STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Was really pooped - just woke up from a 3 hour nap.

    I suggested to  Dear Sas (for she is very dear to all of us) and that the longer, involved medical stuff be moved off-line to PMs. Sas is so wonderful she took my well meaning suggestions to heart. Sas YOU ROCK, and are appreciated very much.

    I love  STFU because it is irreverant and outrageous. Yes, we have our drama moments like me a few weeks ago, major drama queen.... but the outrageous humor is what keeps us all going. I miss that when it goes away for too long. I'll post later when I wake up more and get my thoughts together.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Just read back over a lot of our old posts. We need to make this thread into a movie. Remember when we had the party in Red's hospital room? With all the drinks and food and dancing men?

    Okay - back - Red's party was on page 78. We all took really really good care of our Red, gave her lots of love, fun and support, and we miss her.

    This has been and will continue to be a beautiful place to hang with good friends, old and new. We always welcome new hooligans with open arms. Chevy is right - our place will change and meander all over the place and that's ok. By the way - Chevy called me a little shit around page 90 - I'm going to go back and look up the exact page - I'll be right back.

    Okay back again - on page 95. Ohhhh, I love you, toooo, Chevy.

    So anyway - whatever, Sas. I don't think you should start a new thread. Just stay here and help people. If it gets real involved part of it can go offline. That's what I do sometimes when I help people, plus it can keep us out of trouble legally.  You are an angel for all you do, and we all appreciate you so very much.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited June 2013

    sas - you ask a hundred peeps the same question & you'll get a hundred different answers.  anyway, i, for one, read your medical posts and like a child, i understand what i can - but i usually remember what you say & sometimes i have a "ah-ha" moment where something you said becomes clear later down the road.  so i would miss your technical posts.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Hugs all around, braid dead, had to take Dini to the emergency center at 1030, back by 1am. Shats had to go too, was a basket case with the fireworks. Did I ever tell you about my choas chain. Nice dressy chain that I let hang down the front between the foobs that has a car and house key on it. Always put it on when Choas appears to be probable. Works good, Choas did appear when we left the center.

    Things continue to evolve, Your input still wanted muchly, not a word, but we don't care here, we invent words regularly, thanks to our dear chevy.

    Mostlymomileftoutwhen making my funny or is that attempting a funny, veggyomatic, duckyinthesand

    MMOM, I try so hard to write layperson talk, but obviously not quite there, will try harder.

    Shellshiner suggested the change, but what was weird, I'd been thinking about her for two days & mirrored her suggestion. Shellarewetelepathic or just pathic?

    Starting to wander with this dead brain. Someone sent the nicest note about the line under my posts about the wild ride. It obviously appealed to me or it wouldn't be there, but not b/c i'm such a wild rider. It's to remind me to take the wild ride when I can. Now with the crystal falling vertigo, must admit it can happen without notice. It's like a rush from pot(all you flower children) without the pot. Rollercoaster going down, or sideways, or swirling.  Vertigo does have it's fun moments. My counselor agreed, just enjoy them. You'd like my counselor, he's a hoot, and very irregular from the shrinky crowd.

    L&H&P's sassafrass. Time to try abedding.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013


    Chevycammiduckie wherthehellareyou????  We need some humor here dagnabit, you little shickens!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    chickinwolfsclothing, have you been able to see the northern lights? I heard they were visible in Kansas last night...hope you're continuing to have a great trip.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Morning gals!  Okay SHELLS!  Yes, you are right!  So Sass, if you start up another thread just for medical talk, does THAT mean we have to go find you again somewhere?  I mean it's hard enough to for ME to find my SHOES in the morning, without going looking all over for my friends!

    And what did you call Shells?  Pathetic?  On no........!  Was it almost like telepathic or prompter?  WHATever....  I also think it's fine the way things are.  You can start another thread like "Nurse Ratchet's Dear Abby"  or maybe "The Nurse IS In" but then your time would be taken up with everything from bed-bug bites to surgery vs alternative.

    Of course remember Suzanne Sommers?  She gave advice with a team of "world-renown" experts, on WHAT we SHOULD have done, instead of what we DID do..... Oh man, we had threads on here in her favor, AND those of us who thought she was just trying to make another buck!  Only SHE had NO medical training or knowledge.  Oh no, I hope I don't get in trouble with some of her die-hard supporters!

    Maybe if you could skip through the threads, and find some forlorn lonely waif out there that is lost and in dire need of direction, that YOU could come to her rescue and be her shining Ms. Florence!... MAYbe you could work with the Mods, and be their resident go-to-girl for these new gals that need some direction?

    And besides ..... oh wait!  "Help Help Me Rhonda!"  That's it!  That could be your theme song! 

    Okay, that's enough...Wink  Man, I was as deaf as a dresser when I woke up!  These dang ears!  My left one is working better, but this right ear is having one HELL of a time trying to stay "open."  Okay, I've used 6 ear candles within the last 2 weeks....  Audiologist said she cannot give me a hearing test until the wax is gone!   I thought it WAS gone, that the trouble was my hearing aids, or in my head!   Because I was feeling "lop-sided,"  or "crooked!" 

    Nope, so I have been working on that problem.... When she told me it was the wax, I REALLY started the rinses & candles.... THEN my ear shut-off completely!  I must have shifted the damn wax!!! 

    I wish you could blow your ears, like you can blow your nose!  I just bought 25 more ear candles, and every time I use one, I get more wax out!!! 

    I am slowly fixing the problem, with Debrox, then rinsing with 1/2 Peroxide & Water, AND  the candles, but I must be manufacturing wax as fast as I take it out!  I wish there was something like Prune Juice for my ears!  Or maybe just attach the end of the hose to one ear, and blow it out the other!   

    So this is my dilemma!  When I wake up.... nothing..... Then my ear will suddenly pop, and I can HEAR!!!  Then it's like a door slowly shutting...and then nothing again.  I'm afraid to move my head!  Might have to use another candle...  From now on, the gal said to clean them out every week, until there is nothing left.....

    So I am an authority on ear-candling.  Been doing it for over 20 years!  But when you wear aids, your ears can't get rid of the wax like with "normal" people... so you have more to get rid of.   It is just easier, and feels better than what the PC would do... My way just takes more time. Wink

    Okay.... guess I'll go welcome in the new day.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Well. Well, Well,==I see u'r all mouthy again and never STFU --we all have that in common. No No don't start another thread--when we have questions we'll ask, when we just want to blab we'll blab. I'd like to think we are at least capable of 2 completely different things in all the scope of our addle braineded mind.

    Sas u'r extrordinary but people have to get to know u and litle bh little we get more on here and they'll learn what u know and Shell u'r anotherone that helps the hell out of us and we are all very selfish people so people can share if they come on here.--and NurseRatchetsas u are right about all my meds---I'm lucky to have someone who knows meds not just a pharmacist but a kind of nerd one that just does studies--he enjoys that??? so I've know him for yrs. and I have changed some along the way and the Drs. looked into it and OK'd my suggestions00(well not mine exactly) but one of my Docs never hear of my pain med, cuz it's not used much, I guess--but I sounded so smart) so st this poit I need all this shit. I knew him since my dgtr was so sick and I was so ??? I had not idea what was going on and he gave me perspective of thise types of meds and made me seem like I knew and I did study alot too.

    It was cold by my DD's house yesterday. no sun til later but to late for me so I didn't go into the pool=so my flippers were just waiting for me and nothing. And I was so cold even in the house, I was a miserable old lady, with a ratty sweater on and a blanket. Oh shades of my grandmother. Except her shades were not fun.

    Well Chevy no PUK PUK PUK right now and hand picked eggs that the chicks gve u???

    And Phylomorhine --u on the patch??? whoa I didn't like it but most did, so now u r officially an addict--haha I love it. Besides u'r bracelet u'r legal too. U'r moving on up Missy.

    And Chiki is still on some ship in the oceans so she's on her own world of happiness.

    Veggy--u feeling all right?

    Mary1 and 2 u'd better be doing better than Phylosicko cuz she's got the patch---

    I hope everyone is having a great wiidkend--I'm so tired I'm going back to sleep soon. And I've been really confused on my days this week. So what else is new?

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2013

    Chevy, you said you do a lot of ear candling. Do you do it yourself, or do you have someone do it for you? I'd like to do it, but I thought I would need someone else to do it for me. Is it possible to do it yourself . . . without burning oneself and one's house down?

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Please don't do ear candling, it doesn't work  and can hurt you. Google to see why. A better way is to put mineral oil, baby oil or olive oil in your ear for 15 minutes before your shower. You can use a cotton ball to hold it in. Then  gently flush your ears with shower water to remove the wax. If the shower doesn't work, you can gently flush with warm water from a large syringe (no needle). If you flush over a sink with water you can see the wax come out. It may just be oily at first, then pieces of wax will follow. It  is much safer. Don't use water that is too cold or too hot, and don't flush too hard.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    I have a good STFU! My BFF had surgery. Her husband brought vodka in his suitcase and had quite a few drinks before they both went to sleep first nite post op. Her o2 sat alarm kept alarming when she went to sleep.......which pissed him off! STFU.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Dunes.... No, it is not good to burn ones house down!  Yes, I have always done them myself... sometimes when DH is not around, I just lay down with a hand mirror, and look every few minutes to make sure it is straight, and to see how much is left to burn.

    It always works!  I also put an ice-pick in the one small end, to make sure it is opened.  And if you cut it open after it is finished, you can see how much wax came out.  I STILL get wax, even after those 6 candles!  Ear has stayed open so far today.  I don't like the candles with the little plastic tips in the bottom.... don't seem to work right!  So try and find the ones sold separately, like in a big jar..... and not in a box.

    I know Shells.... I googled it.... but I over-ruled it this time....Wink  I have never had a problem, no matter what it says....!  I have used all the rinses, and can get NOTHING out...  I'll try it again, but I could not get anything out!    I then used candles after, and wax did come out.

    Beatmon!  Vodka in a suitcase?  I ask you, is there anything wrong with that?  Me thinks not!  Ha, ha! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Cammi!  You are on the patch?  Is that the Birth Control Patch, or what?    Okay.... I have to go do something constructive....

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Good morning ladies (and hairy Charles wherever you are today)! 

    I'm so glad that I'm not hurting so much that I can't sit in my computer chair.  Usually by this time in my chemo cycle I'm a basket case, curled up in the recliner, just waiting for my next pain meds.  Hopefully after this patch I won't need it again until the next cycle.  The difference is night and day.  Don't get me wrong, I still feel like crap but crap is okay right now.  Speaking of crap, it took me 3 days to poop after chemo, but even that was better than before.  Pain patch and laxatives, my new high!  J/K, unfortunately there is no high involved, but lack of pain is a wonderful thing. 

    nurseratchetsassypants - here is my suggestion - Wait, I forgot what I was going to say....oh right-ratchetpants.  I don't feel like I can offer an opinion because I took serious advantage of your expertise, online and by phone and by PM.  So, I will follow you around like a puppy, wherever you choose to post.  You take on a lot though, so I do worry about you doing too much.  Maybe only do it as long as you like it.  Especially now that you helped ME!  You're the best! 

    To everyone else, sassy gave me a plan for a pain chart and a list of comments for my MO.  I had been saying the same thing all along, but she helped me talk his language and it worked!!  He seemed stunned.  Hahahahaha!  I loved it.

    Now, where are the chickens and the Chicklet?  I think cami was trying to talk like a chicken, but I can't be sure.

    Shelly - I just read up on ear candling on WebMD - ouch!  However they did not list their sources.  Another site did and there was an article about a woman that set herself on FIRE trying to do it herself.  So, Chevy - make someone help you!  No burning in your bed!

    cami - sorry you were cold yesterday and didn't get to swim.  Would you like one of my chemoflashes?  They're amazing!

    sassy - sorry about your doggie.  Hope he's okay!

    juliaaaaaana - I'm so so sorry about your friend.  What a sad loss.

    ducky is shoring?  I know that's different that wh***ing, but exactly HOW?

    I'm going to Taco John's for a breakfast burrito!

    peace love and kindness to all - Yep, I'm a '60's girl.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Wow Phylodon'tgiveashit--u are really going about the town now tht u have a patch. Nothing xan stop u now.

    Yes Chevy I slipped up on that I do where  BC patch--I am very sexually active and known to defy odds.I'm known to defy a lot of things in my life.

    Look who's talking Miss Chevycanclewaxearthingy--Unfortunately I can't make to much fun if u, cuz my brother does the same thing--Now there is a new ear wax thingy out and I wonder how that works, I use the squeeshy thing after oil and it usually works or I have my Dr. do it and that really works. So it's not a joke to me like ot is to Phylonowaxinears.

    Oh Oh I am having my 50th HS graduation reunion in Sept. chit I thought no one could find me--well I;m nit going, but one of my GF's is going (we're still together) so she's going to take pics. hahaha No way am I going, I look like I've been dealing with illness and that's my reason. ick on me.

    Chevey I told my GS how u r taking care of u'r neighbors chickens and he seem to think u'r a wonderful human being--his words not mine---I was so tempted to tell him about the eggs., but I controlled myself and let hime think u were a perfect person. Oh did my head hurt. I was trying to make a point how nice people can be--altho I stuttered a bit he believed me. and I don't usually lie to the kid so someone on this planet thinks u'r wonderful. See there goes my head pounding.

    OK I'm going to see if I can boils eggs now, I have a taste for egg salad.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    EGGZactly Miss Cammi!  Ah HAH, your Brother does the ear-candling thing too???    It is so easy!  I can't imagine how anyone caught their hair on fire, unLESS they didn't use the candle through an aluminum covered paper plate!    In all the years I have never had anything go wrong....!

    I even saw on UTube where they tried to show how they didn't work, by putting a candle upside down in a glass!  Lighting it, and said, "See?  It doesn't work!"    Well that is like driving a car through a car-wash, without any water! 

    I like your Brother, Ha!  I'm currently on hiatus from those damn chickens.... actually ever since mother-chicken said she didn't want her birds to develope "preferences"  and so therefore, she would like for them to have just veggies and greens.....blah-blah!  So she can feed them herself!  AND let her poor cat wander aimlessly trying to find someone who cares for her.....  They even put her food dish out in the alley by their fence!!  Probably didn't want her anywhere near the garage with her food in it!  They locked her out ANYway. 

    I would like to tell them they are little back-woods red-necks that care about their hens more than they care about their cat!...Okay, I won't.  We DO put food over by the ditch between our houses for her cat to maybe find....

    Cammi, I didn't go to any of my HS reunions either.... Ha!   I didn't know, or couldn't remember much from those years anyway.    I had had that fall from a 20 story building on my head..... actually it was only about 6 feet up, and down onto a wooden gymnasium floor, but after the brain-concussion and amnesia, my brain was REALLY scrambled for years!    .... You think YOUR head hurt!   Actually I don't remember it hurting, but it SHOULD have!   But losing ones memories  of everything, and all your school-years, just shows you, that you can go on, and live day to day....  Without thinking of what DID happen. 

    And Phylliuptonogood....Yes....  I think Sass should just stay too....  If we don't need, or can't understand some suggestions from any of us, just skip to the next paragraph....   Although we could turn her new thread into something memorable, right? 

    See, she could give helpful/useful information, and then WE could come on there, and say something like "What the hell are you thinking???  Put HEAT on an open wound???  Are you nuts?"    And she would come scream at us..... dismayed to say the least.  Okay Sass.... make another thread....  We need something to divurt our attention from here.....Ha, ha!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    CHEVY No wonder , now I get it---u DID fall on u'r head-OUCH is right and it took u'r memory how scary, some of my memory is scary but my choice , but to not have it would be horrible--I'm actually sorry tht happened to u, but now it all makes sense.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Well, it would be nice to be able to re-call things, like being in my gal-friends wedding, with my brother, or my Graduation.... And even remember any of my class-rooms.  I can remember bits & pieces.... but I couldn't retain a thought..... 

    Also I think that certain things happened, that I HAD to block out....  I can remember SOME awful things, but it wasn't until I met my DH, and my folks left me here to make my own life, that I could remember things, from day to day.  I lived with my Grandparents until we could save enough money to get married......  So that is really when I started to live a normal life.

    Wish Chickers would check in! xoxoox

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited June 2013

    I went to my 50th HS reunion and was amazed at how many people who were couples in high school were still married to each other. My former roomie in college said they're going to have a 57th since we graduated in 57 and we can stay with her. We could probably afford it if we did that.

    Chevy, We used to foster dogs for the shelter. We have photos of a dog in our front yard who is obviously one of our fosters. But neither DH nor I can remember a thing about this dog. I think we remember most of the others, but not this one.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Sassypants, if you don't want to weigh in on the candling I don't blame you. Chevy - the stuff that comes out of your ears is probably from the candle. It doesn't matter, as long as you don't get hurt and can still post here - I'm happy. It's ok with me if you can't remember, it's the present that counts.  TGIH*  everyone is posting this morning - it was a little quiet yesterday and I got lonely for yous. 

    *thank God in heaven

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited June 2013

    Hey STFUers -

    Sas, I for one would rather have you here with your medical information. I have gotten some good information from the posts and with the cat's diabetes now and hanging out at the feline diabetes board sometimes, I don't have time for many threads. just my 2 cents on that issue...

     Chevy falling on her head just explained so much to me about her and the way that brain of hers works. HA!

    Began taking the aromasin again and doing ok...for now. The asthma BS is another story. I still say it is radiation pneumonitis but the RO says no. Whatever. I just know I could not breathe for a few days straight. Doing better now thank goodness.

    Cammi, with 25 meds, having someone carefully review all of them and their cross interaction is a really great idea. I agree with Sas on this for sure.

    Ok, have to study for a final exam for a credential I have to earn for work. Can't score less than 90 or you fail. Ugh...

    Oh and my 40th HS reunion is next week. I am going. Should be interesting...

    Take it easy ladies. You are all wonderful and amazing. Never forget that . xo

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Ladies and Charles,

    This is for all who suffered side effects and clueless MDs:

    Hope the link works.  If not, please check it out anyway.


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    April what is your credentialing exam? We must be the same age - it is 40 years since my class graduated. I did not graduate with them, my father was transferred to the Pentagon so we moved to Bethesda, Md. and I graduated after my junior year -across country from my true alma mater in Oakland. I may take a trip over to California before I start my next job, whenever that is. Hey Oregonians - maybe I could come up and visit y'all. DS is getting his first apartment instead of dorming and I could stop by, help him get set up then visit yous.

    Oh - by the way, I had an informal job interview with a  colleague who is now a Medical Director with a local hospice. He said they would hire me in a minute to do get their Compliance program up and running, with the idea that when it is done they would train me as a hospice NP. Also have a formal interview this Wednesday with a for-profit hospice - not really that interested in the 2nd one, but should be checking them all out. Also need the applications as I just started receiving unemployment.

    Only have 9 clinical days left - but PH takes so much time off that I am only working 2 - 3 days a week. Just want it TO END already! Enough!!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013


    Great to hear about the job opportunity.  The first one sounds the best.  I understand needing to follow up with the other one.  Hope your clinical days fly by.  I'm sure the staff and the patients will miss you when you leave.

    I would love to meet you when you come to the mainland and anyone else who can come.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Thanks little Shells.... but it's easy to tell the difference in the candle, when you cut it open....!  The wax is brownish-orange, and if anything comes from the candle, it is just white.... but the kind I use burn very clean.... so all that is left is the wax...

    April, maybe it gave me the personality I have to day, Ha!  Or else I built my own!  I don't recommend anyone else to DO that, but I was ALways shy and withdrawn, and very unhappy....  I just think that after you live a normal grown-up life, you become something different, and who you WANT to be....  And things just get easier.... 

    Hi Wren.... I KNOW!  Somethings about our pets we had as kids, I can remember.... mostly because we have pictures of them!  Same as you have to believe things happened when you see those pictures..... 

    Okay, later gators! xooxox

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK first all u hooligans let's get something straight--i don't take 25 different types of meds--I take 25 total meds--sillies--I start the day with 14 different types of meds and I have to take some of the same thruout the day--Geeze

    Chevy I would be miserable not remembering my chidhood when the people around me are telling stories about it. Mine was so much fun-I'd really feel bad. I'm sorry there are holes in u'r memory--good/bad whatever it's just not there for u.

    Shell u are doing great--soon u will have completed all of it and the world wi open up.

    April I pretty much see the people from HS tht I've wanted to all these yrs, maybe 1 or 2 I would like to see but tht's all--when I made friends in HS they were for life, but they didn;t know it and now they are still stuck with me. LOL

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    ok girls here is the latest on marywh saga of never-ending fun and excitement. Went out onto my front porch to have my afternoon designated 5 puffs off my cig. Counldnt have been there for more than 2 minutes. Came back in and by god if something didnt sting me while I was out there. Had to call EMS cause I was going into anaphylatic(sp) shock, hives , swelling eyes bulging, you name it. Counldnt do the epi-pin, my heart was beating too fast.So they loaded me up in the ambulance and away I went. Stayed at the hospital for about 4 hours while they pumped me full of benadryl, more steroids and anti-nauseameds. Still dont know what that little sucker was that stung me, never saw it. Ok now Im going to bed before I shoot someonexoxox

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Yikes, Mary! I'm glad they fixed you! No fair to have that on top of the Evil Ixempra .

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi my friends.... just home from Alaska -- so glad I went -- it was AMAZING.... here are some more photos - not sure what I posted before because it was really hard to use my tablet on the cruise and see what I was doing -- LOL 

    I had to skim all the pages and I hope everyone is doing okay -- I will catch up this week -- all my chemo buddies this week -- I hope you are doing okay -- my Chemo #3 is this Tuesday so I will have to time to read all my missed pages over the last week -- hugs to EVERYONE and hello everyone new in the last 10 days xoxoxox