STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    April I hope u'r better today, geeze I was thinking what a horrible scare to have--Oh how I hate the ER and Dr. and tests. oops I guess I'm a bad patient--but I wonder about that rads with u'r lung, it seems funny to me. Wait don't take my word for scary cuz I don't know anything I just think we get alot more side effects than we ever thought we'd get.

    Flowers have a wonderful day with church and family. U still won't smell as good as me. LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    AND then ther's me, Clear skies , don't know there's something special in the sky and missed.OH well. Hate it when I'd do that with shuttles and rockets.

    DwillliHUGS good to see ya.

    BON stay stay, puleese, You'will so enjoy it :))))))))

    Cami--Up at 7, same with me a dreams, they are very weird, but fade after a few minutes.

    BLONDIE YOOHOO had biscuits and gravy @ cracker barrel, there sitting like a clump in the middle of my stomach, but the were great going down. Sure hope you had a good one with your friend

    Shells you're probably asleep, have no weird dreams.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    Chevy - We are staying at Circus Circus.  Birth Control pills????  Really?? I gave those up years ago.  Thanks for the thought.  LOL!  I already know I am going to be sooooo far behind when I get back so I will just jump right in and MAYBE give details.  What a tease I can be!  Wink

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Veggy, you posted my favorites, that was there greatest skit ever. How about Red Skeltons Klem Kiddlehopper(?).

    Ducky guarantee the nurse was thinking STFU---or OH shit, or F**K.

    April good luck, sounds like the Er workup was okay. Do they have pulmonolgist that specialize in post radiation patients, that would be the ideal one for your PCP to send you too.

    Chevy you Hooligan, I forget why already, but you are. Someday soon I want to learn that split screen thingy, not today, head feels heavy.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Good, whatever the hell time it is where you are...... happy that your happy

    Bon.....welcome to the "Nuthouse"........for the record....I am the oldest (which makes me honorary "head nut"......the funniest, prettiest, sexiest, and a member of the mile high club.....I knew it when my "Pilot " said....." Was that turbulence, or did she just "rock my world"

    Ok enough about me, but understand the other nuts will deny everything I just said, but it's all welcome Bon.......ya'll come back now, ya hear.

    April.....they got my lung too....I was warned it would breathing problems, but a nasty cough.....going to a Pulmonary specialist.........looking for the cause.....choices are......reflux, asthma, medicine, or Rads hitting the very corner of my lung......."thanks cancer".....,,,,."the gift that keeps on giving"..........and to think at one point I was concerned about the about...numbness, Lymphedema, SE's from AI's, thinning hair, dried up like a prune, aches, pains, fatigue, ..........anything anyone would like to add.........guess they forgot to tell us all those "gifts"..........

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Bahahaahahaha! Chevy and Cammi, thank you for so many laffs this morning!! I was lol'ing until I read April's post.

    April, I don't know anything either but they better fix it!

    Super duck woman-I got nuttin', you crazy woman. Glad you survived to meet your pilot.

    I finally got my new CPU ordered yesterday. It took all freekin' day but I should have it Wednesday. Today I will order the monitor. Hopefully that won't be such an ordeal and I will have a shiny new toy soon!

    I need to go back to the Evil Store (Walmart) to find a curtain rod. I'm not as clean as Cammi but I'd better go rub some dirt on myself if I'm going there!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Cami isn't allowed in Walmart....she doesn't meet the requirements to be allowed in the store.....too clean....smells to good.........

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    Dresses neatly...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Don't go knockin' my Walmart!    You don't have to shower to go there, either!!  Just try and wear shoes..... bra's are optional, and usually not worn.  Pajama bottoms  are a pre-requisite....( I heard that word somewhere).... 

    Bon.... in case you haven't guessed.... SuperDuck is a tart!  She has this Pilot fixation, and no matter how hard we try, we can't break that habit of hers!  If you know of any, send them to her....

    But  April!  Good Lord what are you doing???  Make sure you call your own Doctor.... Not that they know anything different, but your Oncologist maybe???  I'm so sorry about that scare!  I just hate when I can't breathe!!!  Yes, I use Advair sometimes.... but an Asthma attack is just awful!

    Could you have also had some sort of Panic attack?  Along with a complete melt-down from inside out?  Let us know....  xoxoxo

    Phyllidellcomputerperson!  So excited you are getting a new set-up!  I'm jealous!  Take a picture if you can...  !!!

    Okay, here's the news......  Don't listen CAMMI!!!!  You  KNOW about the neighbor chickens/Hens that I watch, which seems like ALL the time....?

    WELL!!!  I went over for the 2nd time to take them some watermellon rinds and some brussel sprout sprouts!!!  They were not THERE!!!  A damn squirrel was climbing all over their hen coop!  I think they were scared.... But I looked in their little nesting area, and yes, they were up there.... it is like their "loft."..... Well to get to the point..... THERE WAS ONE LITTLE PINK EGG!!!  HAH!     And NO, I am not going to tell the neighbors.... I am going to keep it, and cook it and feel entitled!  Which I am!    Their FIRST!!!  I feel like a proud Grandmother!  Ha, ha!

    Okay.... that's the news from this farm-hand!  xoxoxo

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Hey Chev.......twice before this happened, and I'd go by was I was not going to wake up 6 households, and I damn sure was not taking another siren blaring, rush, rush, hurry, neighbor waking ride to the hospital...........swore if it ever happened again after the last fiasco, I would not call anyone again.......

    So who knew this was the real thing.........hind sight is 20-20.....

    But hysterical was when the ambulance is leaving the hospital for the transfer the driver says, oh my God, what is that was my smacky, youngest daughter shouting .....WAIT.......WAIT, and running through the parking lot with her 2 older sisters in picture it......3:45am, dark as hell, 3 lunatics running thru a hospital parking lot, in yesterday's clothes, arms flailing, and one looking like a "mad woman" with her very italian, whore hair flying in the wind......

    SO cautiously, the guy opens back door of the ambulance, only to have to fight off the youngest while shouting......NO, YOU CAN'T COME IN HERE.....while she is throwing her leg up on the step trying to get past him.......and the driver is shouting.....GET THAT PERSON


    They are told to follow..........ambulance went too fast, and my daughters lost them, and missed the exit on 95 for the hospital.....this is the daughter driving who in her mind never makes a the youngest starts smacking the shit out of her, while the oldest is 2 are f/n nuts.........when they finally get to the hospital their 3 brothers are sitting there and said......."what took you so long"........after that statement I heard the O.R.people thought the youngest was the patient and told them to take her to Psyc. admissions .......LMAO every time they tell the story.....and that was 6 years ago.......

    So that is why I drive

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited June 2013

    Laughing OMG Ducky, I know we are related somehow cause your family is as insane as mine is..LOL

    The way you wrote this, I got a fabulous visual...thanks for the smiles even in the face of such a serious subject as your heart attack. Glad you made it too Wink

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited June 2013

    .... wears clothing that covers her assets

    Though I do love me some WalMart. Nearest Costco 45 minutes away but WallyWorld only 10 minutes one way or 25 minutes 3 different ways.

    Phyllis - funny - or maybe not - about the med minder pillbox. They do make them with timer reminders. WM has them on line. I just bought one of the 4 times/day kind but one of the tabs came broken. Back to store and will get diff. kind either there or Walgreens/CVS. I can't remember whether I've used my morning/dinnertime eyedrops or given the dog her allergy pill. I'm going to put some kind of token for those in and move them daily. Great plans but got to execute it, right?

    WM had some cute chest type (not that kind of chest Chevy!) but it was only for daily use, not timed. And some that look like mini tool chests with sooo many boxes.

    April - hope you get some answers tomorrow.

    Talk about smelling good. I'm in love with Bath/Body Works coconut-lime.

    Sas - you can still catch the moon tonight. I think still like 98.something full. We were at friends house in FW last night. Couldn't see until well over houses, treetops but beautiful. Home tonight and it will be spectacular. Have a beautiful view of eastern sky.

    Friends' college daughter had to do assignment for sociology class. Go somewhere all classes/ages of people present. I suggested WalMart. Noooo - they drove to the casino but I guess it was a good excuse for a trip there. It's across the OK border about 1.5 hours from here. Don't think Texas will ever legalize casino gambling. And I think there is only one Indian reservation in the state.

    Didn't get home until about 1 am. Slept until 9:30. BAD girl, skipped SS/church. DH off this weekend but he's out mowing. Love summer rain but usually by late June the grass is starting to fade and he mows the bar ditch area only once/month. But we had so much last couple of weeks mowing again today. But the faucet is off I think unless we get a gulf storm come this way.

    Hope all have a good Sunday.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Quick check in while I have 1 minute of internet.......ALASKA is awesome and I feel pretty good considering my sexy bald head......the eaglettes are getting nervous i am moving in on their territory

    Hugs to all....

    ps....last night i had a dessert nsmed Phyllo Dough Tulip....almost peed my pants...took pic of menu and will post for Miss Pie Lady when i can

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    OH chickiealaskaadventurer, we're all glad you posted and are well.Have oodles more fun. Please ask the cruise director if the EAGLE lady is still alive?

    Ducky your life should be a movie. Watch you'll see that sketch as part of a movie.

    Bon I'm the GEEK, came here to learn humor, haven't gotten past the basics, there are some Masters here.

    VeGgY, Thank you:))), How's about Flip Wilson's___________he used to dress up as a woman? What is her name???????? Earnestine?

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Cam Chev and Duck - you did it again, you got my day started on such a good note. So glad you smell so yummy Cam and sorry some of you couldn't find your moon....and Ducky, you and your mile high club!

    Welcome Bonny!

    April, so sorry you went through all that stress - you were up all night.  Hope you napped Saturday and are getting your sleep cycle back in order.  Don’t understand your SOB, either. One should be able to lose a small part of their lung function without being SOB (I lost function from pulmonary emboli  but can still do 30 minutes of aerobics). My first concern would be PE, but it sounds like they ruled that out. 2nd hunch is Aromasin. Glad you stopped it for now until you can see your MO. When I was waiting for my pulm artery surgery I had significant  SOB problems. Benzodiazepines like Xanax help with the anxiety that happens with dyspnea.  

    Phyllie - is your avatar a tiger pelt?

    Good to hear from Chicky.

    Where the H is Blondiee?

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited June 2013

    Sas, Flip Wilson's character was Geraldine.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Kathi, Yes can just see her now. Laugh. It'd be great if all these old wonders were on one channel:))))

    Sent Blondie a PM:)

    Ducky know I said I study Kyphoplasty today, but head feels like it's full of peanut butter

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    sorry peeps here, just dealing with the 3rd week of chemo, bright thing is that it is my week off!!! Let me catch up...

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    dwill so sorry as I have told my my head there are things I want to do and it is my intention to do them but I also know some I can't...glad you had a good time but I bet you pushed yourself.....stop doing will take longer to recuperate. is the ankle today?  

    GMA ok you too rest and relax!!!

    Flowers.....hope you are enjoying the Vegas trip!!

    Sassy, Shell, Cammie, Chevy Ducky, MaryW, Mary, phyllie......and whoever I forgot...hope you are having a wonderful relaxing Sunday I in the house with the air on (wish it felt that way) eyes watering but who cares, sitting on my bed watching tv for the entire couple of days till I feel better, recuperating from the 3rd week of will read the next couple of pages...


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013 so much about it before having it the first time could probably perform that is just me.......I analyze everything....that I why my kids get so pissed off at me......they say I obsess things......oh well.......too bad......

    So enjoy your PB head about adding some jelly., at least you can make lunch......

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    photo DSC00956.jpgAndrew blowing out his candles Jamie (DD2) holding Jenifer (#7 grandchild), Jessie (#1 granddaughter) in yellow and one of the twins (George) next to Jessie.....thought you would like to put faces to names....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Ok Duckster, jelly it is.that'll smush away the guilt

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    going to lay down bbl .....

    hope everyone is ok and Chickie so glad you checked in!!!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited June 2013

    SAS - Geraldine is available on YouTube. Looks likes lots of episodes from the old Flip Wilson show. Head full of peanut butter doesn't sound good. Get some rest.

    Glad to see ChickaD checking in.

    for you SAS

    the one and only Geraldine

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Miss Duckster!  Ditch all those kids!  They aren't yours.  Well, maybe keep the boys. That story was so funny, and  the same thing would happen if my two girls were together.... Your description of them was the best!  We don't believe you, you know.... (talking about her hair!)  well not about ALL of it....Ha!  Let's just promise each other we will not spill the beans EVER!!!!

    Love your picture Blondie!  And yes, just take it easy.  I LOVE those "Mary's Gone Crackers!"  The original and onion..... So those of you with teeth, they are the best!  Either with red-pepper hummus, or goat-cheese mixed with steak seasoning!  So sit on the bed, drink a chocolate coke, and eat afore mentioned.

    Kath!   I feel like I have a lisp when I say your name!!!  Yes Flip Wilson!  I just cracked up watching his whole show!  So funny!   And I love the Golden Girls.  We have re-runs here, and they still just crack me up!    Do you like the kids and that guy  in the AT&T commercials????  I KNOW what is coming, but I laugh every  time!  The expressions on those kids are priceless! 

    Hello again little Shells and Sasmiester! 

    Chickster!  Geez, we all miss you!  So have you gone to this town where my Dad had pictures of "ice worms" ???  They were right in the ice block like things!   He was there during WW2, and sent back a lot of pictures!  I only remember those, because my little Brother and I used to raise worms and caterpillars in the shed!

    Hi Luvmygoats!  YOU should have been with me this morning!  I went to feed the neighbor chickens, and when I opened their screen door to the coop, I had to grab the little red one....(Rosie) and hold her back!  Man, you can just see me chasing chickens through their whole yard!   I am not used to this barn-yard stuff....   I need an accomplice  for whenst I go again. 

    Hi April.... yes Ducky has a way with words.... !  She just makes everything so descriptive!  Damn good things she has kids, or she wouldn't have nothin' to talk about.... except her Pilot!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited June 2013

    Ducky, DH drove himself to the hospital also, but only because he had another appt there. He strolled into walk-in clinic, told them his symptoms, and found himself in the ER part with no clothes. Good move on their part, because he would have left if he had them. Five bypasses later, he's doing great.

    April, How scary!! I hope they find the cause and the cure soon.

    Chevy, I tried to get a photo of the naked bicyclists, but only got a photo of my shirt. Trying to use my iphone for the photo. Too sunny to see the screen, and invisible with sunglasses on. Then I realized they would probably kick me off BCO and I couldn't handle that. Feet are still sore today from walking 5 miles and standing in a booth for 3 hours. Picked up 2 things and managed to lose them both!

    I've always thought Phyllo's avatar was cinnamon rolls. What is it exactly?

    Blondie, good to hear from you. Hoping you have less pain today and more enjoyment.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Wren I thought Phlodough was baklava??? And I love Peanut butter on toast--Yummy.

    Geeze I had a lot to catch up on but only remember some. OK We know Blondie is calling her Dr. tomorrow-RIGHT? abd get this thing straighten out.

    ChichaD sounds good, I'm so glad, at least I thought so. And I like that she checks in too.

    Ducky u Ambulance sounds like a scen from Nation Lampoon's stuff LOL U'r DD's sound hysterical

    Chevy I knew, just knew these chickens would be back, I'll be u'r partner but I'll have the BBQ going.

    OK I'm thinking of Peanut Butter now---not u;r Brain Sas real PB

    And yes I still remember Geraldine who I thought was hysterical, in fact I always watched that show and I know somewhere on one of these crazy channels it still shows the Flip Wison show--but I don't remember whst station at all.