STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
    Damn!  There was another page of Hooliganism's!  Phyllinocount!  What made your counts low!  I don't BLAME you for writing a letter!  I will HELP you!  WE will just TELL them all!  T'aint FAIR Gertrude!  I'm sorry.... anyway!  (((Phydo)))


    Oh?  Miss Chicki has a hottie with her....  NEXT time put something fun under your hat.... like a man's thong!  ha, ha!


    Sassy....  I agree, with what ever it was that you said....  You know, I have another idea on what is wrong with me..... I mean my HANDS miss Cammi!  See, years ago, I had so much trouble with my skin, AFTER I quit taking the pill....  I only quit, because having a hysterectomy made it unnecessary to worry about more babies... But about 3 months later, my skin just went NUTS!  I broke out in hives, rashes, and finally I figured out, it was worse at certain times of the month!


    Went to Docs.... all kinds of Docs.... Dermatologists, Allergists, even my PC....  They gave me things that wound me up in the emergency rooms with severe reactions... 


    I finally went back to one of the "I don't have a clue" Doctors, and said I WANT an estrogen shot!  I  GOT one, and wound up back in the emergency room!  It was like an overdose!!    So I says to myself, "SELF, if you have THAT bad of a reaction from one shot of Estrogen, it MUST be a hormone imbalance!" 


    I went back on the Pill, and later on to just Premarin, and after 2 years of jacking around with my SKIN, I returned to normal!   And I'm also thinking that maybe, just MAYbe going on, and then off of Tamoxifen caused things to go wrong...  and not just with my hearing.... 


    So THIS time, I'm thinking, that just MAYbe that hormone imbalance has something to do with my skin AGAIN!  I just picked up a teensy tube of Premarin cream from my Doc's.   So I am now trying THIS idea!  I wanted the pill, but she thought we would start with this.... I think it IS better than the pill....  we shall see. 


    See?  I tend to get things wrong, that no-one else has ever HEARD of...   I think I invent abnormalities!  


    Okay.... guess I'm done....  what do you think Sass and Shells? 



  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    Chevy - I have my canned Coke in the frig. getting cold so I can have a Chocolate Coke this afternoon. Just went out & had a lesson on using the edger on the driveway. Like the Little Engine That Could - I think I can, I think I can. Hopefully won't lose a toe or finger. Wearing outside boots so toe not likely and have to keep finger on electric button to keep it running so finger not likely either. More likely I would damage the blade which DH assures me is easily replaceable. My driveway and walk have been disappearing the last couple years as chore DH just does not get to. He has all the shutters up and we cut branches/weeds for goaties. Glad you got a Starbucks card from neighbor chickens. Did they put their feet signature on it?

    Phylliscountoolow - sorry for the Neupogen and the discomfort - well not to pull any punches - pain it causes and that you can't get your Zometa. Write all the letters you want. We'll post your bail.

    Sas - I can't image a cross between Gen. Patton, Steve Urkel and Groucho Marx. Would doc be of the EYEBROW persuasion me thinks?? The kind you could knit the ends together. Does he wear suspenders too?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Dear Little Engine!  Yes, you can do it!  Just put on your safety glasses, pit-helmet, and steel-toed boots!    And maybe have the paramedics standing by.....

    I'm having a chocolate coke now TOO!  I had to do it, because you would be lonesome! 

    Sass!  WTH???  You could always post who it was HERE, and we could ALL reply in our nicest tone of voice, that she is not welcome here.... But then, she reads this, so maybe she will get the point??  It's really none of her business, WHAT you, or ANY of us talk about or post!   YOU can post answers to ANY of us about ANYthing....  But wait!  Maybe she has THE answer for my hands!  And those of you in Pain!  She just must be jealous.  And has maybe changed her name?  I know what to do!  Just copy and paste her PM, so we can ALL growl at her.    Wink  

    You know, you just can't make everybody happy....   And yes, I DO go to Starbucks!  I am an official "Gold Card" holder!  So I get free ones after every 10 drinks!    I just had one this morning, when we went out to meet my Daughter at her store!  We ALL had a Starbucks, Ha! 

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited July 2013

    For Cammi

    A little late.  This thread moves too fast!  I can hardly keep up with reading it much less post in a timely fashion.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Luv Sas's Dr. wear red suspender and has a white beard.

    Chevy I hope that's the reason for u'r skin, maybe it will start to calm down--geeze what a goofy thing to have.

    And Phylobadcounts I'm sorry, don't stay mad it's not good for u, but we can write Sas's Dr. and complain. He takes letters til December. Acrually my counts were alway low every effin week and usually had to come back the next day for IV stuff and shot--I told them it was their fault and to stop tking my blood and I'd be fine. but NOOO they kept on doing it.

    Chevy making out--do they use that term anymore, I mean do they stop at that like necking??? LOL

    Sas why would anyone write u that doesn't know u or us about anything u say---that's so rude we all get each other so why bother us with anopiion that u can't let everyone know. And Guess what I totlly understood the Fentynol patch theory--Well I was on it for months and months, but I actually had no problem going off of it and yet if I don't have my coffee I'm a wreck. My old Dr. gave it to me--she was so kind to me--I didn;t want anything that strong, cuz I fear things but she called me and said I've been seeing u every week for over 1 yr and u never said the word pain so it must be bad. I was OK I wish I had it now, except it did make me exceptionally tired--more than what I take. so I'll stick with wht I have. That's why I always tell the gals to tell their Drs. right away--I used to thibk when the Dr. said How are u--it was polite so I always said Fine Thank you, til my sister told me I was really stupid cuz she's asking as a dr. not an aquaintance. LOL

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    I have to whine, somebody pass the cheese?

    First let me say that when I HAD hair, it was short. It's coming back, about 3" very thin now.

    So I'm at my grocery waiting at the deli. The lone worker looks at me and says, be right with you, Sir! Another employee, on my side of the counter gave me a sick smile. Been called sir before, s$it happens with short hair. Then this blind bozo comes around and calls me Sir again. I barked at him, it's Ma'm. He did say excuse me.

    Well, I nearly lost control. I was shaking and near tears. There I am, boob less, nearly hairless, my fibro is flaring, being called Sir.

    I should have told him to STFU

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    Should have called him..."Miss".

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Spookie--veggy is right--but I'm sorry this bothered u so much--people sometimes just quickly glance and see no boobs, no hair so they don't even look at anything else. U'll see soon everything wil be growing well--except u'r boobs but u get used to that really quickly and jind of like it when it's warm out.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    chickie love the hat and me either they had to draw my eye brows in today for the shoot and I also look like a 8 year too good part no shaving is cold in chemo also for me, they have blankets and pillows along with tv's which I utilize, all 3 of them....wear sleeveless tho easier with the port....people make things and we bring things like donuts, cakes, brownies, pretzels etc for people...I always bring breakfast or something to eat while I am there....hope this chemo is not too bad....

    Phillie glad you are feeling 1/2 ok, I and always 1/2 empty, is that the same, lol....hope the chemo was many are you getting...did you take your laptop not, as I said I get all stupid when i get the benedryl....

    back to the torture chamber tomorrow, feel bad cause that is what I tell the nurses....have to go to the drs. first...have a few things to talk to him about....

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    sassy who cares.....

    spookie I am so sorry, don't care what people says, when the hair falls out (and mine is but I still have it) yes it will grow back but it is a constant reminder, I would think...

    going to get ice cream and will be out early so won't be checking in and when I come home I go right to will check in on Thursday.....

    have a good one peeps...

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Hope chemo is kind to you today, chickawolfie.  Phylloohno, sorry things aren't proceeding as planned. Hope everyone is having a decent day.

    Thought of all of you yesterday when we had root beer floats or creamsicle floats at work.  Residents who never attend any activities showed up for a float!!

    Took care of my GD today.  She has a cold.  Sneezing like crazy-can't believe she has all that snot in her little head.  When I got there this am, she would sneeze then look up at me to wipe her nose.  By the end of the day, she would bring me the kleenex or try to wipe her nose by herself.  Pretty smart for a 14 month old, IMHO.  

    When I read about smoking pot, it brought back memories of high school chemistry class.  Class was right after lunch.  The kid in front of me would "smoke" his lunch.  He wore this heavy canvas coat all the time that just reeked. It took me awhile to figure why I would get so sleepy after lunch.  It was much better on the days he wasn't in class.  Didn't choose him for my lab partner!!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Blondie, Hope everything goes okay for you tomorrow.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Hahahaha! I may not be able to pass a freekin' lab test but I can transfer files WIRELESSY from my old computer to my new one. Take THAT, stupid cancer!

    Blondie, I'll go with you tomorrow. I don't have more chemo for 2 weeks, thank heavens!

    marywhereareyou? How are you feeling?

    spookie, I got called 'sir' more before cancer than since. It used to make me mad because it really means they aren't paying attention. Now I just say, "haha, gotcha!". They look up and apologize and I feel better. But keep in mind that I'm kind of a pill.

    I didn't really mean we should teach kids about Pain Meds and Pot, but you know what they say "if you can't be a good example, be a dire warning!". That's me.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy, our bodies are so complicated, don't know, but you should talk with your doc, with you being PR+, don't know that they'd have an answer, but may be some surmizing would help between you. I had a nodule one time on the upper thigh. I was going to go to a doc, but it dissappeared. Then it popped back up. This went on for X months. I connected it to my period. Went to a GYN doc told him what was up. He said to call him when it popped up again and he would take it out the next day. We did the next time. It was an endometrioma. It was endometrial tissue that's usually only found in the lining of the uterus. There it was on my leg. He either had a patient or found an article about a lady that had one in her elbow, that part's fuzzy, this was back in 1973+ or-. 

    Chevy,Now that I say this maybe the best doc to talk to is a Gyn doc for their opinion.  Question: If you had a past hx where you made a connection between your skin and your hormone level, what does it mean to your present problem with the Tamox? That's the problem question.

    Gyn doc's have a more indepth knowledge of female hormones than other docs, except for endocrinologists. The ideal doc to answer the question would be a (it'll come HMM)oncology gyn. They are a rare specialist. They've taken residencies in both oncology and gyn. Only knew of one. He was already a successful OB/GYN and went back and took an oncology residency. How indepth your MO's knowledge is??? talk to them too. Maybe they know of a doc that's taken more study.

    Mine are better, WHY? don't know. I'm back to thinking there's a connection with tomatoes. AND nightshade stuff is on my list (allergy list that is very long). Maybe we should have a chat about the specific allergy testing that Saint PCP had done within month of meeting. She suggested it be done at our first meeting which was near the bottom point of my life. AND she fixed soooooooo much in that first meeting. So, even though I had to pay out of pocket 375.00 I figuired, since she brought me out of HELL, i'd take that leap of faith. It's a blood test. 150 items.  mY test had 6 in the red zone and 24 in the yellow zone. DH had 10 in the red zone and 20 in the yellow zone. Just counted them on each card, never did before. I don't have anything like Mary's allergic response, but there is a wide range of different responses when I stray and eat the forbidden foods. LOLOLOLOL, just saw the web address on the laminated card, .

    DEAR DEAR Chevy, remember when I asked if you wore gloves and you told me where and when you wore them. The rubber gloves you have on allot. Gardening & anytime your in wash water. Well, what if you experimented with not wearing rubber gloves for a 1 1/2 weeks.  That would mean no gardening for a that time and Dh would have to do the washing and anything else that you required the rubber gloves. The reason for the time length is arbitrary, but disrupted skin takes awhile to heal. Yours is seriously disrupted. I do know what I'm suggesting would be very hard. Gardening is one of your greatest joys. If you did this don't make any other changes in that time, so, it won't complicate the results i.e. which action was the cause for a response

    BTW thank you very much for bringing back the memories of steaming up the windows, I dwelled on them for awhile. SWEET. XOXO L&H&P's sassy

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    J, the story about your gd reminded me of the one my daughter told me yesterday. Seems that my gs has been watching to much superhero stuff on tv and decided friday that he was batman. Ended up being in timeout for most of the day because of hitting, but what was so funny about it was that along with the hitting he was adding the made up words like they used to show on the old batman and robin shows.His teacher said she had a hard time keeping a straight face when she was putting him into time -out five times that day.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Littlegoats What a nice cut line."did they put their feet signature on it?" good one. Yes, my dear gi doc--Where's suspender, sometimes a zip up sweater, horned rim glasses, always a bowtie, when he walks--it's a rapid pace, he's just slightly bent over and he flips his white coat with his right hand >>groucho marx in Ducksoup, the eybrows are heavy darkblack and not quite one eyebrow, but close. The george patton part, he's not a screamer or mean, but he expects everyone to do excellent work and give their absolute best and he makes that known. After 30 years of practice, he still treats each endo or colonoscopy like it was the championship game. AND when it's particularly good maneuver that he's made, he responds like it was the winning touchdown---totally loved working with him.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    catchinh up , but yhe end keeps moving. Blondie with you tomorrow------HUGS sassy

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2013

    Hi All, Thanks Shellshine for the info.  Sort of let me know what to expect at this point or when I do have the exchange.  Sometimes, I don't think I can wait too much longer--but know I got to do what's best.  I really think my TE is not in the best placement and that why I am so uncomfortable.  With the last fill, I now have neck and shoulder aches on that side.  Lots of pain killers, daily.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Sas I love Drs. like that according to nurses they really don't like them so much cuz they deman alot for their patients. So it was fine for me, but the nurses woukd say would u get better so we don't have to see him so much. Cuz he was always aroubd with other patients too, but I was always having alot of complications so he was with me alot. And when I had my colonoscopy he did it--I was surprised at first and hde said Im very capable of doing it so I'll do it since u don't want to be put out, I'll respect that. And we laughed thru the whole thing and the nurses after said to me wow was he fun. And the good thing was I got up and left right away cuz I had nothing given to me--I was home in no time. So Some Drs. u just have to love and we would hug all the time after my first near death xperience. hahaha

    I wrote a whole post before and it disappreared and I was talking to everyone--so I'm sorry all I remember is I called Phylowholepill that name for some reason. I'm tired. xxxoooxxx

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Cami, odd that the nurses didn't like the doc that demanded ALLOT for their patients. I had the reverse attitude. They were GREAT. Just like you said all the good things about him, You knew you were getting good care. First near death experience? Implies more than one? Spill.:)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013
    I agree with shells to quiet 7/3 7:53 am Wakeup Hooligans:)

    Jul 1, 2013 04:19 AM, edited Jul 1, 2013 04:22 AM by Shellshine

    P.S. - Can you early risers raise a little ruckus here tomorrow?!?  It is waaaaay too quiet. C'mon Philly and Veggy, can't you two cause a little excitement since Cammi, Ducky and Chevy are acting so wimpy lately?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Wren: love your analogy re: chemo/rads, Hiroshima bombing, so on mark

    Cami, lol's re:preciseness, SOOOOO OCD, I make Felix Unger look normal. I just didn't want you to be disappointed again if you don't get DR. Extrodinaire for the hernia repair. AND understand why you didn't get him the last time. Sweetie, you never talk too much. Love it when you say what you say.

    Chickie, you look like a college kid in that pic :), but whose the old guy with you.LOL He's handsome. Has a Kevin Costner look about him. Ckickie I thought you were bald now? Is that a pic of you?

    getting caught up on to pge232

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited July 2013

    Chickie, thanks so much for the great pictures. I am going on an Alaskan cruise next June with some of my family. Can't wait!!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Sas you are so right in saying it is way too quiet around here these days. Where is everybody???? Talked to db this morning, he is starting on my screened in porch Monday..Yay!!!!!!I was beginning to feel a little like Phillyanklemonitor, not being able to leave my house cause of the bugs, now I can at least look out my screen,sort of like looking through bars right????. Chemo and bugs are slowly leaving my body. It works from head to toe, was in the bathroom all night of course, but we're making progress, will move into my legs today, then my feet, and then we're done for 2 weeks.hope all is well with everybody. I talked to duckster just for a sec the other night by pm, I think shes still at the coast. Wish I was with her its been raining here for days....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Cami, your comment on the Bong and that you can now talk that/this stuff. Your legal , I'm not. It's so like PROHIBITION. WE probably have DEA watching us too. Trying to fiquire out should they bust us Grannies. We are SuCh a threat to society. Cami did anyone answer your Excedrin question? Yes, Littlegoats did. Same answer as hers. Tylenol can mess up Liver and kidney big time. Checked with my pharmacist on max dose--"4000mg/24hr for healthy adult with normal liver and kidney function", "Elderly(Hmm what age is that-lol US?) max dose 3000mg/24 hrs" I'll add any hx of liver/kidney dysfunction verify max /24 hr dose with doc. 2009 when I was retired by the BC&brain tumor, discussion was taking place to lower max adult dose to 3200mg/24 hr. Per my pharmacist it wasn't done. But imho, the fact that it was discussed heavily in that time, max/24hr dose should be taken into considerstion as to the affect of this drug. Must add(as always): check with your doc re: accuracy of info and what they want your max doses/24hr to be :) Cami, OH what fun about taking your GF as your lifepartner, that'll start the gossip flowing like Niagra LOL. As if it was anyone's business, so, dislike biogots.

    Phillysotrue "Maybe we should rename this thread "Pain Meds and Pot - the REAL Story".

    LIttlegoats you're a NURSE, we have five now Yoo-hooo yay. What areas of specialty? Stacey's cardiovasc, Shells ARNP soon to be Hospice, with long hx of super, Julia-geriatrics, me abit of allot of things.

    SWEET PEA, How you doing ?--3 weeks post op tomorrow.  Know it's tough, plus with babe(Austin?). Getting enough support from family & friends?

    Dwilli we need to see you more:) are you adequately HOOLIGAIZED? TE's are much worse than implants. Mine felt like a square peg in a round hole. Particularly at upper corner at the armpit UGH. Have you checked in with Sizing 101 Deborah-Whippetmom yet?

    Shells Pm'd you about someone that may have been at same military bases as you. She's a lifer brat>>dad then DH.

    Pg232 done, whew,we talk allot, never have known a thread where everyone knew each other so well. We're special aw shucks!:)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

     I won't give her screen name, and it's written in a fashion of concern, but weird to even comment at all.  Friendly and no explecitives so that's at least a plus. And what did  the "Active Topics" comments mean. Duh,  don't like the stuff on a thread, why even go there. Well, enough. Thanks for wanting to take her on LOL.

    #1-sas, you aren't spoon feeding medical information but shoveling medical information.   Overwhelming for a layperson.   Why?

    #2-I'm not a layperson, and have always felt that giving to much medical information to other members is a slippery slope.   To each their own.Wink

    That said, I'll no longer skim the "Active Topics" threads this summer.

    Enjoy the summer!!!


    Yup "too much medical info", thousands of times been presented with patients not getting  any or enough info. Won't relate the worst case scenarios that are seared into memory, but know you guys are okay with the "Pass on BY"

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Morning gals.... Leaving in a few.... Just to pounce on top of the day and make it a fun one!

    Sass, I'm going to beat this thing!  Seems 2nd day of Estrogen cream is MAYbe helping?  Also the Claritin, and NOT wearing any gloves until the cream sinks in.  In the mean-time I also use the lotion with Urea.....  THAT seems to help rehydrate the skin.  Now I am also taking vit D3 and Vit A, and DimPlus...  I think I shed my skin more than snakes do! 

    Yes, gloves only when doing a few dishes.  And a little gardening, but not as much as a couple weeks ago..... STILL, my problems are so minor, compared to what our chemo buddies are going through...And I love you all!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    I was just going to post __Going through Chevy withdrawal-------and there you are YAY

    Chevy, it's like that thing when someone says only 1% of the patients have that side effect. When it's you it's a 100%. If yours is like mine when the skin's broken it itches terribly and hurts. Don't minimize it. It's life disrupting. It's something you are thinking about ALL the time and having to modify what you do All the time. Yes, others have serious issues, BUT any issue that is so life controlling is WTF. Good luck om beating it.XOXO

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Talked to surgeon last night. After he told me the ultrasound couldn't find a neuroma all they saw was breast tissue and ribs.  He then said he didn't want to do anything like an MRI at the moment.  He said -" IF YOU really want the chest MRI I will order it, but I REALLY don't think we would find anything."  I have to pay for it out of pocket but if it would find something.... I don't know.  

    I reitterated that I wanted to find the source of the pain and was told by someone "knowledgeable" that this all could be Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and I would like to rule that out..He said but your fingers aren't numb. - I continued by saying - but I had an ulnar nerve transfer on that side so my nerve isn't where a "normal" person's is.  He said, "Hmm that's right. But why don't we wait a bit" I said, "No I really think we should check this out. I have that sternum, first rib and clavicle pain along with that nerve pain on the side of my breast. Those are all signs of TOS." He said, "We had someone in town that was doing studies on it and maybe one of the thoracic therapist can test for it. If not, I will bring you in and we will do the tests. Let me see what I can do."  One step made... now lets see if BS follows through - usually he does.  

    I truely, was not going to post anymore - been feeling really down and not wanting to fight anymore with docs.  But when he called, I had to fight.. Didn't I?