STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    photo 27f057fc-daa6-42fd-9b68-e199cc95ad88_zps8e66770e.jpg

    Mary I am SO HAPPY your markers are down!!!!!!!!

            And Veggy's blood test, too - yay !!!

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    Hi Mary I am so excited for you ;) Yeah wonderful news... You rockstar F-Cancer!!!!! I am drinking a sex in the driveway to celebrate!

    Oh question did any of you hooligans have delayed reconstruction?? They took the drains out but I am worried about developing an seroma...


    Sweet Pea

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Celebrating the happy news, Mary and veggy.

    Sweet pea, why are you worried about a seroma?

    April and blondie and all the rest, hope you find a cool spot, cold drink(s) this weekend and just chill.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2013

    I don't know about that other organization but I met some ladies who were part of and they were really great. They help the families of people with bc. They take their name from, you got it, that nasty chemo drug nicknamed Red Devil. When I met them they were all wearing red devil horns on their heads. They were great.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    We are starting to loose our funny again. Some of the funniest women & Charles are on STFU. I came to STFU b/c of the beauty of that irreverent funniness. Everyone here did too. We want to say STFU, WTF, WTH, and WHATEVER we care to say, and not apoligize to anyone for it. As was the case when someone came for advice, then apologized on their homethread for having her name on the forum active topic list as being "seen" here ---THAT was a STFU moment if ever there was one.

    The problem is there are serious questions raised by all here. I have had many PM's or talking on the phone or posted here, say, b/c of something they've read here in the nursing responses to someonelse that finally something was understood or helped. But it does interfere with the flow of funny or STFU related stories.

    I'm going to start a second thread. I think. I have multiple threads that are nursing related. Unsure if I want to take on the work without help. Handling questions by PM misses the chance to help many at one post versus repeating the same thing in many PM's. A separate thread would avoid interfering with STFU.

    A couple complained to multiple people. Yet one used me for hours and hours to solve a problem. One multiple times said thank you for stuff on the board then complained to others by PM. Not nice. Previously, I didn't complain b/c the private complaints were unknown to me. Like I said NOT NICE, now that's said and done and over.

     We went through a period, actually several, where most here shared the dark stuff in there lives. When I posted when I came back, I said, we all needed too for a time b/c that's what we were to each other. Trusted friends that we felt we could talk with and wanted too. When the  need is to share something dark, STFU sisters will be here. But perhaps I should move all the nursing stuff to another thread. Not sure exactly how it will be worded, still gelling. Not sure if this will work b/c already there's a post that needs an answer.

    When something I've done solves someone's problem, or leads them to find a solution, there is great satisfaction in that. In a do over, I wish I had one thread that would have started years ago now, that would have been dedicated to the "questions". Now the "Answers" are all over the place.  Many are lost. I did finally figuire out a private archive way, that I store info to link answers rather then rewrite the same info over & over again. I'm going to C&P the instructions how to make your own archive versus linking it, b/c once created if you only edit---no one else will see it.

    Perhaps I should leave it to you all, as a dear friend here once said "If I'm not interested I just don't read it." BUT another dear friend expressed concern which mirrored my own thoughts above.

    STFUTWO(whatever it's name)---A way of working it is, I/we(nurses or others) could C&P the question there. Then if there's something that needs a nursing opinion, I and the other nurses(others too) can put in a reply box on STFU -a response to see STFUTWO. It's doable. Non STFU people would likely raise questions too on a new thread. That's where it gets sticky cuz. Do I need to explain the CUZ? On "Sizing 101" I know how much work Deborah(whippetmom) puts in. I'm willing to do hours of work for you all, but to extend that is daunting. Maybe I'm overthinking it. Which is highly probable. As I said long ago, I came here b/c of your irreverent funniness, and hoped it would rub off on me.

    I guess the best thing is to let you decide. Don't be afarid or think I'll be upset if you say make a new thread. I won't-please believe that. I truly want you to be honest. I need your input b/c I'm waffling.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Cami your not a baby, your history that you described since I suggested an anesthesia consult referral---demands(medical usuage) a close evaluation by anesthesia preop. The reason the surgeon switched is--request for particular staff whether it's anesthesia, circulator, or scrub nurse are honored IF the operating Schedule allows it. The surgeon likely didn't have control and didn't know it until the last minute OR he forgot to make the request.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    My appointment was good, I can't complain. It was with Charlie, the one I used to ask the most embarrassing questions. They kept scheduling me with the most boring, no humor nurse practioner. Now my appointments will be with Charlie. He said that he saw my name and wondered what would be up my sleeve. We laughed so much. Like I said, my blood tests came back great, I'm healing good and to be patient, minimum side effects (mostly nail problems), he took another culture on my toe, and said that he'll see me next month. I went back to get me zometa and the steroid smiling. I remembered to use the numbing cream so the IV wouldn't hurt as much. I didn't bruise!

    Afterwards my son and i shopped. Last night my body ached from the zometa and the steroid kept me up. I took some pills and napped most of the night. Now I am really, really hungry. I want either pancakes or waffles. Big decisions! Defineately I need COFFEE!!!

    Sas - it doesn't matter to me about the new thread. Sometimes I read them and sometimes I just skip over them.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    ChEVy, interesting, this link does allot of teaching about UREA in skin care, sites "studies have proved", "research has shown"--BUT doesn't have a bibliography actually proving it's claims, but still worth a read. Going to look at and see what they've got.

    This link shows that vanamide which contains UREA at a high percentage 40%-suggested previously ______--- as suggested to them by Binney4 from the LE thread. Vanamide should be used cautiously as the higher % can dissolve nails. That's strong. lists 1473 products that contain UREA. Interesting, never paid attention to it before.

    Cannot make Vanamide come up in There are about 10 UREA creams listed under urea. The range of % of UREA in each product is from 10% to (poop already forget)  Greater than 50%.

    Chevy okey dokey, found some meds that include UREA that I am familiar with. Panafil is one, it's a debrider of wounds that are very difficult. Put that together with Vanamide@ 40% and it's description of being able to disolve bad nails. Be wary of high concentration of UREA.  But it's inclusion in so many FDA approved drugs shows there is a safe level that won't debride.  Will have to dig for the safe % level. Drug has a wide range of use in drugs. Would have felt more comfortable with something that stated something like 10% you can expect this, 20%you can expect this, 39% etc

    Chevy frustrated: can't locate better info, need to move on, I know you will study this drug. Hope some of this helped. Sorry couldn't do better.

    EDIT: Foley respond for my plea for help. SO, Chevy hope you follow this.

    UREA is the generic name for Vanamide

    Vanicare is the product that Binney4 recommended for use under the LE sleeve.

    Vanamide and vanicare are two different drug products.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited June 2013

    Happy Saturday everyone!

    Cami - Does your oncology office have it's own pharmacy? That would be a good place too. My onco center does and if I get many more meds I plan on making an appt. with them.

    Sas - I used to work with a NP who believed in urea based creams. She RX'd AmLactin freq.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Hi everyone---I don't know if I have this straight--I was the one who wnted a certain Dr. to put me out, not my BS but he said whatever u want and he cleared his schedule. But I might have been wrong who knows So I might have been goffed up except he was one of the top rs, in that field and my BS knew it so he set it up. And Sas as far as my meds go--I see 5 different Drs. and they do know all meds I'm on but4 alone are from my heart Dr. and so on and so on. And meds I actuall do know about them and there purpose and side effects--tho I don't like it I do folow the daily dose of all my med, cuz I do know wha each one is for--so I'm all right with that.

    I'm leaving soon for my DD! til tomorrow so if I'm not on that's why  Hve a wonderful day

    My DD has 2 cats, 1 dog and NO CHICKENS, GOATS OR DEER so I will be able to not thing about CHICKENS for a short while.

    WAIT--she likeds to eat chicken tho---hmmm maybe we can still talk about chickens/ BWAHAHAHA.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Did my Chandler dancing come thru, ittook me forever to do that.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited June 2013

    Cami - Yes he came through on pg 227.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Cami, not questioning your knowledge of your drugs. But a Dr of Pharmacy, (Not all pharmacist are doctorate level) would look at your drugs differently than the independent specialists do. Each specialist has their own list of drugs that apply to there speciality. Doesn't mean the specialists are intimately aware of the nuances of other specialty area drugs. They may know the generalities, again not the nuances. Negative Drug interactions are one of the biggest problems in the USA and world. Whereas, The doctrate level pharmacist given the task to look at all your drugs would decipher the nuances. The outcome of this type of analysis is a recommendation of one of the following: 1. No change. 2. Change x med b/c it is interacting with these meds, with recommendation of something that would be more compatible. 3. Whatever I'm not coming up with. It's a best practice approach. It's a far greater analysis than putting the drugs into a drug checker.

    AS folks on BCO have mentioned that their cancer centers have pharmacists on staff to do a drug analysis, it's b/c of the drug interaction problem. You I think are unique(in many ways sweetie XOXO) in the number of drugs prescribed. Remember in my original post, I said you likely had multiple prescribers(something to that affect). When high numbers of meds are listed, it's a reality. Lots of cooks putting "stuff" in the soup pot, doesn't necessarily make a good soup. Did I do better job of explaining this time?

    Chandler was great, watch Friends many times a week. Can't believe the series is SO OLD now.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Cami re: your Anesthesia request ---It was me that put  the answer based on the operating schedule. It may have all been set up just as you requested, but if the controller of the anesthesia schedule on the day of your surgery decided to use your requested doc elsewhere, that overides everything. The controller is a dr. of anesthesia(may be the department head or assigned anesthesia doc)) who looks at all the cases scheduled and determines by the rating of the patient 1-5 , whose assigned. Five has the most serious anesthesia risk. On your surgery day your rating may have been say a three. Your request doc may have been the best qualified to take that five rated patient. The controller has the awesome resposibility to make sure that risk is considered before requests. Again supports why you need an anesthesia consultation, that considers all the difficulties of past anesthesia. You may have been rated a three on your surgery day and really should have been a 4 or5. Your rating may be placed higher b/c of an indepth evaluation of your history by the consultation.  If your rating is high, get a letter to keep for all future surgeries that defines your rating, will make future surgeries easier to get that doc that you wanted.

    All anesthesia records have a box to enter the rating.  Assigning a rating is one of the top priorities of anesthesia b/c of what I described above. Risk.                 Better answer?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    LMG's thanks for the amlactin suggestion. It doesn't appear to include urea, but did say it included a couple of different parabens. Never studied the paraben concern voiced by others here on BCO, so, clueless. Very frustrated b/c is not bringing up allot of the topicals. Hadn't noticed that before. it's the government approved site for package insert data. So clueless why many of the topicals, I plugged in aren't coming up. ERGHHHHH. Found dailymeds.orgs disclaimer it lists 51,000 plus meds, but not all, which happen to be6 drugs that I plugged into today.  HRUMPH.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Foley, I thought it was you, THANK YOU SO MUCH.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Thanks so much Sass!  Man, I needed a little help, and you just take that information and RUN with it!  Ha, ha!  I just got back from Walgreen's and found Eucerin Professional Repair... Extremely Dry Skin Lotion......! 

    The second ingredient is Urea.......So I'm using that now.  I think I tried so many prescriptions from the Docs using Cortisone, different strengths, that it caused my skin to become so "thin"?  .....  So I've only been using bag balm, until I saw that "urea" is good for the skin, and actually our skin produces this.... Thanks to you.... I found out it is NOT what I thought...Ha!  I've saved that first link you posted. 

    And so does this mean we can call you Nurse Ratchet-sass now?  Ha!    (Or drop the s?)  You have helped so many of us on here.... Sure this/"our" thread has changed, but that's okay too..... 

    I know the information I so freely give on how to care for chickens is immensely useful and appreciated! Wink  Same as Phylliwiththewarningbracelet..

    SHE has shown us all how to get chemo AND at the same time post pictures and run afoul of the law!  So we ALL have something to give! 

    CAMMI!  I was confused!  I thought you said your Dog has 2 cats, but no chickens or goats!  It's your DAUGHTER!!!  So why DOESN'T she have chickens and other critters?  She surely must be lonesome! 

    Veggy.... So Charlie is the one?  He sounds like a lot of fun....  All my Doc's are women.... Not that they aren't fun, but not as much fun as raising some kind of hell with the men docs!   I remember calling my Dentist once, and asked his secretary if he could come out and play.....  She said he was busy, and no.... lunch was out....Ha, ha!    You just sort of build up a certain repoire when the guy has his knee in your chest, trying to pull out your last 8 teeth!  Well it wasn't that bad, but I was holding on to that chair for dear life!

    Anyway Sass...back to you.... I think you are over-thinking this!  The thread has changed, but for those of us still here, it doesn't matter!  We can be funny sometimes, or need information, or just want to vent.... ALL the threads do this.... but the same gals ARE here.... just maybe not posting as much.... that's okay.....  We'll cover for them, and keep this thread as one of our favorites!  

    Have a great day gals!  xoxoxoxo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Chevy is that Nurse Ratchett-ass then? LOL YUp that fits!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Chevy, you're so right! (Did I really say that?). And thank you for the lovely compliment! That's the same as ambiDextrose, right?

    I've been reading and dozing all day. Can't say I've been sleeping because of all the fireworks practicing going on. Surely they'll have it right by next week....or the ER will be full.

    Mary, I hope the bus doesn't hit you too hard this round. So far my fentanyl patch has made the pain bearable.

    blondiepurplehairnausealady - hope you get to enjoy your week off.

    I know I'm missing a chemo buddy, but hopefully I can find them again .

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    No little PHilodendrum....!  "ambiDextrose'  just means you are low on dextrose.... some sort of vitamin deficiency....  Just like non-sequential means almost-separated.  Wink  At least I amuse myself, Ha, ha! 

    I decorated a sweat-shirt for my Dad once, for his birthday.... And I just pulled the LONGEST names out of SOMEwhere that meant absolutely nothing!  I put the names on with permanent markers, saying MY DAD....  And all these nonsensical names that didn't even make sense!  It was soooooooooo fun!  He wore it to the store and EVERYwhere!  He loved it.

    I must be nuts.... just like him!

    So okay Sass....I mean Ratchet-ass!  I love that name....!  And you ARE the resident nurse around here, besides Shells, and probably gals I can't even think of.... I mean After all, they get breast cancer too, right?  So why can't THEY talk about what they know? 

    I KNOW how long it takes to look things up!  I did this forEVER with my hearing-loss, AND my hands...   And yes, the more things I tried, due to what the Doctors said, just made it worse.  So it's just good to have someone else take an interest in us!

    Phyllilostabuddy....  How did you LOSE someone?   You took them out rafting and they fell off?  WHAT???

    Okay....  gotta go do something!

    I think littlegoatsgal and Foley are the only normal ones ON here!  We'll fix that! 

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited June 2013

    Sas - sorry I thought Amlactin contained urea but you're right no urea but parabens. Have a bottle for DH who uses it occasionally. Still that was what the NP used (even if it didn't contain urea LOL). Used it for diabetic dry feet a lot. I thought it was RX till I stumbled on it on day at store. He has itchy skin periodically and breaks out usually over his calves. Has an RX for Clobex that he uses sparingly. The last tube he got more than a year ago insurance paid something like $400 for. I called them and said they must have mixed up our meds as it wouldn't have surprised me that mine were that much. NOOO it was his Clobex. I told him to use it like it was made of gold besides not needing to goop on steroid cream but he's good about just dabbing on. I go more for generic oatmeal based like Suave, the greasier the better for old, over sunned dry skin.

    Chevy - not normal by a long shot. Just ask my DH. My DM was borderline OCD we believe and my DH says we have certain rules "L's rules" that we must abide by. Now not so bad that I have to check 15 times to see if I locked the front door (I can count on him checking at least once when we go out LOL). But normal - no way. Cannot let go of a newspaper until I have read it but I have been throwing out old ones - and I mean old - that I decided there was no way front page news meant anything now. But I still have to read obits and home/living. Drives DH batty and I plan to spend this month at home working on it. House is gradually looking better after 5 years of just basic maintenance.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Chevy okay I accept with pride Nurse Ratchet-ass or ratchetass for short. or whatever you come up with at the moment. Lol.

    Phyillforgetting-april,blondie, mary and you are chemoing. Stacey is in the recovery room(almost two weeks postop 6/13), Shellshinersupernurse is surviving her kids, ChickieD is playing with penguins, but likely home soon, Foley is probably affronted that Chevy called her normal as is Littlegoats. Hope Littlegoats can figure out who she is with all the name changing. Jan69nothereallotbutmissed, VegasJo has lost all her money, Camiawayforthenight to play, Juliannaalsosupernurse is tending her oldsters forget where she is--rading chemoing HUH? sorry, Now you tell me please, who'd I forget?

    Fentanyl ---heaven in a patch:)

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    You missed me. Surprised

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Down the shore......gorgeous right now.. might be right on with your new thread......someone not interested in the medical subject, can just post here.....?...

    If they have a question, they know where to go to get what they are looking for.....many threads are dedicated to particular subjects of interest.......for instance LE has a do specific AI's.

    Sounds very durable......good idea.........

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    VeGGYYYYYYYYYY, lordy how couid I do thaTTTTTTTT, we've been together since early OMG.    AND DUCKYyyyyyyy well I guess ratchet ass really fits!

    Ducky and Chevy thanks for the input:)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Sas ...that was suppose to be do-a-bull.....good heavens had to do it phonetically cause spell check had a mind of its

    Just as long as the ladies check with their Dr's too, you would not want anything to come back go you.....imagine they would not do anything else...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Ducky, not to worry, know the legal bounds and used to teach them. That's why in a do over I wish I'd done it from the beginning or at least have archived stuff. There's been times I've had to go find something, and in searching, found a long forgotten piece, that was good stuff. There's stuff that can be researched off the net, but then there's things like the two responses today to Cami. That stuff is unknown to lots of nurses who didn't work in the Operating Room, or preop, or recovery/Pacu. My last stint in the hospital was on a primarily surgical, but took everything. None of the staff would have been able to relate what I did today. Just as in any job the real workings of a job/department aren't known until your actually in it.  My joke has been I could take them from in homecare, do the ems/paramedic schtick, then ER, then radiology, then to preop, then to the OR where I could circle/scrub/monitiorIVsedation, then to recovery, then to the floor, then back home. Throw in Gi lab/specialprocedures like bronchs and bone marrow biopsies,  enough float experience to ICU that I was welcomed versus groaned about(Shellshiner/julia/stacey would get that). Disaster planning in the EMS years. Highly unusual history, but it was over 36years. Plus add in 5 years as a nursing assistant preRN. One surgical center that I was at for 6 years out of 35 RN's I was the only one that could go every where in the building. More than once I called the boss and said if you send me over here, I'll of been everywhere in the building today. She always new she could depend on me when needed to go to a hot spot. 

    But maybe it's time to wean away versus getting more involved. I think that's what I'm doing right now. I'm talking to you, but may be even more  to myself.  Many have that separation difficulty from a lifetime of work. I do know as time has passed, I can honestly say, I couldn't see myself going back. That only happened in the last year+ or -. So, still pondering, what to do. Might just forget about doing a new thread, and retire the rest and STFU:)

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Hope everyone has found their place in the shade.  93 degrees here which is quite warm for Oregon.  Although, 5 years ago, it was 100 degrees, the hottest day and my oldest daughter's wedding day.  They chose to be married outside-fortunately there was a lot of big trees and shade!