STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Cami - I'm so sorry you are having so many meds - that really stinks..  that was the original diagnosis that is the code they use everytime I go in.. I hate being labeled that. It makes getting insurance even harder... But I won't talk about that - Here is a picture to help calm our nerves - 

    The sky at 5:30 yesterday morning :

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh GMA what a perfect view I like cloudy skies too. and I think Phylomomentof thinking is right--but I think alot of /drs. do these things cuz they just don't know and if it does go away then they're like right in theyir mind. I know one of my Drs. asked me if my side was still painful after like weeks and I said yes and she said we'll have to keep an eye on it. What kind of answer is that--does u'r eyeball come home with me, and it still hurst so they just hope it goes away. Oh this is all crap I'm sorry I'm bringing eceryone down and that's the last thing I want to do--so I'll look at u'r view gain and relax with my pain meds. LOL

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    GMA lovely!!1

    phillie....feel better and take a nap, I do most days..!!

    Cammie, you are doing so well!!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Naw - that's what we are here for!!! you rant away.. I know its frustrating - I hope the ultrasound monday that i am having for nerve pain will show something... 

    Here is a different way of looking and our ups and downs. Not sure about it, but it was interesting.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Mary, that was a STFU about the constipation issue. You would do him a great service by letting him know what proper manners are. HMMMMM just had a STfU moment

    When we are asked such a stupid personal question. before answering flip the question back to the questioner. Rude person"Have you had a bowel movement today"? Us "First tell me about your bowel movement? More than one? Hard or soft?" That ought to straighten them right out. If not. Then the LOOK.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Oh, sas. I was tired of self-righteous dental techs lecturing me about flossing. So I asked her if she did her monthly breast checks/exams. She STFU. Never got another lecture

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Julie so sorry about your patient and friend. It sounds like you both cared for each other. Condolences and Hugs.

    Cami you, &chevy and others have me exercising too. Laps ans stairsteping.:) Your hernia, usually it's general(out) anesthesia , on the surface they can be small, but the internal repair is more extensive than the surface. A Twilight just wouldn't allow the surgeon the ease of access b/c your awake but medicated. The area would have to be numbed and if the numbing isn't just right you will feel it. Spinal is out because the level is just to high, the potential is a spinal would affect breathing. When the surgeon dicusses the "fixing". You could ask for an Anesthesia consultation to discuss options and concerns. This would be done during the preop interview. There is no cost.  The fact that it's bleeding should be reported asap. It's an infection potential. Taking it easy until seen by doc is wise. Bending & lifting anything greater than 5 lbs should be avoided. A dry sterile dressing should be applied to the open wound. The doc will give you showering and wound care instructions. I wrote allot of stuff on would care at home and wound evaluation on a long ago thread it will be at the bottom. If you have an increase of pain in the hernia region, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting. Call doc or go to ER.

    EDIT: noted SweetPeas suggestion re:spinal "I said would above should have been would/could. It may be okay to do at that level, but the potential for affecting the planes above is the risk. Could stop breathing b/c the medication migrates up to high. Which is the problem. The anethesia consult is the way to go. b/c if a spinal was in consideration b/c of overall condition. Anesthesia is going to want to do a far better look preop than they usually do in most surgical centers. The best centers have an anesthesia consultation for all surgeries.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Cami--on your drugs 25 is a huge amount. The ideal would to have a Dr.of Pharmacy  review all your meds. based on this review this doc can make recommendations to all your docs as to if what they feel any changes would benefit you. This would fall under a best practice approach b/c of the number of drugs. Medical lingo for STFU how many drugs? You could make the request either through anyone of your docs for the referral. OR call your insurance company for a referral. This is not a request for a nurse to call  and teach you anything, the insurance company with a request like this may misinterpret request. This is a face to face with a pharmicist that would spend a couple three hours or more b/c of number of drugs. Speculation of what this doc could conclude are vast.:)

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    Good afternoon hooligans,

    I am sorry I have been MIA still recovering from the right MX. I got my drains out yeasterday. Wow, was that fun. It felt so weird all of the pressure and one hard tug and they were out. I am still leaking from them. But that is a good thing I do not want the fluid to get trapped that would be another issue if the fluid is not reabsorbed. I have targeted therapy on Monday I get to use my new port ;)

    Well the final pathology showed clear margins and no cancer. They removed 5 nodes total. Two in the breast by the tumor and three in the axillary. By the way my arm pit is so sore but numb it is so weird. Meet with the oncologist on Monday to see wether they suggest radiation. I have a higher chance of developing a secondary cancer from the radiation exposure bc of my age than having my original breast cancer return. Humm what to do??? Mercat seems like we might be in the same boat??? I do not think they have enough research to say wether or not to get radiation when they have a clear pathology report. That the risks out weight the benefits... Pls let me know what happens.

    GMA I am so sorry for the run around with the doctors. I hope they help you instead of dragging their heels. When is your ultrasound?

    Juliana I am so sorry about your colleague. That is so tough... But I lov how she is NED and the big C is not what took her down. Looks like she kicked butt in that department. Just another one of your angels watching over you.

    Ugh chemo brain I'm sorry I wanted to congratulate someone on their wedding anniversary. Well I hope you had a nice celebration.

    Charles I love your new do... Very handsome with or without your hair. The soul and spirit always shines through.

    Humm umbilical hernia well if the hernia is small they could preform the surgery using a spinal or epideral block. Depends on the anesthesiologist and surgeon, but definitely get it checked out.

    Sorry trying to remember all... I am praying and sending healing thoughts to all. Hope everyone has a managed pain day. I will be in everyone's pocket while at Dr.s visits and chemo. Oh yeah we have a RADS graduate in the house congratulations doing the happy dance ;)


    Sweet Pea

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Sweet Pea - Ultrasound is monday afternoon at 4pm  - Surgeon says he will call me with the results as soon as he sees them.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Sweet Pea, happy to hear from you. The decisions about treatment are just tough. You could ask for a 2nd opinion thru a National Cancer Institute  division of NIH

     Last I studied there were only 17 in the country, but it's been awhile so the number may have grown. If your cancer center is already affliated, they have interacted with them already. No clue how many cancer centers are affiliated, but a local cc has to meet guidelines of care that adhere to the NCI/NIH guidelines.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited June 2013

    Adult onset asthma. That was what the doctor(s) all decided that I have. WTF??? So, to recap, last Friday, ended up in the ER cause I could not breathe worth a shit. Taking a deep breath was impossible for three whole days. Monday, my PCP ran a breathing test with a machine (computer type thing hand held) and then gave me a breathing treatment (nebulizer) and my lung function improved by 60 or 70%. So, now I have to carry an inhaler with me and use it when I feel short of breath.

    I am so done. I never even had a COLD for over 10 years and now cancer and asthma all in a few months? I am betting it was the rads. I had almost 9Mg a day on the trial and they could not keep my left lung out of the field. The RO says no, she looked at the scans and the chest x ray and no pneumonitis but I dont believe that. Too much of a coincidence if you ask me.

    Sorry, every time I come here it is to bitch and moan about my health. I know many of you are battling much much worse.

    Hugs to all. Just checking in. Going to try and read the 7 pages since I last checked in and see what is happening with all of you.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    Yes Marywhydon'tyoudrink....  You can have any kind of pain pills you want!  I will prescribe them.

    For those of you retaining water in your legs, ankles(like me) ....all you have to do is poke yourself full of holes, for whence the water to drain away from you.. 


    And since we are all in agreement here.... no new Doctors!  We will just establish "in-care" for all of us who know more than the Docs do!   Like Sassy, Shells, and was it Julianna?   


    Cammi!  You are bleeding from your navel?  I don't think that is a good thing.  Might check into that.   You HAVE to know what you are taking.  So stop everything, then start with one pill a day.... Doesn't matter which one.  If you don't feel better, add another one.... and so on.


    Phyllinosleep...  Sleep is good.... that will be $1,500 please.     Oh wait......  Everything is free on this thread... in my shop.


    Hi Blondie... you doing okay?  I can fix things you know!


    Sass.... You are NOT going to believe this....  So Foley girl talked about Tamoxifen, and it got me to researching...(yet again).... This led me to presume my hands that are peeling/cracking/splitting just MIGHT have something to do with stopping Tamoxifen!    God only knows all the Docs I have been to, have NOT helped, and I think have made it worse with all the cortisone!  So I started (just today) using this Generic Skin Repair lotion from Walgreens with Urea in it!  I have used this before, but with other creams. 


    This is the FIRST day I have gone without gloves, and other creams!  My hands are sore, but not cracking, and they almost feel like skin!  AND my rings didn't turn my fingers black!  Could it be the urea????? 

    This is a continuing dilemma....


    Julianna...  Don't floss!  My Daughter just caused her teeth/gums to be very sore, from using those little floss picks with like brushes? on them!  


    And little StaceySweet Pea....... hope you are taking it easy.... I know what it feels like to have those tubes yanked out...  I only had the MammoSite device yanked out....  only it DID hurt like hell, there for a second!  Man, I thought my toes would curl up and come out WITH it!


    Okay.... gotta go start dinner.... carry on Hooligans!    xoxoxo
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OMG we are all falling apart--adding all our good parts maybe we can make 1 good person, maybe. Oh My hernia has been around a while cuz my original surgeon said when everything is done we'll take care of this, but then I moved and no one noticed it yet. hahaha It's small by thenaval and I hat to say this but my belly overwelms it. He saw it tho.

    Apri; I so agree with u but no Dr. agrees with me--I have never had a sinus proble, hardly ever had a cold now I have sinus infections all the time--I hadn't had a bladder infection since I was in my 20's I have them all thetime. No one has had Kidnewy stones in my family ever I have them--All in 1 yr. And something else I can't remember. I still think it has to do with all the tretment we have had. It can't be all coincidence---Al the radiation we've all had in tests too--there's a reason u'r in a room by u'rself and we just get these tests ordered like oh another one. So u'r not complaining, don't worry--I've been the real complainer lately especially--I don't care about getting a hernia taken care of, but I don't wake up well at all each operstion was worse and worse and ended up staying in the hospital for days cuz of oxygen level not waking up and I picked the best Dr. to put me out at he hispital and my sirgeon said ok--he used someone else--so that's why I feel that way--and having Drs.check on me every couple of hrs. scared me more than the cancer did really. So that's why I want to be awake-I wouldn't even be put out for my colonoscopy and he agreed -so I had nothing I was wide awake--that's what a baby I am. So April I win, I win.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    holy cow!  My computer is working and the new monitor is blinding me!  hahahah!  Gotta work on this.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Foley somehow I posted the answer twice, it's below with links.


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Hey! I did get some good news today. MO called and tumor markers are down 3 points, so evidently the Ixempra is working already,3points is worth being run over by the truck for a week...Hasnt hit me yet so Im keeping my fingers crossed that it wont be so bad this week.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    WTG mary!!  excellent!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    Marytumormarkersdown - That is great! We need some good news to have a drink to. I drink no matter what... in moderation, of course.

    I never thought of turning the question around to the doctor. I saw a doctor at my Zometa appointment today. I could have had some fun with that. My blood test came back great.

    I have said more than my two word limit.

    big hugs

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Foley, will try to deal with eachone,PLEASE NURSES WHAT EVER I MISS POP IN.

    1. Pitting edema--associated with heart failure/kidney disease/drugs will have to research other reasons cuz nothing else comming to mind. I will go find some links b/c the info is long. Likely Mayo Clinic teaching pages. I find they are the most complete. Dopler studies are good for the time done, not for much after. They are a snapshot so to speak of that time. Mean nothing now. Since we've talked differential, There are history and physical exam evaluations that would suggest if a doppler warranted. Your doc should have gone through the drill.

    Dependent edema is solid when presuure imprint attempted .i.e no pit or dent.

    But doesn't mean you can't have some degree of both. Some of the management isthe same, elevation of the extremities, foot pumping when elevated, not sitting for long periods with legs below heart level. Wearing compression stockings if ordered( not TEDS). No constricting bands i.e. rolled knee highs nylons. Standing in one spot for too long. Walking helps to milk those lower legs.

    Mayo clinic teaching material is great, keeps it simple and straight forward.

    this link is on CHF or heart failure follow through from definition to end

    Leg swelling definition , then follow through to causes

    Foley check back on this post , I'm going to dinner, Need to find links etc

    Every one have a nice dinner.and outing if it's the thing. Enjoy your sex in the driveway.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Oh yay for veggy, she wrote a book!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Veggy Yay, I so missed my chance with that turn around question when they built our new hospital. I thought to late of getting up at the public forum and asking the board of directors questions like "Have you had an STD/", "Hows your prostate? "Have you ever used street drugs?". I was an advocate of private rooms. Semiprivate are public rooms. Since then the agency that sets standards for hospital building decreed that private rooms were the only acceptable thing.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited June 2013

    Yay Mary on the tumormarkers coming down! Doing the happy dance for you.

    Cammi, I HATE being put out too but I would really be afraid if docs were concerned about my waking up. Why did your surgeon use a different doc than the one you chose to monitor your sedation? Honestly, don't they know they work for US, not the other way around?

    Hugs to us all. This damn cancer is the worst. Today I got a phone call to DONATE to cancer research. I said "Is this Komen" and they said no, it was Anyone ever heard of them? I will give money if they aren't associate with the overly bloated Komen foundation who puts no money into researching a CURE for this damn disease. Pink my ass.

    I am in a mood today ladies. I tell ya. We have a pond behind our house and weeds are choking out my view and I just got a quote from a landscaping company for 2900 bucks to yank them out. We can't do it ourselves as they are too much so guess I will have to pony up the cash so I can see my swans and my egrets and ducks...sigh.

    Ok, heading for the sofa and some mindless television. Hugs sweeties. Kiss

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Veggycan'tkeephermouthshut---wow I'm shocked

    and Phylomissnewcomputer-stuckup---good luck, it will keep u'r mind off u'r parole time.

    Marygoodnews---Wonderful for u/

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    Next month when I get me next Zometa infusion. The doctor that I see is a sweetheart. He likes my warped sense of humor. He asks if I moved my bowels. I just look at him and say that I moved them from that chair to the exam table.

    BTW... what would make just the bottom of my feet swell? They swell up, I go to take that first step and OUCH! they hurt. If i kep walking they feel better. Its been happening for 10 days now. I told the doctor..

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Veggy it certainly can be the meds.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    Ive been on the same meds for a long time without this happening. I'm off chemo for a month now... just zometa which I got today (after th fact).

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    yep Chevy am doing ok....

    GMA let us know!!!

    phyllie so happy for you how do you feel?

    yay Mary so excited for you!!

    Veggy how did the appt go?

    april I am grumpy and cranky most of the time do and say whatever you want...

    cammie, phyllie needs something to do while she is stuck in the house with the ankle bracelet...

    Friday night and all is ok feeling ok, eyes still watering and nauseous, I will be fine, excited to have my week off....

    DIL gave me the use of her car til next friday and exhusband is coming tomorrow to attempt fix my car.....went to wendys for a frosty....a DQ is on the agenda for this week....

    bb tomorrow....

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited June 2013

    Veggy, is this the same doc you used to embarrass with your questions?? Glad you had a good blood test result. Yes, you outdid yourself. Vocal cords might need a rest. LOL.

    Happy Friday everyone.

    Marywh - YAY for decline in markers.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    Mary: yeah for the lower numbers!

    GMA: I've been on a mixed bp/ diuretic prior to surgery. LE said diuretic would not change lymph drainage or help truncal or arm lymphedema, but it would be necessary to be cognizant of keeping my water intake up. Your drs. Seem to give you the brush of often. Tell them to st?u