STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Good morning HulaGirls! Just so you know, there are strong indications that I may live through this chemo cycle. I did not replace my F-patch last night but took an oxycodone. I slept for 8 hours and have minimal (for Evil Ixempra ) pain. Holy guacamole, a miracle!

    Hopefully I will get scan results today. I'm a little worried because I've only completed one full cycle of stupid Zelda.

    ducky - I think I read that you are at the shore. Hope you're having fun your way! Can you post a photo?

    Whoops, got distracted (shiny things, you know). I'll be back later.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    The following link has limited info in the article. Most disturbing  thing is limited citations in bibliography. Three sources, would usually get an article tossed if submitted for publication today. To much on the WWW, is posted with limited back up to what articles say, plus these are very old. One is 1996, from Journal of Laryngoscope, the abstract(conclusion) is 3rd link below. The other citation is from 1977, not going to try and find at this point simply b/c of age, but may change my mind as I go along.


    Wiki always can be a good starting point, does a reasonable job of defining, pro/con controversy. Bibliography is generally very good in the sense that it makes it easy to start reading the bib articles first. and their always hyperlinked.


    1996, abstract identifies a small study of 8 people, says it used measurement testing, but access to full article can't be obtained. The abstract showed no positive affect. Full artcle not available on this thread as it's a pay membership thread. It also, stated that there was a survey of 122 ear specialist, see below for quote. Could not quote it here because the breakdown was not include in the abstarct. Refer to Health Canada link;jsessionid=A84893CF6383795B38B820E0FA28215B.d01t01


    These two links are under Holistic therapies. First one includes the second link which identifies that in 2010 FDA issued warnings. This would be categorized as an opinion piece b/c no citations of sources for claims pro or con. The probelm with these types of articles is the public finds them on the net "So, it must be true"


    This link is from 2004, abstract only available, written by ERNST who is in wiki. While he retired under controversy in his post in the UK. His importance is, he spent his career evaluating homeopathic and alternative medicines and applying evidence based research to them.  This article was cited in the Wiki bibliography. At this time I can't prove that it did or did not have any impact on the government publications as the abstract does not state anything that can be referenced to the information the USA or CANADA has published.


    Link to FDA restrictions on candling.

    Link to Health Canada. The only comprehensive quote that stated the numbers and types of injuries identified in the Seely survey of ear specialist in the 1996 publication


    NCCAM National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine- of National Institute of Health.

    The following links are on the NCCAM page for candling.

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My friends I've talked about science till you have headaches. I did state at the end of my post to Chevy that sometimes science can be bad. Today is the second time that I've researched a topic where my findings have identified a inexcusable breach of responsibility. In this case, the breach is by the FDA, NCCAM, MEDWATCH, HEALTH CANADA which is equivalent to the USA FDA. Other articles did the same, but the breach by the governments are the most egregious. The governments of Canada and the USA, put out public warnings that candling wasn't safe and was ineffective

    In all the articles and alerts that I've read today. The primary research article used for conclusions on the safety and efficacy of candling was based on two articles. One by Dr Quigley Seely in the Journal:Laryngoscope in 1996. The abstract is available, but not the full article. The only above link that included any more information in it than what was stated in the abstract was the Health Canada government link. So, the Canadians accessed the full article by paying the 4.00$. This however doesn't change my opinion. This study was based on Seely's process which included "Tympanometric measurements in an ear canal model demonstrated that ear candles do not produce negative pressure. A limited clinical trial (eight ears) showed no removal of cerumen from the external auditory canal." This is a very small study. Small studies open the door to further research. In order to validate this study, two or more follow up studies should have been done. No one tested Seely's findings regarding measurement and wax removal. So, with out replication of the test, his work is not validated. It shouldn't be held up as the benchmark for evaluating candling. Yet all articles and government publications quote Seely's publication results.  The FDA, NCCAM,and HEALTH CANADA use the study without stating the small size of the study group. No one seems uncomfortable that Seely's findings were never retested. Governmental publications all link to each other using the same safety warnings and discrediting candling as ineffective. It's using themselves to show that what they say is true. Medwatch which is the division charged with tracking adverse event reports,  has no numbers that I can find. The problem I have with this is they knew they were doing it, or they have very poor staff putting their publications together. So, 1. they have perpretrated a fraud or 2. they ar ineffectual.

    The article , also, states that 122 ear specialist were surveyed. Seely found "21 cases of serious injury caused by ear candling: 13 cases of burns, 7 cases where the wax from the candle had blocked the ear canal, and 1 case of a punture ear drum" as quoted in the HEALTH CANADA publication

    There have been government restrictions in the USA and Canada on the importation and sale of candling material based on Seely's article.

    The other article uniformly quoted in non government articles was by R.J. Roesner. I could not retrieve this article.  Haven't a clue what's in it. None of the Government articles or publications include a bibliography. Not good. That limits the reader from validating the information by reading the original article.

    So chevy my friend. There is no science that can definitively say candling is ineffective because it was never validated.  The injuries of 21 people did occur. Burns are the most serious consequence.  An ear drum can be ruptured. Candle wax can drip in the ear and block the ear canal. No mortalities occurred and injury outcome can't be assumed because it wasn't reported. In my opinion this was very bad science.

    AS ALWAYS: check with your doc regarding information and use of any information I have written.

    The fat lady has stopped singing.


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Yay Foley! Excellent progress!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    Sas - I'm an RN but did not work for a number of years raising our daughter. In 2007 became obvious I had to go back to work as DH laid off and DD's college expenses. Went back as hospice nurse in small rural hospice. Love hospice nursing but the driving/hours/on call is a killer. We covered from near the TX/OK border to 70 miles SW of Ft. Worth on call and usually every 3rd weekend 8am Sat-8am Mon. Worked 6 months in psych. hospital which was wayyyy too long. Worked 1.5 years on palliative care unit to find I'm certainly not a hospital nurse anymore. Went back to another hospice city based for 2 years but still too much driving. My nearest patient was 45 minutes from my home. So in December I quit and expect to not go back to working.

    So I do not have the length/breadth of experience you and Shells have nor the recent exp. of Julianna and Stacey. Hospice nursing was a good fit for my skill level retention. I still have an active license but may put it inactive on next renewal since I'll be 62 then.

    Your descrip. of docs is so true. There were so many that were totall s***s to work with/for but great for pts though unfortunately they usually had no bedside manner. I can overlook the lack of pleasantries for good clinical skills. I used to say joking I would tattoo on my chest the names of docs that would never touch me. That list got too long and I changed it to those that "could".

    Chevy - another thing to look up is zinc containing foods. NOT advocating supplements just make sure adequate intake. I know you're not a goat but it is one thing I sometimes supplement with them if one gets the dry, flakey skin (can't use fish oil etc on them but do feed them wheat germ oil). Have just had to put my dog back on fish oil for her bad skin. She's on steroids/antibiotic from vet. Terriers have horrible skin problems which I knew. Anyway like Sas says don't change more than one thing at a time since you won't know which variable change was responsible for change in your hands.

    Holyphyllominimalpain - maybe 3rd round for you is NOT the evil one. I get lost, it is your 3rd isn't it or is the ChickaDmasqueradingaswolf. Whatever congrats on the good sleep and hope you get your scan results sooooon.

    Gma - You win today's award for female B***s. Great for keeping him on subject. Keeping all fingers/toes crossed that he follows through. Is that Sas's great coaching?

    No STFU moments here. Pretty quiet.

    Spookie - I might have said in my best sultry female voice that this bald LADY's gonna jump over that counter and beat the **** out of you. Though you might end up with Phyllouptonogood's ankle monitor for assault. Next time you go dress to the nines and see if Dodo recognizes the diff.

    No STFU moments here. Pretty quiet.

    Hoping for a bugless day for Marywh who's getting her screened patio. WooHoo!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    luvmygoats - Yes It is thanks to SAS!!! I love her so dearly that she bugs me until I follow through.  I just hope its TOS and we can DO something about it.  If not, I move on and start getting bigger pain meds that I have been avoiding.  Gabapentin was enough except for the sharp stabbing pain I get with any movement of the breast...

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited July 2013

    Gma, so glad you stood your grounds with your doctor.  I've had to do that a few times.  Years ago, I finally said to myself "he's on my payroll."  It played a huge part in the surgery I chose for my bc.  I know you have to feel better that he is finally listening to you.  Make sure he follows through.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Helllo Teka, join the Hooligans?

    Foley, Never give up Lovey, every step you take will be closer to an answer, even if the final answer is not detectable, it's important to know. If it's TOS, then you go from there. If it's not, you still go from there. He's at least listening. Part of the TOS evaluation will determine if it's impinging (easiest lay word pinching) going through the first rib and clavicle or originating at the neck. Remember to show the examiner that position where the pain was relieved for part of the pain. The examiner will likely look, also, at any way the shoulder structure could be involved. This is important too. You've done your homework which was your own reading on the subject. Please, don't despair at a resolution HUGSS XOXO

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Littlegoats, we all bring something to the table :), look what good info you shared with Chevy and Cami already :). Years understanding the alternatives offered by palliative care. It's only in my range as far as how everything else I've done applies to it. BUT BUT it's a hole here. When DH needed better pain mangement that was offered only through Hospice, it was then the Hospice doc(loved her what a treasure) who had recently completed palliative study, offered alternatives, that had they been introduced earlier would have made DH's life so much better. At the time the pain management drug protocols available in Hospice were not available to pre Hospice patients. Dr. G changed all that in our hospital. One person making a change has an unknown ripple affect :)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Me again!  Going up to the Casino's to play!  Thanks Sass!  I KNOW  it's like my problem seems so in-significant compared to the other Hooligans on here....  Oh well... We ALL have some sort of problems!

    We have a new Teka???   And she's a cat?....ha!  Maybe my avatar has a buddy now!  Ha!  Well welcome anyway.... We can always use another Hooligan!

    Littlegoats.... Yes, I also take Omega3 with fish oil.... but I just started the whole truck-load of vitamins/supplements that I have, again.  I just never noticed a difference in my skin or body, when i TOOK them all...  So I took a break.  But it can't hurt.  Your post was funny, about what you said to Spooky!  Thanks for the laugh!

    Us Gals on here just ROCK!  xoxoxoo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    MA don't u dare stop posting--u'll see u'll get tru this with flying colors--Well maybe just one color. But u have the Dr. on the right track.

    Luv--hahI like the comoarison between Chevy and the goats for zinc. I'mLOLinf about it--but I would count on Chevy laughing.

    sas calling me a wimp OK, calling /chevy a wimp Oh boy--u'r in troooouble even tho u do do all u can to help us.

    Well Phylobetterthanusual--I'm glad this one was kinder to u, so we don't need no stinkin complainin' this week Just hope it stay like this.BTW does that anle thiny feel heavier when u'r swollen. Poor thing, but u have to pay for u'r actions.


    I was thinking u know how many nurses and teachers are in these threads-0an unbelievable amount--just a strange thought--I was pondering I wonder why. Such a ponder.I'm known for my pondering--I like that word, like marshmellow and cupcake--There are just words that make people smile well me smlie.

    And Marywithaporch I hope it goes in soon so u can at least walk outside. Well right now it's raining cats here, no not dogs it's not raining that hard--but it's supposed to be OK for tomorrow and the next few days. So-- I think Phyloarson might be forced

     to stay in for fireworks cuz well u all know.

    Well I'm doing my excercizes and my pin is coming out of my eyeballs so I'll just figure it;s working or killing me- I have a 50/50 chance going on. So as usual I'll take the best 50% that there is--so I'll be fine.

    Geeze see again I talk and say nothing. LOL But u giys are used to it.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Hi teka-tickle! Welcome to the asylum. We CALL ourselves Hooligans, but we are all aware that we have been exiled to this threads for some type of medical/civil disobedience. Take Chevy - she addresses EVERYone in almost every post. Cami- well CAMI always says she says nothing BUT ironically when she says nothing she is profoundly saying SOMEthing deeply philosophocles.

    New paragraph - ducky is the oldest, sexiest, cleverest...and other stuff. Sassy is our little OCD research nurse that has so much time on her hands that she researches the weirdest stuff! Sometimes it helps, sometimes it makes your head hurt. If your head hurts, her pain meds instructions are helpful. Haha, I'm kinda funny!

    We have oldies and newbies, a wolfheaded-chicklet, a little goat, a jar of Vegemite, and a dozen others!

    I'm the normal one...with anger issues. Pay no attention to the ankle monitor. I wear that for cami
    Edited to add - and Chevy drinks chocolate coke! Good heavens, how weird.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    CAMIIIIIIII I never called you a WIMP, only our lovely Chevy is that bold, or phillybracelets LOL. I'd be to wimpy to call someone a wimp. See Chevy or phillycantoo  can do it and it be funny, if I did it, totally falls flat, Still learning from the Masters :)

    OH PHillyhitthenail, maybe I should put that in my below the line quote?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Well Teka, bet you never went on a thread and been so warmly received. It's a beauty about the Hoolligans. Stay awhile, you might have some fun :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Off to swim and MO"s

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Good Luck Sas.. Try to have a good day!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Oh thank God the Hulagals have been rocking this post. I have been steadily plugging away at my hours in PH's postage stamp office, so have  only been reading and not posting the last 2 days. Sas has more than made up for my absence. I should be done on July 23rd - then we need to have a PARTY on this post because I will be DONE WITH SCHOOL!

    Interview for a Hospice Nurse Practitioner position with a private for-profit hospice part of a national chain is in a couple of hours.  Will be glad when it is over. Bought a new business dress and my first post mastectomy bra! The dress is sleeveless so need to wear a jacket....even thinking of wearing stockings - UGH.

    Sas - let Chevy stick anything in her ear that she wants, as long as she doesn't hurt herself. As long as she is happy I am happy. I have a picture of her in my mind with a red candle stuck through a paper plate lined with foil, the unlit end in her ear while she is lying on her side in bed, holding the contraption with one hand and a hand mirror in the other hand. Chevy can you have DH take a picture and post it? 

    Missing our Duckster, will be glad when she and Cammi and Chevy start their morning hoolieshow back up.

    Thinking of you Mary, Chicka, Blondiee and Phyllawondergirl. Mary, did my cousin mash the evil stinging creatures for you? You can send him back when you get your SCREENED IN PORCH.



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    OH Gma I am having the worst time keeping up with the days of the week. DH was off Mon, Tues. So today must be Monday since he was off the weekend, right? He has certain days off every other week but holidays throw me since he has to work July 4th.

    I couldn't do without my cell telling me the date. Only because tomorrow is the 4th do I even know the date.

    I broke down and bought a 4x/day med planner. It's great but still having trouble remembering my morning eyedrops and now dog is on drugs. STFU. I may have to buy one for her. As it is I labelled her peanut butter with "Dog". DD thought it was hilarious. I told her in this house anything is possible and DH might grab it by mistake.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    GMA so true.

    Phyloangerbitch we know u;r funny, and clever, and interesting and non of us mind thst u have the anklebracelet. Whew do u gals think she fell for thst We do know she has limited reading skills. But opening a safe 123 it;s done.

    Shell u'r almost there, if it's warm wear just a shrug for u'r dress or better yet a daisy dukes and a tied shirt--its back in style and u;ll get people's hearts pumping.

    Sas good for swimming, personally I think that's the very best excercise ever. It doesn't have the pain and the water is so helpful in getting the body moving and feels good to and when u rest u can still kick u'r legs and no pain. Noticed I used the word pain alot guess why??? LOL

    And Teka I am the sanest person on this board not the oldest but the sanest-- BTW Ducky is still on vacation, funny how the word sane reminded me of her, Oh Oh not a good sign.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Teka we all figured that out already--but we trudge along.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited July 2013

    I'm going to be busy taking care of my BFF postoperative, her daughter and the new if u I don't pst for a few days....don't worry. BE

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Teka candling couldn't hurt and

    Bea we wilk all wait to pst tik u come back

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Folks, I've finished my candling search , my conclusion will take a little while to write. If your interested, please go back to the post. But i have maybe and hour to finish on it. Some surprises.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Sas i think it started in the way up north countries likeSwden, Denmark or whatever is under the north pole maybe cuz it was so cold.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Cami, looking at the research. I'm ready to right my opiinion and it will be a scathing as I can make it against the FDA and NCCAM etc.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi my crazies....this Chemo #3 really sucks...mine keep getting worse...back on Neulasta today since the Neupogen didnt work for come the wolves chewing on my bones pain...maybe if I wear my wolf hat it will scare them away?

    Welcome new'll fall in love with us and wont be able to leave....

    Crawling back to bed now......

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Beats, don't be gone too long. We love you too, ya know!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy, candling's  done, my butt hurts and my legs are swollen, but unless someone can show where I screwed up(ha ha peer review), this shows how research is important. AND never assume anything.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    I'm the one who called you guys wimpy about 10 pages ago - but I forget why. Maybe I should candle myself and see if that helps. Where do you put it again? 

    Spookette I'm so sorry about what happened in the deli grocery. It probably was just stupidity and not intentional, but the employee that gave you the sick smile is an idiot.  And Phillistina, sorry to hear your counts are low. Crap you hoolies having chemo go through such hell, and with such grace and (in)dignity. You are amazing.

    Now Nurse Sassette (rhymes with Crachette) is researching candling. Should be interesting. Sas- can I start teasing you  the way that Chevy does? It's a form of affection. 

    Oh, and about the person who PM'd Sas about her medical findings - that was me in disguise.

    JUST KIDDING!!!!!!

    I prefer not to have anyone seriously give anyone else a hard time, even to our visitors, for any reason. Giving a hard time unseriously is definately allowed - encouraged even. There are very few places where we have permission to be our crazy selves, where all of our offbeat personalities can manifest. I love that this is an irreverant place, where anything goes, silly, scared, tired, sore, frustrated, farted, funny, sad, fed up, STFU, and candled - anything except being unkind.

    Chevette, the estrogen hand cream sounds ok to me. Use very sparingly on damp hands so it spreads easier- don't want  to absorb too much. Using estrogen cream (vaginally) releases lower blood serum levels than menopausal ovaries. I use it but not on my hands. Okay, TMI, if there is such a thing on this thread.

    My interview went really well. I'm okay either way whether I get called back for the 2nd round of interviews.                      

    Hope everyone enjoys some fireworks, chocolate cokes, hot dogs, root beer floats, or whatever lights your candle! ✨

    photo ScreenShot2013-07-03at52304PM_zpscb8926fc.png

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Well Chickadedum that was a great welcome, boy would I want to stay after hearing about the wolves knawing at u'r bones. Good welcome for someone who hasn't started chemo yet.  At least we got u started slowly, but

    With Phyloprisoner we knew she was tough so we told her straight out it was horrendous, she's used to that word.

    BTW Chickie I'm really sorry u'r having a bad time, sometimes u get not so bad one but mostly they are, we know it's like u wish u were having a bad day--it would be much better. It;ll pass.

    And who's leaving--again--no one is leaving and where is Chevy, the brat with the hands. I'm so brave when she's not around.