STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • MaryLW
    MaryLW Member Posts: 1,585
    edited June 2013

    Phyllis, I was a teacher for 35 years and now I'm a lady of leisure. ☺

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Mary, amazing! Teacher for 35 years married to a bad boy. See what I mean? You made it to lady of leisure without camo or a fishing boat.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    MaryLW, see? You survived 35 years to be the queen.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2013

    Camille . . . about showers . . . same here . . . why are they a big deal . . . when I finally take one I enjoy it and wonder why I dread it so . . . then 3 days later . . . LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Dunes, hahaha I do the same thing u think I was getting ready to swim the English channel and when I'm done it's a hug accomplishment and I tell everyone, LOL

    OK Phylononcomic I didn't get the joke or it's just plain stupid. And another thing Phylomasterdegree---I do realize there are many on here that have done so much and really accomplished so much and u too Missy--A photographer--that'a talen--Well Dunes and I are proud just to take a shower. Well personally I've done nothing to change the world or impact anyone, all I did was basically work for the government, but at least I didn't make it worse than the people I worked for, they did that without me. I tried to tell them they were doing some things stupid no one listened and what happened 2 governors went to jail, cuz they didn't want to listen. LOL

    So my life has been boring to most and dull to the naked eye--But I've enjoyed it for the most part--except for the husbands and the 8 yr. relationship I had with like a husband-he wasn't so bad, but he died-He said one day I was going to kill him and voila he died. I didn't kill him Phylobracelet. But no matter what we did in life good, bad, or ugly we're all here dealing with the same thing. I'm such a downer.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Cammi, I think that is fascinating. I didn't mean only change the world stuff lime you mentioned. I just mean the variety of experience and you are another aspect of that, showers and all! And by the way, you have impacted me. Your sense of humor makes me pee my pants!

    Okay, really maybe I'm just nosey! I wonder if Blondie has any ice cream she can share.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2013

    You're no downder Camille. LOL. I left it downder because I thought it was funny, and you know why. It is what it is, and yeah we are here dealing with similar issues, so we will just try to do our best to help them (and ourselves) move on through.

    Oh yeah. Government work. I had a stupid job: Baltimore County/Maryland State. Contributed nothing to the betterment of society there. Sure hope I can get a job or volunteer opportunity where I can make a contribution.

    I'm having to correct a lot of spelling mistakes tonight. hehehehe

    And having lost 60-65 pounds I was feeling all sexy when a friend was in town so when her bf wanted to take a picture I took my shirt off and here I am:

    I think I need to tone those arms though.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Nope, I would be happy if I was i your shape. I used to be..But thanks to steroids and menopause not any more...and Cam,  I dont think you could ever be boring. I havnt done anything exciting with my life either, other than having what is usually considered a mans career. I painted houses, but I loved it. Now I just feel like a blob most of the time-but just wait till I get my fishing attire I will learn how to post pics. then, with all my big catches...

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited June 2013

    You look good Dunes.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    I can't stand this another georgeous women on here WTF--U will see a picture of my cat maybe with my hands someday--that's it.

    Of course I would have to learn how to do that.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Cammi and Chevy you are remarkable women, AND the backbones of this thread.

    Without you Veggy would be Fruity, Philaharmonic would be back in the slammer, Mary would be contrary, Blondie would be bluey, Flowers would be wilted, Latiger stilted, Esther would fester, Sass would be frass, Ducky not so lucky, Scottie dotty, GmaFoley?....holy moly! Joan would moan, Dunes turn to prunes, Wren not so Zen, Jo, Jan and Mericat?....wouldn’t know where-its-at. Beat, Mostly and Spookie would definitely play hooky, Stacey and Shaneoak, both would be sad folk, Chabba would Sobba, April and Dwilli would cry themselves silly, Kathi, Juli, Latiger, Savgigi, Dvrgrl and Granny? Knocked on their fanny. Chicky feeling  icky, Shell would be s less, in other words hell. You two keep us going, the laughter flowing, the love keeps growing, and Gma sewing!  

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2013

    MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  I've been getting into glittering things.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Dunes I always say u can never have to much bling--and I mean it too.

    Shell u'r in a silly mood--funny words but I hold nothing together I just join in, everybody makes me laugh so it;s a conglomorate--is that a word??? U'r sweet.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    Marywh: I want to go fishing with ur husband! U can stay home and figure out another hobby. Bfishergirl

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited June 2013

    instead of a fishing pole and bait, i go fishing with a chair and a book - loads of fun!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited June 2013

    Shell, I am impressed! My cat's sugar was up in the 300's this morning (bummer, we had gotten in the 200's at the pre shot hour last week) and I am bummed. Thought we had found his magic dose. Hoping that he settles into it again.

    Ok, that is about it. Heading out to work. Hugs and laughter. I start Aromasin today. Wish me luck! Ugh! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    Dunes!  You are Super-woman!  Ha, ha!  You can't kid ME!  I can barely post pictures I get from Google, and YOU, can photo-shop! Or what IS that called, photosynthesis?  photo-changing?  photo-irregularities?  Or WHAT?

    That must be your contribution to mankind! 


    Can you tell I'm reading UP the posts?  So Shells!  Very creative  miss Hawaiian flower girl!   I just have a hard time trying to TALK to each of us...


    Cammi, you are still gorgeous, although not as much as Ducky...  or Phyllistarlet... or even the Chicklet person.  MAYbe better looking than Wallace Beery...   JUST KIDDING!  I thought that was funny, myself.


    Yes, Marygreeneyes.... I am jealous of that tart Dunes also...   I lost weight once.... but now it's like I don't eat much, and I can gain faster than those chickens! 


    Phylliswiththemonitor!  Well I ALSO take showers... and YES, they ARE big accomplishments...But better than a bath!  Good Lord, if I got DOWN there into the tub, I might have to call  ACME wench and towing to remove me!  Well, not really, but sitting there with both legs straight out, is pretty hard on my surgeried-back!   Of course that was YEARS ago, but my bones have grown all together I think, and even though I was an "acrobat"...(shut up Cammi) when I was younger, I can no longer twist and turn and do those damn splits!


    MaryLW????  Are you different than Marywhat'shername??   You were a TEACHER???  Dang!  That beats my Pepsi Demonstrator... Ha!    I was also a Tour-guide/Receptionist/Bar-tender/Van-driver/Parking Co-ordinator for Coors!  Man I loved that Company!  Didn't ever like beer though...  Retired after 18 1/2 years.. But I'll bet I am OLDER than you, Ha!  And I am leisurely too!  But actually always running around somewhere with DH!


    Marywiththefisherman.... YOU are going hunting?  Goose hunting?  Oh wait...where do you live???   Nope not in NC... Sorry.  I DID go Goose hunting with DH and Chevy (our old dog)... Well sitting on that ice bench, in a "blind???" and freezing my ass off was about as much fun as pulling out my nails with my teeth!   And Chevy hearing that shot-gun  just DID it!!!  I never went again. 


    I DID go fishing a lot, but could NOT bait those worms... (I used power-balls) Or getting them off the hook, if per-chance I CAUGHT one, was just over-whelming.  I hung up my pole... like they hang up their spurs.

    And now we just go shop... or gamble... YOU know... easy stuff!


    Grammie Foley.... Yes, you can be sad, about hanging up your bowling-shoes!  But Doc is right.. Musn't lift anything heavier than a wine-glass... YOU know... that sink that runs wine???  Go get one.


    Phyllisgotitwrong.... Put that sleeve on your foot!  THAT'S what you are doing wrong!  I wear compression stocking also, but man, it takes a Village to get those things on!   Maybe putting your sleeve on that stupid foot would be easier???   Yes, post a photo of us women who wrangle those stockings on!   I mean it's hard enough just to reach my foot, without trying to maneuver a tight sock that would fit a 3 year old!   And then pull it up???  Without losing an arm?




    Yes Veggy.... Eyes pop out, sweat runs down my tiny forehead, my ears ring, and I am exhausted!   But THOSE were Phyllo's eyes..


    Morning Blondiebarefoot!  I don't like shoes either, but I love Crocs.  Those aren't actually shoes.  They reSEMBLE shoes, but are actually little soft boats for your feet.  YES, we used to drag our girls out at 4 in the morning also!  But those fishing trips were so much fun!    So that must be what traumatized you!  Party-pooper! 


    Hi Aprilshowers and Beatmon!  What IS your name Mon???  I can't remember.   Wish you would get your shoes straightened out!  Go get Crocs... they all look the same anyway, Ha! 


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Sexy Lady!!! Dunes - Wow - I love that glittery super-woman cape! 

    I used to fish with my dad - really miss him - can't believe it was 38 years ago when he died from cancer. I live in the fishing capital of the US and haven't put a pole in the water yet.  I think I might apply for casting for cancer .. They teach you how to flyfish. 

    Got to get back to work but thought I would leave you with a peaceful picture I took when I walked the property the other day.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

  • MaryLW
    MaryLW Member Posts: 1,585
    edited June 2013

    Chevy, yes there are at least two Mary's. MaryWh is another person. I taught for a long time, and liked it most of the time, but I would have liked working for Coor's! I like beer--which brings me to an important question--Is it OK to have one once in a while? I doubt you're older than I am. I'm 65 and, thank heavens, on Medicare now. I turned 65 right in the middle of radiation, physical therapy, and beginning Faslodex. The insurance people at the various offices were not pleased with me! I was so afraid I'd mess up somehow on the forms and be without insurance, but it all worked out. 😊

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning--everyone is so happy--SHUT UP

    OK now I will go on.

    Chevy u were an acrobat how fun, no wonder u'r DH married u--a real movable body,

    And I did go fishing once--that was it--at least I tried and camping once again I tried but not for me--give me a good Motel with a buffet and i'll try that with anyone, yes Chevy anyone. It's been so long.I did own a gun, but I didn't get caught firing it like Phylobullet--who knows who she shot at.

    U know we've all had similiar experiences just not at the same time or place.

    And dunes as was said u are a hero--5 YEARS ON THAT MED and u look great too.

    And of course happy Veggy saying Good Morning.

    I hve to go to email and send my oldestDD Happy BD today--I forgot--and I think she's 47--OMG

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    I just signed up for Casting for Recovery - I hope I get it I need a little attention and pampering.


    EDIT: ChickaD - you should get your scarves today Laughing

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Good for you Gma.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited June 2013

    MaryLW we're practically neighbors!!!! I'm in Dunedin. Were you a teacher here? Bless your lil heart anyway. I drove a school bus for the little brats. Err, I mean darlings. That's my claim to fame.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited June 2013

    MaryL - There are quite a few of us on BCO that are in our 70's. 

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    GMA I get that I got the same bowling thing and do every year for my grandson and can't bowl either but I love watching him do it....don't be sad...

    phyllie, chickie and Mary are you doing chemo this week.....

    Cammie you are not a downer and I am sure you make a difference in somebody's life and if not you are doing it here....the husband oh well, he asked and it happened....camping was fine when I was younger, but a winnabago is camping to me now.....or a cabin, no on the ground in a tent....

    nope phyllie not me....just a secretary, parent advocate, volunteer (which I still do as much as I can) wife for 12 years, grandparent, parent...that was it...

    Chevy you beat me the Coors thing and it wasn't a party if it was I would have had a good time, it was something stupid....traumitized yep that is the word..

    Uh oh Mary Ducky will be here soon to tell you all about how she is the oldest....blah blah ready

    April thrilled about the cat that you figured it out...

    Mary that is so sweet that he wants to make memories with you...I am all about making memories....

    See Shell you put me to shame....I am not that kind of creative although I am in the sewing, crocheting, knitting, cross stitch and other kind of creative, along with beautiful blue eyes and awesome, gone blond hair and AM a wonderful, kind, considerate, sweet, giving person, along with another bunch of adjectives that I can't think of....

    ok dunes loving that pix and the other one and your arms are fine

    Mary I get the steroids thing.....lost all kinds of weight and the steroids put it back on.

    need another have ice cream to share along with ic sandwiches and other ice cream treats.....

  • MaryLW
    MaryLW Member Posts: 1,585
    edited June 2013

    Spookiesmom, I taught in schools in St. Pete and Pinellas Park. My last 6 years, though, I worked with Hospital/Homebound, and I went to a few homes in Dunedin. What a nice town it is--pretty and clean! I live in the Seminole area. Being a school bus driver would be soooo hard. One time when I had bus duty, the kids on the bus were so bad that the driver came back to the school and refused to take them home if I didn't come along. What a nightmare! I kept them behaving, but I felt like a prison guard!

    Chabba, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the oldest. I feel like I'm older than God.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Blondie is conceited an adjective LOL

    Marynew u drove a SCHOOL BUS? OMG  good thing u didn't carry a gun.

    Yea where is Ducky the most etc, etc, etc, woman on here,

    ChicaD did u get u'r scarves yet?

    I can not remember another thing I read on the other page

    I was thinking about /sas and I thought if anyone was fighting for a cause that Sas believed in she would so be all over it and give it her all. Quite a woman--I can believe in something but I just believe it stops there.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    My DIL put this up on her FB and it really made me think... I wanted to share it with you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh MS so pretty and tru.