STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Here is our little ducky when she went to Hong Kong.  She kept that quiet didn't she??!  Only her pilot knew.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Phillytroptex, it started with Chevy saying she'd kick my ass if I didn't get back here and then others saying the same thing. Sadly, since I have had a rapid weight gain of 30Lbs over 7 months, the dents are literal.  Blondie it was because of the icecream for real, instead of any usual choices for drowning my troubles, I reached for the vanilla ice cream.

    Dunes sooooooooo jealous of your 50-60 lb weight loss, it moved right to my butt. Hadn't gained any weight in 4 years, just kept loosing. Oh well.

    Shellshiner, your rhyme was veryvery good. Glad your DH is on the mend. When I signed in here today. The picture of the very practical nursing shoes. I deluttered and all mine went in the trash, Sounds stupid , but it eas as bad as the day my nursing license expired.

    Julianna and PHillytalker you got me through two of my darkest nights :)

    Veggy, I can take a rollercoaster ride at any moment when the crystals in the inner ear decide to slip. My counselors answer when I said that I had gotten to enjoying them was "You can always find the positive out of anything bad, so, don't feel weird for enjoying the ride". Glad you had so much fun at the park. Please. don't go away, who could I be Abbott for, cuz your such a good Costello.

    MaryLW and MaryWh, Hope Chevy works it out soon, I'm still scratching my head about one and two

    Cocomon, STFU about that idiot doc.  Welcome here.

    Cami when you responded to cocmon you said it's now Monday and you can get an answer. Sweetie, it's thurs.

    Cami, Dunes and I think Phillynobath(?). Anyways it was in the news that there is a movement in Europe(?) somewhere anyway, to not take showers as often b/c being of being too clean can lead to illness. Truth LOL. So, when you don't feel like it, Your part of a new wave of thinking ---how's about that.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Actually she looks rather large against that city. OH I'm in trrrooooouble now.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Phylogumbo---I'm singing this stupid song in my head now Jumbalia crawfish pi and filet gumbo....see what u started

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    cami, I could have put up a photo of a camellia but it wouldn't be nearly as beautiful as you in your bikini.  That was you, right?

    Last night, I drove to Arby's and got a chocolate shake and curly fries.  I felt so healthy!  Now if the Schwan's guy would get here with my order, I wouldn't have to go out for it.

    Sassterfina - Yes, I have heard of that movement. I think my brother started it when he lived here.  He was 62 years old and I would have to tell him to take a shower.  At least weekly!  (and had no medical reason not to.) And to please not hug me or touch me until he did.  I don't think the Europeans take it to that extreme but they do have a point.  And I forget what my point was.  Tongue Out

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    It's a GOOD song!  Son of a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou!  Hank Williams -

    Here's another good one - Linda Ronstadt's Blue Bayou

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Cami and anyone that's a grayhair. ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY LOVE THE HAIR CHALK. I don't recommend the liquid stuff, it doesn't rince out like the chalk.

    Jan hellooooo haven't heard from you in so long, come more often. What up?

    Foley, I'm up for Walmart too! They equal racetracks, bus terminals, train stations for wierd people watching.

    Wren definitely sounds suspicious. Walmarts have decimated some towns /cities business districts. Seattle doesn't have any Walmarts? That's amazing. It's a huge market. Wonder why they never moved in before? Any scuttlebutt about why they haven't?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Philly I've seen that tree but never knew what it was. Do they really use it in Gumbo? Talk about grinding stuff up. Read the other day, that pregrated cheese theat the noncaking stuff that is used to keep it from clumping is wood EWHHHHHH! I knew cellulose is wood, but chose to not think about it in my cheese.

    Ckickietravelextrodinaire, Shellshiner said it all, hope they don't bring up the nasty word neulasta again.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    I would love to get some hair chalk... If only I had hair.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

     GrammieFoley, We were just AT Walmart!  Were you there?  Was that you passed out on the floor over there by the glue?  I just went on like I didn't know you.


    Yes Sass, we'll ALL kick your ass if you decide to leave again, Ha!


    Cammi, shut up!  Or what did you just SAY????  I think you are typing in Spanish!    No, we don't complain... we are "venting."  It's getting scary, because I almost understand what you are saying. 


    Phillisiplantknowitall... Is it REALLY?  You just made that up.  Gumbo, my a$$.


    Nope Sass.... I'm still going to take showers.  You know, I take mine out doors with the hose!  I just turn the nozzle to "rain" and stick it up on the fence in between posts, and I can dance in the rain!   I know, don't be jealous.


    Phillisaftertheschwannsguy!  You are really going after that guy?   What do you mean little horny, I mean ornery one?   

    Yes.... you forgot your point....  Ha, ha! 


    And Sass!  I LOVE Walmart!  Don't go sayin' any disparaging remarks about Walmart.... Or the Dollar Store! 

    Walmart probably isn't in Seattle yet, because it is cloudy and rains there a lot.  That's why!


    So, if anyone asks, DH is doing great!  His mouth looks good, and he is eating pretty much all he did before!  (Since he only had a few teeth anyway BEFORE!!!)  Even the Dentist called this morning, to see how he was doing... I thought THAT was pretty neat.  I am fixing baked Salmon, and scalloped potatoes tonight for dinner.... and for desert?  Peanut Brittle.
  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    I did NOT make it up.  Just listen to Hank and he will explain....or you won't care 'cos he's so good.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    So have you listened to Hank Williams Jr. sing "all my rowdy friends are coming over tonight?  "  That's us!

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited June 2013

    Phylltree That leaf looks like a fig leaf to me.......

    Sass, I'm here.  Just hanging out.  Trying to get up to speed with some exercise.  Made my daughter a cute potholder this morning........a cute owl front and and center. 

    Think I earned some ice cream.  Dryers Slow Churned Fudge Tracks.  Join me?  But you better hurry.  I goes quickly. 

    Spending day with nearly 13 year old granddaughter tomorrow.  What could be better.  I'd take her shopping, but my DD doesn't trust my driving.  Hmmm

    Campbells Gumbo Soup  This California girl's only way of tasting it.   Double hmmmmm

    Happy Wallmarting       Jan

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited June 2013

    Phyllodough or whatever your current nickname is. Have you ever seen the pages of "people of Walmart"? It is great for a laugh and I guarantee a shower is the last thing most of those people think about so go and have a good time. I think Johnny Depp is on the European "not take showers" list. Like they don't shave underarms but maybe do shave legs - well ladies that is. Hope Johnny Depp doesn't shave his arms/legs. Chevy - DH did that one time when our septic was on the fritz. Rigged him a screen with a tarp in the corner of the backyard behind the shed. I managed to shower at the church. OHH LOVE Arby's. Though I understand the shakes at Wendys are great too.

    My DH reminds me that on my worst day I look better than most at the store. Not that I'm a walking beauty ad.

    Oh Sas vanilla with Hersheys York Dark Choc/Peppermint syrup. And yes the grated cheese has an anticlumping agent that retards melting. Better (though harder on the hands) to grate your own. I could live on cheese and crackers. Matter of fact just had a slice of Swiss. Go calcium go! And yogurt earlier.

    Veggy your cartoon about friends cracked me up. Love you.

    WalMart moved into the little town 10 miles up the road about 7 years ago. Since it opened businesses have not closed but opened more. Walgreens, CVS. Albertsons and local grocer doing good business and another hardware store opened. It may be because we are semi-rural. It's still another 10 miles or so into outskirts of Ft. Worth and Home Depot/Lowes, etc., from there so maybe why all co-exist well.

    Chevy - Dinner sounds great. Be right over.

    Anyone have any experience with dental implants? DH making noise of not doing root canal/crown with tooth. All I can see are dollar signs but it might be not too much different and he has zero luck with crowns, they always seem to break.

    Jan - you're right about that looking like fig leaf. I have small tree, well actually bush size since it dies back every stinkin' year even wrapped with frost cloth/tarps. It looks just like it. I love figs. They taste like vanilla to me. Exercise - I've been doing a gentle one on Christian Television. I'm a lazy b*** and it's too hot now to get outside much. I also bought an exercise ball. We'll see how I do. Have to clear enough floor space so when I slide off I don't slide into something.

    Know I only post sporadically but I do read this everyday and most days several times a day. A whole 16 minutes and no posting. Holy cow, that must be a record. TTYL.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    One of you must have been at my Walmart yesterday having too much fun. There was an "electrical" fire there and the store was closed down for two hours. How dare you have fun with out me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Hi Luvvygoats!  No, the only think I have heard about dental implants is that they are very expensive!  Maybe someone else on here has had them!  But at our age, when something goes wrong like that, it's just makes more sense to have them pulled.... I mean what's left of them...Wink  My 89 year old neighbor just had a root canal on two teeth, plus new gold caps, and WITH insurance it cost her over $2000 ! 

    I mean, it is good to try and save teeth, but I would rather spend my money on something like Starbucks or something important! 

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Veggy, I believe it was you who said, no hair for chalk-Two words for you no 3-Super-hero tatoos. They are the best.Ive been to Wal-mart 2 times today. Ilove my Wal-mart. Exceptfor the clothes. I dont know who their buyer is but all they have are polyester dresses and they are butt-ugly.Must get busy and pack, will check in before bed.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    LMG $$$$$$implants. Found it I was blanking on my favorite ice cream Bluebell. (?) hate memory on pain med, can't find anything. They serve it at Carrabbas AND Cracker Barrel. If I could only stop at 1 tablespoon.

    Recipe for most anything. Had it last night on steak yummm if you like bleu cheese. I stick of butter to equal amount of bleu chees or gorgonzola. Blend and store in freezer. Scoop desired amount, i use lots, but small amount is healthier. Let melt over steak, chicken, fish. Not good with pork. Tasty on lots of different veggies.

    Kathyindc Thanks Hugs. Thanks for reposting the BCA article. It was very good at explaining the reprecussions on the gene ruling. BREAST CANCER ACTION -- BCA is a very worthwhile group I used their analysis questions in a thread I'd started on analysing charities or organizations. The questions were very good. I promised my self I'd do one organization a week. But using there questions was allot of work, serious work and research. I'll get the thread link. :)  Most of the press focused on Brca, but the ruling affected I think 200,000 gene patents.

    BCA mission is to do eactly as the article stated, political action. Didn't know they were the only BC organization that was involved in the lawsuit, but did sign their petition.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OK I just caight up and forgot again.

    I told u guys that chalk is amazing--any color and washes right out--u can match u'r outfit, nails anything u want. And if u don't have hair now u will and as it's growing use some and it'll look like that's how u want it.

    Marynocomputer--u'r still home-are u leavin in the morning?

    Implants, I remember a lady at work got 2 implants then they were 1,000.00 each, now I have no idea sometimes things do go down in price so who knows.

    Veggy I like u'r cartoony things--so cute.

    I'm forgetting everything right now.


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Cam leaving in the morning at 6. And once we get there dh will my sisters boyfriend to talk to, so Ill get a break. Hes a talker too. Should be fun. We're going to St. Augustine and going on a ghost hunt. Cant wait.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    Chickadee: how is your white count doing? Be

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    OMG!  You ladies move way too fast for me.  I am so many pages behind.  I started reading and couldn't believe what I was reading.  Fighting, people dropping out, feelings hurt.  I almost didn't post.  Sorry I haven't been here is awhile.  Work has been busy.  Trying to train new staff so I can retire at the end of July.  Also been dealing with uterine issues caused by Tamoxifen.  I am post menopausal and recently experienced some vaginal bleeding.  Had a transvaginal ultrasound - uterus is a friggin mess.  Had an endometrial biopsy which thankfully was negative.  I am scheduled for a complete hysterectomy and ovary removal on Jul 13.  

    DH and I are taking off on Jun 31 and heading to Vegas for our 40th anniversary.  GYN told me to go have fun and then we will take care of business when I get back.  I will try and keep up but no guarantees right now.  I will be laid up for 4 weeks so should be able to spend more time on the computer.

    I've missed everyone and hope to be able to post more.

    Hugs & Kisses

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Jo I'm glad u going on a trip---enjoy--- how is u'r hysterectomy going to be done? Do u know yet.? We know u'r busy so it's fine come in when u can.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    camillegal - Belly incision.  I am such a mess he wants plenty of room to make sure he gets everything out.  The bonus to this is he is going to pull my belly together and get rid of a lot of fat - sort of like a tummy tuck thrown in for good measure.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    O hahahaOOHHHH lucky Duck

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Jo glad to hear from you. Sounds like a great trip, sorry about all your other problems I know you're dreading it. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Hello All

    Hugs and Prayers to everyone who needs them.  So sorry for those that are in pain, dealing with JERK doctors, broken cars and the like.  I have a question: tomorrow morning I must see the GYN doc to discuss having my ovaries removed.  I cannot and will not EVER be able to take the nasty Tamoxifen so my MO wants me to see a colleague of his and have the oophorectomy done ASAP.  His reasoning is that there a a lot more drugs that I can take once I am in menopause.  I met with him this week to inquire about what would happen if I could not tolerate these additional drugs (AI's I think they are called) but he is insists that there are many, many drugs that we can try to stop the estrogen production that fueled my original tumor.  What say you?  Has anyone out there had this procedure?  What is the rehab. time like?  Are there any other pitfalls that I should know about so I can ask the GYN doc tomorrow?  Thanks in advance and Peace!


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    cmbernardi - There are a number of other drugs you can take instead of Tamoxifen once you are in menopause. Armoatase Inhibitors or AIs are specifically for post meno and many have had no or little side effects.  I was one of the unfortunate ones and could not tolerate them so I am stuck taking Tamox.  I can't answer your question regarding recovery time for the ovary removal.  I am having that done as well as a hysterectomy next month.  I'm sure someone else will come along and help you.  Best Wishes.