STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    Ducky why are you NOT down the shore???? and family is everything, wish my kids knew that, they are not passing it to their kids..

    HI Flowers!!!

    Mericat you want some steroids they will perk you still feelings like I did

    sassy you know you need to do whatever it is to make yourself be ok....take the meds and have a good night sleep. glad things have calmed down @ home.....and I want you to be done that rotation and away from that old man...

    Me am in til tomorrow which will be the "bad" day cause had chemo yesterday but my gs has a birthday party (roller skating_ that I want to go to only 2 hours 4- 6.....talked to the nurses about the how the nausea meds (2 of them) aren't working and when I get home after being there for 5 hours I am still nauseous and have to take a zofran, they gave me this new stuff that you put on your tongue, OMG I am sitting here with a taffy in my mouth, it was awful but lets see how it works.....Steroids kicked in at 515am so been up since then.....whatever....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Nah daughter went.....she left this morning.....her, husband and her SIL.....going to the beach all day, once they get there....beach again tomorrow,, then they will be going to N. Wildwood to a cousins party at 4 (not my family her husbands cousins probably not home till way late...she said beach again Sunday...

    So why would I drive 2 hours to sit in a house by myself ....WTF....I can do that right here....can't do 4/5 hours on the beach, and that is what she does.....everyday, and I have a 22x42 ft. In- ground pool right out back....ok beach a couple days, but everyday.... And this morning when I said I was not going she said..."yea why bother you will be by yourself the whole time, cause he says he wants to go to the beach everyday......

    So I sit there for 3 days, just to drive back again another 2 hours......not worth it.....I,m getting use to being the Asshole......just have to get the tattoo removed from my forehead...

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    I took a look for Miss ChickaD. She was. Last seen on page 212 (6/19/13). She was saying that her blood count was really low.i wonder if she had to go back to the hospital?

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    Ducky: I don't think it makes u an ahole not to go to the beach. Why not stay home and be comfortable? I am happy with my iPad and my kindle. I would only want to go to the beach for like 30 minutes....maybe they want U to go cook! Stay hoe, be apply, don't let the others bad attitude worry u, they get a stfu!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Ms. DuckyB1 - YOU are a good, kind and thoughtful person.. None of us can afford to be in the sun for longer that 30-60 minutes these days.  So stay at home, eat what you want, have a cocktail if you want, watch TV, read a book, howl at the moon if you want to but most of all - BE HAPPY!  Hugs,


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    Beatmon - I will try my hardest not to get arrested in Vegas.  Promise!  LOL!

    Blondiex46 - My DH really doesn't want to go but is agreeing to it for 2 reasons.  First, I get to see my older brother and SIL - they are coming from the LA area and second it is where I wanted to go for our 40th anniversary.  I don't really want to gamble..  It has been many years since we have been there and I want to see all the new hotels and walk through them,  I also want to go out and drive the new Hoover Dam by pass.  I have see it on the Travel Channel and I think it would be cool to walk out on the observation platform at the top.  You walk out on glass and can look down.  Too cool.

    SweetPea - My gyn says one month recovery but I will take it easy.  I have a new part time job that I start on Sept 1st and need to be ready.  It is a job that I sit for 4 hours a day and I would think I could handle that.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Jo1955 - have a blast in Vegas and Happy Anniversary!  FYI - there is free, incredible music that plays every hour on the hour in the old part of Vegas: The Freemont Street area.  It is amazing to see and hear.  You will want to be just outside of the Golden Nugget Hotel to experience this.  I enjoy it more every time I see. it.  Be safe and stay well Sister.  Peace, Prayers, Hugs, Luv and Blessings to you today and everyday in the future.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Doing HAPPY DANCE and smiling. Todays CT of abd /pelvis/chest/axilla. Sat with radiologist and reviewed all films after he did his review, and each area of my concern he showed the comparison from the last films and new ones and addressed all the new concerns by a relook while we sat together. Concerns liver pain, recent hx of kidney/bladder stones/ new onset of axillary pain left, soft tissue something at clavicle, sternal to rib pain. Wee bit of liver fat , but didn't meet criteria to even report. Asked him when I had the chance about any evidence of emphysema none. COOL. Learned stuff. Haven't said re twin what my concerns have been , she's on a liver transplant list. We carry a gene for hemochromatosis. So the liver system being normal is huge. Worried for weeks b/c of liver pain. What happens to her , happens to me, and vis versa. :)))))))))

    Jo jealous tummy tuck. All that stuff I wrote re: abdominal approaches to hysters apply. Walk/ stand/sit/log roll. :) Saw PS RE: tummy tuck in Jan, from that day on I gained weight, even further nixed the tummy tuck. OH well.

    Blondie HUGS and squeezes for a good weekend. A reverse thought if you go with them your creating a memory.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Oh Bernardi-just happy you're here :)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    SAS!  Think about it.  It is one hell of a way to get a tummy tuck.  After having a bit of liposuction as part of my breast reconstruction, I had to ask myself why women spend good money for all the pain.  I know in the end it must be worth it but really?  I want to tell those woment to STFU!!!   Anyway, I will take the tuck and I will STFU!  hahaha

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited June 2013

    Jo, they refused to do a tummy tuck with mine. Of course I won the big one because they thought it was ovarian cancer and it wasn't.

    Cami, GS used to sleep in our bed when he visited and would kick us half to death. We finally discovered that a sleeping bag kept him more confined and gave us more padding. He thought it was a big adventure to sleep in the sleeping bag.

    Hoping everyone's weekend is as pain free as possible and contains many happy moments.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    DUCKY U do whatever u want---my kids are so used to me that when I do go somewhere their all wxcited and happy about it, cuz I ver seldom go anywhere anymore, unless I really want to then I push myself. As much as I love the beach tht would probably be the last place I'd be now, Our skin has thinned out over time and the sun is really bad for anyone let alone us. Oh Ducky do what the hell u want--I'd rather be alone in my own home anyway. So if u really want to go then sometimes go and if u don't forgetaboutit. Be happy Ducky

    Phyloslammer I figured u goofed up u'r parole so u weren't here for a little while--are things better or do u feel sick.

    Wait would ChickaD be able to go on this cruise with such a low blood count? I would think not??? I hope she's OK, I didn't realize it was so soon (the cruise) Things happen so fast around here.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Beatmom - ChickaD left for Alaska today!! She is cruisin with her family reunion

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Thanks GMA I hope she feels good.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Everyerone the advice of the day is don't fart after having contrast material.

    Jo, What your dear surgeon is going to do is make the incision such that the apron present is gone when you wake up. Different than a tummy tuck. The apron is loose, he's just cutting off the loose tissue. Good guy. My PS wouldn't do that, frankly at the weight I was in January, that would have been--delightful. Your Gyn has learned as most Gyns have the apron is a problem b/c we HATE it. For abdominal hysters the most used incision is transverse--bikini cut. The midline incision is used for other reasons. They make a lower abdominal incision for an abdominal hyster unless other reasons cause it not to be done. The superficial cut is wider , the internal cut is not. Typical to a sewing maneveur. Cutting off excess material.  When you say sas think about it , it's one hell of a way to get a tummy tuck. Well I believe get every thing done in the area while you 're there. One stop shopping. If it can be done Whoopee.  This is how he'll describe it on the post op report to get it covered by insuranse. "Abdominal hysterectomy / bilateral salpingo -oopherectomy  with excision of redundant skin" or may use words that are more descriptive that an ICD-9 code allows greater reimbursement for. Okay, it's a whatever gets it paid for and your tummy looking better. Yay--your happy , he's paid for good work --happy patient, happy doc.

    Been through a hyster, jo, not making light of your situation, I just think it's GREAT that your doc is sensitive enough to what he has evaluated and knows how to correct it, without an added cost to you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    SAS - Oh I know you are not making light of my situation.  In fact, I really appreciate the information.  Now I better understand what he is going to do.  Right now, I have a belly scar that starts just below my belly button and goes to the top of my pubic bone. Guess that would be a midline that you made reference to?  I had an ectopic pregnancy when I was in my 20s.  He is going to get rid of that which is great by me.  I have lived with it for more than 30 years and won't miss it at all.  Because of it, I refuse to wear a two piece bathing suit that shows my middle.  I do wear tankini tops.  It will be nice to have more options.  BTW!  I used the term tummy tuck since I didn't know what else to call it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Question please---I started my PT and in my eva I was asked of al my problems OK I tokd her--so she said we're going easy on u OK So I didmy excercises today a little more than usual--fine--but I forgot to tel her I have a hernia by my navel and it's hurting now---was that important to all this?

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    nothing on your forehead and hopefully they are grateful that the house is there...I get it, I would go to the beach also....I love it, used to hate it but I would go at 10am and sit there til 5.....just b/c I can...

    Happy dance with Sassy!!!!


    going to breakfast with a friend tomorrow, so excited, miss her and love the place...for get 2 pancakes, 2 sausage, 2 bacon, 2 eggs and 2 toast, oh and coffee or tea and juice....don't ya love it...

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2013

    Hi ducky, Went on a vacation to see my DS, DIL and GKids.   Boy, I push myself so hard trying to keep up with them, I finally had to remind them that I am on cancer meds, having SE and I am restricted with the Breast Recon.  I stayed two weeks and came back exhausted.  At the airport, when the agent ask any one who needs help or assistance could board first--well when I went up--she said to me --"This  call is for those who are ill or need help"--I looked at her and said--I have Cancer and just had surgery.  She looked shocked and said she was sorry and wish me well--then let me board.  I really think people don't understand what is going on inside of us--even our families.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Dwill glad u went on a vacation and got to visit u'r family---but u'r so right--i=unless u'r bald everyone thinks u'r fine and if u'r don with chemo well u'r cured so u feel great. Some do feel good after a little while. And some don't with complicstions from all kinds of SE's, but u can't very well wear a sign--tho sometimes u'd like to--or if u have a lot of pain for different reasons, no one can see that, so cancer us a strange disease u can't see it maybe but all the work done to u'r body to eliminate it does a number o u. Well now u'r home so catch up on u'r relaxation.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Phgraham, you gave me your swollen left foot plus the ankle! I don't want to share! Got home from trip with DH and its all puffy and swollen. Lots of deep breathing in my future.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    GMAFoot ---get that eg up and stay off of it for a day and drink lots of water oh wait then u have to get up and go to the bathroom alot-Oh is that for fevers---well put it up anyway and

    Phylocontagion u'r passing this around so u stay off u bracelet foot too.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Sorry Jo - I'm all mixed up about who is having hysterectomy - I wrote a note for Flowers and it should have been for you. Enjoy yourself in Las Vegas!


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Yes, Cammi, I am doing OK! 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Shell u are mixed up---but join the club-I'm in it too. Are u OK?

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Hi Jo, so glad you are getting away and especially before your surgery.  Have fun on your trip. We've gone and limited gambling to a small amount...mostly we walked and enjoyed all the free shows and sights.  I did not know about the new Dam bypass.  Sounds good!

    Ducky, darn...I know how much going to the shore has meant to you...I am wondering why they couldn't break up the week end with some time with you...lunch, short drive, quick beach trip and back...WTF?  I hope you do get to go this summer and that you won't have to sit alone.  Weather's been great so far so staying home isn't so bad this week.

    Hi Blondie, sorry you are dealing with the worst of the SEs....glad you are getting out with your friend...!guess you've had a talk with your stomach...enjoy

    Sas - good please try to sleep  - whatever it takes. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Cami your little hernia is a thing to talk with the pt about. She'll give you the scoop on what to do . IF she doesn't comeback and one of us will. Take it easy until she talks with you.

    WE have 4 nurses now yoo-hoo.shells, julia,stacey,sassy. I know it's been awhile, duh.

    Shells, flowers is having a a laproscopic assisted hyst(duh now I'm questioning) oophs for sure. Jo just said she's having and abd.hyst. Yay, half way done. Love those words. Remember when you were so worried about getting to this point after that stupid midterm.STFU now you're almost done:)))))))))

    Blondie :)) , I'll join you for breakfast hmmmmmm.

    Chevy, cheVY,chhevy----these frigging hands. we need some sort of miricale. The itch and burn.Did your latest drug combo do any good?????

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Joan this a midnight wake up after a 3 hour nap on couch. so, it's not too bad tonight.I have to reset the internal clock again. For awhile DSDBF and I were going to bed at 9p getting up at 5am. It was great. never ever felt so rested.

    Ducky 22x44  that's big. in Florida that i'd be considered a lake. I think Florida ones are smaller b/c of enclosures.. Joans right LUNCH, then ride, but I believe eating out solves all things. Hugs hope your happy with whatever the decision.

    Dwilli hello buddy,forget what you wrote, but wasn't for me so it's okay ,just saying hello.

    Cami did you see my note about the dog in the pic you posted. My shats?

    Maybe goodnite, gotta grease up these hands.L&H&P's sassy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    Morning all Hooligans! 

    And NO Sass, nothing is helping my hands....  Only the creams and gloves I am constantly wearing. 

    Okay, so yes, we all know stress and worry causes all hell to break loose, so I was worried about DH and all that infection, before his teeth were FINALLY yanked!  You don't THINK you worry, but your insides do, I guess.


    So for a few days I'm trying no more medications, which all have cortisone, and I think they eventually make your skin so thin and brittle, that you are just constantly shedding & peeling.  So that's what I will do.  Thanks though... 


    Thanks for your input on helping these other gals!  And YES... it is the Shellster, Miss Julia, Sweet Pea, and you,  that help us all!


    Joan!  We went gambling yesterday too!  Took our DD and went to the Ameristar!  It is the largest one in BlackHawk....  FIRST we got a Starbucks and a screw-driver!  THEN we played pennies, and DH and I both gave the kid $20 to start!  She played slots, and had no CLUE about what was going on, Ha, ha!  But she didn't like losing even a dollar!


    So then we left, walked around into another Casino, found THAT one to take your money toooooo fast, and went back!  Had lunch, which was delicious, and tried finding just the RIGHT one that would pay us that million dollars! 


    We tried nickel video poker, and the kid does NOT know poker!  But since I am a world champion, I was right beside her...  And right away she hit 4 Aces, and won $100!   We couldn't beLIEVE it!  Ha, ha!  An older gal on the other side of her, was having as much fun as I was just watching! 


    So that was the most fun I have had in a long time!  DH goes and takes long walks up to the other end of town, and doesn't play much... But taking her was just.... "magical" and silly.... Ha!


    Ducky, Joan has it right!  How about your kids thinking of doing things with you, that you CAN do!  Or just take off on your own!     That might be more fun anyway!

    My gal-friend belongs to this "club" or whatever, that you can choose which trip you would like to go on.... It used to be called Elder-Hostel, or something like that... It has a new name now....

    But she has enough money now, and no Husband, and will go on these adventures that she just loves!  She has been all around the world!  She loves to meet new people, and see the history of all the cities she visits.  It's all inclusive, and they pay for the busses, trains, camels, etc. that they have to ride!  (kidding about the camels...)  Maybe someday, right?


    Hi to little Chickster, hope you get this, and can at least read, if not post!   Hope you are feeling better!


    Wren!!!  WTH are you watching?  You know I read about that once! 

    Is your DH going to ride commando???  Is THAT what you just said?

    Man, you just "skimmed" over THAT one!  Take pictures....!  Yes, take lots of pictures and post them!   Did you guys just see what she said?


    Morning Blondie!  I LOVE Arby's!  Mostly the Beef N'Cheddar!  With curly-fries and a Dr. Pepper!  .. Yes, Husbands mouth is better, but he sounds so funny when he talks...!  I won't make fun of him, I promise, but no teeth, except 3 stragglers on the bottom SURE make a difference! 


    And Shells, I forgot!  Isn't it wonderful when you can enjoy peaceful times at home??  It just makes you happy!  Glad DH is doing do much better... and I KNOW your Son is!  Thank God! 


    Blondie, just take it easy... but we're all there with you....  Just come write to us, and pretend everyone is up...Ha!  Man, that chemo must be something else....  Take a book with you...  like "50 Shades of Gray"...

    I mean I didn't actually READ it, but I heard about it.


    Okay, I read it.


    Ducky, again!  Just go and do things on your own!  Damnit!  Don't ever do things you don't want to do!  YOU are the Mom...  You can do that now!  I see you need a plan....  Whatever you really like to do, or if you want to go somewhere, just go off on your own...!


    And a special Good Morning to little JO!  Hi funny face!    I just wish you were all over with the surgeries and feeling bad!  But the gals around here will help with their suggestions!  

    You are going to Vegas?  Yes, we took the Hoover Dam tour!  Rode that Dam elevator all the way to the bottom!  It was a Dam good tour!  I also watched a video once on the building of that Dam! 


    Hello to Sweet Pea, Flowers, and Beatmon!   Grammie and Cammi!  Ha, ha!  That rhymes!  Hope I didn't miss any lonesome Hooligan!
