STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    ChickaD - beautiful pictures!  So glad you hd a grest vacation.

    Ms. Marywh - Sorry for your recent fiasco.  What a deal!

    Happy July everyone.  The year 2013 is half over!

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited July 2013

    Marywh: we need a plastic bubble for you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Marysmokeinthehouse--it's less dangerous--OMG that is horrible absolutely horrible cigs won't get u the bugs will---I can't believe it --u poor thing--rest well.

    Oh Chickophotomaster-----beautiful pictures and u did have a wonderful time --I'm so glad u got a great break and recharged some. Back to the real world now and start helping everyone with everyone's problems LOL And wait til u see what I learned how to post. For me it's amazing, for a normal person it's nothing much.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Chevy - YOU - shy and withdrawn? Right.

    Marynotcontrary - so sorry you had to go through that drama - you must be exhausted.....and I'm not scolding you for the cigarette puffing, but I would if it was anyone else.   I found you some help to get rid of that EVIL STINGER - he'll be stopping by in the morning - it's my cousin Hasher the Pest Smasher:

                    photo f2c32918-8014-49e0-9eda-314edd9b430a_zps30801776.jpg

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    P.S. - Can you early risers raise a little ruckus here tomorrow?!?  It is waaaaay too quiet. C'mon Philly and Veggy, can't you two cause a little excitement since Cammi, Ducky and Chevy are acting so wimpy lately?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Shells!  What are you doing UP 3 hours ago?  It would be 2 a/m here!

    We went over to our friends house yesterday afternoon for dinner, and it was soooooo good!  DH goes in this morning for impressions, and to have a piece of tooth "removed" that had broken off during the extraction.  Eeeuuuuuw!  I'm waiting in the outer-room!   Taking some old photo's so the Dentist can get a better idea of what he looked like with teeth...  I'll just be glad when he gets his new choppers.... His Dad never DID have teeth made, after all his teeth either fell out or were pulled...

    But that ain't gonna happen! 

    I am NOT a wimp!  Ha,ha!  Not anymore!  I USED to be though...  But I think the older you get, the less inclined you are to put up with stuff that you used to take for granted... Maybe you realize that life can be what you make it....  and you can change things and not just go along for the ride.

    Marywhatthehellhappened!  That is AWful!  You are going to have to wear that epi-pen around your neck!   You are extremely allergic to anything that flies, it sounds like!!!   Is anything going on with that screened in porch you wanted?  And before you go out, can you spray that area with some sort of fog, and THEN go out?  This could happen to you anywhere, not just at home, like even getting in and out of the car!  

    Maybe just put on some sort of insect-repellent before going out?  I've heard Avon Skin So Soft, helps with that... But you HAVE to wear something!

    Love the Alaska pictures Chicki!  Glad you are home!  And chemo this Tuesday...???  That's tomorrow?  Damn!  Send us pictures again!  Tell them to go easy on you....

    Okay, those of you un-accounted for.... WAKE UP!  xoxoxoxo

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Wore skin so soft while I was in Florida. I worked pretty well. I just have to remember to put it on all the time.I really feel like its some kind of ant. we have a bunch around here. will not smoke in the house.,I am down to three a day and think if I started smoking in thr house it would make me smoke more. I was a heavy smoker for years, until we started doning it outdoors. Just have to pull out the old bee-keepers suit I had when I had my face surgery!!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning HOOLIGANS, I just love to wake up to galsCool

    Chevy you have such a way with words, what did you do in your life previous to BC? Shellsright on the candling thing, and her description of how to do the wax cleaning is the most succinct description I've seen. I had candling done once. I searched all over trying to find if there was any evidence based research-EBR -on it. EBR is using the scientific method to evaluate a question of whether or not "something is true or false". The "scientific method" was only developed in the late 40's in the format that all scientific study is done now. The format was standardized, so the expectation is science anywhere in the world is done the same. I'm stating this b/c first it helps to understand the how of science. Secondly, it allows other researchers to use the same format to repeat the studies to prove or disprove the results of the first study. Only after a theory is proven by multiple independent research is a "something" accepted as true or false.

    How does it apply to candling? When I researched ever so long ago, no EBR that proved candling worked was available. At the time the info was VERY limited(a few?). It was before the National Institute of Health(NIH) had developed the National Center of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine(NCCAM Link below). Till NCCAM was developed all things that were considered ALTERNATIVE were basically dismissed by the scientific community as quackery. The USA government realized the only way to deal with an alternative approach was to test it. It passed legislation in 1991 charging NIH to develop what since has become NCCAM. Since NCCAM's founding, many things have been given serious scrutiny with the scientific method i.e acupuncture was it's first major project. As we all know, acupuncture is now accepted. Chinese medicine had used acupuncture for centuries, but our western culture dismissed it as quackery until the scrutiny by NCCAM and the results PROVED it worked. Western medicine then embrassed acupuncture as an accepted therapeutic method.

    Back to candling, I will research and see if there has been EBR done since the long ago search. Candling is practiced by many for several hundred years(forget how long but will also get history). Candling should have received some serious scrutiny by research. I do know the ear pain I had when I was candled was gone when it was finished. I was absolutely desperate for pain relief when I had it done, and nothing the ENT doc was doing helped.

    The definite consistent thing identified in my reading at that time was the burn injuries.

    Chevy give me time to see what I can find. When Shells and I state that it doesn't work, it's b/c to our knowledge at present, based on accepted science, candling is not accepted as medically acceptable form of treatment. We are required by law and licensing to impart what is accepted medical practice.

    This may sound contradictory to what I just said above, science can be wrong. In all of history what was accepted as correct at a given moment/time in history was changed because an individual had an alternative view and worked to prove their theories i.e. Hippocrates, Archimedes, Newton, Coppernicus, Einstien(sic), Lister. Thousands of minds through their research have changed what was into what is.

    NCCAM's link

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Have to get back to work will read up later - but in the news today (I do prs) is this a STFU or is this for real???

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Cami, I think i forgot to hit submit couldn't find my post. EXCELLENT re: your DRUGS. Was the post re: anesthesia a better one than the first attempt. Must add: Say on hernia surgigal day, your rated a five, you have anesthesia Doc Extraordinaire scheduled. Another patient also rated a five is scheduled for abdominal aortic aneurysm(AAA). Because the AAA is a riskier sx, your doc may be reassigned to the AAA b/c it's a riskier sx than a ventral hernia, even though both patients are a five rating.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Beatmom, That husband was a jerk. My concern was the O2 sat alarming. The nurse should have done a serious evaluation of the what when where why of the alarming. Won't go through all the details. BUT if you or anyone has involvement with this---call the nurse and don't drop your guard until it's corrected. The point of the Pulse oximetry( machine that measures the O2 saturation is to alarm if it falls below the number set in the machine.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    MARYYYYYYYY, That's HoRRIBLE, Do you have a life-alert neck thingy? Is the screen enclosure going to be done? It seems you need a doc to figuire out a better plan. HOLY SHIT.

    April Thanks:) Still pondering. I do like the "pass on by" plan though. It's a simple plan. This is the only place I'm posting to except for the ones I'm watching.

    Phillyneedyourpermission to talk about what we did together:)

    Shells, thanks

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    Chevy - by my calculations Shell's posting time was close to 10:30 pm her time. Says 5:30 am right now in Hawaii (1030 here).

    Mary - Maybe quick pull-on pants tucked into some kind of boots. I know not comfy in the heat but will keep (or at least slow down) ants. Maybe try one of those clip on repellants. Hope DB gets your patio done pronto. Scary stuff!

    Chickawolfie - glad you had such a good time in Alaska. I, too, hope chemo is kind to you tomorrow.

    DH out putting up new shutters (decorative) while we are having a "cool front". Came in searching for sting stop. Wasp got him on the leg twice. Found 2 old dabbers. Shows we have not been out in wildlife in a while. I used it for chiggers but been too dry last few summers to breed any. Hasn't slowed him down any. Finshing one set of 4 he wants to get done today with 4 more for tomorrow.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Nurseszssypants - you have my permission. Will call you this afternoon!

    Sorry I wasn't up early to entertain. Morning is no longer in my vocabulary. Now I' trying to resolve a video error message on the new 'puter, with chemofogbrain. Oh Joy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Foley immense thanks for the link to Envita

    EVERYONE encourage you to read everypart of this link on Envita. Remember when we talked about genetics awhile back, this Doc is doing every part of what we talked about, WAY MORE, and is light years ahead of the pack. The pack --other cancer practioners are doing from nothing to less than what Dr Faguet is doing. I read the print, but haven't viewed the videos. One is very long the other short, so need to do latter. The fact that this article is now in the public domain is HUGE. It's analogous to what Jolie's sx did for BRCA knowledge for the whole public. Targeted therapy has been the buzz word in cancer circles for along time. BCO members are acutely aware of it. But in the scheme of things we are a small community. If the media picks this up and gives it any decent press, advancement of care may get a real boost. We won't know until time plays out. BUT each of you have better ammunition by studing Dr Faguet's work and see how it applies to you.

    This article will be taken by thousands of chemo/radiation patients to their docs with the questions of "How does this apply to me?" "Is genetic testing available for me?" You all can ask for the minimum that we talked about and the docs can't really justify not doing the testing. Ask for 2D6, 2C9, and 2C19. If Faguet does more ask for those too.

    The bibliography in the link from Foley, the articles mentioned are dated on or before 2006(7). This is 2013. There's a statement that Faguet has a 140 peer reviewed publications. How to evaluate this: 1. What is a peer reviewed publication? Once a study is completed by the scientific method, a report is completed. That report follows a format.  The format is used worldwide, so, that all reading it when it is published can follow the information in the report. The report is submitted to a journal for publication. The journal editors send the report to experts which are termed peers in the field of study. These peers have the knowledge to decipher the information in the Report>article. If the article is approved by the peers then it is published. This can take from <1yr to several years for a completed study to get into publication.  2. Journals: The most prestigious medical journal in the USA is Journal of the American Medical Association-JAMA, Englands is the Lancet. With the explosion of information in the world. Most subspecialties of AMA have their own journals or even more than one covering subtopics of a specialty.

    So, the point of this little blurb is to evaluate the MAN behind Envita and what his standing is in the research community. IMHO, Dr Guy Faguet is a man that history will record as a leader to the future. He has bucked the status quo for his entire career. Don't have a clue when he has time to change his underwear. The link below includes some of his publications and all of his books.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    W I M P S----who said that ??? OK I'm sending Phyloterminator over and show u how wimpy we are, Phylo get u'r gear on and eff the ankle bracelet we'll bail u out--well don't count on it--but just go do whst u do best--take pictures of everyonein the most embarrassing positions and print them all. Wimps??? Not us.

    And Marybugslovu--try those clip ons or bracelets or both. WTF even if no one comes near u who cares. U must be used to it by now.

    Sas Thank you--u are so precise

    Today is Monday with a holiday during the week so fireworks will be a-happening and parties and all kinds of fun. So I hope all can enjoy something, cuz this is chemo week for some so it's iffy I know. but if u don't feel goo just treat u'r selves to something red,whit,and blue--like a frosted cake, cookies, drinks with a little kick. When I was getting chemo, there was a lady siiting close to me most of the time-we liked special seats and she couldn't wait to go home and have her Jack Daniels and the nurses would say can u just wait one day and she's always say yes, then she'd look at me and would say-like hell I will and she acrually did well with chemo hahaha--who knows--she would say she didn't get a lot of SE???? I remember most, but I met so many going every week for 2 yrs., but certain ones REALLY stand out and she was one.

    I know STFU I sometimes talk to much about nothing useful, but maybe a glass of wine a day would be good--red wine as Italians say is good for everything. Silly people but as I said before my dad was almost 97 when he died, drand red wine EVERY day since he was a kid. so......Oh and one of his sisters did too, she was 96 when she died Hmmm maybe we should all start.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2013

    Marywh, I've seen ads for bug-net suits for fishermen. And LL Bean used to have bug off clothing. Or try REI or Cabella's.

    The page is going funny again. What did you do Cami?

    I hope the changes for chemo, with knowing what actually works, will totally change this disease. It could be like antibiotics; this works for that, this other works for that other. No more Hiroshima bombing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Wren my page is just fine hahaha--and I like the comparasin Hiroshima LOL Pretty much on the mark .

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    am here, did too much on saturday and am paying for it the past 2 days....going to lay down for my daily rest period bbl.....then I will read and comment, happy monday!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Chevy I love it----now I'll go check his room.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Is that too funny?  Ha!  I remember picking up my Daughter and her friend at the friends house.... and when they got in the car, I said something like "IT SMELLS LIKE CATNIP IN HERE!"  Dead silence!  Then giggles.....  I KNEW, or I THOUGHT I knew what those two were up to, but  we all survived... Wink

    At least they knew that I knew.... and they were probably mroe careful after that...

    Feel better Blondie! xoxoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Chevy mine is goofier---I was home sitting in my CHAIR and my dgt and my cousin both in their 40's were smoking in the dining room right behind me and I had no idea none---I know they smoke reg. ad I thought that what they were doing and after a while I was feeling pretty good and I wanted chips and stuff and din't have a clue--They told me right away cuz they thought it was so funny--But I got high with second hand smoke.LOL

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    I dont know if Ive told this story so forgive me if I repeat myself. Years ago when we were wild teenagers, somebody dropped a doobie on the floor in my parents house. My dad found it and decided he would try it. At the time he was rebuilding a boat in the backyard. He took the joint with him and smoked it while he was working on the boat. He came back in and swore he didnt feel any thing off it. He soon dissappeared again. we couldnt find him anywhere. Finally looked in the boat and there he was with a regular picnic going on-peanut butter and jelly sandwich, chips chocolate cookies, all set up  on his tool bench with his tools....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Radiologist came into the ultrasound room after US and said he couldn't find any neuroma. My breast is fine. So he mentioned having a chest wall MRI the neuroma might be deeper, but he isn't telling me to do that. Oh well. As far as my docs are concerned - I'm done. I will STFU forever. Hugs all.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy------------hohoho ----haha-----had some funny tea yesterday...went on to create some really good food. May sound normal, but hasn't been. PreBC... a joy of ours(DH) was to do a weekend dinner and always try out new recipes, and of course play with which combo of dishes to use. Being a junker, I can greate untold number of table  combo's. 

    Did tuna first time yesterday,  Mixed Kikoman soy sauce with MAPLE syrup(just thought it sounded good), each tuna filet dipped in a same sauce  then panko with Mrs.dash and wee bit of salt. Pan seared(sides first then flat). Then dipping sauce of same. Fresh grated ginger about an ounce per plate. OMG I thought I was a gourmet cook. We went to dinner Fri. night and had effectively the same thing , that's why I gave it a try. The MAPLE syrup was the difference......... I know predator fish can't be eaten often, but did need to know if it could be better than the signature appetiser of the place we went to.....ITwas.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Marylove ajoint u'r dad sounds hysterical--he didn't feel a thing Huh---to funny--good story.

    OK Gma sounds like u got the all clear, but u mentioned another test--did he say don't bother or it's up to u but he didn't think anything was wrong. I mean I'll take the best answer, that's for shoah.

    Sas--gourmet cook, something Chevy knows about and it's not chicken? Now I'm sure it must have been great, but honestly it aounds disgusting ro me, but then again I don't like fish so that would make a difference. But I do believe u, now we'll wait for Chevy to chime--like bong in. Oh I said Bong hahaha I used to call it a bonk. It's harder to ise--Not that I would know--Oh yea it's legal here now.

    How are all the chemo this week ladies have u checked in and I missed it--u'r usually godd for a day or 2--that's pretty much the routine I guess. It always was anyway.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

     sassy - I can't see how to attach a file but here is a copy and paste of the table I use.  You can track whatever you want with it.  I changed the more personal ones (ahem) to "type of pain" for the faint of heart.  If anyone wants it via e-mail just let me know.

    Day Date Pain Level on Pain Scale 1-10
        Type of Pain Type of Pain Type of Pain Muscular/Skeletal
    Pre-chemo 06/24/13        
    Chemo Day 06/25/13        
    Chemo +1 06/26/13        
    Chemo +2 06/27/13        
    Chemo +3 06/28/13        
    Chemo +4 06/29/13        
    Chemo +5 06/30/13        
    Chemo +6 07/01/13        
    Chemo +7 07/02/13        
    Chemo +8 07/03/13        
    Chemo +9 07/04/13        
    Chemo +10 07/05/13        
    Chemo +11 07/06/13        
    Chemo +12 07/07/13        
    Chemo +13 07/08/13        
    Chemo +14 07/09/13        
    Chemo +15 07/10/13        
  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    I deleted the copy and paste of the pain table I used for my doc, because it was gibberish.  If anyone wants an e-mail copy let me know and I will send it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Foley, First of all you have pain.  You have a right to have pain controled. Because a test doesn't identify a source of the pain i.e neuroma, doesn't mean that your pain is not present. It just means they haven't got a clue where the pain originates.  I don't know if I included why I think it's TOS. Remember when you said you had shoulder blade pain? I said that was not a typical complaint of the breast/LE thing. Asked about your neck. You said you had arthrithis in the neck. The brachial plexsus nerves come off the neck, then go through the first rib and clavicle......easy to google keywords "anatomy of brachial plexsus and TOS". The number of strutures that go through this area is major. What qued me to potential TOS.......... WAS YOUR COMPLAINT of scapular pain. Google "nerves that innervate the sacpula" , Or "Scapular pain causes".  Foley, you said "As far as my docs are concerned - I'm done" is bullcakes. They aren't listening. You have to arm yourself by reading as much as possible about the causes of pain in the area of concern. Your area of concern is neck to extremity on same side of pain.  I used to do a lecture that was 3 hours long on the causes of chest pain to teach paramedics that all pain in the chest was not heart. It wasn't meant to divert heart concern, it was to make them aware that other things could cause pain in the chest region. Foley, you have to study this stuff, it's the only way to protect yourself from being blown off by docs that have blinders on i.e their specialty knowledge stops at this x point, therefore it doesn't exist.