STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Chevy.....the hair is the absolute truth.....all my kids have amazing hair, but the youngest had 3 hairs growing out of every follicle, when most have just 1...,,..she was told that by a hairdresser many years ago, and then the same thing again by a different hairdresser a few years ago.........she is part Italian which accounts for the full head of hair and the "whore hair" name came from the belief all prostitutes have huge when she was in High School her brothers called her "whore hair"

    If I knew how to do pictures I would send one to you actually looks like a wooly mammoth......but it gorgeous.......her 12 year old daughter has her hair.......just not as dark....also some of the other granddaughters have our hair.....not all a couple have bitty hair from the other had great hair......notice I said had.

    When all 6 of my kids get together for fun, or drama....people who connect with them.....Dr's, Nurses, EMT's, Receptionists will say to me......oh yea your the one with the 6 kids that came with you......worse yet they are adults.....55 down to 44.........they fill the room, and refuse to leave unless they all go.......once I'm ok, and out of the woods I hardly see the little urchins........once I get better they disappear.......typical.......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    I LOVE that hair!  In fact, I still use hot rollers, and style it everyday by teasing and combing it out!  Yes, I DO wear big hair.... still!  My hair is thin,  but the way I tease it, it looks thicker......Our oldest Daughter also has "thin, or fine hair."....  Then our other Daughter has THICK hair.

    When I took Tamoxifen, I lost a lot of hair, but it came back when I quit taking it....   

    I'll bet your kids are a kick when they all get together!  Congratulations for having a fun family!!!  I know, sometimes they all get "moods"  but whose doesn't?  This is a most recent picture of me.

    Except my eyes are now brown.  Wink

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Yes, I'm a tiger.  Hahaha!  Not so much.  That is a phyllo dough pastry with chocolate drizzle. 

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited June 2013

    Dag, went out for a couple of hours and came back to a page and a half!  Blondie, you have a beautiful family and so lucky to have your grandchildren close to you.  Chevy, I love those commercials.  I use Kath because my brother called me that growing up and into our adult lives.  He passed away seven years ago.  Only had two other people call me that in the last 20 years.  If you prefer, call me Kathy.  I go by several names - so and so's mother and hey you among them.  Friends of my twins call me mama.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Peanut butter head came after an optic migraine this morning. Usually don't get a headache, today was different. Phillytalktoallafternoon, got it cleaned up b/c she got my brain cells and synapses working. What fun!

    Chevy would love to see a movie of you chasing chickie, Rosie. With your BIG hair flying..........

    Veggy thanks again for Geraldine. Who can we think of next?

    What's wrong with blondie? what'd I miss?

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    And here's Blondiee helping Shell with big rollers:

    photo 4555045e-f8bc-4ae4-ad72-1911e31a4edb_zpse865164f.jpg

    photo 6835c648-d69c-4c49-902e-5ee1648145e5_zps16edc661.jpg
  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for clarifying phyllcocoadrizzledbaklava

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Little Kath!  I am always going to call you that, just because your Brother did....  Smile  That is special, to you and me!  My Brother is a year younger than I.... He lives in Nashville, and I just love when we talk to each other....  There really is a close bond there....  So "Kath" forever!

    So Shells!  Did you ever use beer-cans for rollers?  Ha, ha!  I used to wear and style hair pieces, with those barrel-curls!  I loved those! 

    Yes Sassy!  I told you guys one of them laid one little pink egg!!  I was so impressed!  It was still warm.... One of the chickens was looking at it, like WTF is that?  I almost felt bad taking it....  But it is only one of many, that the girls will lay. 

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited June 2013

    Chevy, This is for you:

    DH is with the band in the background on 35-36, or 36-37 (can't remember stuff). The painted people who are shown from the waist up, probably did not have anything but paint from the waist down.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    Hi Everyone.  Just checking in.  I swear this thread moves so fast and I just can't keep up. I am always at least 2 pages behind everything I get on here.  Maybe I can keep up better once I retire from this job and I am home recovering from surgery.  Hope everyone had a good weekend.  Tongue Out

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Chevy I envy u'r look, if only I could look like that when I'm 120 yrs old.---I never had nice hair super thick and super curly The men had good hair and all the girls had the ugly hair. Being all Italian didn't help the hair situation, Now my hair is so much thinner and straight??? so it's fine with me. That when I got the chalk idea just to do something fun with it. And my funky nails too since I never ever had long or good nails, then all of a sudden my hand nails are hard and long/ Everything is backwards. Is that from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or someother thibg like that. ???

    Chevy a pink egg? I don't know about that. Doesn't seem right.

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited June 2013

    Fyi, no I don't need everything you can find with a pink f'ng ribbon on it every time I see you. I'd rather the conversation (over Starbucks preferably) or a hug.

    Goldie, welcome aboard!!

    Glad all you other hooligans are still feisty as ever. Sending love and strength to those who need.

    Hey, guess who I ran into at home depot? My mole removing PS !!! He was in line ahead of me and I said quite loudly, "excuse me sir, what do you think of my breasts?". Everyone turned and I started laughing. I told him he was the only one in the entire store I could say that to and not get in trouble, ha!! Yes, I'm naughty. My husband said he probably thinks I was hitting on him and will likely see a new doctor at my next appointment. Whoops, my bad.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Shane I love that u said that---so funny. U sound like u'r doing good.

    I forgot before we used to use the toilet paper inside rol for rolers on our heads too.-They were easy to sleep on.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Juice cans for rollers-at least the girl down the street used them.  I swear the only time she didn't have her hair in "curlers" was when she was in class.  Mom used to do mine up in "rag curlers" when I was little.  I had a lot of long, thick hair.  I usually wore it in braids cuz it was a mess to brush if I wore it down.  Once in awhile, mom would curl it.  It would take hours to dry and last about 30 minutes!!

    Shane, glad to see you again.

    Won't get to see the moon tonight, it's cloudy and rainy.Frown

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited June 2013

    I never had big hair. My hair is so fine that teasing falls out when I shake my head. I think I was almost bald until I was 2. I loved it when long straight hair was in. Just a blow dry and I was done. DD was born with dark curly hair. I think her bangs have more hair than on all my head. It makes her look exotic and people always wanted to know where she was from. She often gets hairdressers to agree to a price over the phone, so they don't double it when they see how thick her hair is.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited June 2013

    Okay Chevy are you psychic?  Little was my maiden name.  Now don't milk the chickens!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OMG Kath I wake to to pee and just check things out and I see more chickens-WHOA oh but I like the cat eyeing them up. What a cute maiden name chicken little--how sweet,

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    The Super Moon off my cabin balcony on Celebrity Solstice.....having so much fun...20 hours of we were in Ketchikan....tomorrow in Juneau.....

    Miss GmaFABULOUS loving my scarfs and getting many many head thsnks you my friend...

    oh...and this one is for Miss Chevster......yep whore blue toenails

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Beautiful pictures. Thank you so much for taking rime to post them. Have a wonderful time on the rest of your trip!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    Morning gals!  I have the moon again, Ha!  Rained last night, finally, but the moon is beautiful now...


    Veggy, Yikes!  I'm going to soft-boil that egg this morning... and hopefully it won't look like THAT one...ha!  It was just a pale soft pink, and my OTHER chicken neighbor gave me a greenish one, and also a pale blue!  Honest!


    Wren, got the pictures...Ha!  They HAVE to be nuts...!   My Brother has always been a musician too....all his life...What does your Husband play?  My DB is a drummer/percussionist. 


    Morning Jo and Cammi!  That picture was not really me...Ha!  Okay, yet it was....  I WISH I looked like that...EVER!   I know how all our parts change...  No, a pink egg IS different... but I am now an authority on chickens!  Maybe there will be another one today!  I really AM on an Easter Egg hunt. 


    Shane, that was funny, Ha!  I'll bet he will remember YOU, forever!


    Kath, I sent that cute picture to my Daughter's....Ha! 


    But YES Chickster!  Your blue toe-nails and cute feet are so... apropos!    I KNOW that's a word, but probably mis-spelled! 

    And a view from your room of the moon????  Dang you're GOOD!


    Hi Julianna...!  Have a fun day gals....xoxoxo
  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2013

    Just figured I'd check in briefly- my plan is to read to try and catch up while I'm on the elliptical this morning or while I wait in silver spring for my oldest to finish with his orientation for his internship. Have to brag for a minute- he, as a 15 year old high school sophomore was nominated and accepted into the intern/ mentor ship program at his h.s. Its quite an honor :-) he has to complete a lot of hours and write an extensive paper on it while taking a rather grueling academic schedule during his junior year.

    I think he is ( as are my husband and I) fortunate to have this opportunity. He gets to 'try out' engineering to make sure he really likes it and wants to proceed before investing all that money and time in I'll be happy (well, willing anyway) to sit in the car and wait. It's too far to come all the way home then go all the way back- he will only be there for an hour or two today....

    Now, the other 2 kiddos....sigh, you all, having already raised your kids, will the complacency EVER resolve on its own or do we push them ( shhh it's probably not legal to use a cattle prod on them..teehee)?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning all---

    Chevy u'r neighbors are going to wonder what happened to the eggs this yr. as u have omelts everyday LOL Oh chickens again.

    Chickie those pictures are great, I missed the moon all cloudy.  But U seem goo have a wonderful relaxing time and whenever send some pic. we love them.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited June 2013

    Camillegal, My dad's nickname growing up was Chick, after Chicken Little! It was due to his having red hair and the last name.  

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Saw the moon last night.......not big, just very bright.......same as the night before.....I think parts of the East coast it was too cloudy at the time it was big........or certain area's just got a bad shot of my case it was cloudy and overcast......oh well bright and shiny is good...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Ducky I saw nothing LOL

    Kath I love it

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited June 2013

    I saw the supermoon and it was stunning! I was driving around 9pm, came around a corner, and the moon looked like it was sitting just above the overpass ahead. It was huge, bright and gorgeous. I finally found a place to stop and take a picture, but I just had my phone and the picture did not come out well.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    wren - loved the photos.  It looks like a crazy fun event.  Except for riding bicycles bare-ass naked. Ewww.

    chevy - you should probably NEVER mentioned that you stole a little egg, especially a first one!  You might go to He.....nevermind, maybe not.

    merlie dotes and dozy dotes - congratulations to your son.  Don't you just love it when you aren't bailing them out of jail?  That's what my mom told me anyway.  J/K  I know you're proud of him!

    I did not use juice cans for my hair back in the day.  I had a giant plastic thing a little bigger than a beer can.  I would take the hair on the top of my head and roll it on the the tubethingy.  Then wrap all the rest of my hair around my head a couple of times.  My head was an even BIGGER roller.  It mostly came out okay....when I had enough pins to hold it in place until it dried.  Then came hand-held dryers.  I swear, I said a thank you prayer the day I got one of those.

    Chicklet - I am so jealous of your cruise, your view, your fun that I can barely compliment you on your ho' toes. It's all beautiful. (sigh)

    Yes, I talked to peanutbutterhead yesterday.  Did I tell you that she can TALK?!!  Such an exciting conversation about (wait for it) CONSTIPATION!  PCP here referred me to my MO.  Great.  Then later I have an appt in N Platte to see the LE specialist. 

    Okay, merzicat is on the elliptical.  I'd better get on the yoga mat and hope I don't fall asleep during the relaxation technique.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Awesome Pictures my ChickaD - Glad those scarves are coming in handy.. 

    Trying to catch up but got to work - HUGS all - will read later.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    PHILLYTALKMORE, what's better than a good poop. I swear advertising agents stole some of my lines. Like --Why not have a better go? OR ---"For those that are stuck, may they get unstuck." PHillypooper, told you they'd make a rukus, Hope someone finally made a decision.

    Chevy why are the eggs colored? (as Chevy thinks Tart, she's as bad as my GC ). Are those Bantam chickens? Do you have stinky feet when you come out of the coop? If both neighbors have chickens, why don't you? Are you still afraid of them like you were as kid?

    Ckiciequeenoftheriver, Whales? Bird Lady still there? THat blue pic oh so, to go, to sleep by.

    Merikitty, congratualtions that's nice. very nice. The other ones, tough one, cattle prods are illegal. Are stunguns?

    Ducky, I missed the moon again Oh well maybe tonight

    Cami, do you wet your chalk before you pull it?