STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Flowers - I should have been more on top of it and advised you to get a Rapidflu test within 2 days of getting sick  If it was  positive for influenza A or B you could have been prescribed an antiviral like amantidine, but it needs to be done within 2 days.

    If anyone gets fever and body aches coupled with sore throat or other cold symptoms, get a rapidflu test.

    Sorry about that, flowergirl, you should start feeling better after 3-4 days, lesser  symptoms may linger a few days longer. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Skimmed the posts......

    Chickie, good answer, and you look fantastic..

    Over my youngest daughters....on my way home from the shore I get a text.....Mom, I am in the ER with Sean Sr........after the gym today, he got very dizzy, and lost the sight in both eyes...none of us had our phones cause we were together..( him, her, and the 2 kids)....she said she drove right to the ER with him, they took him right in, and thought possibly a TIA...all I could say was OMG, OMG,.......thank God we were almost home, about 20 minutes out......they did a C-scan, an EKG, are keeping him overnight, and tomorrow he will see a Neurologist, and have an MRI of his brain, and an MRA! He is only 44 years excellent shape, and a Construction worker

    I am with the kids at her house now....they have no bed for him, so they are moving him to the back of the ER, and bringing in a hospital bed for tonight.......I brought my grandson home at 8pm from the hospital so he could study for exams tomorrow, and she just brought Makayla home and got her in bed around 10pm, then went back to the hospital.........

    Just hope they find just never ends.........will sit up and wait for her....once he is settled in, she will come home, and I want to be up in case she needs to talk........wanted to let everyone know.....will read the posts closer tomorrow when I have a clearer grandchildren are devastated....don' know how they will do exams with this on their mind.......hugs

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Ducky, thanks for the update. Keeping good thoughts and hoping for the very best.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Philly...hope your leg gets better...I did read that.......make sure you have it checked....hugs

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Ducky,  Hope they find out what is going on with your Son-in-law.

    Good thoughts to all as we face another Monday.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Julia......hugs back at cha.....will keep everyone posted...

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited June 2013

    I don't know what is going on with this family.  Heads in the sand?  Elephant in the room? 

    Two sisters write of their disappointment and hardly a whimper from the sisters who are busy writers. 

    Princess and Scotti, thinking of you and your hurt feelings makes me so sad.  I offer no bits of advise, but I have loved knowing you, even briefly.  Hugs for you and wishing you peace of and love.  Jan

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Well Hoolis, I am not quite sure what happened here on this thread but I just feel awful about it.  People posting, people not posting, WTF?  I still enjoy reading all of what each of you has to say whether I agree with it or not.  So, can't we all just get along and go back to the way things were?  I myself am somewhat of a newbie here but feel that we will all miss each other desperately if we say goodbye now.  Think about it overnight OK y'all.  Grannydukes and Scottiee1, U will both be missed and I wish U all well if U do not return.

    Ms. Duckyb1 - prayers for your SIL, U and the whole family.  I will keep U all in my thoughts.

    And Shellshine - thanks for your advice about the potential influenza.  I will see my RO tomorrow and mention what I have been suffering with since Friday and see what she has 2 say.  I hope that things R well 4 U and your family too.

    Peace, Prayers, Luv and Blessings to you ALL and may your new week be filled with happiness and joy!


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    I think about Red every day, I miss her very much. 

    Princess and Scottie I'm sending you PMs becasue I can't bear the thought of losing you. You are like family, and like all families we might have misunderstandings, but really - this is the ONE PLACE where we accept each other unconditionally. 

    Cammi and Sas - don't you start getting upset. We can fix this. 

    OK - I have  little secret I wanna share - I was getting a little irritated a while back, so I took a break but couldn't stay away for long.

    Damn I miss Red so much - can't bear to lose anyone else.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    (((Ducky))) hugs and prayers...keep us posted...
    Chevy, Cami, thank you for the father stories.  Touching and amazing....Camshaft, did he really drive? somewhat hilarious...

    Now, my dear friend Granny Purple Princess Kantaloupe, Scottiee, Sassy, everyone,
    I hesitate to speak because feelings may be highly charged here...but PPK, you are my contact and for that reason alone, I need you...

    First of all, we are all at different places at different times in our lives and day to day...we aren't always on the "same page" and we don't always keep up or remember stuff...
    If those who can would work together, we should have everyone covered. 
    There is the member list tab  and if you type in a member's name, it shows the last activity for that person.  I type in Sandcastle it tells me that she posted 6 hours ago on another thread.  Maybe we just need to PM former participants on the thread and just say 'haven't seen you in awhile...are you OK?" 
    It can't just fall on one person...I don't pretend to know all the issues here...maybe I'm missing something.
    I sometimes felt uncomfortable here because while I am a rebel at heart, I don't have the gift of being funny. (Well, I can find funny images and post them and I can even size them appropriately Tongue Out)

    It is true that in the past week there have been ladies here going through a lot of s*@t ... and our memoirs of Fathers Day, funny, raw, sad, whatever, did not seem out of place to me.  Isn't this a thread where anything goes?...and ironically, we even tell ourselves to stfu....or we have Chevy and hooligans who in good humor call us out when we are being melancholy or dramatic. 

    Will total acceptance be the mode for STFU?    

    PPK, Scottiee, please stay ,,,

    Now i will stfu 

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    YES! Humor is good. A friend posted this on Facebook:

    photo ScreenShot2013-06-09at112806AM_zps1326afa9.png

    💚💙I hope we keep our family together. 💛💜

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Miss PPK and Miss Scottie.....I love you both....I saw you were posting on other threads so I knew you were around over the past week or so..I even checked your time I will not assume you are ok and actively seek a personal answer from a sorority sister. I am sorry feelings are a newbie, ALL of you are so important to have become my daily ritual which helps not feel so alone in this journey. Dont leave, talk, get out your frustration, whip our butts....flog us..SPEAK UP ALWAYS...learned that at

    Miss Sass and Miss Cam...I love you both and find you so helpful and funny and going out of your way for us.

    So many of us have WAY TO MUCH GOING ON and lately its been double duty...things may escape our chemo brains or our over charged family lives...but EACH OF YOU is so important, especially to me....I dont want to be an orphan....WE ARE FAMILY...oh sorry, just took a trip back to the 70's....I will STFU now.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Jan - I PM'd our sisters that were hurt. Went directly to the source.. I didn't want to put it on the topic.  But this is what was part of the issue I think -  I got lost on what really happened.. All I know is I'm staying and hoping our "FUN" topic comes back from (as the 2 sisters told me ) "Gloom and Doom" and all this buddy system that doesn't work???

    The were here for the fun of it.. Unfortunately, when a sister dies, there is a mourning period and their is a little gloom. I just hope we can pull out of this, because it is a fun group.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning gals....  Yes, it still is.... sorry about all the hurt feelings, but things like this just happen.  I went back to the first post, and there are LOTS of gals that don't post here anymore, for whatever reason! 

    I think sometimes when we start feeling too close to someone, and maybe when things are said, we might feel disappointed if others don't agree.  For me anyway, it is just hard to keep track of everyone here! 

    And I know everyone ON here knows a lot more than me, on just about EVERYthiing!  But I don't think I care....I'm the one that's just hopping around going "La-la-la, la-LA,la!"

    And all I want to do is have fun with you guys, and maybe help you out of your little black hole or something....  And you gals on chemo, are just trying to hang on to each day... so I'm here to help.

    This happens on a LOT of threads....  But I think PM's sometimes hurt us.... I mean it's like PM's are there for us to say something we don't want the rest of us to hear... so sides are taken, and then all hell breaks loose.

    So I just wish no one would STFU!    And Joah, yes you ARE funny, Ha!  I will make you funny!  See?  You just smiled.

    This has been a public announcement from the administration... I mean from one of the administors.... WHATever!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    You are funny Chevy

    AND CHICKAD - I'm not leaving you sis for anything - We bonded when You started Chemo the same time as my real sis did and that did it for me.. You just stick around and we will have lots of funny going on!!!

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2013

    Omg- I haven't had an opportunity to check in since last Friday - had not only Father's Day but an 8th grade and a 5th grade 'moving up ceremony(ies)' production week for my now 9th grade daughter for "sleeping beauty" the final championship baseball game(s) for my now middle school youngest, major drama with my best friend, if you'll remember, her daughter defriended only me on Facebook, calling me creepy and it is now manifesting into her entire family VS me, complete with a f- you letter, working on pool plans - I'm sure I forgot something and now it's summer vacation for the 3 kids. I barely have time to peek at my Facebook account so I will try to check in intermittently but probably won't very often- please don't forget me :-( and if you're motivated, pm or Facebook me.....

    Wishing everyone well!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Hey Merle!  I don't do FaceBook, ~  And YOU of all people, with your experience, maybe shouldn't either, Ha!    Yes I remember you talking about that...  See?  I hate when sides are taken...   It just causes all kinds of hard feelings.  I know people LOVE FB, but I think it's mostly for people like my Grand-sons...   And I don't think I would like to know what they are talking about...Wink

    Hi Grammie and little Chick!  See you later!   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    If you only knew how many times I have spoken of many of you by name to others....telling the funny, uplifting, heartbreaking messages in all our lives........

    When cancer beat me down, you lifted me up out of the dark hole with your love......the fun, humor, stories of each of our lives, each day a new one.....another reason to begin the day many have we laughed, cried, prayed for and with each other.....

    Let me say this.....I am sitting here this morning with tears running down my face, at the thought of losing the friendship of any of you.......I will not individualize, because some are very close, and others are close in my heart......and I don't want anyone to feel like I have forgotten them.

    I am so sorry this happened

    Remember I said I was staying with my 2 grand kids because of my SIL......well I did stay last night at my daughters even though she came home.....this morning before school my granddaughter who knows all about my STFU thread said to me.......DID YOU TELL THE LADIES ABOUT MY DAD?.....I SAID "YES I DID". SHE SAID " YOU TELL THEM EVERYTHING DON'T YOU NAN..........I SAID "YES I DO HON, THEY ARE LIKE MY 2ND FAMILY. SHE SAID " YOUR LUCKY NAN". "I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! BECAUSE THOSE NICE LADIES MAKE YOU SMILE".

    Now I will dry my eyes and yes, STFU......hugs

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Me too Ducky.....  I feel exactly the same way.... 

    So we go on!   I've told my DH so many times what makes me laugh on this thread, and how close we all are! 

    I'm still with you kid.... and don't forget it!  xoxoxoxo

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    I am sad.....but won't lose touch....hugs

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Had a nice time with all the kids yesterday. Everyone of the cards dh got had to do with farts, except the one dd gave him, which was a beautiful card, but at the end after all the I love yous and your the best dads, she ps,s And Daddy, my grass is getting really long, do you think you can bring the tractor over soon??? Thats my girl.She gets her humor from her mother!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    I just need to say that all of you help me every day. And that's whether I'm reading every day or not. When I come back, the catching up is so much fun.

    I so agree with our little duckling "When cancer beat me down you lifted me out of the dark hole with your love". And that's not love for me but your love for all of us.

    I hope someone made coffee and pancakes this morning.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Mary.....smiling.......would lol, but I am sad today......hugs

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Mary, so glad it went well and you felt well! You were due for something nice.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Well Fellow Hooligans I can only share with you my favorite expression:

    Never try to teach a pig to sing.  It only annoys the pig and is a waste of your time!  

    BTW, I LOVE PIGS and have collected them since I am 21 years old.  Wow, that is over 30 years now.  When I ran away from my dumb a$$ soon-to-be EX and my home in Northern VA., I did leave most of my cookbook collection but packed up every beautiful pig that I was ever given and put them into storage in my parents' garage.  Hopefully I will have a new home to call my own someday soon after all this BC nonsense is concluded and can turn it into piggy Disneyland again.  For now tho I have my Pug, Broadway Rudy Giuliani who snorts like a pig, eats like a pig, has a curly tail like a pig and makes me laugh all day long!  So, happy, happy everyone.  I guess I better rise now (even tho I still feel like crap) and get ready for RADS.  Just 7 more treatments to go - Whooo Hoooo!  Perhaps a nice hot cup of tea and some scrambled eggs will give me some motivation, no?  Peace y'all!


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Ducky your granddaughter hit it right on - We are lucky to have eachother however we feel. To share, cry, laugh together - I don't know what I would do without you and all the others 



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    GM ladies----I think we all feel bad about what has transpired--this doesn't sound like us at all.

    Scottiee I have mention more than once how I missed my coffe with u--sometimes I'm late then I see u post later so I really never say anything cuz I feel like u'r all right--In fact one morning I did say where's Scottie she's usually here--but I too learned how to look up where we are and I see u somewhere--Scottie I hve never wanted to hurt u or anyone's feelings that's not me and I'm sorry u feel that way. I truly hope u come back--I'm not perfect and I have days I don't leave my bed and I'm haning on with pain meds and times I really go on one or 2 threads and I've lost all energy. last nite I was throwing up and diarehha and pain all nite long and I was frezzing and I push myself to come on here and act OK, Oh I know I complain but try not to and I never mean to leave anyone out. I apologize if u have looked at me in a different lite

    And Granny it's true I always think someone is in touch with u cuz we get messages and sometimes u'r just not up to posting and I respect that, I mean we're all here cuz we have this horrible disease and alot of us are not healing just getting thru it and u r always so fun we all enjoy u and if we thought something was horribly wrong we woul try to help, And sas has gone thru alot of work for us and tho we are not organizagle kind of people maybe we all care and mention u all the time.

    I trruly hope both of u come back we will all miss u very much. U'r purple hair and Scottiee's humor is part of ll of us as a whole and u finally learned how to read my typing. I'm so hurt and sad right now it's hard to explain so of course it's up to u but think about this a little more and I realy don't PM much at all, if I get a PM I am more than happy to respond and if I can soften peoples feelings I wil try, but I never meant to hurt u or anyone so I hope we'll see u again--xxxpppxxx

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Tried to do something good OH well.

    New sandcsatle posting sept not here.

    reposting my post from pg 188. that was right after the last roll call

    Jun 7, 2013 10:32 PM, edited Jun 7, 2013 10:44 PM by sas-schatzi

    Multiple people need to have PM's to see if they are still here or not here? (Bold emphasis today june17) Remainder of that post deleted here.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wasn't up to contacting all that need contacting , but asked that other's would.

    Prior to that rollcall said I was taking a break bc/ threw BF out. pg188

    With each roll call I checked to see who wasn't posting and sent them a PM.. Except Charles, He wasn't on the roll call b/c I forgot to put him there and the last line asked who'd I forfgetten, no one else saw that I forgot him either. That did give me the feeling I was trying to be diligent keeping the list up, but know one was reading. Blowing in the wind.

    I intermittently asked people for contact info, it slowly came in. Mostly b/c of PM's that I sent offerring to be a buddy. Sometimes just added a contact b/c I knew people were social friends. Sometimes added treatment and furballs b/c they were mentioned in posts.

    Red has never been deleted. I did that one my own b/c I asked in general what people thought and got no response. So, she's identified with her being our angel and her real name and date of death.

    I deleted Zypher too. She was invited and never came.

    It may seem that the list was easy. It hasn't been. Took time to explain to newbies what it was, what pg it currently was on, and how to use it. Trying to make it easy for them to join.

    Deleted jolelee too , she posted once and was very, very active on other threads, but that was a couple or three lists back.

    Multiple times asked for info. AND encouraged people to have more then one contact, b/c that contact may disappear. Notice how many only have one contact or no contact. Some don't want to have a contact listed here

    Stacey had her surgery on 13th, and April needs checking on. Knew Scottie was do for a checkon, but just wasn't up to it and by her past hx she was due to checkin. So, that's all I can remember, I quess that's all I want to remember. I tried.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    well damn commented and it went away, and shit forgot what I said...oh welll...will start from here...oh remembered some stuff

    Phyllie, me too eyelashes gone for the most part and eyebrows are sort of there...

    hope all the chemo takers are doing got zometa along with tax and forgot so yesterday had the stupid flu like symptoms that came along with it....slept most of the day, oh and if I said it sorry....bones are really hurting don't know if it is from that or cause it is hurting, thank goodness for pain meds...