said, was, "it could be worse. You could be losing an arm or leg!"

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Am remembering my good times volunteering as an archaeologist.  I know I shouldn't do this to myself - I miss it so much and had alot of fun. Had a few paid positions but not enough to keep us going so.... I had to get a REAL job that would pay the house payment....

    arch pic

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    You look beautiful my friend.....Miss Gmadigger

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    I actually ended up with a scorpion in that screen that trip - she was quite mad at us, because we disturbed her nest.

    edit add: I couldn't see me in that garb with my LE sleeves, gloves and how in the hell would I hall all my gear being I can't use a backpack.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    thanks guys will try photobucket, saved it to my puter tried it that way didn't work...

    Chickie feel slept 3 hours today, tomorrow is friday....

    GMA love that pix!!


  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    I went to my BC support group. There was a newbie there. We sat next to each other and became instant friends. Must have been out matching hairdo's... our hair is just coming in. We exchanged emails. I want to tell her about this site. Hope ev everyone is feeling good or better. I'm still trying to get used to NED. I may start to like it.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    chemo.jpgMe at chemo with my boa....thanks guys photobucket was the ticket...

    Yay verggy for your new friend.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    me3.jpgMe at home with my purple hair, no it is not pink!!!

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    Yeah, you did it! Now you will be our posting photos for us.! BE

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    First of all Let me welcome MaryLW--now we have 2 Mary's MaryLW and MryWTF'shername---so we have to think about this and the ames. Anyway I hope u enjoy our theme thread--but we can be very serious too Mary so feel free to come back and post--we're here.

    Oh GMA u are adorable in u'r digging stuff--what a pretty smile, well maybe it's not showing as much now, but u'll see.

    Blondie u look great and I see purple but that sometimes a hard color to do. I can no figure out pics. at all. So when I do u will see my hair only not my face.LOL

    My pills are wearing off some but I' getting tired--and I have to go read my baby a story---well I make up a story and just tell him--I know he's 9, but he's my baby still. LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    I new you hooligans, if I took a few days R&R and then Pm's to catch up on and threads I watch like Constipation(isn't that excitng) and Ports, and I come here after 3 hours and WHAMO  pages  and pages I'll be up all night. May not last Surviving okay. DDbf came to paint last night. That damn bathroom from Jan7th, is still not done. Not his fault, just all delays. We're very distant, sort of tense,  being polite. Schatzi and Dini got very excited he was here, I say that they've be very quiet the last few days. They start sparing, then Dini starts .........schats. Well it might of ..had to be there one of those things, that made us laugh.

    Went to MO today, ordered a CT chest/abd, and bone scan.

    Going back to read, but Loveys thanks for the pm's for those that wrote.  I know Blondie, Mary, Phyilly,Stacey, Shells and Chickie have gone through hellweek. L&H&P's sassy

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Blondie - you are so dear to me, too, and think of you often. 

    GO Flowers! Dunes is right on - you rock baby!

    Take care of yourself Chickypoo.

    I'm doing much better,  counseling starts next week and DH is going to the VA outpt treatment program.

    Sleep well hoollygirls.


  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited June 2013

    Well, long time no see, ladies (based on the assumption that I am the only guy on this thread).

    As a lawyer and as a BRCA2-positive male, I just wanted to comment on yesterday's Supreme Court decision. I was so pleased in the Court's unanimous(!) ruling that Myriad Genetic Inc. does NOT own the gene mutation that triggered my cancer.

    It's a great decision, except that I would happily let the company own the mutation ... as long as the company's board of directors "own" that mutation like I own that mutation.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning all.

    Oh Sas now i feel bad, I purposely don't PM u cuz I seem toknow how u are and like I say u recharge, but u'r always missed around here by all of us and me too. Don't overload u'rself yetl Just take u'r time with all of us. We;ve got some new people, if we didn't scare them away--we all--yes all have a tendancy to be short a couple of loops in our fruit bowl cereal---Chevy don't even!!! LOL But we're all here and hope u'r doing better Sas. So now u have tests? Prayer go to u Sas as always.

    Now I hope the rest of u hoolies who are getting chemo have a better day today--I'm going to be brutally honest, I hope u don't mind and if u do please skip over this part. I always pray for it to be easy on u, bit it doesn't seem to be and I do know it was always the same with me-2 days of wow I'm OK the the rest from the bathroom to the bed and after about a year of it I thought I'm not doing this anymore- but I finished out the year--The only reason I'm telling u again probably is because sometimes it just doesn't get easier it stays the same, the Drs. can give u help and eases things but u feel like it's going on forever--but it does end. And that's why I brring it up again--it just takes alot of patience and fortitude and ignoring the Drs. (for me) SSo hang in there we're here all knowing what u'r going thru and it's not easy for u at all. U'r all doing mentally so well--that's so important. That's the most we can help u with.for now.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Sir Charles!  WTH????  I hardly even understand what you said!  I know women pass on the BRCA2 gene, but had no idea their Son's could inherit this.  What would that have meant if the Supreme Court voted otherwise?  I'm just  baffled as to what the ramifications would have been, had they owned the mutation.'

    Cammi, shut up!  It's rare that I make some sort of sense here, but it happens....  And I never would have DREAMED you were taking any drugs.... No-sir-ee-bob.....  your posts are always a shining example of subtrifuge and misgivings.... and I love reading them!  Smile

    And a new Mary??  Welcome kiddo!  We'll have to change your name you know.....  People are just stupid, saying something like that!  If you want, we will all go look for them, and teach them proper use of their mouths! 

    Phyllidelphia!  Don't fall asleep with your computer on your head!  It causes all sorts of bodily harm from the absorption of iodes and mucinous ganglias'.

    Glad to see you Sass!  I know it's hard to go through those ups and downs... with HIM!  But sounds like things are running smoother again.  Sorry about more tests, but it's always good when the results come back good! 

    Blondie!  I think your hair is beautiful!  But it is pink!!!  Go get the purple dye, or paint!  THAT'S it....  paint stays in longer....  !!!  Ha!

    Good luck Shells....  It's gonna get better....  But it's just going to take a long time before you trust him again.... He has to get his head out of his arse..... or straightened out...Glad you both have that Son of yours! 

    Morning Beatmon & Grammie....always love reading what you say!  AND Veggy!  A NEW friend?  But you are so easy to make friends with!  Tell her to come here so we can tease her too.... and make up another name for her.... she probably is tired of her old one.

    Hi Chicki!  Hope you are better today!   I wonder where Princess has been hiding....!!!!  I'll have to PM her to see if she's alright!

    Have to take little Lacee in today!  She has this lump on her neck, and I'm trying not to be scared!  Doesn't seem to bother her, but it has drained now....Cry

    Later alligators....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Chevy u just reminded me---I wanted to congrstulate Veggy for having a friend finally. I'm glad for u Veggy. I think that's what u meant, right Veggy_

    Yes Chevy same names if we didn't scare her away--sometimes that happens (one of us does it--no names) or maby it's my typing like we're an illiterate bunch--I totally take the blame on that one, I know. Well we are worth coming back to so I hope they do and get to know us, and if not maubbe we're to rough on life in general --who knows.

    OK I'm on my first cup of coffee, and I have to finish mu room today--These 2 nuts are cleaning like crazy and the house is pretty clean sll the time. OMG I'm hiding myself in her- but Joey will help me I can move certain things,--Not that heavy but he's much stronger. This is pressure and I don't like it. LOL cleaning that is.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Cammi, if your typing wasn't so screwed up, I couldn't understand you, Ha!  That's what makes your posts so fun to read, because it makes my brain work.... usually it is dormant, but deciphering what you say makes reading you FUN!  Ha, ha! 

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    I'm up early this morning... I mean really early!

    Last night's support meeting was soooooo boring. They had some financial advisor come in and talk about wills, taxes and I forgot what else. He went on and on and on... I couldn't wait to talk to her. I used to be so shy. Then a couple of others started to talk to her. I told them about being NED. They were so happy for me.

    My family is coming up today. I'm trying to straighten up this house, but I ran out of energy. I made pancakes but they are hockey pucks. Everyone try to have a good day.



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    So happy about the court's decision.....the Geneticist at Chop told my daughter myself and the other grandmother (also had BC) need to be tested for the gene.....My BS said no at the time of surgery because of my age when it happened........the Geneticist said "it needs to be done" for my granddaughter's sake....

    The cost cause insurance probably would not cover it would have been $3,000., but I am willing to pay can't put a price on your it might be much cheaper......

    Plus Myriad was out of line with their cost for doing it.......Angelina Jolie is not the only one with the gene......poor people have it too, but not the luxury of bring able to pay to have the testing they are left to wonder........

    Agree with you Charles

    I never thought what AJ did was heroic.....many will call me "sour grapes", and disagree, but she had elective surgery......he did not have cancer.......huge difference........the hero' are you ladies sitting in those Chemo chairs having those "debilitating drugs pumped into your system, the women taking AI's with its crippling aches and pains everyday, no long well managed hair for some, it's no hair, eyelashes, or eyebrows, lets put this all in perspective........WHO ARE YOUR HEROS.........enough about AJ.......she has no idea wht cancer is I will STFU.......sorry if I pissed anyone off.....

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Charles, can you sue Myriad for your treatment costs during the time they owned the patent? That would be awesomely cool!

    To me it makes sense, but then I sleep with computers on my head. ;)


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Philly....they should be sued.....did they ever hear of compassion for the have-not......I worked for major Pharma...we spent millions to get drugs into the pipeline, only to get them to the FDA and have them not be approved.........back to the drawing board and millions more to get it to FDA standards,and trust me....they have their "Pet Companies"..,.millions of dollars are lost by drugs dying in the pipeline

    Then we get one thru, and within a few years our patent expires, and Genetic companie (our competition) can produce our drug, having our formula and compounds, just using their own dyes and fillers, and can sell it for less then 1/2 the price........while they spent nothing researching it, to get it to market.

    So you say "what is your point"....,,..point is Myriad should have been held to the same standards as Big Pharma.........why weren't they.......I wonder how many women died because they did not have the wealth or the means to be tested, to able them to have the same surgery AJ was able to afford..........don't get me on my soapbox..........