STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Thanks jo1955!  I see U are a fellow Texan.  Well, I am really just a transplant.  Have a blessed night.


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Going to bed early. Have to get up at 5, Hope everyone has a great week-endxoxox

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Flowers, When my twin had BC er+ plus one positive node in 1996, i told her we needed to get the ovaries out ASAP. It was not a treatment modality at the time. We both had Hysters and oophs out. She went through chemo and has not had a return of Bc , but did have a prophy on the other side within a year(?). She has another major problem now, but it's not cancer. I developed BC 14years after her, why? 

    I had to have an abdominal hyst/oopherectomy b/c anatomy was not good for laproscopy. I was back at work in 4 weeks, but I was 46 at the time. 8 weeks was the usual for an abdominal approach. But I was out of bed within hours and walked my undented tushy off. Then stood and sat, stood and sat. By the time I was off the good juice, pain was negligible. Out of hospital in 46 hours after surgery end. The key for my recoverying so quick was the early ambulation and the stand sit thing. Iambulated at home by using the properties for distance measurement each property has a hundred foot frontage. I added several houses with each walk. !400 feet within  a few days, then went up from there to 2500 thereabouts.The stand sit thing is the hardest/ most painful thing to do post op b/c the body starts making scar tissue as soon as it's cut basically. When the scar tissue is kept from contracting down, it prevents that feeling of the tissue tearing. So, doing it while the strong narcotics are on board makes recovery lots easier.  Standing straight and laying flat, also helps to keep that tissue from contracting. Have the nurses teach you log rolling, it's a method of getting out of bed. Done right it minimizes the use of abdominal and back muscles. The phrase I made up during that surgery was  "Be highly drugged and well motivated". :) Dear Flowers I'm not a good one to talk to about AI's.

    Laproscopies are much easier to recover from because abdominal muscles aren't cut. BUT they still need to have that early ambulation, stand/ sit, proper(?)____ahhah posture, and good nutrition to keep internal scarring to a minimum. No smoking will limit scar tissue formation too.

    Jo, have fun in vegas, happy anniversary, yay on retirement to be.

    Mary have oodles of fun, watchout for computer withdrawal LOL.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited June 2013

    Veggie, get the hair chalk and draw a different design on your head every day. Send us pics!

  • MaryLW
    MaryLW Member Posts: 1,585
    edited June 2013

    So, my daughter's father-in-law just told me that a no carb diet would cure my cancer. Wow, didn't know it was so easy! 😳

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Hi ... missed a few days and had 8 pages to read...almost did it.
    Veggy so glad you got out!!!  Awesome...and very touching that someone finally said something appropriate. 

    Gma, love your photos...especially the pink sky ... after you posted your deer pics, two new fawns came to my yard the next day. More mouths to feed, and I don't want them to chomp my yard but they are beautiful.

    Well, I have to say I'm feeling confused....I've read so many conflicting things like this is a fun thread and there are other threads to discuss the serious stuff...but when I first came here, it seemed to be more about dealing with BC and finding our drop off points for those who don't get it (and who should stfu)...The last few weeks were rough with so many of our family having SEs and surgery...illness and family of course it went serious for awhile. 
    I don't see why people have to leave unless they just don't want to spend time on so many threads.

    Ducky, I know that your ties here are deep and of course it hurts to have conflict and sisters does hurt...and I think you were kidding about us thinking you have no life...when I read about all you've done and how you are there for your kids and grandkids and they are for you...well, it just makes me admire you more and more. 

    Well, I'm not being funny, so guess I should stfu!

    Hugs to all

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Joan......appreciate is everything, and you know that too....hugs

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Hope everyone has a restful night.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    Goodnight Hooligans I am still recovering can't believe it has been one week since surgery. Did any of you feel like your armpit was like raw meat? Ugh I am sore :( see the surgeon tomorrow. I don't think she will take the JP drains out. So weird having one breast what ever it takes right. I think I am going to miss my nipples... Okay I know that got weird hahah I will STFU ;)

    GMA I am so glad they got u on the lyrica I hope it helps you.

    Ducky I am glad u decided to stay ;) we need u

    Marywh hope you have a fun relaxing weekend!

    Flowers and Jo I am glad you are deciding to have the procedure. The oopherectomy recovery is about 2 weeks and the vaginal hysterectomy about a month recovery depends if you stand a lot while working. But I know you ladies can do it. Plus what ever it takes not to feed those tumors.

    Jo have fun in Vegas go wild ;)

    Healing hugs to everyone!!

    Sweet Pea xoxo

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Good to see your posting, sweet pea..take it easy. Remember all those instructions we give to our patients. Take care. Armpit usually feels better when the drain comes out..

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Sweet Pea, good to see you. I agree that drain on the sentinel node side was a bugger. Yes, it's normal not weird to miss the nipples and boob. but it's all as you say whatever it takes.:)

    Julie, no sleeping here. Should just get back on the sleep meds for awhile.

    Cami --the picture of that dog, that's my schatzi--except shats is all liver colored, It's a german wired haired pointer. If I fluff the beard and whiskers, and the shock of hair on her head  she looks like a yeti. So precious. those doleful eyes are real. :)

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Sas, if you need to take meds to sleep, do it. Lack of sleep can make life miserable. Going to heed my own advice. See you later, my friend(s)

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    OMG this is an intense thread - I feel so at home.

    Words can't express how moved I am by all of the wise posts (and the funny ones) our group have made, especially in the last few days. It did get dark here for awhile, but that's life. No one should stay if they are not happy here.

    DUCKSTER you are wonderful - sexiest, cutest, youngest, whatever.... so glad you to hear from you, I missed you.

    SASSY - so happy you are back, with your dented derriere - can we call you DD? And THANK YOU for acknowledging my poem!!!! 

    So happy to see Jo back, too.

    Cammilette  and Chevette - you two ROCK.

    Stacey, I just went through double mastectomy, though I am not as young as you. My heart aches that you lost your breast so young and so soon after breastfeeding your first baby. You have a wonderful attitude.

    Flowers - I worked in ob-gyn for many years. It will take about 6 weeks for you to fully recover from your "abd hyst and BSO" (bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy). You will be doing okay after a week or so, but you won't feel like running around right away. Just rest, take it easy.

    DH has been doing really well. It has been peaceful in our home. No alcohol for 2 weeks, now. I used to be a social to moderate drinker but am abstaining in solidarity with DH. I don't miss it one bit - though I did have a hankering for a cold beer last weekend!

    I'm half done with my pediatric clinical rotation.... counting the days, hours and minutes until it ends. It's a tiny, crowded, space, 6 of us crammed in one tiny office - I am still sitting on a stepstool in the back near the medical records when I review and prep for upcoming  physical exams  and do my charting... have to move every time someone needs to get a chart or reach the printer!

    Also feeling more comfortable with doing pediatric exams - amazing how after awhile of swallowing your fear and jumping in you can start to feel a bit more competent. 

    I just want to say how pleased I am that we are all hanging together on this thread. Love ALL of you, every precious one of you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning Ladies--I fell asleep kind of early--no meds--now I'm up--so Ill be sleeping on and off today. Whatever I remember I'll talk about otherwise forgetaboutit--

    Bernardi I don't know how an ooph is I just heard that word since I've been on here--I did have a lap.hysterectomy and I was amazed t 3 litte holes could get all that out, and there was no pain but I don't know if it's done the same way.

    Stacy it's got to be the drains they don't hurt they just make u feel wrong. LOL To me this is funny cuz I have no nipples, but every so often I get a quick pain in what feels like a nipple. whoa (Shades os Twilight Zone)

    Julia I agree with u if u need meds to sleep TAKE THEM SAS--I fight no drugs anymore ever. Doesn't say alot about me LOL

    Mary2 I'm so glad u DD FIL came up with the cure, maybe he should let everyone in the medical profession know about it now.

    Another thing Sweet Pea u'r baby is adorable --

    Shell things sound pretty good and u'r studies are coming along well--Lots of work u've done--And have done it so well with all that has happened--u'r quite a woman. We're all so proud of u.

    All right here this--my Joey slept with me all nite--he's still right next to me--I hurt like someone crunched me in a wrestling mstch, but I won't tell him, but I have to complain hahahaI got punched in the face kicked numerous time rolled on and even my Katie-Kat left us--we start out all together but Katie won't take it. LOL

    Oh chit I can't remember much else now Oh wait today is Friday--Weekend coming--well not much difference here this weekend--2 weekend in a row busy time, but quiet this one. Well my DD is going out with her GF's Sat. night so I'm home with the men. So she's busy

    Well I don't know the weather yet today but I hope everyone finds sunshine today if not outside, then in u'r heart.

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2013

    Omg- I just realized that I posted my rant on the wrong board...guess that's what I get for getting around 2 hours of sleep in the last 24... I don't have the energy to repost or re type how truly saddened I am at my 2 younger kids' complacency. SO SO talented- given every opportunity yet just don't care :( sob sniffle sniffle

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh merlcat I've don that too. but u seem so sad and no sleep --must be very hard on u. Maybe they'll come around sometimes pressure is too much for them. I pray that;s it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Merle!  I see you are having a minor tiff with your kids!  If we couldn't get into it with them who WOULD we get into it with???  Surely not US!  Ha!  How old are the little brats?   Like 13 and 16?  Oh those years are the worst!  Or are they like 20 something?  If so, just throw them out on the streets to fend for themselves.  Pack them a sandwich, and tell them to come back when they want to change their attitudes AND their clothes.

    I don't know how we get through those years!  I mean it just stresses you to the limit.... and yes, it makes you cry.... and sniffle, and whatever else you do. Oh.... sob......  !

    But they grow up, perfect, and then we can breathe.... again.

    I only have a couple minutes here... so I'll be back later.... Love you guys! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    cmbernardi - I am also a Texan transplant.  Moved to San Antonio in 1989 after spending 15 months in Izmir, Turkey with the Air Force.  I am orginially from Riverside, CA.

    StaceyLeeH - My hysterectomy can't be done vaginally.  I am such a mess down there my gyn is planning on making a tummy incision and removing everything that way.  When he closes the incision, he is going to remove a bunch of tummy fat and get rid of my pooch in the front.  

    I swear you ladies move so fast on here.  Hard to keep up with will try.

    TGIF!!!!  The weekend is just around the corner.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    Good morning ladies :)

    Camillegal that rare nerve pain across the chest is kinda cool. It does feel like the nipple is there for a quick second. I stopped feeling sorry for myself after reading about the Boston marathon amputation survivors. I couldn't even imagine.

    Jo sorry you did say they couldn't do the traditional hysterectomy. I would think at least 2 month recovery.

    Shellshine congrats you are almost done. It seems like you just started yesterday. I bet the office will miss you. They probably haven't seen many people stick around. I bet the MD will miss you too. You proved him wrong talking about STFU ;) you are so smart he didn't stand a chance.

    See the surgeon today I will let you ladies know how it goes ;) Hope everyone has a comfortable day.


    Sweet Pea

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    Phyllie you can cover over and share anything, went to wendys yesterday after chemo am going downstairs to get it shortly didn't eat it yet....

    GMA I have no idea, sorry!!

    Coco so sorry, hate that they seem to not realize how it is for us... dr. knows better he calls me when he gets the results and the BS machine is pointed towards the machine and I can see what lights up light the christmas tree.....I also call my primary and tell her I had one done to sent me the results when they get it....

    My daughter and her friend love Kneobles....glad you went Veggy....bench to bench, lol....Took alot of courage for her to come to do you, I have seen people and wondered if I should, never did....good for her 25 years...and that is an issue for me, knowing I can't do things, I would have never done that, my kids and grandchildren went to Dorney Park last year I didn't I know I can't do it and didn't want to waste the money and honestly want them to get used to doing things without me being there. I am not a ride person, only go to a couple at disney world...

    damn you all were that means NEXT

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Blondie I'm not busy hahaha

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    Ducky you are not an azzhole or maybe you are but I agree....I thought it was a family also but my idea of what a family is is different even from what my kids think it should be hopefully the grandchildren will learn different but I doubt it....I love you and understand you....

    Agreed Cammie....I see Granny on other sites and they could be lurking, Scottie was my contact so imagine how I feel, I got dumped, lol thank goodness sassy was my will be fine, we have ups and downs and you know how it goes with a bunch of women get together, lol

    Veggy people think it is a cut if someone calls them insane, I know i am insane and a Bitch used to have a necklace that said so, wish I could find that damn thing, will buy another one if I can' that I might just save it!!!

    Phyllie what is the deal with the foot? if it was a requirement then I would have been thrown out cause I do what a want, I usually get a shower in the morning the other day I got it at night cause I thought I had to take the bus to chemo yesterday but anyway so now I won't get one till tomorrow......yep am a pig, slob and probably smell but don't care, I am in my bedroom...and am beautiful with purple hair...a dented ass (i am not as nice as all of you) how exactly did she get that?

    GMA glad he called back....being in pain sucks....that would be me, did you see my pix somewhere cause that is what I wear to the ghetto walmart we have....we have 3 of them around me that one the next one and then the superwalmart which I usually dress up for, lol...

    mary so happy you are going and so jealous. I do have a place to stay if I go just have to get the money to fly which now sounds like a plan....have fun!!

    Chevy don't you dare feel guilty, I got told went i had my crying jag.....we are who we are and I think we can say whatever we want without being judged, some times it is funny and sometimes it is sad.....especially when I am craving a DQ and have no car to get it......wendys is now my backup it is closer.... but seriously love you

    nope WREN not here....

    YAY SASSYS back I don't need to find another contact....and I agree sweetie with everything you you could be mad a me cause I didn't PM you but I left everybody alone when they leave I think they need time to think so sorry....but glad you are back....

    2 more pages are you kidding me I am writing a book, hungry and want my wendys...but will plug along, damn chemo makes me cranky and so does steroids...


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Blondie u carck me up.

    BTW where is Phyloankle????

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    My ankle is better! Still need go wear the stocking for a few more days. Had labs this morning and the verdict is NO more neupogen shots before chemo n Tuesday. YippeeyahooyAy!

    I stopped at the tortilla factory and got hand made tamales for lunch. YUM!

    Have fun!

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    Where is our chickd?

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Didn't Chica leave for her Alaska cruise?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Would love to go get in my car......keep driving, making hundreds of lefts and rights, and start over .......wherever I end up.........forget it......with my luck....I will end up back on my street, in front of my own friggin house.......God I hate my life......truely....."IS THAT ALL THERE IS?"

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited June 2013

    Gee, I hope she feels well enough to enjoy it.

    Busy day tomorrow. Memorial at 10 for acquaintance at city park close to house. It's the Fremont Fair and solstice parade - famous for naked (but mostly painted) bicyclists. Get DH to the head of the parade route for practice at 1. Will probably need to take car home and walk back to parade which begins at 3. Then volunteer at the animal shelter booth from 4-7. May have to walk home. They tell you to take the bus, but they're always full and don't stop. It's 2.6 miles from house to parade. Bet I'm going to wish I'd been walking more lately.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    Phylllie, OMG go jealous of Arby's, they sell their fries at the Giant Supermarket here ...bought them am making them for dinner....should take a pix of the bag....

    YAY Chevy so happy his mouth is better.....didn't ask figured you would say when it settled hopefully you are doing better without the DH dentist mouth problems....

    Jan loving the ice cream....DQ is mine of choice....but wendys is getting there cause of the tongue issues and sore in mouth...

    Chickie where r u.....plz check in worried about you....

    JO Vegas how cool!!!! Wish I had a desire to go there....


  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    I was worried because on the 19th her white count was so low. I hope she is on the cruise already.

    JO, have fun in Vegas, now don't get arrested, if u do ill call my bondsman for u. Oh, phyloanklebracelet probably has connections there, too. Be