STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OMG Julia that's load of money--Sas I stil use the readers, but of course they have sparkles and stripes and fluky colors. Julia I hope u got some fun ones. And I love that u'r DD and GD went and they are entertaining. they're so cut at that age (wel any age) but u know what I mean.

    Ducky as I was reading what Sas was writing my back realy started to hurt.

    I realize I'm older and my body is going to have problems and I hve had arthritis for yrs but it has now become really bad, but my vertabrae and 2 discs dgenerative disease, scoliosis and something else --all within a couple of months and I know other women this has happened to but no Dr. will say well all the chemo, or meds or rads had o do with this, when I think it did. cuz I didn't have one of these problems even months go---and it accellerated quickly???? I kniw I know nothing really bit to much of a coincidence for this to happen to alot of women after alot of treatment. Oh well my own opinion and it really doesn't mean much. LOL 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Cam....first one broke before cancer, but it was how it happened,......I never fell on my back...I twisted it, when I slipped on a blanket I was carrying.....(for my then little Boston Terrier)...was taking it to the washer, ( upstairs). And stepped on it and slipped on the hard wood I was falling I twisted like a pretzel, and felt the crack as it broke........could not get up, finally got to my knees ( which are also shot), managed to stand...finally after not being able to stand the pain, drove myself to the ER, and thus....broken vertebrae.....Specialist.....Kyphoplasty.....then was fine...

    Then broke a 2nd one, no idea how, or when...found while doing an MRI looking for cause of back pain.....MO thought possible cancer.......but by the time I went to the Orthopedist it healed....too late for another procedure......well shit happens.....he said injections.....I said injections my ass, and left his office...

    Now will pursue the knee.....probably f----d that one up too by waiting till I can barely stand on it......already had the knee done in 2003, but went bad gain.....I know the Femara, and the Statins are adding to the pain...oh well, falling

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OMG ducky u'r one brave lady--driving u'rself to the ER when u broke it and heard it break ooohhh u'r amazing and it was broken again and u don't know how???? wow that's crazy---now it's knee time--chit--I'm sorry Ducky even with cancer out of the equation it's a mess.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Lol.........Cam, I drove myself to the ER at 3am not knowing I was having a heart attack....thought it was anxiety ( which I get), and I did not want to wake my kids up at 3m....for a false alarm....and did not want an ambulance blasting sirens shit when they said...." Call someone, ".......I said "why"......the nurse said "we have to transport you to another hospital for a cardiac cath....,I said "why".....she said "your having a heart attack"......,I said..."are you serious".........she said......"yes, now call someone and handed me a phone"

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Ducky - too funny:  ... "when he decides to throw you a bone ( no pun intended)." Good One!

    Sass - I got the advice line about the barium farts, but so many other funnies happening here  I just went along reading and laughing. 

    Chevy - you are so smart. All the good things not a in one person - it takes a village. Who needs Dr. Phil or Oprah, we just need  Cammi-Ducky-Chevy going back and forth philosophizing - and Mary and Wren - oh hell - everyone, but especially those 5 - they hold all the woman-wizdom a girl could want to know.

    Phyllocroisantpicture - or is your avatar a picture of baklavah made with phyllodough?: I had a hard time keeping track of medications the first few days after mastectomies:  taking my regular meds, heparin shots, tylenol, celebrex, oxycodone, transitioning back to oral blood thinners - plus empyting and recording the fluid from the drains. Head was so confused I had a hard time keeping track of everything. Used a composition book  to keep notes on -  each med had it's own line. After each dose  I would write the time down next to it.  My brain was so foggy - how chemobrain must be like. I was so worried I would take too much tylenol and hurt my liver. Perhaps you can type up a sheet with your daily meds/times and write in the time when you have taken them. If you are on more than 3 meds, you should definately have a multidose pill container.

    Jo - I think I remember that you are going on a trip, to LV? - or is that Mary? The hoolies are rubbing off on me - I can't keep everything straight on this thread. Have a great time.     I secretly would like to have my ovaries removed, but ob-gyns are  too scared of the blood clotting disorder, not enough medical reason to take the risk... mine is so young she doesn't understand how BC changes a woman's perspective about risks.

    OK hooligirls - I'll check in with you "laters."                                                       Purpliee - you better check in with us tomorrow!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Veggy I can't stop laughing - I'm gonna pee my pants!!1 Oh wait I have a Poise pad on already 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Veggy tat is so u--never many words but we all know what u'r saying. LOL

    Ducky again u r unbelievable --driving u'rself to ER for a heart attack---Good thing u didn't know at the time.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Lol.....yea, who what a thoughtful Mother I'll, I ruined their Easter with the friggin Colon

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Still can't see the friggin moon.....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Ducky we have a storm here. So much for a moon.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    Shellshine - Yup!  It is I that is going to Las Vegas.  We are leaving a week from tomorrow.  I am so ready to get out of dodge and go have some fun.  

    Veggy - That is so gross but yet so funny.  So figure the dummy would do that with white pants on.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Vegette - only YOU could find that picture AND animated emoticon for juicy farts!!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Yay veggy see what I mean about Abbott and Costello----someone gives you a lead line and like any great comic you come up with the greatest.

    Julia and Cami---when I heard the cost of real glasses, I just bought more readers. When they finally fail maybe ......real ones. Inow where 1.25 or 1.50 fro driving and 3+ for reading. But not much reading going on other then the computer b/c didfficult to see print---no fun. The cntrl+ works so nice on the computer, haven't figuired it out on kindle. But chemo /anesthesia/pain med brain still reading is novel is a joy of the past.

    Ducky remind me to work on Kyphoplasty tomorrow if you don't see it posted :) Driving to hospital with a heart attack, girl your a tough cookie.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2013

    Just wanted to drop in and say, "Hi Yall!!!"  Looks like you guys are keepings it going with some humorous  posts.  I love running through and just reading some of the post and seeing some of the funny pictures posted.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Well I was a little younger then.....70 1/2.......,.its funny now, but when I walked though the ER door, I said to the girl I am having trouble breathing......she said "I know"....I said "how would you know that".....,,,she said, first, how fast the person who drove you came into the parking lot," and 2nd, you look like a deer in a cars headlights"..,,,,

    I said......"I drove myself"...,,,at that point she looked like the deer in the headlights.....

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Ducky u'r a thoughtful Mother--not me, I admit it.

    Sas I'm the same way with glasses to much I just use readers I'm at 4 now tho--I'm reaching my limit.But I use the big type on here for the most part so I'm OK on the computer.

    Jo Vegas 1 week WooHoo==that'll be fun.

    Dwill glad u stopped by u can more often u know. LOL

    Couldn't see the moon either--to many clouds--blah

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited June 2013

    SAS - You can download Kindle to your computer and read your Kindle books in just about any size you like, even extra large type.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Well guess I better hit the you in the morning for coffee....sleep tight dear ya.......

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Didn't get to see the super moon tonight. Clouds rolling in. Have a good night

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Hey Dwillygirl!

    Purpliee - you better check in tomorrow!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Bonnie to much to early hahaha

    Well I took a shower already before anyone is up and smell so luscious, if I do say so myself, haven't had my coffee yet but one thing at a time here. I haven't ben dreaming to remember in years and years==now I drema and remember all the time and they are all goffy silly dreams--I always blame it on some meds that's new hahaha Oh I smell so good!!!

    No moon last nite either blah

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    It's okay gals!  I'VE got the MOON!!!!  Ha, ha!  Yep, still dark out, but we have a beautiful full moon!    I might keep it awhile.   Whine all you want.

    Welcome Bon!  Glad those rowdy Hooligans can make you laugh!  That's what we're here for.  I, personally am the calm, quiet one.  Yes, Veggy comes up with some good ones!  Ha, ha!

    There is nothing "off-limits" here.... I don't think.  Of there is, we haven't found it.

    SuperDuck!  I can't believe you DROVE your little self to the HOSPITAL!  TWICE!  Gotta take that car away from you!  Walk next time!  WTF???  Don't you think your kids would like to be in on the fact that their tiny MOTHER is having a heart attack???   A person could..... well.... DIE from one of those!   At least that's what I have heard.....YOU probably shot down that theory! 

    I DROVE my DH to the hospital, because our PC told us to go, after they saw he was having "heart-block"....  But the receptionist THERE was thinking we were coming by ambulance... who knew???  We sure didn't!!!  So she whisked him away so fast, I thought she was a tornado!  Pace-maker put in the next morning!   But that was about 12 years ago!  Has had it replaced 3 years ago, and is doing fine! 

    Hi Chabba & Julianna!  Ha, ha!  I've got the moon! 

    Yes Cammi!  YOU tell that Dwilli!  She COULD post here more often.... she probably loses us, and can't find us...  Wink

    Sassy!  All this talk about glasses!  We found tons of them at the Dollar store!  And little cute cases!  Go there!  It is actually the "30 dollar store."  Because that's what it costs everytime we go there.

    JO!  You little party-girl!  WHERE are you staying in Vegas?  So remember that story....  "Whatever happens in Vegas, STAYS in Vegas!"  Not so!  You have to tell.... Do something really exciting and risque, so we can all be jealous!    Don't forget your birth-control pills! 

    The first time we went, was a trip our Daughte's gave us on our 30th anniversary!  It WAS magical!  OH!  And don't go wearing those CFM shoes out on the strip and try and walk down-town with them.  You'll never make it.  You will wind up bare-footed 1/2 way back to the Hotel.

    So Hi to all you other gals on the last page...  !    The moon is GORgeous!!!!  xoxoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh u would have the moon Chevy, when anyone of us are looking like mad.

    HMM my memories of Vegas hmmm --Oh yea I got married there for the 2nd time---I guess I blocked that out.I do remember upon landing at home it was July 4th and I could see fireworks all around so pretty--That was the best night of my whole marriage.

    I already took my shower and smell like a beautiful garden of flowers--boy do I smell good. And right this second my skin is soft , doesn't last long anymore.

    I haven't had my coffee yet lately I haven't been drinking as much--that's super unusual for me so I don't know why. Aren't I interesting-this is my life. LOL

    Another cloudy day maybe not ain today--but all week we're supposed to have it ??? Supposed to go swimming at my other DD's home Tuesday--that figures.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Oh!  And so what were you DOing Jake from State Farm?  You saw Fireworks?    SURE you did!  Were they outdoors?  Or in your head?

    A "Beautiful garden of flowers".....  Good Lord!  She is a poet!  Okay, my turn little missy!  I'll let you know! 

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    I saw the wonderful moon.  WOW, amazing!

    Glad U R smelling so good this A.M. Chevy Chevy.  I am soon to hit the showers myself and spruce up for Church today.  Happy, Happy Sunday ALL!  Hope it is a blessed one.


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited June 2013

    Morning ladies -

    Have had a hell of a weekend so far. Friday night, close to midnight, DH had to take me to the emergency room cause I was having trouble breathing. I thought it might be a reaction to the Aromasin as I had just started it on Thursday for the first dose. They did numerous tests (spent 5 hours there) including a CT scan to rule out blood clots etc. They even did a chest x-ray and saw nothing. My pulse ox was in the mid to high 90's the whole time so no worries about oxygen. They gave me a breathing treatment. Then they sent me home with instructions to call my MO and my PCP on Monday.

    I am STILL having shortness of breath. I stopped the aromasin. My thought is that the person I need to call is my RO because I am thinking that my lung issue is from my rads. My left breast is what I had partial breast rads on in April. It was a one week, dose dense (almost 9 milligrays a day!) protocol 2 x a day. My skin fared well, but they told me they could not keep my left lung out of the field no matter how hard they tried but they assured me that it was a tiny small amount in one corner of my lung and that it was radiating out from the epicenter like an earthquake and that it was the last circle that reached my lung.

    I think it messed with the surfactant (the stuff that helps your lungs to work properly) as I was doing a lot of reading about this and it appears to match what I am experiencing. The treatment is prednisone (ugh, steroids suck) and I am guessing they will likely prescribe some type of inhaler (maybe advair) for me since this is really uncomfortable and is probably not very good for my heart although they said my pulse ox showed full saturation. My blood pressure was 114/47 at the lowest and 131/60 at the highest that night.

    So, there you have my tale of woe for the weekend. I am nervous as hell about this lung thing. It scares me that I might have permanent damage from my rads. No one really talked about the lung thing very much. Now it is coming home to roost. Doubtful it is the AI (which I stopped until speaking to MO) so it leaves the rads as the culprit.

    Ducky, hugs to you. I had DH drive me to the hospital on Fri night. I am not as brave as you are!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013


    So, so sorry about your "weekend from Hell"!  Hope U R feeling much better today and U can enjoy a blessed Sunday with your DH and family/friends.  I will be praying for U today in Church.  Keep the faith Sister Warrior.
