STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    I'm home now and finally able to take these shoes off:

    photo 59a341a2-e777-4bc4-909a-e73c8dc39504_zps1aca4c0a.jpg

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Hold on here Sas I don't ike u'r lst post---BYE---what do u mean for the night, I hope we usually say goodnite not bye--U'd better not leave--I'm telling u that in front of everyone now--U have done nothing wrong but to orgnize all of us--u get u'r ass back here--I will hound u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Isn't it goofy how poop gets a lot of attention on here--to much or not enough--a subject that was realy not talked about to much--It's really poopular here.

    Dunes i love that picture--so American and Cancerlike--everytime I see someone with no hair they always look good, I mean the shape of their head is nice--I don't know why we are in such a rush to hide it, Well my shape is awful but most are nice. Abd it is sty;ish now and u'r faces are so pretty all u see is a beautiful face to me--Of course we all know I do live in my crrraazy world of Camille--one thing when it grows back it is a surprise what u see. So u can look forward to that. LOL

    I hope everyone wakes up feeling OK today and has a good day--Didn't Elvis sing we're caught in a trap--or something like that.

    PHYLocritic yes Elvis presley---that Elvis--Oh I have to take a shower in a few hrs. Why is it such a big deal I have no idea anymore hahaha

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Shell, Such stylin' shoes.  Do you go barefoot in the house, Hawaiian style?  My DH, born and raised on the Big Island, said the tough teachers were the ones that made their students wear their shoes in class.  He said they would walk to school with the shoes over their shoulders and put them on before they entered the classroom.  Your clinical should be over soon, right?  Any job prospects?  

    Keeping the candle in the window.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Juliaanna when I was young we all never wore shoes, our feet must have been like boards cuz we never got hurt and we had to wash our feet before bed time--Those were the good ole days.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    I wore shoes all the time except in the summer. We got a pair of flip-flops to wear.  I hated them because the "toe thingy" always gave me blisters between my toes.  To this day, I can't wear sandals with the "toe thingy".  Mom always bought us good leather shoes.  She would take us to May D&F.  There was one lady there who was a marvel at fitting shoes.  Before she worked there, she worked with the dancers on the Lawrence Welk show, fitting them with shoes.  We would wait forever just to have her wait on us.  We did get a pair of Keds for gym (during the school year).  Those were the alternative to flip-flops in the summer.

    Hope you can get some sleep tonight.  Hope others are resting peacefully.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Julia that sounds really neat for u'r shoes from the lady who fit dancers. I would have been telling everyone hahaha

    Ok let's try to rest--seems like everyone is resting now--I'm tired just wake up sometimes.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    Morning gals...all you silly Hooligans!  Blondie, I forgot to mention that NO-one left because of you, or your twins!  Who cared anyway why anyone left?  WE stayed because we DO care about you... and when you guys talk about the stuff that is bothering you, it just makes us think of what WE went through, and so WE let it all out too!!!


    I probably have said a lot of things about MY family also, but I only say things because they are true, and because everyone here seems to listen and care...  So if someone gets bent because I DO say something, well, oh WELL!


    And no, there ARE no rules...!  Can't you tell?  Ha!  I mean the way we talk, and make fun of each other is a good sign the Mods are snoozing.   Ha!  No they're not, but one time I DID write them a PM to them, just THANKING them for letting us talk the way we do, and I said this was the greatest bunch of women I have ever been around!


    So Blondie... YOU are one of the best reasons for us all to stick around with each other... xoxoxo


    Oh Shells.... LOVELY!  What are you ..... a nurse?  Ha, ha!  Those are the only comfortable shoes I can wear.... either those or Crocs!


    SASS!  Get your ass back here!  No, you have done nothing to warrant you high-tailing it out of here!   I think most of us have been trying to ignore the implosion that went on here, but it's over and done with...


    And Cammi!  WHAT did you just say????  Something about Elvis? 


    And the Rest of you Hooligan friends!   Okay, so feel sorry for me... I have to get another hearing test this morning.... I feel lop-sided.... like my hearing aids are not working together, or like I  am crooked!   And it's driving me nuts!  I'm hoping he can adjust them or something to make my head feel "even"???  Or maybe  I am "un-balanced"??

    And shut up Cammi!  This is serious... maybe. 

    I've had them for 3 years and they really make a difference....  But lately my head has taken on a mind of it's own!


    And Morning Dunes!  Nice to see you around here!  Liked your Elephant!   I USED to not know what that meant!  Ha! 


    Okay, carry on!  xoxoxoxo
  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Just wanted to share my outhouse view with you - it seems so peaceful if you don't think about where you are sitting to get this LOL.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh GMA Now I'm thinking. good view tho. LOL

    Yes Chevy I sope of Elvis--do u remember him> I wasn't sure if u would, I know everyone else would not because u r younger but because u are older than most. See I didn't say anything about u'r ears, or unbalanced or u'r mind--altho temptation was there. Big Time

    I want everyone to feel good today, well as good as u can and Sas get back here. we're the same dopey people well not all of us but SOME (no names) starting with P, C. D--see no names a bakery product, a car, and a kind of bird thingy--no names.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    I am going to say just 1 thing, and then STFU.

    In my immediate family if we had a graduation, communion, birthday party, xmas eve (always huge at my house) etc, and one of the family members didn't come the conversation would always be about the one who was not there........WHY IS HE/ SHE NOT HERE, ALL FRIGGIN NIGHT THST CONVERSATION WOULD SURFACE! FROM THE OLDEST TO THE YOUNGEST.........I finally I got fed up hearing it, and it happened all the time.

    The next affair when it began, again it was.....oh so and so isn't here, hmmmmmm wonder why, and on and on it would go, so finally I said.....I'M SICK OF THIS SHIT!!!!!!.........AND I AM ONLY SAYING THIS ONE TIME.............DO YOU REALIZE WHEN YOU ARE SO CONCERNED ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO DID NOT COME...............YOU INSULT THE PEOPLE WHO DID.........they just looked at me shocked.........

    So now when the kids have something, or me......if someone says.....HMMMMM, WONDER WHY SO AND SO ISN'T of them will always say....HEY, YOU KNOW WHAT MOMMY ALWAYS SAYS............then together they say......DO YOU REALIZE WHEN YOU ARE SO CONCERNED ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT COME, YOU INSULT THE PEOPLE WHO DID.........

    Was once enough......get my point........and as my mother always said......DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT.........SOMETHING'S BURNING! AND IT AIN'T THE TOAST.........SEE THE WAY SHE GOT MAD! WELL THAT'S THE SAME WAY SHE CAN GET GLAD!........and the last one......HEY IF HE/SHE DOESN'T COME, HE / SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO GO HOME......

    You all have a great day, an from a 78 year old "PILOT'S DREAM" and the oldest one here...LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO SPEND IT BEING ANGRY....has this trip down cancer's path of hell not taught us something....

    Had to get that off my chest..........sorry...


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    OK Miss Chevrulebreaker.... you did not mention me and I feel left out --- BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  LOL  just kidding, I know you love me -- thought you would so enjoy the milkshake.....

    Miss GMAfabulous..... LOVE THE VIEW..... I am so visual, hence my visual on our Miss Pie Lady With Foot in Air Running Bird.....

    Miss Cammi ... do you ever sleep?  I love seeing here all the time....I use to run home from elementary school and watch Elvis movies  -- my girl crush.... oh yes I am that young -- LOL

    Miss JuliannaToeThingy..... Hi there

    Miss ShellHula.... you sexy footed worker bee

    MissSweetPeaOneBoob...... yes your boob is lonely, listen to mommy and keep hugging that beautiful baby and keep getting better and better, I swear my BMX was the easier thing of this whole POOPY senario

    Misses Snuff and Sniffles...hugs and hugs and hugs and lots of tissues

    MissMORNINGWren....MissDunesnoozer....MissSASSAFRASS....MissMaryMary.. lots of love and hugs and good days for everyone else I forgot to personally mention or hug and kiss

    ok  chemo brain kicked in.....forget who else is here in that couple hours

    Sexy Bald Chick signing out to go scrub floors..... family coming in today for cruise ...... yay but yuck on cleaning

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Sassypants WTH!_! Get yer patootie back here. Otherwise I will think that you ignored what I said.

    Wait, why does everyone ignore my advice? Is it the ankle monitor? Fine, I'll cOver it up, even though I earned it fair and square. It may be distracting from my image as a wise woman.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    I JUST LOST MY DAMN POST!    And it was really funny!!!  NOW I have to go roll my hair for that appt for my ears!  I'll be back! 

    Chikkiepot.... No, I did not ignore you.... Damn kids....  I saw you there...but I don't know WHAT milk-shake you mean?  So how far back do I have to go to figure it out!   

    But first.... Miss Ducky.... You always say the right thing at the right time....  !!!  So profound you are!   WE are all here, so that is all that matters, right?   

    And Cammi!  my ears not only can't hear, they stick out!  Ever since I was born!  I am a fluke!  My Brother used to call me Dumbo.... think he meant the ears, but not sure now....Wink

    Miss Phylliswho.... We ALL ignore you.... Yes, it is your ankle monitor.... Ha!  It is so distracting.... maybe if you painted it red or something.... maybe even a few rhinestones?    But I'm glad you wear it.... it's the only way we can keep track of you....

    Grammie!  Where were you sitting when you took that picture???  IN the tree?  And what is that rope for?

    I'm going to hit submit, before I lose THIS one too, and I have to go with my hair all un-done.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Nope on the outhouse seat LOL - Edit: the rope is an old rope swing that the kids use but I wouldn't trust it at the moment.  Let me get you all a wider view. See that little white box? Its our real outhouse...

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Ducky, that is perfect. Now I will STFU( and some days that's harder than others.)

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Gma I love your outhouse pic. Sas, please dont go, this is getting a little out of control. We all used to have so much fun...Dont go..Weve lost too many people over hurt feelings, and I miss everyone of you...I Need you guys!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    MISS CHEVYIGNORESME..... go to page 208 around the middle.... there is a picture in the post --you have to read the whole thing

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Just a footnote from a 12 year old.........sometimes my granddaughter picks up my IPad and looks at this website, and this thread........

    Last night was one of those nights..(was at my daughter's watching the kids waiting for my SIL to come home)........

    My granddaughter came over to me, and this is how the conversation went........

    Nan, what happened to the ladies on that funny page....."what are you talking about Makayla....."Nan those funny ladies that use to make you laugh all the time".....".they had funny names too"............"how come their not funny anymore, and seem angry when they write"........"why are they begging people to come back, and who left, and why did they leave".........."Nan, can I write something to them to make them all happy again", please".........

    That from a 12 year old, who finds the good in everyone, and thinks she can change the world....

    Thought it pretty "on point"

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    wanted to let you know that I checked on April and they are going through a rough patch but are ok...

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    well I feel like I just got spanked by Ducky, guess I am really sensitive and emotional these day, the chemo is taking a toll....been sick since last week don't think I got enough fluids, will make sure I do next time...

    Phyllie, Chickie and Mary what is the chemo schedule for you, mine is thursday (3rd) so them I have a week off, which I can really use...

    love the outhouse....

    and the shoe thing....went to TJ Maxx a couple of years ago and bought these shoes that I loved....wore them and they hurt couldn't figure out what the deal was, didn't care loved them....after a COUPLE OF TIMES WEARING THEM, I finally looked at them and they were 2 LEFTS...went back to the store to see if I could find the right to no avail, wore them anyway....if that tells you anything about me....I am insane, don't care loved the shoes and they were just black no big deal.....

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Blondie, great story! You made me choke on my water.

    P.s. nobody is spankin' you! Duckling did NOT mean you, miss sensitivity!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited June 2013

    Ok, so why is Sas upset now? What in the world is going on around here? I tried to read back to find out what happened, but it was like 18 pages since I last posted and that was just too many but the jist of what I saw was that people were angry cause people did not post and then posted elsewhere? Then, the people who did not post are upset cause no one missed them? Ok, so I am thinking this all stems from Red's sudden death and the pain that this caused. Because she did not post for a bit and we all found out after the fact, there was some guilt about this? This is a public forum and people come and go and are busier sometimes than others or are in my case, having crisis after crisis so I did not have a chance to check in more than a moment here and there. I lurked a few times and did not post or I posted in some of the other threads I frequent, but I did not feel bad that no one was saying "Where is April?"

    But, someone like Granny and Scottee who have been part of this core group from the beginning are feeling as though no one missed them? Am I right so far? If so, I sort of get it in terms of why they are upset since they interacted here pretty much daily for months. Sooo, what is the way to resolve this?

    I think Ducky is spot on. This thread is about laughter through a rough time from where I sit. if people get upset, that makes it a different feeling and hard for people to handle if they are not up for that type of thing. Me? I am good with it.

    Just kiss and make up and stop being angry at one another! Life is too DAMN SHORT (like me!) to be angry! Love eachother for Pete's sake, because all too soon, your number is called and then you can't go back. What if something happened to one of you? That would be AWFUL and so please please try not to be angry about this.

    Ok, I will STFU since I am an outsider who hung out here for a bit telling you all what you should/shouldn't be doing. But, I do know one thing having come of age in the 1960's. Love IS all you need.

    Over and out. xoxoKiss

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Sandy....take care of spanking for anyone....just making a point that a 12 year old is trying to figure out what could be so bad, that it would destroy good relationships........but again........maybe they never existed.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Miss APRIL...... lol  love your approach!  Go on with your bad self  YAY.........................

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Ha ha, got you guys!

    I wear low healed pumps or cute flats to work, but at the end of the day I feel like I'm wearing those shoes I posted!

    On the bus to pediatric office now, on iPhone, will post more later.

    Keep up the good spirits everyone, Sas you better get your butt back over here within the next couple days or I'm gonna kick it!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited June 2013

    Shells, our volunteer coordinator at the senior center is from the big island. She keeps flip flops in her desk and in her car. Does wear shoes for presentations and conferences.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    My kinda girl!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OK I went back go sleep, yes I do sleep just odd hrs. whenever I feel like it. I would like to sleep at nite, but it doesn't always work out like that.

    Ducky u are so right and kids should rule the world we'd have easy solutions for so many things--they are so pure and think so calmly about things. And wat would work out for situations--Wow how smart. Oh and BTW we know u'r 78, most eautiful, smart, sexy blah blah blah--but the Pilot??? I'm iffy on that story.

    Phyloankle u finally got it--dress that thing up, but that's not the reason no one listens to u actually--we just don't want to. It's that simple.

    And Chevy why do u always think I'm going to make fun of u---Oh yea I do--well at leadt u know and u put up with my tyoing very nicely tho---see I gave u a compiment--Now tell us about u'r big ears, ahahah u'r ears.

    Oh april u'r having problems--I'm sorry--we're all fine back to normal--mostly

    ChickaD did u get u'r scarves? Just nosy-So nice of GMA

    I have to go to the bathroom--so I must go NOW.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    Ducky - you have a very bright GD.

    I've been thinking about leaving the threads too. I am on them constantly... lurking. I first came on BCO to get information. Now I come on here for the conversation and friendship. Everyone is leaving and they are leaving because they are mad. It getting to be too much drama much like facebook. I live in a house full of drama. I don't need anymore. Its sad, really sad. Most of thetime I don't know what to say. I may have posted pictures or something funny to show that I care. I'm going to shut up now.