STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    My insurance only pays for half of that test even though I had BC twice. I can't afford it so I didn't have it done.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Hi all,Well after no power for about 12 hours Im back in business. We had terrible storms yesterday, high winds lots of lightening trees and power lines down all over. Tried to go out for dinner last night and couldnt find anything open exept Bojangles chicken and Micky-Ds. That was in a 50 mile circle. Came back home and let dh beat me at Rummy. Ds slept in his truck, where he had all the comforts of home, cell phone, cd player etc...but back to normal this morning.Thanks Phyl, for your pm, will check into the info. you gave me...

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Horrible......I know some pick up part of the cost...but many don't, plus the criteria for them approving your application is so stringent many don't meet it

    However, the Geneticist who took care of my grandson, and granddaughter said to my daughter " this needs to be done, I don't care how old your mother was when she got BC". Then said " much depends on other cancers in your family"...when she saw my mother died from Colon, my husband from Pancreatic, my mother-in-law from Breast, and her sister from Breast, even though they were not 1st degree, she needs to be done....

    BC, Pancreatic, Colon, and Ovarian have a genetic connection.......

    I was also told it depends on the opinions and the way the Geneticist writes up the report and request for coverage.....even at that, if you do get coverage, you could still pay a minimum of $375.00, and up.....better then $3,000, but for some it may as well be that much if you can't afford to pay at all......ok, enough said

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    I had to pay $1500. I couldn't afford it. So... I asked about a grant. If one is found ill do it.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Veg....hopefully a competitive company comes soon, and you will be able to get it done much cheaper.......

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Good (mid)morning,
    I have 4 pages to read back...will give me something to do at work today.  It's officially my last day of full time...but I have to go in 8 hours a week MTW for a small overtime job.  I have to be back august 15th full time which is way too soon so my plan is to work in 35 hours over the next few weeks on the days I'm there anyway...then will go back 5/22 instead - an extra week off with no overtime hours or anything. 

    Cami, I did go to GD's in NJ for her little ceremony....I didn't cry until on the way home.  I will try to post a pic but I can't just copy/paste and I don't know why.  Anyway, I managed to blow out my hair and wore white (long) pants, black tank and slipped the white sheer shirt over was pretty.  Pewter color sandals and my best bracelet.  I did nails and felt presentable.  Of course, no compliments from DD...that won't happen probably until I lose 20 more lbs.  But I got a wonderful note from her thanking me for all I do for the kids and that they love me.  Kiss   It was all worth it. 
    Cried and ate junk food on the way home as I cannot face that they are moving further away.  Thanks for asking how it went...will read back and enjoy the hooliganisms.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Joan feel your pain.....even though I have 16 Grands here, I have 2 in Chicago, and do miss them, since I was very close to them. I took care of them as babies....

    I have 4 others who hardly know I exist, but they have family problems...(not that they beat my door down before, so I take what I can get, and be content with that.....I believe kids learn what hey one son was so busy trying to save his hopeless marriage, he let his family fall by the wayside...and guess what......they are getting a divorce anyway.....we all saw it....he didn' than got bitter toward myself and his 3 sisters, who stood by him....oh we'll, shit happen.

    Maybe your daughter will not accept the job......should we pray harder? ? ?....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    I know its not a great picture through the screen but momma deer decided to come visit me at my office window!

    window deer

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    Too sweet.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    Charles, can you explain it a little more about what the lawsuit was and what it means....

    Thanks Shelll back at ya...hope you are well today.....anything going on that you would like to share?

    Sassy we worry you know how we r!!!!

    Cammie, my youngest daughter wants me to stop cause she doesn't like me having the se and that only give me a couple days a month of feeling good.....I promised my granddaughter who is now a senior that I would do whatever it took to make it to her high school graduation if she did whatever for her to graduate next I am trying to keep my end of the promise. honestly when I got diagnosed in 2009 I thought I only had 3 years left, it has been 3 1/2 but I am declining I know, don't have the energy I used to have and walking is harder, chemo is taking a toll....treatment sometimes is worse then the cancer itself....thanks for what you said and yep I read it...

    Chevy I have the purple dye still but am bored with it so another color is in the making.....maybe I more shot of purple just for you and will take another pix...oh and I did car paint on the fingernails once loved the color....

    Chickie, Phyllie and Mary hope you are having a good day......

    Granny where r u?

    I got mine paid for by the insurance company, I qualified cause my biological mother died of a recurrence of BC and I was not a carrier, thank cousin who just found some lumps, her aunt who was her mother's identicial twin died of inflammatory bc and b/c they were identical she is going to the geneticist on tuesdays but hoping the insurance co will pay for it cause it is like her mother had it cause they were identical....

    Well the question of the times I take the little MF's with me when I move or not....welll one of the idiots took and hid my cell phone call he is pissed at me, so that was it for me...have an appt on monday to go to a place for them to help me move, can't afford the house I have been renting for 14 years the boys lost their money and a company is paying my rent and has been for about 8 months and they are getting me like a section 8 for people disabled but I felt bad cause they have no place to go....we after he took my phone and then I took his he came after me and grabbed it and I twisted my hip, the one with cancer in that ended for me, called their people and left a message for them to help them move on....don't deserve to live like this and can't live here anymore, it is a 3 bedroom 3 floor house, that I can't keep clean...have 2 dogs a rabbit and them, they won't even mow the lawn or weedwack it...lazy asses....anyway...I will STFU now and need to be strong, really do feel bad cause they have no place to go and my other kids won't let them go there...they are lazy and have mental health issues, so between the counselor and their "people" they can frigure it out.....have to lay is Friday.....the "bad day"'''


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    I think I didn't put enough feed out for her this morning - waiting for her to bring her babies to visit - they are hiding somewhere in the forestry.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    I'm here Blondie and feeling so sad for you....God help you, you do not deserve this kind of one gives up on their kids, but you cannot do this anymore........please, please, for once think of yourself.......I know it is hard.....been there to a degree, but you are being abused, and need to be safe......

    In my case it is just being ungrateful at times, and not appreciated, but it hurts......then other times they are amazing......

    I am shocked the other kids don't step in and take charge......with all you do for, you are fighting each day just to stay alive........I just feel so bad, and wish I could help......just stay safe, and have that hip checked can't afford a broken hip......damn I am pissed off......hugs and prayers sweetie......

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    blondiedarling - you are right, you deserve better.  Taking all that you have shared into account, still the bottom line is that you deserve better.  And boy do I have a weed wacker for them!  Whoops, that just slipped out.  So sorry this is your bad day.  I hope GD fulfills her part of the bargain so that you can enjoy it!

    I was supposed to feel better today but blech.  Had third neupogen shot and am running a low grade fever.  Blech, again.   Have been trying to get BCBS and Medco deductible crap straightened out because I overpaid the deductible.  Got that part done, now trying to find out how that overpayment will be credited back to my HSA account is the issue.  Blech, again.  Then figuring out how to pay back my employer for HSA advance amounts for this year when my job ends.  Blechblechblechblechblech.

    My poor sis had to have her dog put down yesterday.  I feel so bad for her.  I used to house and dogsit for them when they traveled (before f'ing cancer).  He's a huge white great pyrenees/newfie mix.  He was always afraid of thunder and fireworks.  Last night was an enormous thunderstorm here.  We were all thinking about poor Murphy.  He would be so afraid and would come and stand next to the bed and breathe doggie breath into your face to warn you about it....for however long the storm would last.  He would also try to sit in your lap to hide.  Poor guy.  She is so sad.

    marywhat - one of the notes I made last night says "premium help available from Health Insurance Premium Payment Program".  Not sure if that was on the page that I sent to you or not but it was on that site that sassy gave to us,  Also, Genentech helped pay 80% of the deductible I still had left on my Xeloda.  Not sure if the Ixempraevildrug place has the same program but sassy's other find has a lot of good info.

    edited to add crap I forgot

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited June 2013

    The scientist who discovered BRCA1 is local at the University of Washington in Seattle. She was on the radio this morning being interviewed. Another test is being developed and will be available soon. The company will no longer be the only place to get the test. That should help the price level. She said "if public money (NIH) funded the research, the public should own the results."

    Dr Susan Love said what we need is a vaccine, like the one for cervical cancer. Work is progressing in that direction. In the meantime, we need basic research on the normal breast. Can you believe that no one knows how many ducts are in the breast? Or how many nozzles in the nipples? She also said the breast is making it's own hormones which may account for all the post menopausal ER+ cancers.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013


    Back on January 9th, a group of Pekin , Illinois bikers were riding west on I-74 when they saw a girl about to jump off the Murray Baker Bridge . So they stopped.
    George, their leader, a big burly man of 53, gets off his Harley, walks through a group of gawkers, past the State Trooper who was trying to talk her down off the railing, and says,
    "Hey Baby.....whatcha doin' up there on that railin'?"
    She says tearfully, "I'm going to commit suicide!!"
    While he didn't want to appear "sensitive," George also didn't want to miss this "be-a-legend" opportunity either so he asked ..."Well, before you jump, Honey-Babe...why don't you give ole George here your best last kiss?"

    So, with no hesitation at all, she leaned back over the railing and did just that ... and it was a long, deep, lingering kiss followed immediately by another even better one.
    After they breathlessly finished, George gets a big thumbs-up approval from his biker-buddies, the onlookers, and even the State Trooper.

    Then George says, "Wow! That was the best kiss I have ever had, Honey!  That's a real talent you're wasting, Sugar Shorts. You could be famous if you rode with me. But why do you want to commit suicide?"
    "My parents don't like me dressing up like a girl."
    It's still unclear whether she jumped or was pushed


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Miss Joanaroni!  I just wanted to say....  I remember when both my GS's were little, and my Daughter & SIL were going to move to Ohio!  I thought I would just die!  NOT OHIO!  I remember crying all night.... We had been such a big part of their lives since they were born, and they were taking MY boys to the other side of the world! 

    Well, finally, after much snivveling, they didn't take the job transfer.... And I was greatly relieved!   But then years later, they were moving to Orlando!  SAME thing!  But since MY boys were bigger, it wasn't as hard.... but it was harder on my Daughter!   SHE cried, because she knew I was going to....  Youngest Grandson just sobbed in his shower.... But I was so strong that day!!!  We can cry, but best to do it alone.... 

    Just wanted to tell you, I understand.  It was just another heart-break that we all survive.... somehow.... xoxoxo

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Chevy, loved your kiss story. Blondie, dont have any great words of wisdom for you, I have never been in that situation, but just know Im thinking about you...You guys have made me realize just what great kids I do have. Their biggest problem is trying to live above their means. I blame that partly on me and dh, They were pretty spoiled as young kids, but they really have gotten better since Ive been sick.I dont worry about them too much.I am extremely lucky when it comes to family issues.Except for my brother who at this point can kiss my a...but that story is for another time and place...

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    3 hours and no one is talking....are you all sleeping.......

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Yes duckling

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh wow I take a nap and everyone is jabbering and of course I forget who said what. OOHH

    Scary movies I watch them all the time, I always have---then action comes next. And some actually scare me too.

    Blondie u'r in a really tough situation so I don't know what to say except u probably have to be alone and stressfree days might happen more which u need. But I don't know how to make them happen for u.

    OK personally I don't see a lot of strides made in cancer trearment over the years. I mean women used to throw up before --maybe not now but u feel like it--women were so tired before-same things now. And I know I said this 100 times but my mom and aunt did not do any treatment--my aunt had colon cancer--my mom lived another 50 yrs. my aunt not so long cuz she was elderly when she got it bt lived another 8 yrs pain free so I always tend to think how did that happen--2 women, different cancers no tretment and they felt fine.I don't know what to think anymore---I realize some do very well on chemo but most don't and how long u get it depends and it just ruins other parts of u'r bidy some how. Then Herceptin came in --now they're tslking heart issues about it---and maybe 6 mos. is enough 1 yr u hae more chances of heart problems WTF--I know more gobblygook from me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    I took Miss Lacee.... She has an infected cyst, which I figured that's what it was.... It is so yucky, but he gave her a shot, and more pills to give her for 10 days....  Doesn't seem to hurt her...  but he asked if she had been bitten!  Nope!  It just grew from a marble size to something huge, then it just broke open....  So after $107 we are going to get rid of this....  DH was so afraid she couldn't be helped.....Cry  I'm just glad it wasn't anything worse.

    Cammi, I think the researchers have made SOME progress, but we aren't the ones that will see it, I don't think.... Maybe in a few years, those women might see advancements.... hopefully anyway.

    That chemo is so horrific, for most who get it....  I will never complain about my minor things again... My Aunt had to have chemo, years ago, and she was soooooo  sick...  They used to tell her to get some Coke syrup, to help with that....  It's just that you are bombarded with this stuff, and lose your hair, nails, etc......  It CAN'T be easy.... But it's all to kill whatever cancer cells might be still there....Wish there were an easier way.... maybe someday..... xoxoxoxo

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Sewing here - just got home from grocery shopping.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    thanks Chevy I needed that....

    I appreciate every single one of you listening.....I got the phone back about 1/2 hour ago...called the police on him after jamie came over and he got in my face screaming at me that he hates me crying and grabbed me, she threw him down he grabbed her phone and they got into it (she is 32)...Michael wouldn't get in the middle of it....anyway when I called the police he took off, came back about 7pm....told him the police said to call them when he came back if I needed them....I do feel bad b/c they are scared and upset cause we have lived here 14 years and they have no place to go, but I can't stay here and I do not deserve to be abused....Michael said that after I move he is never speaking to me again, oh well.....I have had to make decisions that they didn't like and told me I should have put them up for adoption....stress free that would work, sorry to be venting again.....I will now STFU!!!!

    Happy Father's Day Weekend.....

    luv you all


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Blondie, I am sorry......please take care of you.....I worry......hugs and prayer......

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    I am ok in my is in his room (George) Michael is downstairs.....they will leave me alone.....tomorrow going out, DIL said I can use her car!!!  Going to GD's softball game....

    thanks for caring....

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Checking in....ugh uhh ugh....chemo better this time with the different shots....bone pain......AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Miss Purpleblondebombshell....many hugs for you ♥

    Crawling back in my hole now.......

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Heres a little story that I thought was really funny. Dd lost her power yesterday too. On top of that a tree came down and she couldnt get out of her nieghborhood to pick up my gs  from his other grandmas, so she calls her ex and says _ you'll have to pick up Jordan from your mom and keep him for me tonight, I cant get out and we dont have power. He says well, that is pretty inconveinient for me, cant you just meet my mom at the tree and she can pass him over the tree to you?!!!!What an a..-wipe.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    OMG Mary too funny, sometimes it is so inconvenient for them...

    Chickie thanks for checking in, so sorry, I know what you mean!!!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    oh Blondiex - I am praying things calm down!!! worry about you too..

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Never tell me something you don't want anyone to know - I just can't keep a secret - ChickaD, I want you to pick which one to send you I made them with extra padding on the forehead - if you think that isn't a good idea let me know and I will take it out before I sew it!  I thought I would keep one for the top I'm making but that wasn't originally in the plan, so - You choose. Sorry I ruined the surprise. Just couldn't make up my mind!!!

    purple scarf