STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    OMG chevy I love it, stay out of my room.....I am stealing it...

    feeeling ok....better is an everyday thing...

    yep you did Cammie!!!

    Mary love that, yay mary's dad!!

    Phyllie and Mary how ru?.....are you both getting it tomorrow?  I am back on Wednesday for 3 weeks in a row.....then off my week....

    I received a grant from Living Beyond Breast Cancer...they called me and asked me if I would be a part of a video shoot to talk about the grant, so tomorrow I am going... @ 2....should be fun and interesting....

    Hope everyone is fine.....

    BB tomorrow!!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    The last time I smoked the funny stuff (a very long time ago), a man 20 years younger offered it and I smoked it.  Then he offered an affair.  I was too stoned to say yes.  I was probably looking for cookies.  DAMMIT!  Obviously I did NOT have my priorities straight!  Next time I'm SURE that I will get that right!  Then I drove home at 5 mph.  What an eedjit!

    How I got an ankle monitor, I'll never know.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    pHILLYCAN'TDO i'LL TRY bc I made it up on the fly of our long conversation.

    Date----------      pain scale    -------pain scale-----------pain scale

                              M/S                         GI                         headache

    pre chemo             #                           #                               #

    chemo day             #                           #                               #

    Chemo+1 day         #                            #                             #

    Chemo+2 day          #                           #                               #


    If you track each day, by body system affected, you will get a better response from your doc than "I hurt really bad". Have to go get description of pain scale

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Jun 21, 2011 01:22 am sas-schatzi wrote:

    . This is going to be long, sorry folks. Generic description of how to evaluate pain and what to do.

    First try to see if comfort measures will change level of pain---positioning change> if you have been in on position too long that can cause muscle fatigue which can lead to pain. When appropriate try warming up or mild stretching or getting up and walk around. In the hospital The first thing after asking what when where why , how long etc to determined what I was dealing with,  I'd then look at, is something to tight restricting etc. If the patient has pushed things too much, too fast and pain is caused by overuse---rest.   Bottom line is figure out what we are dealing with first. If this fails  go to meds

    Using the pain scale. Research has shown that the worst judges of a patients pain are doctors and nurses. The best judge of the patient pain is there own self description. Everyones tolerance of pain and response to pain is different. No one should assume that anyonelses pain is like their own. If they do, they are arrogant and ignorant of the in depth research of the last 25 years.  If you have somatic pain which is physical body pain----taking medication is appropriate.

    I know allot of people mock the pain scale ,but with adequate explanation it works. This is how I used to present it. Zero --no pain, 1-3 is mild pain, generally tolerated well, but there are people that would like relief from that , so NSAIDS  like motrin ,advil, tylenol if tolerated usually work well.

    4-5 and maybe 6 are moderate pain. The choice of pain reliever can be individual here too. Many people do not like taking a narcotic because of fear of getting hooked. So using the previously mentioned drugs are okay. Some people don't get relief with these drugs. So taking the lowest dose narcotic may be a better choice for this individual. Many of the narcotics are combined with the nsaids or tylenol. For example, tylenol 325 mg with oxycodone  5mg = percocet, tylenol 500mg + oyxcodone = Tylox, Hydrocone and tylenol 325mg =vicodin, Etc. Try one pill at lowest dose. If no relief or relief is not acceptable and the doc has said it's okay take the second one---do so.  The reason the drugs are combined is they hit different receptor site sand that will give more widespread relief.

    7-10 is severe pain, if at home take the higher dose allowed and should expect pain level to decrease below at least a four or lower,  if no pain relief call doctor.

    Don't exceed recommend doses without doctor being aware because it could be an indicator something serious is brewing.

    NSAIDS and tylenol are not benign drugs. Taken in doses higher than recommended can cause damage to the liver and the kidney , that may not be reversible. NSAIDS and tylenol should never be taken with alcohol, because of this---Millions of people in the USA have done this for decades----many may have problems years later. Only in the last tens years has the damage that the NSAIDS/tylenol in combination with alcohol become known, But the public has not been adequately informed.

    In the hospital at a 6 or higher, I always recommended IV pain meds because------>5- 6 you start to see changes in blood pressure and heart rate,  and chemicals are produced in the body that will actually interfere with healing.

    If someone said "well my pains a 20 or 100". I would immediately contact the doc for a regimen change. For example, bone pain from neulasta I said" 100 and it feels like wolves gnawing at my bones and I'm alive" That's pretty descriptive that the meds weren't working.

     When we talk of emotional pain.  That's where the doc or counselor ought to be looking at drugs like the benzodiazapines>>>>>>xanax, valium, ativan. An evaluation for depression is appropriate because  there are many good drugs that will alleviate this and take care of the physical pain as well. When our bodies are under to much pain stress for too long, we can get into the "chronic widespread pain syndrome cycle" Abbreviated CWP. Previously known as and still known as fibromyalgia, but the seriousness of it has only recently been taken seriously and treated seriously. Drugs like Savella and cymbalta and lyrica are good for this, but they do take several weeks to do there magic. Think of it as a logjam. Taking one log away isn't going to get the river flowing. BUT in the meantime we need relief. So, a combination of drugs to relieve the emotional stress >>benzo's and the physical pain>>i.e percocet may be appropriate. 

    So, we each have to evaluate which it is emotional or physical and take steps to make sure we are safe , but getting some relief. Do all the comfort measures possible>>massage, adequate sleep, adequate hydration(lack of proper hydration will cause the muscles to ache/pain and fatigue faster). Get our cancer docs to make proper referrals for the emotional pain---The best resource to get this moving in a cancer center is through the social worker that can work the system. Try and reduce narcotic pain relievers slowly, if we have  been on them a long time, our body is used to them.  If we reduce them to fast, we will go through withdrawal.

    Re-posted from another thread ----hope you find something here that helps --sas

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Phylomakeitupasugo OK it was so so long ago and a man 20 yrs. younger Hmmm how old was he 5yrs old if it was so long ago--it wasn't that long ago Miss phylotroublemaker----he was at least 18 or maybe younger holy cannoli ankle bracelet better stay on. I bet he didn't have one on, and why didn't u just print the pain table we would understand it--we've understood u all this time no matter what nonsense u talk about. 

    Sas I like that about the pain, altho I've done a little computering I haven't done all I can do--so I'm getting pumped to find out my own even thos I think I know some of it, I don't have the whole picture yet. Thanks again.

    Oh the Dome is on a new TV show I like it. But I always like crazy stuff.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    More retrieval ---------oh do a "Pass on by"

    Jun 24, 2011 06:10 PM, edited Jul 31, 2011 01:51 AM by sas-schatzi

     member name deleted--glad you got some relief. Yes oxy is a narcotic, Blended with tylenol becomes percocet. You had the lowest dose. Well that's why you may want to go back and reread the pain scale post. It will allow you to make choices. For example, you were an 8, but one perc only brought you down to a 4.     Options, with docs approval take another perc, or another tylenol. New maximum daily amount of tylenol has been discussed just recently. It was max 4000 mg in 24 hrs., but is being considered for a lower dosing maximum/daily. Ask your pharmacist what it is now.

    You could ask your doc how they feel about you taking a perc and an ativan at bedtime and see what relief you get.  The perc would hit the pain site, the tylenol hits a different receptor and the ativan hits a different receptor.  It's done all the time in the hospitals without any discussion i.e. a patient asks for a sleeping pill and a pain pill at the same time. the nurse will look to see if it's time for a pain pill according to the medication record and if you have a "sleeper" ordered.   I'm actually giving you a reason for considering it by knowing what it is you are taking.

    All drugs in different categories hit different receptor sites. It's what I call a smorgasbord. If you take the lowest in one category and the lowest in another category, you may get a much better affect than 2 in the same category. But all of this must be discussed with your doc.

    You are early in your use of drugs. Narcotics are addicting and must be used with conscious care and forethought. Benzodiazapines are addicting --same thing use carefully and and conscious forethought. I'm saying this not to make you crazy. But too often patients are not told what they are taking is addicting (physical dependence) or habituating(psychological dependence). I believe it is better to know upfront, rather than latter when you could be dealing with a dependence problem, had you known more about what you were taking, yo may have made different choicesWink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    I woke up to pee, and read a little and now I have a kinda strange story, that I will shorten consideraby. One of the times my dgtr was manic she got addicted to street stuff cocaine-(it was horrible) She was arrested everything u can imagine anyway she was an adult but somehow I found an angel of a Dr. who not only specializes in addictions but bi-polar. Anyway she was in the hospital quite a while and did well and came home. She was stable--Well she had a very painful cyst and her Dr. wnted to give her pain meds and I called her other Dr. saying wht to do. And he said don't worry about it she's stable now and there is no addiction, only when she's manic so let her take the pain meds. Now I thought he's crazy too. But over the yrs. when she's stable which now is most of the time she can take pain meds without a problem. I knew she was taking coke and pain meds when she was sick, I thought that meant for always. Well stable she doesn't even smoke pot and pain pills she uses sparingly when she needs them. Sas that's when i learned so much about so many meds I read book after book and wanted to know everything I could, and I did--I turned myself into a pharmacist with mixing drugs and all meds cuz it took forever for her. I was at Drs, meetings every week andknew exactly what they were talking about plus I put my own thoughts in there that were valid. Now when I got sick, I didn't look one thing up and now I had a computer--with her I didn't-I think that's why I overloaded my Dr. stuff with her and I was done, so I never paid any attention not even to any chemo I got except the red devil cuz I didn't like the name and don't even know the real name. My point is one frame of mind is addictive and another isn't. Makes me wonder about meds.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Morning Hoolies....big anxiety for this 3rd chemo.... I am going to wear my wolf hat today since its so cold in the chemo lab... I am sure that will make me a hit with the nurses - LOL  My mom and aunt are attending the adventure with me today!

    Oh yeah and now I get the whole "brazilian" thing in the nether regends..... I look like a 12 year old girl -- LOL  -- but not having to shave my legs or underarms is a complete PLUS  Tongue Out

    Bring on the side effects...........

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    ChickaDismindboggling--Oh y have o wear the hat--and u have an army coming with u , u cute little thing u.It sounds like a party good for u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Just to wake up with some pretty good stuff

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
    OMG!!!  Dang, this whole page should be saved for prosperity, or posterior, or is it posterity?  


    I laughed out loud 3 times, waking up DH, but that's okay.... he should be done sleeping anyway!   It's worth it! 


    Cammi, I didn't know you could get high, by being arOUND it...Ha, ha!  You know, I never smoked it, and never saw anyone "doing" it...but DH did, (he said) but the closest I got to it, was in that car...  Now I feel like I missed OUT on something!  I think it's too late now to start, eh?


    I smoked cigarettes, but quit in 1964... Now I'm concerned I should have more vices!   Maybe I'm older, and it wasn't around much in the 50's?  I would have been too afraid ..... like I would be arrested, and spend my life in the klink with Phyllinogood! 


    Mary, that was funny!  You described it just perfect!  Ha, ha!  I can just picture your Dad, with all his "goodies!"


    GrammyFoley, Sass is right!  It's like if "they" can't help you, you need to try another avenue to be pain-free!    But finding someone who will listen, and get to the bottom of it, is your problem, and they don't seem to be concerned! 

    It's like me and my hands...  not near as serious as your pain, but I could go NUTS trying to get to the bottom of the cause, then the cure!

    All the Docs and medications I have tried haven't made a dent!


    We need to start our own "clinic"..... and staff it with OUR own people!  Even if they aren't "experts," just hearing their observations  and ideas, could really help!


    Oh, Sassipants is a CHEF!!!  Who knew?  Sounds good Miss Martha!


    Cammi!  I'm no gourmet cook, Ha!  I like chicken, but NOT cooking "the girls."  Neighbor called me to come over yesterday, to watch her 2 little girls play with the chickens...  It WAS cute, but just bizzare!   Little 3 yr. old Ivy picks them up, and shows them to me...  It's a CHICKEN for God's sake!  Not a kitten!  But  she loves her chickens!  I ALSO got a $25 Starbucks card, for all my neighborly work....Ha!   I had given up.


    CAMMI!  You reminded me of my youngest Daughter Janie!  So when she was about 16, I kept telling her, 'Honey, clean out your hobo  bag, I need to wash that thing!"  (It was cream-colored, and was extremely in dire need of a good washing!) 


    After about another week, I tip-toed upstairs, grabbed her bag, and went back down-stairs, and dumped everything out....  OUT fell a glass-thing that looked like I don't know what.... AND a little baggie full of seeds and looked like herbs.....  AND a pack of rolling-papers with this guy on the front.  I had a good idea of what was going on....  I am so astute!  I didn't say a word.... I didn't even scream at the top of my lungs..... 

    I just calmly washed that dirty bag, and WAITED!  I waited for those tiny feet coming down the steps...  Then I pounced! 

    I said "Come here Sweetheart"....  She followed me into the bathroom, and stood there in dis-belief while I emptied that bag of seeds down the toilet.  Took 5 flushings!  Damn seeds just swirled, and swirled, and she was scarred for life!   BUSTED!!!!


    She finally said "That was not my pipe, it was Lorraine's, and I have to give it back!"  I DID let her do that.... don't know why.   Yes, she was a  hand full.... But this little girl grew up to be my most beautiful friend and Daughter...  She is everything I could have dreamed of... and I tell her this.   Took awhile to GET her there, but it was worth it....Ha!   And I have TWO of them! 


    Hi Blondiemissmoviestar!  Yes, take pictures, and show us!  We are all jealous! 


    And Philino-no!  YOU passed up an affair??  Are you, were you SICK?  Bet you're sorry for THAT one!   Can you look him up, Ha, ha!   Such a tease you are!   You could always make up for that over-sight now, right?    You probably wouldn't have remembered it anyway...  I just HATE when I miss chances like that.


    Cammi, you just cracked me up with that "Phylomakeitupasugo" thing!  That was priceless...  She has eNOUGH trouble keeping that ankle bracelet on, and having it not clank around...  She probably had it on then?  And hand-cuffs in her purse?  Boy she missed a GOOD one!


    Sass, I kept, I mean saved your post...I mean this whole page, in my favorites... so if I ever need to look back for pain meds, and their interactions I will have it.


    Okay chickerwolf-wolf....  Send another picture!  You got shaved?  Or it's just not there?  I did that once...myself... But doesn't make any difference now, Ha! 


    Oh Dang Cammi!  Those boys ... or is it one guy?  Whatever.... I'll take it.   Yeah, like 20 years ago!







  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Chevy when I was a teen, I don't remember even hearing about pot, I'm sure there were people on it and bought it but no one told me or anyone I hung around with. So It just didn't exist to me THEN--in my late 20's my GF was doing it, but I didn't like it at all although I'd hang around when they were dpoing it It just didn't do anything for or to me. Now i just inhale anything and wow I get going easily--I tried the pipe but i was hard to keep lit or bong whatever so to much work. I'm so lazy. Now I think I would buy the kind u bake and that would be better--eating and doing at the same time.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    A Question please--OK we all know I takeTylenol 4--usually 1 and 1/2 which gives me 90 mgs. Can I take 2 excedrin after an hr or so after. Or take nothing--cuz it doesn't seem to hep me with my headaches most of the time and I don't want to overdue. I'll overdo Pot but not script stuff.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Good morning! Ladies, I'm not feeling half-bad this morning, which means I'm feeling half-good! I know! So exciting. I have labs this morning and have hopes that my counts allow me to take the second week of Xeloda.

    I will take my ankle monitor, my sexy bald convict head and dare the lab techs to find anything wrong! I wonder if that happens to them often...

    After that I plan to stop for a latte (oh heaven) and some yard eggs at the coffee shop. I have no idea why they sell eggs there, I'm just happy for drive-thru eggs. Do any of you have drive-thru eggs? The difference between me and our little ChevHenrietta is that I PAY for mine. I also get more eggs!

    Chicklet, don't worry about chemo. Just make sure the nurses do everything you want. They're happy to oblige. If you don't like something, just cry. It freaks them out. They will give you tissues. They might even bring you chili cheese fries! Don't ask me how I know.

    Blondie, sorry you're starting again. I hope this week is a LOT easier.

    Maybe we should rename this thread "Pain Meds and Pot - the REAL Story". An Afterschool Special

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK first of all I never heard of drive thru eggs--Phyloovaries--NE is a crazy state, no wonder why they let u live there.

    And Chic Phyloactress is right, just look sad and they hover all over u--she knows-she has all the TRICKS of any trade.

    And Actually the Afternoon special sounds great to me. altho if we write it we'd have to rate it X, but kids gotta learn.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    Wow - is that guy going with Chickawofie? He looks to be good at hand holding and the other stuff we won't mention since after all Chickie is married. I do recognize him; that's Jesse Metcalfe who was on Desperate Housewives and many other things. In your pocket ChickaD and of course wear your wolf hat, cold or not. Power in those wolves!

    Chevy - I missed out too on Da Weed. Used to go out to partays during last year of college. Drinking age was 18 then. Group would sniff the setting b4 deciding if it was a place they wanted to be. I think I had 1-2 drinks that whole year. I went to an induction of an honor society during homecoming weekend and nursed the whole evening the only drink I recognized when offered - a bourbon & coke. Drove home about 2 blocks and so scared I would be picked up for DUI. Funny now. I was pre-med back then and terrified of anything that might keep me out of med school which turned out to be my grades in chem/physics. C'est la vie.

    Did go to party where it was present again when I was in nursing school 10 years later. Backyard of a private home. Passing one around. DH just handed it from person next to him over me to next person. Again terrified of getting caught. Doubt it will be legal in Texas until well, forever. My county was dry until about 10 years ago, no beer/wine even. Now they sell it in my little town and I think one of the restaurants has mixed drinks - I say "think" only because we never eat out not because of objection to it.

    Cammi - I would say no on the Excedrin. I could not find any that did not contain Acetaminophen which is also in Tylenol#4. Overdose of Acetaminophen is liver damaging, not a pretty sight. I'm sure Sas has a more expert opinion but would have to know how often you took Tylenol#4. The recommendation for Acetaminophen dosing is no closer than every 4 hours and even then you have to watch total mgs taken. Don't know if limit is still 4000mg/day or it has been lowered to 3000mg/day. I know 4000 mgs sounds like a lot but that is 4 doses (2 tabs) of Extra Strength Tylenol so you see how quickly it adds up.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK Thanks luvmy goatsmaybetomuch. I haven'tmdone it , I just wondered if they mix OK. Oh well nI'l just go with the one. It's really kicken in niw- as u can read. LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Okay.... no, don't mix that with whatever the other one was..... just drink with one or the other.  Drink lots, then you won't remember what you were taking one or the other for.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Chevy I knew u'd come thru with some good med advice--Ok drink it is, then I won't care.

    OK I talked to my GF she's 5 yrs younger than me and pretty. So if I do decide to go my 50 yrs reunion I'll never get a good looking man that woukdn't cost a fortune to take me, but she said she'll go as my life partner, and get all dressed up (after I asked her and she said I was goofy, but she'll do it) so I'll see, Probably won't go but at least now I have a choice. See that's why I love my friends. We're all crazy.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Made the whole chemo smile over my hat! shaving just ALL my hair fell out from all my girl parts....that should be fun growing

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Chicknohairone--u look like u still have eyebrows, or are they fake in some way.  Well u have a hat with enough hair on it so u've got hair, Kinda warm tho.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Chickie are you peeing sideways?

    Dammitalltohellandback! Counts are low. Stopping Zelda and getting neupogen. STFU!!!! I'm mad and I'm going to write a someone!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi Miss Cammi...yep eyelashes andceyebrows though thin...still ther!  Yay on that.

    Oh ps...the morning hottie is here with me begging to see what's under the hat......I'll never tell

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Miss Phyllolowblood...start yelling or cryin I hear that

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Hahahaha chickie! I would if I wanted chili cheese fries!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013
    sas-schatzi… FL Joined: May 2009 Posts: 6,877

    Post a reply

    Jul 10, 2011 03:29 PM, edited Aug 16, 2011 11:43 PM by sas-schatzi

    member name deleted might want to consider Fentanyl patches. I wear 25 mcg--- One  each side of my belly. That's a total of 50 mcg, but when you can decipher the rest, you will see that it is actually less. One patch is changed every 7 days. The usual change is 72 hrs. But since it is addictive and there is still medicine on the patch, I figuired as the patch wears off and some of the pain returns It kind of makes an x , as if it were on a bargraph.

                                        Fentanyl day1-------                 -----pain day 7


                                     Pain day 1  -----------               -------fentanyl day7

      pain scale 8-10  after app 0-1        p/s mid wk2-4(Maybe)     p/s 7th day---7 rarely higher

    Sometimes it does start to move higher on the 5-6th day, but the trade off is less narcotic. It works well the way I'm doing it. I found that doing it with the one patch the pain on the 7th day is a 10

    I don't know if that's clear, but it sure was hard to try and do LOL. Your doc is going to say it can't be done that way, but I'm doing it. Trying to avoid addiction. I have drugs for breakthrough. Rare,rare,rare that I have to take one.(situation changed see edits)

    The difference with the low dose Fentanyl ,is it controls the pain, and I don't have many of the other narcotic s.e.'s of morphine or oxy, percocet, vicodin etc. Sure hope you can understand this.

    I have fibromyalgia induce by AI's. Have been through all three. Now on Aromasin

    Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out shouting "holy crap....what a ride" SAS

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    OH MY guys had some wine last night worked overtime LOL.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Yes little Chicknohairone!  Just let your eyebrows grow, then comb them up!  Or let them grow REALLY long, and well, YOU know.  You don't NEED hair anyway little honey, you are gorgeous! 

    Cammi!  Okay, I'll drink with you...Ha!   Did you see what Phyllifromthebighouse  said???     "Pain-meds & Pot!"  For the KIDS!!!  She DID!!!   No wonder she has that ankle bracelet on!    And you GO to your reunion!  With who-ever!  Or go hire some hot guy to take you...   Promise him the moon.... Wink 

    And Luvmygoats!  I don't think Chickiloose CARES if she is married!  If she can't have them, maybe WE could?  Yes, "married"..... Whatever!  I didn't go to a party, or a "night-club" either!  I met DH when I was 18.... and I hated beer!  So we just went to Drive-In's and made out like banshee's!  Or we drove into the Frosted Scotchman Drive-in, ate hamburgers, and drank Chocolate Cokes, and THEN made out till we steamed up all the windows!  So fun! 

    Glad you straightened out that Cammi on her Exedrin!  Good Lord that kid will kill herself, with mixing that stuff!   Don't let her NEAR small children. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Got the strangest PM from someone who never posted here that I've never been on a thread with,  that was complaining about my "stuff" What? the only one's who have a right to complain are you guys and we have basically aGREED TO A "PASS oN BY" approach which is GREAT. I can do my OCD thing and still just be with the group I love to be with.

    OFF to my favorite GI DOC--cross between Groucho Marx, Steve Erkel, and General George  Patton

    Mary, Great story about your DAD LOLLOL. My Mom wanted to try it around 1985. She was sooooooooo funny, sooooooooo outthere saying she didn't feel a thing. We tucked her into bed. :)

    PhyllyIforgetIwasgoingtopostsomething-----Well I'll check it when I get home. Had fun on the phone, glad we can do it and not worry about$$$$$$$$

    Chicka welcome home, hOPE CHEMO GOES EAZY. kEEP YOUR HEAD WARMhuggs

    cHEVY DO YOU GO TO STARBUCKS? Hope so.......:)