STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited July 2013

    HAPPY 4th OF JULY to all you hooligans!

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited July 2013

    have to get my ^$%&*#$* whining out of the way....  went to an oncologist/obgyn today & will be neutered - ah, have a complete hysterectomy the 15th.  oh happy day - NOT.  it will be laparoscopic/Da Vinci procedure (had to look that one up).  it will be an overnight in the hospital & i'll probably be awake all night listening to an audio book as i can't relax in a hospital for some crazy reason (probably because of past experiences)....  not looking forward to it but will be glad to get it out of the way so i can go on to something else to worry about.  any night owls are welcome to come with me in spirit - i'll sneak in the m&ms - they won't melt.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Teka - have a good vacation and come back and hang with us anytime.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    I was so glad to hve it done, just not to have a period no other reason and it was an easy one--so that's good. Now mostly mom do u feel bad about it? If u do I am so sorry that it has to be done---and don't try to sleep in the bed-ask for a recliner it's much more comfortable and they put pads on it and u can read, doze off and relax muxh more than a hospital bed really--To me the beds are brutal and the chairs are so easy to get up from too and it doesn't really hurt, just uncomfortable----we're here for u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Bang, boom, crack---and gD wiping her little nose is so cute.

    Phylocompletepill u sound pretty good today. Stil a good day.

    Hey WTF everybody has Ice cream and u'r all skinny--I hate u all--figuratively And now that Blondie has her car and it stays light later vroom vroom--she'll be flying all over the place. I'm going to be alone taking care of my cat and dog for 4 days--no car--nothing. I really am not happy about this but they never go anywhere so they need to. I know--I could go to my other DD's on the 4th but let's face it no one will be sober enough to drive me home for the dog and I can't bring the dog--she has 2 cats, and a very dominating Dog--so and if I need something fast or whatever I have 2 nieces that live about 5-10 minutes from here.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Cami it's 4:30 am in Illinois - I just looked it up. Go back to sleep!!! Sheesh. I'll check in with you tomorrow, so you won't really be alone.

    It's 11:30 pm here. Goin to bed. Goodnight!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    LIKE if you're excited for tomorrow!   Prepare by reading today's article: "A Fun, Festive and Frugal Fourth of July!"

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    GrammieFoley...I just hope you are feeling better today...  When you are really down, that's when you can come back here, and just talk to us.  We might not be able to help you physically, at least I REALLY can't, but maybe kicking it around awhile with us will just make you feel a little better?


    Phyllicrap-shoot!  You are going to live?  You had BETTER!   Does the chemo get worse each time that you go?  Man, I know NOTHING about THAT one!  Or is it the type of thunder-juice that they give you?


    Sassywiththeinfo!  I read  and pondered, and looked up each link, and thank you so much for putting it all out there.

    Yes, for me, and my whole family, they have helped, and removed wax, and we have been doing this probably since 1990. 


    I can see how anyone could have a problem with a flame, same as standing too close to a flame of any sort.  But when you do it correctly, the end of the candle is no-where near any part of you.  The foil covered paper plate, with a hole in the center is where the candle is inserted.   And with a mirror, (if doing it alone) or when someone tells you that it is "done" you then take it out and put it in a bowl of water, or with me, I just put it in the sink, and run water over the 4" that are left.


    It is just so much easier to remove the wax from my ear this way, instead of the softening, as with Debrox, etc. and then flushing. 


    When I first TRIED this, after being told that I had too much wax, I did as directions said, and THEN I couldn't hear at all!   I think all the flushing moved it around, and closed up EVERYthing.....  And nothing came out! 


    So then I went back to my ear candles...  The wax DID come out, as it always does.  But I never dreamed just how MUCH wax was coming out!  The first candle got the normal amount of wax out... but I still couldn't hear...  I was getting afraid.  I used another one, and even more came out.... but when I tipped my head, I could hear for a second....!  Then it closed up again.  So I tried another one.... THIS time I could hear a slight "crackling" sound, and I thought, IT'S WORKING!....  Still more wax!  I am not only full of schnitzel, I am full of WAX!    THIS time my ear stayed open all day!  But when I would go to bed, and wake up in the mornings, nothing!  


    Eventually I used 8 candles in about 2 1/2 weeks? And every time I use one in my right ear especially, there is STILL more wax, but at least I can hear.


    I know I could go to my Docs, and she would flush my ears, but when I did it myself, it hurt, and made one ache for about an hour....  So if this works, why not? 


    I know I'll always have to wear hearing aids, but when even THAT didn't work in my right ear, you think WTF???   And when I kept using the ear candles, and it made a difference, I KNEW that I still had wax in there.  I could hear for a minute, then like a door closing, it was gone!  Then awhile later, I could HEAR....!  Same thing... it closed off.


    But now my ear stays open!  And I can hear my normal 50% with my aids in my right ear!  I have "profound hearing loss in my left, but only 50% loss in my right"...  So that's what the aids are for.


    Okay, I promise I won't talk about this again...  But maybe this could help someone else???  I could make this my dissertation if I ever apply for a job as an audiologist?  Ha, ha! 


    Teka!  So this means when you go on vacation you have to leave us TOO?   


    Cammi you little shit!  You are soooooo funny!    And you "pondered?"  (snicker-snort!)  Hah!   Yes, I'll bet Marywiththeporch is getting excited by now!  Ya' think?

    And I don't have a CLUE, WHAT you mean when you say "my pin is coming out of my eyeballs, and blah-blah"!!!!  You mean your pin number?  WHAT the hell are you talking about?   A safety-pin?  What are you even DOING with something sharp around you?  You are going to wind up with Phylliintheclink if you don't watch out!


    So miss Phyliintheasylem!  Yes, what would we do without YOU?  You are one of our dearest instigators!  Your post was so funny!  Who wrote it?


    Morning Shells!   Yes!  Anything in my ear!  Sometimes it would itch so bad I wanted a long-handled Phillips screw-driver to scratch it!  I read that is from wax being impacted...  SEE?  Maybe that would work too, Ha!    Congratulations on almost being done with your schooling!  We will have a party for you... and serve punch. 

    (you don't believe THAT one, do you?)  Plain punch?  Not a chance!  We will make a fountain of champagne!  I saw that once! 


    Yes, wish Ducky would come back again!  She is worse than me, even!


    So Peanutbuttergoats!  You WHAT?  You bought a planner?  And I suppose all your jars and cans are faced in the cupboard?   And you have labels on your drawers?   Actually I do some of that! 


    Cammi!  You called Phylli that WORD?  Oh, she is coming after you!   She can open a safe with her acrylic nails, I'll bet!   And you told Teka you are sane?   Under what pre-text?  I mean on which day of the week?


    Take care Beatmon! 


    Yes Teka, I am coming after ALL of you hooligans with my candles!


    Cammi!  No, I think possibly this time, maybe you are wrong!  Candling originated millions of years ago with whoever was around at that time!  Maybe the cave-men...and women!  See, they wanted to see who could come up with the craziest use for fire!  So that's how candling was invented!  


    Chickagonelongerthanusual!  Would YOU hurry up and come back? 

    I need you here, to straighten out these weaker hooligans!  Okay, go back to bed!    Drink a chocolate coke first.... and eat some gold-fish.


    Man, this is loooooong.  Maybe I can take up a whole page for myself? Okay Shells.... Thanks.... I washed my hands, and did apply the cream, and didn't put gloves on....  I can only use it once a day, but in-between times, I use the creams with urea in them... No more new blisters!!!

    Good luck with your interviews! 


    Mostlymom!  Dang!  I was neutered too!  Just think!  No more periods!  I'll come with you to the hospital.... warn them.   So they are taking out the baby-carriage, but leaving the play-pen.  Think of it that way.


    I've reached the end of the page....  I've almost reached the end of my rope!  Ha, ha.... just kidding!  Love you gals!  xoxoxo


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning all--Happy 4th of July--I can't get my picture printed without the whole board going crazy so I keep on deleted it.  Oh well--so I'll just say it, Oh I did. OK My computer has a different look ??? It does this every so often so I'll fix it later. I let the dog out early and got an early start, but then I started watching a movie and fell back to sleep--so it's sunny and nice out and I have things open for some air and of course I have a blanket around me--I still think I'm sorry mom for making fun of u--- she was always cold--but she was much older than I am--so I don't get it.

    I hope everyone feels good today and has a good Celebration. I'll be happy if the dog stops crying--my katie-kat of course is mine so she happy--she not thrilled with me giving our dog so much attention, but she;s dealing with it--OK I'll BBL

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Well its sunny here for the first time in days and days, but being behind my own private bug bars, it really doesnt matter too much...Got an appointment fri. with an allergist...oh yipee-another dr. another med. but hopefully they will give me some answers. Was supposed to have gs for the day today, but other grandma wanted to take him to the 4th of July fair so I gave inCry. She doesnt get to see him too much because of problems with her ass-wipe son. (my ex-sil). So have to figure out something exciting to do. Youngest ds has a new girlfriend, so hes out of our hair....maybe we'll go to the movies, or out looking for NEW PORCH FURNITURE. Yay!!!!!Spending money you shouldnt is so much fun!!!!!!!!!xoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

    I don't post here....lurk a bit and read now and then, but one of my very, very, good friendds does and this is in her nonor:

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Good morning all of you beautiful STFU-ers!  (pronounced stoofoo)  Haha, I made up the pronunciation part.  Could you tell?  I don't have anything to say so I'll just say it!  Cami, did you hear that?

    It's a beautiful morning here with bright sunshine and a little breeze floating my flag around.  Temp is supposed to reached 94 today.  Not bad!

    I've been reading patriotic quotes today.  Some of them make me so sad.  Others make me happy that I was born here.  I was LUCKY enough to have been born here so I personally never had to fight to leave another country, leave my family behind, never had to fight to get here, never had to fight to be accepted.  My ancestors did that for me.  It doesn't make me better than anyone else in the world, it makes me LUCKY.  Particularly today, I want to keep in my heart the struggles of the people in Egypt and Syria who are demonstrating and fighting for their rights.  And keep in mind all of the millions of others that lost that struggle and so would like to join us here and how we can make that work.

    I think today, in order to wave my patriotic flag, I will watch the 7 part John Adams mini-series.  It's an amazing look at how we got here!  Or Fried Green Tomatoes, because I love it.  Or The Secret Life of Bees, because I love it!  Or all of them, because I'm a glutton!  Wait....I mean because I'm free to choose what I do today!  I hope this wasn't too political because I only mean it to be patriotic and the two are different things. (Hear that NSA?)

    I realize I'm also LUCKY to have met ALL of you wonderful people here.  Yippie! 

    Whew! My Photoshop Elements finished downloading.  I can also play with it! Again LUCK!! because I have no idea what I'm doing.

    Love you all

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    phyllie you came with me I must have missed you

    Sass you are always

    have fun at the Casino!!

    Shelll good luck with the interview, fingers crossed you will do fine

    MEwent for chemo, temp was up, have bronchitis, they gave me chemo but stopped it cause my oxygen level kept going down every time I would go to the bathroom, cause I can't breathe, iit was 73 (that was the lowest) so they put me on oxygen I sat for a while.. the dr. gave me a z pack cause he is afraid of pneumonia, whatever got 1/2 taxotere. they also gave me 2 doses of steroids (another dr came in to see me, she is the one that gave me the other steroid and stopped the Tax saying that she thought it was aggravating it) Came home and slept til 3am was up til 7 and fell asleep and woke up @ 1045am..have to go to walmart and "speeding" from the steroids, will be is fixed so have to drive it been driving dil's car....oh and he ordered a PET scan so excited haven't had one since 2009, medicare will pay for one ever 6 months...been telling him I want one, so will get it before my next appt on my week on..didn't discuss pain management too concerned about me not being able to breath and my temp being elevated, he is trying to prevent me getting pneumonia.....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Teka,Smileglad you came, I would have never said your name, accept to everyone here, just kidding. I love this group b/c they accept weird thoughts to be discussed. I sent my PM about candling at 11:13 pm last night , since your are something in medical field would have liked an opinion. I knew you were on the 12 mn deadline. OH well. Shit you would have been right at home , last post you used Damn. STFU that works here LOL. Would have liked to have known how and why and what AND how and why and what you can leave BCO at the stroke of MN July 4th, which the way you wrote it implies you have done this before Wierd and curious. Have a nice summer.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Ckickapainsomuch, so sorry, call when the roids kick in, so I can give you my soapbox talk about fentanyl, Littlegoats may suggest something used in palliative care too. Let the Wolf Spirit protect you, might as well throw in the indian way too.

    Littlegoats would you give a bit of an explanation of how we can use palliative care concepts to improve the chemo aftermath bombing.

    Blondie your roids should have kicked in, hope you got what you wanted yesterday, you deserve something to be better. (just saw you posted)

    Shellshiner I LOVE THE WAY you put things in perspective :)

    Phyllymissyou, I was getting used to our daily talks, they were fun, twoyakkers. I had to force myself not to call you....Ha how's that, your habituating :)

    Chevy, glad you were happy with the stuff. I'm mad at the government. If they committed fraud on this, what else have they fraudlently done. I say fraud b/c they had to be so careful how they did the linking. An effectual i.e.stupid person would have messed up the sequencing. Chevy, what should be done is an analysis of what's in the candle at the end, we all what at least one of the CSI shows, a Mass Spectrometer would show components. I know you are describing something. What the something really is we don't know b/c we now know, no good research has been done. I know the only time I had it done, I too had something happen. It was right up there with the worst ear ache I've ever had. The pain/pressure was relieved, I was driving home from the EITHER ER OR ENT's office(old one not new master), and nothing could be done. At least now you can say to someone i.e like me, if they try to debunk candling, you can talk there EARs off.LOL :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Teka, LOL, the public post was C&P'd to a private post PM cuz , I thought you were gone till whenever. If you came back, you'd never see the post cuz we post allot. 236  pages in 6 months, should be 5-600 by mid sept. Seemed a logical thing to do...Just being friendly

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Teka DUH I think I had a brain fart. Scary.  Visa Versa on the direction of post. PER the posting time it.has to be. HMMMm maybe, something, more too worry about. poop

    BuT the intent was the same, and I know I had the thought last night. The scary thing is I don't remmeber doing it this am.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Shells, I live for the teasing.......go for it, I really like smiling, it feels so good---hmmm now I've been doing the funny stuff.....that just way into the 60's talk lol. The 29th sounds good YAY

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    CAMI ponder away and ignore tha old henwatcher.  When did youever have a "just do what you want" day? could be delicious.........

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    TEKA...CHITTTTTT this is getting wierder I remeber posting it now, I did it after reading Shells post about anyone being mean to each other. I wanted to make sure They knew you were welcome back... I knew you wouldn't be back cuz of your, right move on..........


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Sass!  WHAT the hell are you doing?    NOW you sound like me.... scary, isn't it?  So is Teka just like you? 

    And little Jackie!  She sent me a picture!  That picture was for ME.... Do don't anyone else look at it!  We have been talking together now for about 3 years....Even SHE is younger than I!    Happy 4th of July to you too!  My Birthday is the 31st, so I'll expect lots of expensive presents from ALL of you, Ha! 

    I'm making spaghetti sauce with sausage from Polidori's!  It SHOULD be tasty, even though it is made by this wild- Irshman~!  DH likes it with those little gnocci's, but I like mine with vermicelli!  Whatever.

    You can ALL come for dinner!  I'll even show you the in's and out's of candeling!  Wink

    Sass, what comes out in the candle IS ear wax!  It is not white, or cream colored, it is WAX!  And when it is "warm" it is softer, then hardens!  Just like wax, because it IS wax.  And I can hear, because the wax is gone!  It is history, it is fin-oot, (Italian for finished) and it is not there.... It is OUT where it should be. 

    The candles work....  So when you all come over for dinner, I will SHOW you how the damn candles work!     Then you will say THANK you miss know-it-all!  You were RIGHT.... this time!   

    THEN I will put Turpentine on all your warts, boils, unwanted lumps, just like my GRANDMA did!     And I will show you how to scrape your bare-feet on the side-walk, to remove those callouses  inSTEAD of buying those egg-things! 

    Sheesh!  You guys are going to take a lot of work to get you into shape!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    And I will EVEN tape a piece of bacon on your finger, or where-ever you have splinters, and it will "pull" the splinter out!   And you don't have to go after it with a tweezers, or pliars!  Or even a hatchet.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Chev-Ill be there for dinner...Maybe a late dinner and then a trip to that amusement park...Elishes-is that right? I went there when I was 20 something and living in Boulder..they had the best roller-coaster..

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Happy 4th of July, everyone!! IllinoisLady you are welcome anytime. Thanks for the posting.

    I just read the entire Declaration of Independence..knew the first few lines my heart but never read the whole document. Thank you to all ancestors who gave their all.

    Although it may not seem like a big deal with all that our chemo gals and mostlymom are facing, I just finished 1year of Arimidex.. Four more to go. Picked July 4th to start, so when I finish, I can really celebrate Independence Day!

    DH came home yesterday. He is out getting fireworks. Just a big boy!

    Hope all have a safe holiday.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevette, I believe you have wax. Was there any light inspection right before the Candeling. If wax present immediately verifiably before C went in , then gone, then analysed, --that validates the process. I don't know what's up, but something is. It could be exactly as you say which is a THEORY. You know something is going on, oh  here we go, your hypothesis it is wax, candle in ear, no wax, wax debris in candle, debris has wax. But it has tto be proved. I 100% believe your hearing was better, b/c I experienced somewhat the same with the ear ache change. Could be any number of variables.

    Getting a study done should be up to NCCAM by a grant. But NCCAM already is involved in a FRAUD, or did't realize they were, which means, that the people charged to get these studies done are bollicking, stupid.

    The next concern is that when NCCAM was started, the whole complimentary and alternative community, had hopes that now there a was a way for testing things. I am C&A in somethings and was excited. This one thing, one thing in falsifying candling --- what have they done with all the other things that crossed their desk for testing. CHIT.

    Chevy you said, you read the whole thing and links. Do you see where the information doesn't chive?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

    Ah ---it is really out of the bag.  Yes, Chevy and I have been writing for quite some time now.  I depend on her to hold me up and give me sage advice.   I have this thread in my favorites and did it after she told me she posted here.  I'm way behind in reading though. 

    I am going to be 68 my birthday in Sept. but in reality I don't feel anywhere near that age.  Oh, I do have some issues.....left over ft. neuropathy, lots of stiff days ( I blame it on Anastrozole ) but just thinking it could as easily be a rough life and age too. 

    Anyway....thanks for letting me put that in and pay a little tribute to Sassy Chevy at the same time.  I love being an American all mixed up with Indian, German, Dutch, English, and lordy who knows what else.  So many of us really are the world. 

    Hope you are all having a really wonderful 4th. 

    Peace and love,

    Jackie / aka:  IllinoisLady

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Blondiee what is your 02 saturation % when you are at your baseline? I will be thinking of you ALL DAY today and sending you healing thoughts. Please take good care of yourself, rest, eat nourishing foods, and kick that bug you have, and let us know how you are doing. 

    Hi Camette, I told you I would keep you company! Here are some fireworks that won't scare your animals

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Phyllisopatriotic, that was beautiful:):)

    Julliana, aren't they amazing words, they ARE treasoness and so well done. Thinking how those men were risking their lives by signing. A noose for each one had we not won eh? Courage. :)

    Blondie----chit chit chit, hope the Z kicks it

    Jackie hello. Wonder what nicknames Chevy will start.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Blondie, OMG! You must feel like hammered-on shite! I'm so sorry you're so sick. Must have been exciting in the chemo-juice room, though. Sorry you had to go to the Evil Store when you feel awful. That's a chore even in good days.

    You are a Trooper! I hope they gave you new trooper boots! And maybe a gun! Maybe a Paintball Gun! That would be SO exciting.


    p.s. Chevy - you made me laugh about 10 times today. I think You wrote my post.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Hie eveyone--Happy 4th of Juy that u wi have a hangover on the 5th.

    Shell beautifu pictures--I love firworks to watch they have a magic veauty to them

    .JACKIE welcome --she's my weather lady--this woman is wonderful, I've never met Jackie but feel like I hve and u are such an up person u really don't compare to Chevy--she's a chicken plucking downer most of the time, but the peeps love her--Thanks for the Pic. I've been trying this morning but I make the screen to big ????Everyone on here is a litte weird but that's what makes it so fun. So stick around

    Ah excuse me Blondienobrain--u can't go running around u have to stay home and rest u silly gal--u'll havd penty of time to do running when thinfs settle down.

    I'm so far behind here--I've been in the livingroom mostly for the furbabies so they don't crowd in my room and they love looking out the front door. Together, but sox still hasn't eaten anything, but he will, My other DD wanted to come over and I passed on that, My niece called to oick me up and I passed on that so Obviously I'm fine alone. I promised if I need anyone I'd call--Geeze they treat me like an invalid. Just cuz they are young.

    I'm missing everyone here and can't rememver what anyone said. I guess it was uninteresting or I'd remember.Wink

    Teka I hope u stay around I love u'r attitude.

    I have filed my day with scary movies---bwhahahaha and some action.

    Wait who said they never read the Declaration of Independence?? I can't believe it, it's been aroud like forever. Why did I thik that was funny.????

    Phylosaidnothing---u'r just like me all the words I write and not much said, maybe if I move the words around it woud make more sense???

    OK I',m running on battery now so I'll be back later.

    Enjoy the day everyone.