STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • MaryLW
    MaryLW Member Posts: 1,585
    edited June 2013

    Camillegal, I think you mean me (MaryLW) when you say Marynew. I didn't drive a school bus. That was Spookiesmom. I was a teacher, and just had to ride on the school bus one time to make the kids behave. That was a bummer!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    We have our laughter and fun back - Yay!! I'm happy about that, and it's so good to hear from everybody - just love your stories - all of you.  

    Blondiee aka Purlplie, you are very talented. I just love the homemaking arts, especially ones to do with sewing, embroidery, knitting... and I never wear shoes at home, always barefoot. My feet are huge and very spread out.  

    Phylandarling I cracked up at your eyebrow story, keep practicing - Chevy - real ink? OMG. I wish I had that sink, but thankfully our home is now alcohol free. Yahooooo.

    DH is recovering from his seizure and pneumonia, can't drive, yet, so DS and I are taking him to his appts. He's feeling kind of blue because he bit his tongue really badly and it will take awhile to heal, but it is so wonderful having the REAL DH back, the kind, smart one I married 24 years ago.

    Stacey, glad to hear you are recovering. Please let me know if you need any mastectomy/reconstruction advise or support. I'm slowly getting used to these new foobs, liked the originals better but oh well, that's life.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OK==all I remember was a school bus and thought OMG NO--U have been a teacher another OMG NO--U gals who have spent u'r lives with kids deserve an extra medal. LOL and more pay.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    OMG -- I was at hospital all morning.... my blood counts SUCK.... my Neut ABS is only .009, doc said that is not good after having the Neopogen shots -- so they arent working -- she was so freaked out at my other numbers I got a big meds today and have to be on antibiotics for next 2 weeks - 3 different kind so I can go to Alaska and not end up on the end of a salmon fishing line (apparently Miss Beatthefish would like that)....LOL  I actually feel okay, but I guess that makes me suseptibale to infection with bascially having NO WBC......

    OK medical hooligans......need you to chime in -- what will help my blood count come up.....hmmmm maybe my GORGEOUS Pharamacist -- lol, but really any food choices or tricks you know of.....??????????????????????????

  • MaryLW
    MaryLW Member Posts: 1,585
    edited June 2013

    How do you send pictures? I use my smart phone, and know how to send a pic in a text or email, but I'm not seeing how to do it here.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Miss MaryLW..... I use and upload photos to that site and then it gives links you can copy... then here in the text box you see the little tree on the toolbar -- you click that and past the link into the first link and that its voila..... it took me forever to figure it out and had plenty of help from all the hoolies here...... once you do it a few times you figure it out pretty fast

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Mary LW, we tend to give each other new names or a riff on it. You are the new Mary,hence. Marynew. I'm hard at work. Glad to see the fun and laughter back. But I think it was important to share the other times too. I only post here so you are my everything. Tried other threads but didn't seem to fit or be welcomed beyond the superficial.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Chicky - Take a good vitamin every day after a meal. Get protein at every meal, and try to get 4-5 servings of fruit / veggies every day, especially orange, dark green, red, purple, anything that's colorful. Become a berryholic - try to put berries, grapes etc on your plate at every meal or make a yogurt and berry smoothie. Drink green tea every day.

    Get enough rest. Stay positive and optimistic. Wear pretty handmade scarves.

  • MaryLW
    MaryLW Member Posts: 1,585
    edited June 2013

    Dana, is the little tree on a toolbar in the text box that I'm writing in right now? I don't see a tree or a toolbar!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Thanks MissHulaShell

    Yes Miss MaryNew..... the little tree should be in the text box you are typing in -- you might need to tell your computer/laptop/tablet/cell  to switch to "desktop view" to see it

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    Oh Cammie can't get anything right Marynew!  She can barely pronounce her name.... sometimes she can't.... even. 

    Yes, if she or I would have to ride on a bus with kids/children/brats... Well more than likely they would have been shot.    Oh!  And SHE would shoot the Chickens I have to sit for!  So she is kind of an Annie Oakley.... 


    Although we had a good teacher... Phyllisiremington knows all to well about shooting and guns.... and that ankle bracelet she has to wear is just so Alcatraz can keep track of her! 


    Yes Grammie Foley.... I love that poem...  We just have to stay happy, in other words...


    Shellster!  I am also  rather talented!  Yes!  I crochet, sew, and am very crappy.... I mean crafty!  Which means I put things together.


    Oh Chicker!  VERY stylish! Yes!  Good job Grammie!    Chickie, what the hell?  You are going to Alaska???  Is that necessary??? 

    Stay away from any kind of fishing.... they would probably throw you in for bait!   WHAT did you do to your blood-count???  It's probably all the whiskey.   Call Sass, or  Shells!....PM them... They are the ones to ask....  Good Lord I only know about  making Noodleburgers and nothing medical.


    Julianna.... How fun you are here!  Let's see.... WHAT can we do with you???  Like Pilots, like Ducky?  What is your down-fall? 


    I took DH to have his teeth pulled!  ALL but 3 on the bottom!!!  Dentist had to take some out in pieces....  GOOD GOD they were a mess!    So while Dentist was doing this, my Daughter and I went to the Grand-opening of the King-Soopers near our house, and had fun looking around and getting free stuff, AND they have a Star-bucks! 


    So I was in shoppers heaven!  I finally said we had better go get Dad, and she said, "He is probably still getting his teeth out!"  So basically, we ditched him! 


    But 10 minutes later we left, and when we got there, he was down-stairs, with his mouth stuffed full of gauze, WAITING for us!  


    Damn!  His own fault, because he would not go in to Dentist until he couldn't take the pain!   So his mouth will get impressions in a couple weeks, then teeth made.... a bridge on the bottom, hooked to his lonely 3 teeth, that were okay. 


    So he is doing fine!  He bled for awhile, and then I said "That's enough, let's go play!"  So we drove out to Golden, and got away for awhile...... No mercy here.... 


    Now he walked up to his little bar for 2 beers!  The Dentist asked if he wanted, or would need some weed!  Seriously!  I would have smacked them both!  Damn Italians!   Who was that that asked about drinking 2 beers?  Oh sure, that's fine!  Only if it's Coors...Ha!  If you find you can't walk after drinking 6 or 7, well it's time to question your ability to REASON or even appear to be sober!   And go find a bed!     Sleep it off. 


    So it's mashed potatoes and gravy for him tonight...  And 2 more Aleve, and maybe Tylenol Plus a little later. 


    Oh Marywhat'shername!  I am only 50!  Yessiree!  Yeah, and add 25 more on to that.... So SEE?  I am older!   Except Ducky who is thinking she is more gorgeous, sexy and irritable is even older.


    Hi Chabba!  Good to see you! xoxoxoxo
  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Julianna doesn't have a downfall, just like Blondiee/Purpliee - she's perfect!           BTW - have been acting silly/happy on this thread because:                                       A. I'm feeling very silly and happy lately.                                                                       B. Our little on-line family here needs it.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Yes indeed. I'm just a Mary Poppins-practically perfect in every way!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Oh and modest,too!!!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Hellooooo! It's so nice to see everyone...except for the ones I missed. You know who you are. Oh, maybe you don't, because I don't either but it sounded good.

    I drove myself to my appt with my certified LE specialist today! She's a little over an hour away. I am very proud of myself for feeling good enough to drive myself. Except for the part where I was doing everything wrong. My sock for my left leg was the wrong compression. I was shocked! After all I did dig around in my sock drawer 'til I found one left over from surgery.

    I'm still not healed enough in my axilla for a bra. 4 more weeks maybe. Hell, I don't know! I finally told her that my brain was full and would not hold any more facts. We scheduled another appt for next week. I'll take my little James Bond pen recorder next time.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Philidink!  You can get actual, REAL, honest-to-goodness, not fake "Compression stockings!"  They aren't the same as those white ones they put on us in the hospital.  I got mine at a medical supply place...  They are a little more expensive than the  regular long stockings sold in the stores!  I even bought some at Super-Walmart...  But I would buy them a size larger than they tell you....

    And trying to put them on is a TRICK!!!  DON'T put them on using fake nails.... You will lose them before they are 1/2 way up. 

    Yes, when our brain gets too full, we cannot be expected to think straight.... Maybe the thing you want to re-call, like say your NAME, will come up later, maybe not!  But we have to forget stuff, to make room for MORE stuff!  So that's just a clinical observation.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Juliannapoppins!  YES....!  Modest, YES!!!  I love that...Ha, ha!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited June 2013

    Marynew I did that more than once at various schools. I drove for 17 years, mostly north county. Had total of 23 with PCS.

    Who ever said her idea of camping was a motel and a/c has the right idea!!

    Phyllo use rubber gloves to pull the suckers up.

    Waiting for groomer to call. Spookie is getting all her fur cut down, it was dragging on the ground. She will be about 2" if groomer does it right. I may cry, she won't look like my baby girl anymore!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Oh Im getting very confused with another Mary on here. Ill be reading and think Wth is she talking about?How about Mary1 and mary2? Newmary and oldmary? Maryteacher and marypainter? Whatdaya think?Marync and maryfla?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Marywhat'shername.... If YOU are getting confused, how about ME?  You must know who you are...right?  And so Mary2....  Don't forget your name...  We have now closed this thread to any more Mary's....Ha, ha!  No, we would never do that.... we would just name her Ralph.

    Spookie.... I TRIED that with Rubber gloves once!  And YES, it was a little easier.... Thanks for reminding!   Now BENDing over to DO this is the other problem.....  If I sit on the bed, and put my foot up on my vanity bench...  Then it is easier...sort of.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Chevy I am ROTFL!

    photo 83596a02-abf3-4779-846e-c3d2f53bdff0_zpsed7d1239.jpg

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    Cammie conceited I DON'T THINK SO, confident!!! And more beautiful with the purple hair....that buy the way is falling out, not in clumps but still....look like a man with a receding hairline...

    Shell so happy DH is back, love when that happens....

    Chickie, beautiful....that sucks, I have no idea where is Sassy when we need no chemo for you or you weren't supposed to get it?  and infection is a problem all the time...

    MaryW what chickie said that is how I do it now...

    Chevy so happy that you had a good time with your DD.....3 teeth wow.....maybe the next time he will listen to you...

    phyllie did you head explode with all the information cause mine would.

    Mary I am so confused....

    have a good night....over and out....still cream will cure it I am sure about that...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OK the masert is speaking----U buy the rubber gloves with the ridges on them slow start the stocking or arm on as u go u smooth it with u'r gloves the ridges make it easier and litlle by little u pull it up smoothing all the way--u don't try to put them on like socks---now sit and put ur' leg on an ottoman or sit on a bed what ever is easier for u--u'r arm to inch by inch before u know it u'r done-Grasshopper

    Juliapopins Chevy just want to know u'r wekness so she can name u accordingly--don't fall for it, u will have plenty of names as we go along.

    Chichy not only is the scarf GMA made for u adorable, u look thst way too. Oh Geeze is anyone not beautiful--I look like roadkill-Shut up Chevy.

    OMG I'm so tired to day I cn barely move--oh I really haven't mved---WTF maybe the weather?  I always like to blame something, it's so much easier.--My Oldest DD is going away for the weekend this one--but she;s be home Mon. and we're going swimming there Tuesday--I AM GOING IN THE POOL somehow-I know I can climb and just flop in but getting out HMMM it above ground. I haven't been in a pool in so many uears--I'm hoping the bouyancy would make my legs and back feel better. O course falling in will most likely empty the pool somewhat but it's not my pool Oh and it's heated so whatever the weather it will feel good --I hope

    OK I'll BBL (I just learned that)

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    very good cammie see you are never too old to learn something useful!!! in the pool....take pix, are you wearing a bikini?

  • MaryLW
    MaryLW Member Posts: 1,585
    edited June 2013

    OK, MaryWh, how about you be MaryNC and I'll be MaryFL. Or...any of Chevy's other ideas are OK with me. What do you think, everybody?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Bondie why woudn't I wear a bikini, doesn't everybody now adays--don't worry there will be pics, my DD can do that for me--I just didn't want anyone to be to jealous of me-I was born Beautiful, sexy and a Wow so just know I don't flaunt it. Now there's a bridge in Booklyn u can buy from me--at a reasonable price.

    OK 2 Marys those names are much to kind--u've got to know it's not in any of our nature to be kind with our names--don't worry u'll know which Mary we will mean. I think Phylo gets the worst of it--but she doesn't care she answers to any and everything.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Blondie, you asked about chemo. Mine is scheduled for next Tuesday. Not sure if we will continue the Ixempra /Xeloda or switch to something else. Sorry you're feeling bad. May I come over and share your ice cream?

    Thank you guys for the tips on putting on my Rubberband Man suit. Safety first! (you'll put your eye out)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Ah Geez Cammi!  You are supPOSED to put them on your feet...NOT your arms!  The BEST way is just to stand them up with someone holding them, and JUMP into one... Then do the other!  Works every time.... Just watch you don't sink into the floor. 

    Oh, and going into the Pool sounds so fun!  Just don't go in the deep end.... I did that once when I was in Camp-fire girls!  See, all of us little girls were in a huge circle, going around and around!  Part of this damn game took us into the deep end... Rember I am NOW about 5'1".... At the time I was lucky to be 4 feet tall.... WELL!  6 feet is TALLER than 4 feet!  Which no-one seemed to  be apprehensive about except ME!!!  By the time I was there, my toes would Not touch the bottom!  I was trying to scream for help, or at least BREATHE above water, but my mouth kept filling up with water!  I just knew I was a gonner!  We were holding hands, but by this time, I was flailing and sputtering, and .... drowning!

    Someone finally noticed this circle of theirs was missing one participant!  And dove to the rescue!  So don't go in the deep end!  I don't care HOW tall you are!