STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning Hoolies---Just gettin' up. It's already thubdering and lightening now--so how the day goes is how the day goes.

    Chevy u had a great time gambling--I'm so glad u'r DH is doing OK--I love to gamble but I want to win and I don't so that means nope. But u day sounded good.

    gma how's u'r foot this morning. I'm sure u kept it up last night. I don't understand how we get swelling so much.

    SASSY Thanks about my question, I was doubled up last nite, but this morning it feels better--I'll call her Monday

    Ducky how are u doing this morning? Or is it to early to tell?

    To many of u gals are getting u'r hyst. done soon I can't keep track which kind anyone is getting--I just want all healing to go well.

    Phyloderm u've been quiet what's going on?

    I'm missing someones but my brain hasn't opened up yet--getting my coffee now.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    Shellshine - No Worries!  I stay confused so join my club.  Yes I am having an abdominal hyster - everything is coming out including the ovaries, fibroids, adhesions and anything else that is lingering around down there.  

    camillegal - So, can I safely assume you are going to get some rain today?  If so, PLEASE send some to me down here in deep South Texas.  We are in an extreme drought and it is only going to get worse without rain.  It is so hot here - around 100 - 103 daily.  If I want to say my lovely plants, I have to water 3 times a week.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Jo that's much to hot---we were in a drought before too, but the last couple of weeks I think we've caught up but they're not just rin like it used to be--lots of win and blown down branches never saw so much destruction from the storms before--I don't know it's not as normal as it use to be. and who really needs it is not getting it,?????

    I'm glad u'r getting everything out, I understand about overies being taken but u might as wel get it all, why leave anything for futre what??? To me it's another petrie dish for something else happening.??? I know I know nothing it's just how I feel.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Good morning Hooligirls! 

    cammi- sorry I was quiet.  It's so unlike me!

    Yesterday morning I went and had labs done.  NO NEUPOGEN!  Chemo is scheduled for Tuesday so I decided I'd better take advantage of feeling pretty good and do some errands.  I'm pretty much a hermit so this is a big deal for me.  I was out of the house four days this week.  That's not a record when I was working, but it sure is now.

    I stopped by our little tortilla factory.  On Fridays they have homemade tamales.  Holy cow those are good!  I ate three giant tamales. (belch)

    Then I fell asleep for 3 hours.  Good heavens!  Then I decided to finish up shopping for a new computer.  That seemed to take days.  Then I hung half of my new curtains in the living room.  Then I started watching "Single Handed" on Hulu.  Then suddenly it was midnight!  Time flies when you're exhausted!  J/K I had a good day.

    To all of you having surgery - I hope it goes well and please follow doctor's instructions.  You get in trouble if you don't.  Don't ask me how I know.

    sassyfrasspants!  Congrats on the scans!  Yippiee Yahoo Yay!

    blondiedumpling - hope you can feel better today!  I hate when you feel bad.

    Chevy - thank you for the recap.  Now I have to go read what wren said.  She's usually pretty quiet so it must be juicy!

    file' gumbo - putting on some zydeco now - Zachary Richard!  yum  Here's a clip from Snakebite Love

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Blondette (Purplette) - I hope you are feeling okay today. Did the new under-the-tongue taffy medicine help with the nausea? I hope you enjoy yor GS's birthday party this afternoon. Let us know if you roller skate!!

    Thank's Sas for straightening out Flower's & Jo's procedures for me. We may not nail every detail on this thread but we sure try!

    I think Chicky is ok and on her cruise.

    Thank you for you words of wisdom Wren and all you hoolies - I was reading back over all the posts and realized I must have scared the hell out of everyone a couple of weeks ago ago. I am so sorry for the worry. On the good side - it has changed the whole dynamic at our home. DH's sobriety brings us so much closer. Home life is so much nicer, a haven to come "home" to after spending the day in that claustrophobic clinic! I am exactly half "done" after yesterday. 105 more hours to go!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OK Phylochattymouth Wow u did lots of stuff, and good u feel good to do it. See u'r getting the way u feel down to the day. hahaha-well enjoy feeling good and yummy for the hot tamales. sounds good.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    cammi!  I was so productive!  PLUS two people came to visit.  One from work to drop stuff off and the Schwan's Guy.  HE gave me free ice cream.  So everyone, do NOT discount the value of a sexy bald head....or maybe just pity Laughing, but I'm going with sexy bald head. 

    Does anyone else have trouble keeping track of meds taken?  If I'm in the stupid recliner all day I keep a notepad next to me and just list meds and times.  I have nothing written down for yesterday and this morning I already forgot if I took them.  Guess I'd better get out that pill organizer thingy.  Wish it had notebook function.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    GmaFoley - So sorry about your foot and ankle!  I have had a problem, occasionally, with my left foot since about 2001.  I've had about a dozen doppler studies and the verdict is always venous insufficiency.  Here is what the LE therapist told me.  My left foot problem is vascular and my truncal LE is lymphatic.  They're both swelling but in different systems and treated a little bit differently.

    She told me to wear the stocking during the day to help prevent pooling, but to take it off at night when I am lying in bed and level.  The truncal edema, I wear a compression tank day and night.  The non-swelling LE arm I can wear the sleeve at night only.

    So Wednesday morning my foot was fat.  I put the stocking on and wore it on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday.  My foot now looks normal.  I'll probably wear it again today just to be sure.

    Your issue may be entirely different, but I would sure have it checked.  So sorry this hit you on top of everything else! Plus, as Chevy said, getting that 3 year-old's sock on a fat foot is a challenge.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    good morning HOOLIGANS, it's 12:52 am , just made it. Things have settled down. The happy feet have stopped dancing. My head feels clogged though cuz I took meds to sleep, but I did sleep so, that's good

    Can't believe no one jumped all over that advice tag line about not farting after taking contrast material. Even Veggy missed it. Not she likely could find suitable pics.

    Chevy, the only thing helping me is Bag Balm, but it is sooooooooo greasy, and has to be reapplied when ever it's absorbed.

    DSDBF means Dear stupid drama boyfriend. Still being sooo stupid. The positive is that each stupid act is allowing me to have less feelings for him. Along the lines of"You've Lost That Loving Feeling". I've decided for me that's an easier way to fall out of love. One day in the not so distant future, it will be just gone.....and as the song goes "andI just can't get it back". His preception is nothing's wrong "It's all good"

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    sassy - I did see that!  But was afraid to address the issue

    I am still in online chat with Dell.  I had to tell the guy that the quote he sent me is $48 off.  Really dude, you have a computer with specialized software and I have chemobrain.  Sheesh.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Shells, Happy half way again this morning!. Happy Home Tranquility. Shells did you see where the radiologist sat and reviewed all the films, and taught me stuff at the same time. Forgot to ask him about heart and great vessels bummer. He's the Rad doc that's read my stuff all along, or I ask him for a reread when the one idiot rad doc kept missing my brain tumor. The technician had never seen him do this with anyone this way, and they've worked together for years. Dr A was so kind. It was so much better than reading words on a paper. AND it was just plain fun.

    Phillycomputerbuyer, hope the negotians go well. If my Dell wasn't a 1993 model I'd give it to you LOL.

    Wonder is Marywhtraveler is going through hooligan withdrawal yet?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Phillymissedtheleadinline, yes but it could lead to some hooliganisze outrageaous laughs, Mayb e it's be better on the constipation thread. After the getting unstuck line.Cool

    OFF to answer PM's :)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Sas .....he is stupid like a fox.......I see no positive in any of it.......of course he finds it good....he has the best of both worlds.......freedom to roam,........a place to hang his hat, and jump into bed, when HE decides to throw you a bone ( no pun intended), when he shows

    up at the door.......ok STFU, sorry, just don't get the logic.......

    Then again, it's not my business, my front door, or my bed....sure I just pissed someone off with my opinion, but, I don't accept people being "USED"...,,,another of my mother's saying "FOOL ME ONCE.....SHAME ON YOU......FOOL ME TWICE.........SHAME ON ME"

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Little Duckywiththeopinion!  Nope, we NEVER get pissed, about anything.  We just care about each other, and don't mind blabbing our advice whenever we want to!  Wink  It's just like with our kids!  It is our JOB to try and protect them, and tell them when they are screwing up somewhere.

    Like with my youngest Daughter who is 52, but who I think is still the "baby."..... THIS guy friend, that she has known since High School accidentally came back into her life.  Okay good!  They were childhood Sweethearts, but he broke her heart at the time.....

    Everything was just super wonderful for awhile!  And never mind the times I wanted to go shoot the little bastard, because of things she said.... But I refrained!   Ma and Pa Kettle just bit our lips and didn't say a word!  Finally, it all came to an end..... slowly, but surely!  Actually it has not ended, but they only text, and occasionally talk, and even LESS occasionally he drops by!  She now knows they are just friends.... but stay in touch..... sort of.  She said he will fix her toilet tank when he comes by Sunday.  Now that is a GOOD thing.    It is not a good idea to have Dad get anywhere near something that needs fixed....He will either duck tape the insides, or spray it purple....  or black.  Even Super glue is usually called for.... AND that favorite....... BLACK MAGIC MARKERS!!!!

    The point is, it would be very helpful if our brain, our heart and our parts all worked together!  But they don't listen to each other!  Each part has it's own mind.... completely separate from each other!  We only want to love, and be loved.

    Now I think, if I were single, we should have LOTS of friends!  Men and women!  All the good things can't come in one person!  It takes a village.  A whole  stable full of men that can repair TV's, maybe a Plumber,  an IT technicion,  Dentist, Primary Care Doctor,  and a Lawn guy.  And maybe even one for recreational purposes...  Just a whole slug of them to make us happy!

    Phyllisidell!  Can you just go to Super Walmart and buy a Dell from there?  Or even from Amazon, or Costco?  I have a Dell with Vista, and I have never had any problems, other than what I have caused myself.  I DID replace the monitor with a 23 inch I bought from Amazon.... But check around before you buy anything.  They might try and sell you up-grades, and virus programs, and all kinds of stuff.  You NEED a virus program, like Norton or McAfee, or you can even get a free on online...but I just like Norton, because of the ease of support they have.

    Shells, yes, we WERE worried, but it is like a prayer answered when things turn around, and get back on track again!  That is so special! 

    Jo!  It's hot here too!  It says almost 100 on our back patio.... but only 87 on the North side.  Still too hot to be working in my gardens.  I can do that early in the mornings... Stay cool gals!

    Oh!  Thank you little Flowers for my Thank-you card!  Ha, ha!  So happy you could use, and want those recipe's!!!


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Chevy - I could do that, but they don't have what I want.  Plus I'm getting an NEC monitor.  A GIANT 27" color-calibrating, brightness controlled, matte-screen beauty of a monitor.  My son looked around for me for a pre-built with what I need but even he didn't find anything much better than the quote I got from Dell.  He found better prices, but I would have to build it myself.  NOT LIKELY!

    As for Dell, however, even when I thought I was finished with the order, I'M NOT.  Sheesh.  Just had to send an e-mail to the THIRD order taker to tell her she has a 1Tb hard drive on the order when my quote is for a 2Tb hard drive.  Three order takers and three different prices.  BUY a $2 calculator people!

    Speaking of advice, Here is my brother-in-law's comment on advice:  "It's only bad advice if you take it."  I have no idea what that means, but I like it!  Uh-oh, we weren't talking about advice.  In the words of Emily Latella on SNL:  Never Mind. Tongue Out

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Ducky, Chevy and I know Cami will pop in. Letting the love die it's own death is my unusual resolution to this problem b/c I have grieved so many losses in the last 6 years, that I'm still am grieving, they are so numerous. Letting this go away by reaching the "I don't care phase", is my way of avoiding another thing to grieve. It's self protective. I don't want one more thing in my head, heart ,or soul to grieve for. I easily can deal with , I don't care...

    LOVE you all for the helpful words.... each time,  they do push me towards the I don't care phase. It's a good thing......I'm listening and taking all your words in. I have the words that I forget who shared, on the frig door. "follow your heart, but guard your soul".

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    We all want to love and be loved, but at what cost......our dignity, self esteem, sanity, when is enough, enough...........why should one person keep giving, while the other keeps is it to live, when one has the fun, while the other sits home wondering if the door is going to open many chances should one person get.

    As I said.....FOOL ME ONCE.....SHAME ON YOU.......FOOL ME TWICE.....SHAME ON ME.....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Ducky, I'm close....very close..... may be there already and the words just haven't been said yet :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    BLONDIE--YOO_HOOO, how's the move going?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Ducky, how come you are so sensible?  I know what you say is right, but sometimes when we ourselves are going THROUGH something, we want to listen, but we can't seem to listen and do what is right.... what is expected of us.  I know myself that SOMEtimes, I should not be doing something, but I WANT to do it anyway! 

    We gotta get there ourselves.... even though it would be so much easier to take good advice, and be done with it.  But it would hurt our heart!   We think we can get through a problem our own way, and sometimes we can, before anyone else gets hurt.....    Or whatever I just said!

    See, I act like I know what I am talking about, but I don't!  Yes, sometimes I do....  I would NOT do some of the things I have done before.... bet we can all say that.... but at the time,  we did it anyway!.....    Because we didn't want to listen to our head.   We develop this "bond" with someone, and it's like a magnet!  It can pull us under water, but we don't care, if we know we will come up again..... and again..... and one day, we will say..... "Okay ..... I'm done." 

    Okay Phyllidinker!  Is it a touch screen?  Have any of you tried one of those?    And do you all know how to transfer your information from the old computer to the new one?  Do you have to have it on a flash-drive first?  My mind is boggled from all this thinking.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Cami, you are the greatest person for making someone feel fabulous. Wish I had a pill labeled "CAMI take when down Quaranteed for antidepression" "Take two for Elation". You have an amazing way with words. LIke the quy from Lake Wobegone. Always so soothing, helpful, kind, truthful, smart, giving......could go on with adjectives for ever.

    Thanks for being a friend L&H&P's sheila

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Ducky I agree with u-and I really remember Fool me once---cuz it's true. And always say what u want u'r advice is priceless as I think so many others are too that's why as talk to each other. But I do understand Sas (I think) it's one of those when I'm ready type of things then u never look back and feel bad--sometimes it's the easiest way for some people--we're all different in relationships, I think we ust don't want anymore hurt for Sas. It's like a bandaid, just rip it off, but Sas diesn't want any skin off with it. Everything in it's own time.

    The weather is icky here hot humid rainy chitty and I can't keep my eyes open LOL

    PhyloDell how big is that screen? Holy cannoli --it's bigger than my TV--u should see evrything.

    Oh I hope Chicadee is feeling good for this trip and I would think Marythenonfisherman would be missing the computer by now. Something I thought I'd never want now I can't do without it. Just like a microwave.

    Chevy Howyadoin? U have to garden eary with all this heat, then stay in.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Cami...sorry never answered you......doing ok.....told my daughter today..if the stream out behind my house was a lake I would jump in .........found out the other day (never mentioned it) vertebrae healed...can't be fixed......shots yea....but will not go that route.....just tired of aches and pains, and not being able to keep is the Orthopedic Knee guy.....I know the answer to that.....knee replacement......just wasting. $40.00 co-py for him to tell me what I already know.......just tired of it all........ok done whining...sorry..

    You know what they say Cam......only say HELLO.....never say. How are you........lesson learned.....hugs

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Cami, perfect analogy, ripping off the bandaid. perfect. If I listed the things that still bleed my heart, I'd have to go back to staring at the ceilings again. Spent too much time in the last 4 years doing that.

    Wish Chickie could post in, Forget if she said there could be no contact while on ship. Damn low immunity.

    I just took pain med, I get a little loopy, so bear with me. Hate the feeling , but LOVE the pain relief.

    Maryinthewoodsfishing, will be so shocked if she starts through computer withdrawal. It happened to me once. I was so surprised. Computer had a virus had to turn it off. Within hours all the physical signs of withdrawal were present---obsessing, nervousness, anxiety, a few more I forget, decided I had to go through complete withdrawal and rehab LOL. I intentionally didn't replace computer for much longer than I could have. Very weird experience.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Ducky I'm sorry a this bone stuff is going on, it hurts like hell and I know u go to the Dr. with the knowledge of u know already but they have to say it. Are u getting u'r knee done?, my GF just did not to long ago she's in her mid 70's so that another PITA too. She's never had cancer, she's the one who always let's me feel her boobs, she big breasted like I was LOL. My sister got a cortizone shot for her knee (something different wrong) and she said within minutes it helped so much. So she was happy about that.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Ducky sorry they can't fix the vertebrea, but there was a report recently(within 1-2 weeks, I'll try to locate it). That fusing vertebreas ultimately lead to more problems b/c the "V's"above and below  were then caused to have to work differently which then led to new/different problems. In regard to the knee. ChrissyB, she's stage 4 with bone mets, she went through a knee replacement last summer. She's such wonderful person and sharerer(LOLmade up word). She shared all the ins/outs/ups/downs on the thread--sorry I'll have to get the link. This link is to her primary thread

    I treasure each piece of advise you give me Duck. In a younger time, I would have never tolerated a minute of DSDBF's antics. But the feeling of love and the intimacy were/are addicting. It happened at the time when the need was so strong after all had collapsed. It caused me to stop staring at the ceiling. That was major good thing. I was getting complications of too much bedlaying besides the depression. Serious I had early bedsores, skin not broken, but the bruising and redness. Looking for the positive in all that I've learned b/c of this. At first I thought I was being a snob b/c of the cultural/educational differences that bothered me. I now realise that they are more important than just words. All previous contacts to DSDBF did fit in the world I live in. In the future, I won't venture outside that sphere. Sounds limited, but my sphere is big. It doesn't scare me.:)

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.  Went out today to get new glasses.  Took my DDs and GD with me.  DDs are my fashion consultants-no dorky glasses for their mom.  It was a bit depressing, the frames all look like ones I wore in 1963 when I first got glasses.  Found some they liked-I liked them, too.  Then we went to lunch.  GD is 14 months old and kept everyone in the restaurant and glasses shop entertained.

    Sas, Good to hear from you.  

    Ducky, sorry about the vertebrae.  

    I'll check in later.  Take care.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Ducky this is from AARP. It talks of complex spinal fusion.  Which is an open fusion of two or more levels.

    You had a Kyphoplasty which is a minimally invasive approach. Will see if there is any recent info on Kyphoplasty that has changed the surgical communities embrassment of this procedure. You maybe thinking WTF, I can't have it done anyway. But if the outcome of Kyphoplasty is the same as the complex procedure, then the fact that you didn't have it in time before the healing, does away with the "wish I would have" thoughts you expressed a number of pages ago.

    Why there's even a comparison now is you have had it at one level and it did cause the other V's to change how they felt and performed, I think it's worth a back

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    JUlie good to hear from you, trying glasses on, so know what your saying. I'm supposed to be getting new ones too, for real ones not just the  dollar store readers. I have an opinion re: Penelope Garcia on Criminal Minds. I think she has done more for glassware b/c she wears such fun, wild, colorful glasses. Definitely, not what our grandmothers wore. A color for all clothes. Sparkel,shapes on and on. Glad a good day with DD and cutiepie:) It's like Cami introducing us to hair chalk, it's sooooooomuch fun.

    Saying it again sweetie, thanks for being there the night I put DSDBF's clothes at the gate. You shared a tough nite with me. L&H's sassy.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013


    Glad I could help that night.  Hopefully, no more of those...but I'm here if you need me. Laughing

    Glasses-had to get them in 3rd grade.  Never had the option of just having a pair of readers. Had an uncle who was an optometrist so he got me the "latest" fashions so as long as he was working.  Got them at cost, too.  Now my lenses alone cost about $700 -high power, bifocal,etc.  Because the lenses are so thick, I splurge and get the thinnest material they make.  Otherwise, I end up with a headache from the weight of the glasses.  

    Weather here is sunny and supposed to get up into the 80s and then rain tomorrow and highs in the 60s.  It's just plain crazy.