STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    What!? Anaconda eggs?

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    phylumherpetology-anacondas don't lay eggs.  The young ones arrive via "live births."

    Mostlymommarriagemaven, congratulations!!  Any advice to share?  I and DH celebrated 36 years in May.

    Hope you all have a good night and pleasant morning.  

    Tomorrow I see my PS to schedule nips.  

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    MMom congratualations, veggy's metal is very nice.

    Blondie how are you feeling?

    Up and down sleeping it's okay, still not to a nice routine. Yay for melatonin when I need it.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    JA I didn't realize you had bmx/reconstruction within the past year. Are you having surgery and tattoos?

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2013

    Hey Shellshiney girl and the rest of the crew, I needed to check in earlier so I can have more energy to write. .  Heck, it is  2:30 in the morning and I am so tired all I can do is read postings.  Crazy me was trying to read a book and watch a movie at the same time--so I pause the movie, then read a few pages--alternating this until I finish both not long ago.  I live alone and find myself doing crazy things, now.  Who The F cares!!! The big C has changed the way I think.  So, I try out different ways to do things. It sort of fun doing unconventioal things.  It keeps my mind on overload because most of the time, I have a hard time sleeping especially now my TE has been blown up @500 ccs.  It's beginning to take the shape of a hard football in my chest.  Well going to check out a few other post before I nestle in and try to find a comfortable way to sleep with my football.Laughing

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Shell, yes I'm having surgery. Not sure about the tatoos-find out at my appointment. Hard to believe where I am today versus this time last year. Actually, a year ago today my MO told me there was NED. I could have finished this back in April but I had places to go, things to do and didn't want to have to worry about taking care of surgery sites. My PS has been great. I have set the time line after the TEs were done, for fills and exchange. I haven't (knock on wood) had any complications. He listened when I changed my mind about high profile -vs- moderate..even said I was right. I'm the same size as before so I am satisfied. Now if I could lose about 10 pounds, I'd look even better!

    Dwilli, are you through with the fills now? Sleeping with the TEs can be problematic for sure. I'm sure one is almost as bad as two. I was so happy when I could sleep on my side. Hope you're nestled down and comfy..sweet dreams.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Phylodumbasme thought the same thing for a second and I did think snakes laid eggs, I mean Dinos did so I assumed that.

    Dwill 500cc is a good size are u going any further--that is (what I've heard) very uncomfortable for most women to go thru so Julia I hope u'r goes well.

    And Luvmygoats u can give Chevy lots of info on caring for these chicklets I think she's freakin out but has learned how to steal eggs. That was a quick learn.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Phyllisknowsnothin'......"Araucana" eggs!!!  NOT Anaconda!  Anaconda's are COWS, and they don't lay eggs!    Shows how much YOU know!  See???  These gals on here are really smart!  THEY know a chicken from a spider!


    Chabba, your "mutt" sounds so sweet!  Lacee our little Sheltie would try and "take care of" little birds that were learning how to fly... She would push them with her nose, and finally just lay down and watch them.


    CAMMI!!!  You don't know a chicken from a rabbit!   So now I notice they are "building" little nests in the corners of their coop!  It looked like someone was trying to escape!   But when I went over yesterday, a couple were laying in their home-made nests!  I HAVE to say, they are pretty smart...those girls!


    Congratulations Mostlymom!  YES!!!  We really DO deserve a medal!  We will have our 56th in September!  (If we are still talking..).... JUST kidding...

    I don't know who ever THOUGHT of having men and women live together..... for that long!!!  I mean it's fun and stuff, but gets rather complicated after awhile..... That's why we need our own space.... His is out in the garage.... and I lock him in there.

    Mine is the bedroom, where he blocks the door and I can't get out!

    Ha, ha!  Hah!  That sounds funny. 


    Yes, Merl.. I forgot to say congratulations to you too!  Your Son sounds like he is doing exceptional!  We shall ALL be proud of him!  


    A friend of mine...her Daughter, DID go to the Colorado School of Mines, for an engineering degree... there are quite a lot of different types of engineering....  She tried quite a few.... BUT finally left that school and went to Regis, and took up nursing!  THAT'S what she wanted to do.  She works at Children's Hospital now.... and loves it. So it's good that your Son will be able to find out what he likes!


    I'll get back to the rest of you Hooligans pretty quick.... Gotta go water!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    It's wonderful to be at an age when u can see what u want to do in life and then u'r able to do it and love what u'r doing.

    Chevyknowitall---I thought Anaconda was a snake--Like in the movies with JLO and ??Ice Cube It's just my thinking that's all. Didn't u get rain yesterday? we were loaded with it and more this whole week---Those chicks are doing instinct work not creating an Arc so let's not give them to much credit.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Morning Cammi!  Ha, ha!  How fun to tease each other...  No, no rain, but the night before last, it REALLY rained.  A real frog-strangler!   I just talked to Chicken-lady neighbor, and she said the chickens DO like to dig and scratch and roll around in the dirt!  I thought they were trying to make a break for it! 

    I KNOW Anaconda's a snake... but cows sounded funnier.Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    And I didn't actually "steal" those eggs... I just merely took them...  the chickens GAVE them to me!  Their "parents" were no-where around, so they were there for the taking... I say.  And I'm not even TELLING them they started laying.... HAH!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Well Ladies - see the BS today to do the Neuroma or MX talk.  Wish me luck.

    "Momma can I have some - what is that your eating? Is that from that strange person staring at us through the window?"


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Hoooligans! 

    chevy - yes I will get my bifocals checked. Alopecias are not easy to deal with at first, but I'm kinda liking mine now. Here is a link for you about chickenlets:  I get her Facebook feed.  Beautiful photos of all kinds of chickens and eggs AND how not to kill them by accident.  BTW, I have not heard "frog-strangler" since I lived in Houston.

    Gma - good luck today.  I hope they can resolve the pain issue for you.  Nice rabbit picture!  Haha, j/k for cammi....or chevy.

    mostlymom - wowzer, that's a lot of years!  Don't listen to chevy about locking him in the garage.  Big Alice forgot her hubby when she did that and she ended up in the Big House.

    dwilligirl - Isn't it nice to do exactly what you want to when you want to?  There are times when I think it might be nice to have a guy around to fix things, but then I think that without one, I don't have to clean up someone else's dirty sox OR clean the toilet after him.   Hahahahaha!  Oh wait, maybe that was just my he refused to be handy around the house.  Sorry your TE hurts. I don't know what that's like. Sounds bad!

    sassafraspants - it's working!  Thanks for all of your help.

    juliaaaaaana - good luck with your nip appointment.  I did not get tattoos a MD Anderson for rads.  They drew on my chest with different colored Sharpies. I made them take a photo of my very own personal transit map on my chest.  Or did you mean tattooed nips?  Live birth giant snakes?  That is too wiggly to even think about!

    blondie - hope you're feeling better!

    This afternoon is my 4th round of chemo.  Will see if I continue on this regimen or change to something else.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Oh Phillycheese, good luck with your chemo today. I have mine on thurs. Its amazing how fast time goes in between them, isnt it? Well, I dont know if its just the guys in my family or what, but my sisters boyfriend has decided he needs a jeep, to carry his surf board back and forth to the while we were there, we went and looked at one. This thing had a lift on it which made it sit about 18 inches taller than a regular jeep, which sits high anyway. I wish you could have seen him trying to get in and out of this thing. I dont think my sister could get into it at all without a stool, not being 5 ft. tall herself. Now we are not talking about young men here, he is 62 years old. Dh talked him out of that one. I think all the guys in my family are going through delayed mid-life crisis...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013


    Dwilli 500cc sounds good, my idiot PC filled me to 850cc without my permission. 5-3 sheesh way out of proportion. AND it was close to three years before the pectorals finally relaxed enough so that I didn't have pain. Whippetmom-Deborah on sizing 101, is a good source on everything re:exchanges and permanents I'll get the link.

    My standard line after my idiot Pc did his thing was that the amount to be put in the saline permanent foob should be written on the concent preop. If there is a disputed amount, that can be put either in the PS's scrotum or labia.

    In a do over, I would have gotten silicon b/c with saline you can get ripples.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Phyllygosomuch, Can't wait for tomorrow and then the next two days. This could be ground breaking. Serious, enough for publishing, and not just for the paper to be used in the outhouse. Woke up with a  bunch of questions for them, now the questions are fading. OH well.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    getting there, tomorrow will be better, usually wednesday I feel fine then I get chemo again....looking forward to it....thanks for asking...

    Dw there are no rules you make your own!!!

    phyllie hope you are ok after chemo, here if you wanta talk...take care of yourself, how many are you getting?

    mary....good luck on thursday.....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh chit it's sounds like chemo week for a few of u. I'm sorry but each one u get is closer to the last. Isn't that mindblowing how I think. Shut up Chevy.

    Oh Chevyknowitall if we can't tease on here where can we, u guys can say anything u like and it doesn't bother me at all. And yes Chevy u TOOK the egg, oh like u asked permission from the chicken--maybe she was going to nest it and have a babychick u know. (that is where they come from right) Those eggs don't have a chance with u around. And Chevy the only reason I knew about anacondas was cuz I watched all the movies--I know nothing about this yard stuff--not even flowers and I should cuz I grew up with a dad that taught me so much about planting and taking care of everything and to me it was boring--yea I was like 10. My dad loved nature in all forms and when he'd walk outside he'd

     be so happy to enjoy everything and my mom would hand him a broom and say sweep the driveway and he would. As long as he was outside.

    Oh I did my long beautiful fingernails this morning.(wait that's all I have that really looks good, people think they are fake) anyway I did them purple. So purple's the color for a while.

    Phylonohair I hope this chemo goes well for u, as I do for all of u. We had outdoor plans today, but it's storming like crazy so we've changed them to Sat. which is better cuz we'll celebrate my cousins BD too bad or good weather and Joey and I can stay over nite--(my  DD's#1 home)--so it'll be fun--I'll just take my pain meds and enjoy. LOL

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    For all the ladies in chemo this week - This is for you!chemo bear

    Wish I could be there to give you hugs but I can give you a cyber bear and cyber hugs!!!

    Now for me - I don't know if I'm being stupid, but if I'm going to have pain anyway - I will walk... through the pain... I have been consistent all month walking laps of my home outside, up and down the hills here. I'm up to 12 minutes (5 laps) - but I sure hope today will show a possible answer because, By the time I finish and am done walking, that knife stabbing pain is there to greet me.. 

    Love you Ladies - please stay around - I need you.. 

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Love the bear Gma. Hope the walking gets easier for you. I know just when  I start feeling somewhat normal, its time to get chemo again. I have to think to myself, get this one down and only 4 more, hopefully, for a while anyway....

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Good morning Hoolies. Really enjoyed reading all the posts on iPhone during this morning's bus ride. Thinking of you Mary, Blondiee and Phyllette, may this week go well for you. Good luck Esther and JA. Chevette et Camette:TYVM for your entertainment. 💜

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    GMS that is so adorable and right back t u. I know how difficult the walking is u feel like u have to, then u feel like why am I doing this to myself. I feel bad for u. This stupid cancer messes us all up from head to toe(now if u want to talk about my toenails OY VEY) LOL But sometimes I know we feel like we're in a circle, but it comes and goes and pain suks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    GMS that is so adorable and right back t u. I know how difficult the walking is u feel like u have to, then u feel like why am I doing this to myself. I feel bad for u. This stupid cancer messes us all up from head to toe(now if u want to talk about my toenails OY VEY) LOL But sometimes I know we feel like we're in a circle, but it comes and goes and pain suks.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Best wishes for all of you having chemo this week.

    Phyllo, tats are to finish the reconstruction. I was incredibly blessed to not need chemo or rads. Original plan had been lumpectomy and rads when I only had mucinous cancer. After lumpectomy, path showed a multitude of varieties but all very small so BMX. Oncotype was low.

    We are having rain today,too. Does nothing for my motivation.

    Chevy, my grandmother had chickens. When we would visit, my sister would ask if we could "go pick the eggs." We were city kids. Grandma had a couple of mean hens-they were ferocious when you tried to get eggs from their nests. It's nice you are concerned about their comfort-who wants to sit on lumps?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited June 2013

    Marywh - I hear you about not being able to get into things. Have an old F150 pickup I have to pole vault into or have DH shove my butt up into on passenger side. Made him install a step on drivers' side. I have to drive it to get hay for the goats at feed store and I look really silly vaulting into it.

    GmaFoley - I bet those deer will eat most any snack you provide. Oddly enough my goats don't like peanuts in the shell. But they love Doritos, Fritos, any kind of bread. Some even eat watermelon or canteloupe rind. They love banana peels. It might take a few trials to see if they will eat it being new. Congrats on the walking. Christian Television Network has an easy exercise program on. Today was stretching, yesterday was core fitness. Comes on 5:30 am and 1130 am. It is making my energy feel better. There is a yoga on too on ION but on at 5 and 5:30 am. Need to get my recorder hooked back up. Too darned hot to exercise outside in Texas unless up very early morning. Did I mention I hate Texas summers! Go to eye doctor tomorrow in Ft Worth and then not another appt until sometime in August for mammo. I will be hibernating in the AC. The chemo bear is cute.

    Phyllis, Marywh and Blondie hope chemo is kind to you this week.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh great Juia u gave Chevy another reason to cop those eggs.  for comfort. LOL

    Luv some of these vans re hell to get into now-it was nothing before but now it takes a crane to move a person--Oh again I speak of birds. LOL

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Since we're on the subject of animals,my sister has a family of baby armadillos living in her back yard. I know they're rodents but they were so cute. Just back there foraging in her palmetto bushes.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited June 2013

    Luvmygoats, We hire goats to clean out blackberries here. The big himalayan blackberries are everywhere and described as "escaped from cultivation." It's pretty expensive, so the goat owners are making good money and the goats love the blackberries, thorns and all.

    Marywh, armadillos are adorable. Their biggest predator seems to be the car.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Now SEE Cammi!  Hah!  Armadillo's!  Now they DO sound cute!  And Marywhatyousaid.....  That Cammi thinks if I would have left that stupid egg there.... (2 actually) that they would have hatched!  Okay so YEAH, if there was a Rooster around that would mate with her(whoever)!  See they mate!  I didn't know that either!  BUT when I was 21, and had first Daughter, our Landlady had chickens!  So they always had eggs, and I said "why don't you just leave them there, so they will hatch?"    And her patient Husband, said "because we don't have Roosters."..... But I said, with all the wisdom I could muster, "I KNOW, but you already have the eggs.... Just leave them long enough where they will then hatch!"

    He said "Go talk to Bea!".... So I stomped in their house, and told her my observation....  SHE said...."They won't hatch, because the Roosters have to fertilize her eggs".....  and then she said...."They mate just like dogs!"  I was just baffled!  I mean WHO ever saw chickens doing it???  Not ME evidently!  I saw the neighbor dogs doing it one time, but I called the fire-department, because I DID NOT KNOW what was going on!  I thought that ONE dog was dragging the other one to her death!!!   So when I called, the patienter emergency person said, "Just leave them alone, they are mating."   Well!  My whole life is all about learning something new every day!

    I'm sorry for all you lovelies for getting chemo this week!  If I could, I would bring you a chocolate coke and a bag of Dorito's....  Kiss

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited June 2013

    OK Chevy what the heck is a chocolate coke? Love chocolate, like coke OK so how do they go together? Ever had a lime Dr. Pepper?