STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Ducky, so know what you mean..I cant be in the sun anymore either.And I love the beach, always have. Db invited us to his house at the lake and doesnt understand, I Cant be out in the sun. I hate it. Went out today and got dh a chainsaw for fathers day, thats what he wanted. Lots of trees around here to cut up after the storm the other day..but he'll be happy he has a new toy. Kids and ds are coming for dinner tomorrow which means I have to clean the house, yuck. better than going out though, that would mean we pay for everybodys dinner. What a waste. Be back later, and where in the world is Princess? Did I miss something?

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    HUFF and SIGHS for everyone...I think it helps me flow the pain thru my body.....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Marywhoeveryouare.......there are so many things none of them understand......

    All I say is....if he comes out of the garage with a hockey mask on....RUN LIKE

    I agree eating out does seem like such a waste...but enjoy whatever you do, except the cleaning.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    I wish I could go on the beach!  I thought I would drown to death one time, when my GrandSon wanted me to try laying on top of a Boogid-board!  You should try THAT Ducky!  He was on one side, DD was on the other, and I was yelling bloody-murder!  But it was soooo much fun.... the waves were making me bounce, but I just KNEW I was going to roll over, and never come up again! 

    Daughter finally said MOM!!! STAND UP... YOUR FEET WILL TOUCH THE BOTTOM!!!   So I rolled off, and sure enough I was safe!   That is my horror story of the day.  We all just laughed and laughed!  Then I collected a million shells, and I've been putting them on the tops of all my house-plants, and making shell hangings....

    I had my car windows all tinted dark, to keep my arms from burning when I used to drive to work.... And wear sun-screen when we go to the flea-market.... but we don't do out-door stuff in the Summer....  The heat is murder, even without being in the sun.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited June 2013

    Hi Everybody, Sas asked me to post the news release sent out by Breast Cancer Action on the day the Supreme Court handed down its decision against Myriad holding the patent on the BRCA gene testing.  Here is what they sent:

    "The Supreme Court has outlawed human gene patents.

    Corporations can no longer own our genes.

    Thank you for standing with us against corporate control of our health.

    Today, the Supreme Court ruled in our favor to strike downMyriad Genetics’ patents on the human “breast cancer” genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2—and not just Myriad’s patents, but patents on all  human genes. This is a tremendous win for women’s health – and for all our health!

    What does today’s victory mean for women who have, or might have, an inherited risk of breast cancer?

    • More women will have access to potentially life-saving information about their hereditary risk of breast and other cancers;
    • New, better, and cheaper genetic tests will become available;
    • Women considering their options can get second opinions;
    • Myriad’s monopoly is broken and other labs can conduct testing, perform vital research, and develop treatments using the human BRCA1&2 genes

    What does today’s victory mean for public health?

    • Corporations can no longer own human genes!
    • No single company can monopolize all research, testing, and treatment for diseases and disorders with a genetic link.

    Since our founding, we’ve worked fearlessly to put patients before corporate profits. We are the only breast cancer organization that is a plaintiff in this case. We proudly joined researchers, genetic counselors, and individual patients in this landmark lawsuit, represented by the ACLU, because we couldn’t sit idly by while Myriad’s monopoly harmed women. 

    Your support made this victory possible. Thank you for standing with us. 

    We can challenge corporate power and put people before profits because we’re not beholden to biotech or pharma funding – our funding, and our power to challenge the status quo, comes from you. We’re so proud to have supporters like you who continue to make wins for women’s health a reality."

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Cammie and they lost it...and they don't want to be on it so sabotaged the appeal...whatever they will do better when they are away from me.....

    Chevy, an agency who has been paying my rent for about 8 months is helping me find a place, in a senior citizen/disabled place, an apt....I felt bad and was going to take them but after yesterday so not.....nobody will take them cause of the way they treat me and the way they would take forever to write everything I have been there through with them, and of course it is all my fault, should have put them up for adoption....whatever.....they so try to make me feel guility, doesn't work....Sorry about DH's teeth....HUGS!!!

    Flowers feel better, and F*** him....karma will be there soon!!!

    GMA they are adorable...and chickie me too the purple one always....I don't need them but if I did I would ask for one of them....although they did give me one at chemo the other day, a pretty lime green one....

    Shell just cause you day don't worry doesn't mean we don't....and the twins father, alcoholic used to get those seizures all the time, and I think it is related to that also...but who am I....take care and have a wonderful father's day out...yep I did!!!! nope blondie is fine.....

    Juliania, have fun at the ballet...

    Ducky have fun at the shore for me!!

    Did I mention I finally went to DQ it was awesome and have some left over in the freezer...

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    Ducky, I just said that to the twins or Jamie, do people think I like being like this, it pisses me off that I can't go to UD flea market and walk around anymore, disney world is out of the qiestion, I can't get up and down the steps without being out of breath...sitting at the shore in the house would be fine with me, out of PA and away from the BS, would be my comment.....I am going to take Andrew to the beach as soon as I can, I want to sit in the sand and just look at the ocean for a long time.....

    I was told that I should either stay out of the sun with tax but I will tell you that my eyes are sensitive to the sun, ALWAYS have to have sun glasses on and of course they are forever watering...

    Wren told them I was married @ 19.....

    Thanks Kath now I understand it srt

    HAPPY FATHER'S DAY just hanging out, slept from 3 - 5 was supposed to go to GD's softball game, but got DIL car this morning and went to Walmart, met Jamie there and came home....was exhausted....I so will STFU, luv you guys and thanks for listening....little MF took my pocketbook also, didn't even notice, noticed my cell phone, lol....told me if I talk trash again I wont' get them back, idiot....just STFU!!!

    Sandy aka blondie

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2013

    Oh Mary, Thanks for the laugh.  Sometimes, its weird where we can find humor. Some men can be a--wipes when it comes to them being inconvenienced.  Glad your grandson has others to love and care for him.  You sound like a wonderful grandma.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Oh God, everything hurts tonight - almost 6 hours helping guests at JoAnn fabrics, then off to grocery shopping so I wouldn't have to do it tomorrow - Feet hurt, hands, arms and boobs swollen - MLD, water and bed for me..  Maybe pain pills too.. 

    Blondiex - if you want another scarf I will send you one, just because ---- Any other takers??? I have that plenty of fabric, yellows, greens, purple and blues - Just let me know.....that can go to who ever wants it - A gift - No Charge.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Chickadee, sending you a PM, we need to fix this pain situation.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Gma, Love your photos...your that part of the country.  So glad you get your daily dose of beauty and t hanks for sharing.  I have not seen my 7 deer this waiting to see how many fawns there will be.  Sadly, I planted new trees and shrubs and I sprayed liquid fence (strong coyote urine Surprised) on my plants.  I think the deer may have moved away due to their flight instincts.  So nice of you to make the are making the world a more beautiful place.
    Cmb, so sorry you are feeling sick.  I hope you kick this thing quickly.  Feel better.
    Ducky, Chevy, thanks for the empathy and stories of missing your grandkids & kids...
    DD has gotten an offer she can't refuse and they are going.  Either this August, January, or next spring.  I am not prepared for dealing with depression...and am seeing in this thread a common theme of personal loneliness...whether it is isolation due to treatment, getting older, family too busy, problems with family comes down to we all want to be loved and have people to share life with.  So, just want to thank you all for sharing from your hearts and funny make life just that much better.
    Ducky, exert your elder rights!  Your day at the house sounds good to me...but a short ride to the ocean would be nice once in awhile.  I hope they realize that...  I did not know about the photosensitivity with statins....I just went off my statins due to bad pain in legs.  It helped.  Now I hve to call the doc.  My next bloodwork will be meaningless. 
    Veggy, glad you met someone you can relate to...again, we are so isolated in our emotional and physical pain.  I hope MIL recovers sad to hear about suffering.

    Shell, it is not uncommon for DH to have physical trauma during alcohol withdrawal. Do you think he should be carefully supervised and his symptoms treated as he moves toward health?  The VA route is important and I hope it works for you.  Your son seems committed to being supportive and protective.  He sounds like he's grown beyond his years ... I hope he can recoup carefree days when the crisis is past. 

    Sandy, this move seems to be forcing tough decisions that may not have been addressed if you stayed where you are. It sounds like the boys hate and fear cancer and all the ramifications they see.  While they may feel helpless, it is no excuse for them to not be respectful and considerate.  I hope when you move your home will be peaceful and manageable.  I think that by encouraging the boys to find a path to independence, you are giving them a nudge for their future.  They will understand someday...and you must be safe.  I hope you find the support you need to make this transition.  Sending positive thoughts and love...and praying for more good days than bad.  and please do not stfu!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Well about 2am here & I am still burning up with fever and aching all over.  What a deal!  I'm drinking as much as possible but then must limp to the bathroom and pee a thousand times.  Has anyone out there tried those Depends undergarments?  R they worth it?  Huh, I will have to take that under advisement.

    Ducky - U do what U want to go WHEN U want to do it.  And if I am not mistaken, the sun is not really big on my MO and RO's list these days.  We've got a beautiful pool here and the temperatures have gotten up to 105F but I have not been near the water yet.  Just sit under the enclosed patio fanning myself!  I think we all get similar flack from our families.  "Well if U would just get up and walk around U would feel better".  STFU already, OK?  I have BC and I can feel bad if I want to, lay in bed all day with my "real" friend Mr. Laptop and share my salty snacks with the fat little Pug!  Guilt trip city or what?  Well, I for one will not succumb to that nonsense.  Perhaps one of two of these (mostly) well-meaning folks would like to trade places with me just for a day or two?  Perhaps I will ask them that tomorrow.  The only bright side of having this virus or whatever the F**K it is, is that I can beg off going to Father's Day dinner with my Sis, sons and the dreaded Captain on Sunday.  And yes U R right Blondiex, Karma will catch up with him soon enough.  It did with my soon-to-be-EX husband who could not take the time to take care of me when I got sick.  HA!  Now he owes the IRS over 7 grand and can work his dumb ass waiter/bartender a$$ to death and continue to waste his B.A. from the American University.  Can I say dumb A$$ again!!!!!

    And Miss Gmafoley - I would be pleased as punch to have a scarf and I am partial to the blues (no pun intended) so if you are offerring, I am raising my hand saying, "Pick me, pick me".   

    One bright light today tho:  Chevy's BIG box of recipes arrived and I will treasure them forever!!!!!!  Thank you again my dearest.  I intend to put them into categories and begin trying each and every one of them as soon as this fever breaks.  My real dream is to write my own cookbook entitled "Everything Old is New Again" and of course the credit will go to Chevyboy and a few of my select relatives who have now gone to Heaven.  Thank you, thank you, thank you again and please do not hesitate to ask if U ever need something from me.  WOW, are they super great!

    Well, gotta go take some more pills and snuggle down under these blankets for a bit.  Hope that you ALL out there have a better tomorrow with Peace, Prayers, Love and Blessings.  Nighteeeeeeeeee!


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013


    Unfortunately I have first hand experience with Depends.  They are a good product.  I had Noro-virus and they were a life-saver.  Hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Your cookbook idea sounds great.  I've been collecting cookbooks and have about 250 of them.  I love the old ones with recipes that include 25 cents worth of hamburger or a nickel candy bar!!!

    Hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning All and Happy Fathers Day --well some of ust raised our kids alone so it's our day too. Oh I was MIA for a while.

    Now to remember.---FLOWERS What did I miss, when did u get this fever and from what? U'd better call someone (Dr.) tomorrow if it's stilk hanging around --and yes I too wear depends--There well worth it when needed.

    ChickaD--I see Shell is going to see about all this pain and see what can be done to help u--do whateer she says. Whatever helps

    shell I hope everything is going better for u.

    Ducky being on these meds--u can burn so badly just take care of u'rself. And movement has become a challenge--I still remember teasing my mom when I was young saying let's race--And she'd laugh and in Italian say Wait mydgtr. Now I really know what she meant and I find me saying it every so often. LOL But I have to say my DDs don't bother me much, unfortunately both of them are on lots of meds and they know they have limitations now so they really don't bother me, I feel bad cuz I can't help the way I used to but what am I going to do so we all understand each other.And again my SIL's dad died of cancer so he's been thru alot with that. BTW I introduced my DDs to tan wipes years ago and we'e used them so people neer think we're not in the sun alot hahaha they work really well and it looks like a golden tan.

    Well yesterday went so well for my GS's BD--it never rained like it was supposed to and talk about sighing--my sister, cousin and I whenever we moved it was ooohhh hahaha and bones cracking--so we were laughing so hard we had a great time--Wr had plenty of food and all home made and it was great--My SIL and 2 DD's made everything and one of Leslie's friends did a lot of clean-up work so that was a big help and I put food away and stuff like that--It started at 3 and everyone was gone by 9 so after that I just about collapsed but of course it was worth it. Actually we were all tired---I spent time with my GS in his room so he could really show me what he got so he was happy--and everyone is still sleeping now which is late for my SIL so let them rest.

    I hope today brings peace and good feeling for everyone--whoever needs to rest---REST

    And Gma that's so nice of u to offer to make scarves for anyone---BTW I did use Bright Blue chalk color in my hair yesterday and everyone liked it.

    Joan u sound kind of sad--I hope u'r doing better.

    If I forgot anyone u know I didn't mean to  and Yea where is Princess----Hey Chevy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    Morning everyone!


    FLOWERS!!!  I can't believe that box got there that fast!   It was so heavy I thought they would have to tie ropes around it and drag it there by 20 mules....Ha!   So thank YOU for wanting them!


    That's so perfect that you want to put everything together for a new cook book!   I've been putting the ones I saved into another binder, but only one.... not 10....Ha!  


    I'm just happy that you wanted them...I did too, for so many years...But I've just been trying to get rid of things I will never use again! 


    It's like you collect things for 50 years and the next 50 years try and get rid of them. 

    I have saved coffee-makers, irons, etc. thinking that if the new one breaks I'll still have the old one...But now I just take most of my stuff up to the shelter place...


    Wish you were feeling better....Just don't pay attention to smarty-pants kids!  Or anyone ELSE! 


    Joan!  How come you make so much sense?   And about that move....

    Sometimes things are just inevitable...  We don't like when this happens, but we can't, or shouldn't do anything about it. 


    If we could keep our loved ones close, and let all the bad guys go leave us alone, it would help.


    Grammie..... I just wish you would feel better soon!  I know sewing probably helps take your mind off of it a little, right?    Have you ever thought of taking up drinking?  I mean like a shot of whatever once in awhile?  I just know, my Grandma, who was about the only sober one in the family always would take a shot of whiskey before she went to bed.... Had to hide the damn bottle, because Grandpa that a "shot" was the whole bottle at once.  My Dad would have made him proud... Ha!  T'wasn't funny then, but it kind of is now.


    Hi Blondie, Dwill, Kathy and Shells! 


    Okay, I'm going out on a limb here, but am I the ONLY one here who does not understand that the Supreme Court decision means?  I mean for them to outlaw human gene patents, is not even in my vocabulary, much less trying to understand  what they said or did!

    Could anyone explain what it means, I mean in simple terms?  I tried to ignore this, but I need to know everything... 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Chevy....have done a boogie board.........fell off, rolled over around 6 times, could not get up, cause I kept getting knocked down by the stopped rolling and landed at the feet of 4 very nice looking older italian men standing on the waters edge.......they were hysterical. When they finally helped me up I said....."ok, who the hell beached Shamoo"......I was 63 at the time.......that was the same week I went to the water park in N. Wildwood with my kids and grand kids, and came down the big slide, hit the water, and my bathing suit top went up over my head, and I almost drowned trying to stay above water, and pull it down, so I could get out before someone came down behind me and landed on top of me........they were the fun days.......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Ducky those sounded like fun days LMAO u'r so funny.

    Chevy I do understand this patent thing but I don't understand it really-I didn't know anyone owned genes before but I would have assumed after 1 yr. they were up for grabs but what do I know. See nothing

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Drinking my coffee, and reading over yesterday's posts......damn I love you guys......

    Weather is great, having a decent time. It is nice causeI have some time to spend with my granddaughter ( the CHOP NICU) nurse who I don't really get much time with. She cam with her Mom and Dad. daughter made a nice dinner last night.....homemade crab cakes. cocuzza, and a big salad.....with cheesecake for dessert (which my granddaughter bought for her Dad). .......then we took a ride to my sons house in N. Wildwood......they will go to the beach again today, and I will watch the US Open.....then dinner, and back home....just hope there is no traffic....

    Joan...I feel so bad for you......and I love your new that your daughter, or you...I know who the little Munchkin is, and so are so caring and compassionate, and I so understand how your feeling........maybe the move will be the latter, and you will still get time to enjoy.....

    CMB...I have a huge in ground pool at my shore house......20x42....but they prefer the beach....oh well....for me it is not easy, and I hold them back, or kill myself trying to keep up with them......and that depresses me more, cause that is when I realize my limitations, and who wants to know that........and a cookbook sounds wonderful......I would buy several for gifts and give them to my girls in my immediate family.....and would sign it........with love from the bravest women in the world.....My Hooligans..........

    Hugs to all of you, Blondie, I took a deep breath of salt sir for you Sweetie...........GMA....your scarves are lovely, and you are so generous and thoughtful...

    Cami honey, your a wonderful Nonna.....your GS will always remember the loving times you spent with him....I ca see he is your

    whole life..cherish the time...they grow up so fast...seems like yesterday my Sean was a baby, and I was rocking him....he will be 15 in August....he is my life.....I still take care of him Makayla during the is done on Monday, and my days will be full once more....(well once the company allows my daughter back in the building).......right now she is working from home, because of an allergic reaction to something on her floor...(newly built)....,

    So everyone haves great day.......Granny.....where are you.....did the Poker Boys kidnap you.......hugs all.

    Chevy, hope hubby is better....

    Blondie....your move can't come soon enough.......peace at last for you......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Cami....they were the fun my Grands ( at least that first crew), are all grown up, some married, some parents themselves...(the older 2 twins 30 years), and the youngest 24 ( that is our nurse).......we called them The Great Eight.....then there are 10 more born after them, the youngest Makayla 1 sons kids (4) hardly bother with me, never see or hear from them, and 10 minutes away....the rest, keep in touch.

    The patent thing is great news.....I was told to get it done, even though I was older getting cancer, but you already know that story involving Makayla, and the Geneticist it will be less expensive....hope a company is ready to do it.......or this forces Myriad to lower their cost immediately because they now know they have competition, and want to get the jump on whomever they are....

    By the way.....don't need Depends yet, but if I ever do at least I know I can wear my sexy frock, while wearing Pilot will be so

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2013

    Ducky! Here is a picture I took and then manipulated with Illustrator. It is from when I was in Cape May! It is my favorite piece.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2013

    Chevyboy your story reminds me of a funny and horrible event of my past. My brother and I were children. We were at the beach and using those surf mats of the day to ride the waves. My mother cannot swim. We convinced her to get on the surf mats. We reasoned that putting them on top of each other would keep her further from the water and she would be safe. We were just by the shore where the waves break. Anyway, she gets on, and we, being young, could not hold the mats in the force of the waves. She ended up on her head, her head underwater, her legs flailing wildly, and we were laughing. OMG. I still laugh. Poor thing. She was terrified. LMAO. LMAO!!!!! Poor mom.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Love it......that is the way some of my grand kids started to look around the last week of August.......OK! YOU ADULTS! ENOUGH ALREADY! WE ARE ALL SHORED OUT....

    After being down from Memorial Day till Labor Day, almost every weekend, and sometimes for a whole week, they were ready for "home".......but in January they would begin saying ....hey only XXXXXX amount of days till the shore........jumped in the cold soon as it was opened and ready...they did not care if the water temp was 55, they did it anyway, but so did their idiot most are all grown up....oh well....time moves on......

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    All this talk about the beach reminds me of last summer. We still had our house on the coast and I had been trying for years to talk my sisters into swimming in the canal.  For some reason it creeped everybody out except for my family. Now you have to imagine, all these houses and boats with all these people out having their afternoon coctails. I finally talk them into getting inthe water. Then we decide to have inner tube races in the canal.So here are these 3 old ladies racing up and down the canal in these huge inner tubes laughing hysterically. These coctail people were just staring at us. You know the old wives tale about peeing in the water attracts sharks? Well its not true, if it was we sure would have been eaten that day.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Chevy, also wanted to let you know my db just got in 20,000 baby chickens and is looking for a baby-sitter.Wink

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    I miss my daddy....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013 it.......can't say the same.....never knew mine really......raised by my mother....guess he was just a sperm donor, who allowed her to put his name in the birth certificate 78 years ago......oh well shit happens, but that dear woman was the best Mother/Father any kid could want........Lord rest her soul.......a job well done my kind and gentle servant was said as she was welcomed into heaven.......

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Oh Duck... glad to hear your mom was everything -- even more important!!!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Chick...actually, she cleaned the homes of wealthy "mainline families" to keep me the way she thought I deserved to be kept, always trying harder because she knew people were watching the "woman with no husband raising a baby"..........and my grandmother did not make it any easier on her........never knew the "real" story, cause she never shared it......just heard "side comments" from other kids who probably heard "the story" from their parents talking about it to each other........

    One day one kid said to me when we had a little scuffle..."oh shut up, my mother said you never had a father anyway"..............another time I heard an Aunt say to my Mother....." I wouldn't talk, remember, you have a skeleton in your closet".....,,,but it did not matter to me.....I just wish she trusted me enough to handle the truth, "if there was a truth".......I loved her all my life, too much to care how I got here, I was just grateful the good Lord chose such a loving woman to be my mother.......

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    I love you, duckygirl...that is me in the pic with my grandaughter from NJ (5 yrs.) ... she will be moving to Boston area. We are very close.
    Duckster, wow, what a family tree you have there....and I am learning from you that some things just are out of our control.  It is rare when everyone is doing OK at the same is clear that your kids, grandkids and their kids love you. 

    Sorry if I sound is just something I have to work through.  Today DH had gifts to open from adult kids here and by waiting for DD#2 to arrive from CT with my other 2 (adorable) grandkids.  We are headed to the ocean beach for lunch. It is about a 10 minute drive.   DS still here from Chicago...the sun just came, I officially declare this will be a wonderful day. 

    Flowers, please please feel better...hope your fever is down and you will turn the corner. 

    So many of us have memories of dads that are flawed...when my father passed, I looked for something positive - a reason to love - and i came up with "he gave me life"  and the healing began.