STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    I'm awake. I slept most of yesterday. Today got up with energy. Made homemade pancakes and sausages. Everyone gets up when mom makes breakfast. Its a rare occasion anymore. Its even rarer for me to comment.

    Good day everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

    Whew !!!!  What a long read.  Count me in for being glad the fireworks are over.  We came away from a friend's house last night....and before we could get down the road had to pull into another drive-way...ambulance, lights flashing just turned into the lane.  People had been racing on a motorcycle and something else.....I think they hit someone on the road....and then left.  Anyway, we were able to pull by the ambulance and they were working with someone at the side of the road...actually in someone's yard where they might have been thrown by one of the vehicles.

    I think this is the part I don't like about a holiday like the 4th.  Sometimes a bit too much celebrating.

    Otherwise oh what a beautiful morning.  A great big happy hi to everyone.  I promised myself I just wouldn't post on another thread.....all I can say now is don't trust me.  I obviously break promises. 

    We are really going to do our celebrating on Saturday evening.  Big cook-out......out in farm country and lots of fireworks.  Dh is working so I will go by myself. 

    Ok.....I'm sure my spell checker ---  sweet little guy really, has taken a hike again.  I went to help
    Dh with a minor project and if I take too long.....that little guy gets frustrated and goes somewhere -- local watering hole maybe.  I'm no longer the champean speller I once was so I'm gone for now.  See you all later.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Morning Jackie!  No worries!  Most of the hooligans don't know what spell-checker means, and even if they did, we wouldn't have a clue as to what they were talking about!  Ha!   We can read and de-cipher almost anything... because we know them!   

    I can remember when fire-works were sooooo much fun!  Especially with my grand-sons!  Not anymore.  The fires around here bring on so many restrictions.  We DO have a lot of controlled fire-work displays around town though.

    Sass.... it's okay.  I'll just watch this "new" idea....  I even mentioned this to the Doc the last time I was there, wondering if it COULD be what I was using on our dog!  She SAID it is something I am getting into, the whole time.  I hope this is it.  I only wear rubber/plastic/vinyl gloves for a few minutes, like when I am doing dishes....  But the cotton gloves off and on during the day, just to keep everything from getting so greasy....  I don't have tags on my gloves.... but they have fancy flowers on them!  Wink 

    So I am not only "stylin"  I am keeping my hands dry!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    A quick hello as I'm off to work this morning.  Hope everyone has a restful day.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    checking in, taking z pac still out of breath if it doesn't clear up will go to the er tomorrow or so, have a pet scan tomorrow, going to lay down

    GMA love the pix!!!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Hope you are better soon.

    I got bit 2 days ago - big whelt on my calf - have a circle around it hoping it doesn't get any bigger or I will be in ER too blondiex... I don't have LE in the leg but I do have swelling in both ankles and calf - bummer.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Foley, answered PM on the other thing. With new bug bite if it turns dark in the center see doc asap. I'll pm why.

    Jackie Chevy's so right on the spelling thing LOLOLOl. After a time it's OH well. Makes it easy for us two fingered typers:)

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi kids...not reading...just checking in...chemo and Neulasta really kicking my butt this time...hope to crawl out soon...xoxo

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Only a few good spellers and punctuators here.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

    Chicka....probably heard this a hundred times by now....but if you take Claritin on the day of at least, that you have your Neulasta injection, and a day or so afterwards.....many of the gals from long time ago said that they noticed very, very little discomforts with the Neulasta. 

    It's all the pits, but whatever you have to do to get well,huh !!!!  I did another drug and gave myself shots for 7 days after each chemo.  Total of 56 shots......but you just does what you have too. 

    I'm cool about the spell checker.  That guy was a smart a** anyway.


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Glad to see someone is out there. Figure most of you are having an after lunch siesta

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Talked with STACEY our Sweet pea. She sounds good. She's on the doc appointment treadmill, and Austin had an earache, so, she's been too busy to post. Wants you to know she's thinking of you all. She's got a great support network. Her Mom and Dad are in medical positions that they have the inside scoop on all the best medical practioners in the area where she's being treated. At this time she has decided she will be doing radiation. She's very happy that her drains are out b/c they were causing pain. She's an absolute darling to talk too.Smile

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Yes, Sass, tell her Hi!  Hope she will be doing better!  Sorry about little Austin.... I remember ME having ear-aches when I was little, also my Grand-sons..... by then they had ear-tubes, which helped cutting down the ear infections.

    Jackie!  thanks for telling Chickiproblemchild about the Claritin!  Maybe that will help her!  Maybe she should just have a shot or two of Jack D. before she goes?  

    Blondie, I've taken that Z-pak a few times.... for problems that I couldn't get over myself!..... Like asthma, or infections. 

    Grammie!  Is that where you got bit?  And had that serious reaction?  Yes, maybe Sass can help you figure it out!  Could it have been a brown-recluse spider?  I sat on one once, had to go to the Docs, because of about the same reaction you are having!  The spot grew to about the size of a grape-fruit, and turned hard and bumpy.... Don't remember what they did, but you might have to go BACK to see what is going on with your.

    Shells!  I don't even know anymore WHO spells right, and who doesn't....Ha!  It all looks the same to me, and if we can sort of make sense of what our gals are saying, that's all that counts....Ha!   

    Actually I won my school spelling bee one time....  And I majored in English!  So straighten up gals!   But I don't know what a hanging participle is, nor proper english...  I just wing it the best I can.  Wink

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy, hope we mesh during playtime. I napped made a few calls, swam, shower, cleaned. Promised myself a phone call treat to myself with Phillysofun, for each each bit of house work.

    Brown recluses aren't west of something, I'll say the Mississippi. But spider bites are dirty and can change fast. So basically just told her to look for the changes and contact doc ASAP if changes occur. Many years ago a gal wrote an article about a spider bite out her way in colorado, arizona---somewhere thereabouts. She new it was a brown spider and did a whole story. At the time her docs discounted that the problems she was encountering could be related to the spider bite. Eventually they paid attention when she piled on the research and she got properly treated. You SAT on one, bummer, literally. Bites that need attention for treatment will vary according to presentation, but s/s of infection will get minimum antibiotics. Then if they get bad like yours the may open it, cut out the pocket, and let it heal by packing, and doing dressing changes. Totally variable. Brown recluses though need to have the pocket cut out early.

    With your doc saying it couldn't be that stuff. Tuff call because you don't have a real handle on exposer. With so many other products containing it, you make have frequent exposure and not know it. The fact that symptoms were more noticable after handling the chemical is either:

    1. You are specifically sensitive  to  the methwhatever name, and it is a major culprit causing trouble..........or

    2. Your skin with so many broken areas, reacts to many things with a different degree of symptoms b/c the chemicals get into the broken skin area.

    There is a difference between 1 & 2. Actually, light years difference. BUT deciphering  the difference is the work.

    You could ask doc to do a patch test.  Also, there are likely other ingredients in the product. To be sure which ingredient is the culprit, patch testing would have to be done for each ingredient. But your doc can do some detective work.  Very nice though you can work on something that is suspicious.

    One of the first principles regarding patient care that all nurses learn is that "Intact skin is the bodies first line of defense". Regretfully, you have learned this to the Nth degree.

    Had one of those DUH moments. I said mine are better lately. I've been swimming in the chlorine pool. So, since I wasn't paying attention. I don't know if they started to clear up before I started swimming or after. Therefore, the chlorine pool can't have the credit. I'd have to stop swimming. Have hands get funky again. Restart swimming, and make no other changes before I could give the dilute chlorine in the pool the credit.  OH WELL.

    Shells OMG we must make you crazy. Now someof usmaybewilldoitonpurpose. Lindan3 is that way too. You gals should get together and commiserate. You two would be very sympatico:)

    Phillymyafternoontreat :)

    Talked to Chicka, but forgot to get permission to say anything. So................

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Littlegoats had another DUH moment. I asked if you could give some teaching re: concepts of palliative care. That's probably a textbook. Okay, I will attempt to narrow down the scope. My understanding of palliative care is identify the problems caused by chronic illness, and implement a plan to address the problems. It differs from Hospice in that it can be used on all patients. Two questions. Firstly, are there any pain modalities, that can be discussed here then taken to the individual docs for discussion?" Second question, would a referral for evaluation by a Palliative Care Specialist improve QOL issues over and above what the MO's are doing now?"

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Sass, the only other ingredient in the sulfodene hot-spot spray is alcohol....   I'm pretty sure it is this that I am allergic to....I mean that ingredient I wrote to you... It just makes sense...!  And the side effects are the same as what I have.... Still too early, I know, but I HOPE it is that!    I'm more careful about not covering my hands right after putting any ointment on.... and using the cortisone ointments very sparingly.   Shell said to put the estrogen cream on wet hands!  I think it's a good idea to put ANY cream/ointment on wet hands!  So thanks for that too!

    Onward and upward! xoxooxxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG I TOOK THIS OFF OF MY FAVS--Chevy did u come to my house and do this--cuz I'm going to blame u; All this readin, usually I'm pretty up on stuff. Jackie I'm so glad u joined this crazy group of women, I need someone like u so I can understand all these hooligans.

    Chevy sometimes the hardest things to figure out re the easiest answers. And I bet u got this answer.. Sounds very plausible to me.

    Chicki I see that u'r not up very well--just rest as much as u can.

    And where is Phylodelphiacreamcheese---Is she all right--well I mean is she normal for herself.

    Veggy for u to talk so much things must be pretty bad. Oh peeps what is going on here? Oh yea it has to do with cancer. no wonder. And if u haven't noticed I never use spell check for my spelling, I can't tyoe so what difference does it make---First my nails are way to long, but since I've never had long nails in my life I' don't care and I keep crazy polish on them cuz it's fun, just like my crazy hair chalk, it's fun.

    So I think oops I totally forgot what I thought, well anyway everyone has learned our way of typing and spelling by now so it just makes things more interesting.

    Oh GMA u'r picture---BEAUTIFUL--all three of u so happy looking too.

    Now we should see a pic. of /chevy and her chickens--which I ate chicken last night.

    OK this is going back on my favs--so I won't miss so much--I hat when i do that, and I do do that Iknow it's me Chevy.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    It wasn't was......ME!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy YAY one ingredient. I looked at my skin cream that looks and feels like soft crisco :) hard to count the number of ingredients, there's so many. Watch out for that estrogen cream that you don't have hair growing between your fingers LOL. I'm always so bloody serious it's hard to see a joke. Time. With what you say about your hands it will take days to see an improvement. be patient.

    Cami  you sound happier tonight then this morning.

    Veggy you scamp doing that to Cami's computer


  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    I do it to all computers... even my own!

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2013

    Sas, I'm around and I believe I have become a genuine hooligan!  Been doing a lot of traveling. First Virginia for a couple weeks and then Went to Chicago for the weekend.  Sometime==just reading--snooping around to see what everyone else is saying.  Lovely way to describe the placements of my implants--I going to ask the PS on Monday if he is sure they are placed right.  If they blow it up any more the damn thing will be pushing up on my collarbone and I know I am not big enough for the implant.

    Shellshine, Gma, Chevy, Camillegal, Chicka and the rest of you hooligans, I hope you are all behaving.  Myself I am out to have as much fun as I can until my TE are replaced.  Off to Atlanta next week where my ex-husband and new girlfriend lives who he cheated with and broke up our marriage.  I'm sure that is going to make her nervous that I will be so close-- but who cares.  Okay--I am not going there to start trouble--just getting out of town and going with my grown son and his partner who are doing all the driving.  This trip will be interesting!   I hope my TE don't give me trouble doing the 8 plus hour car trip.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    I'm going to be a uniboober. The boob that I do have is a TE. Its not even a real one. I just don't care anymore.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Veggy I should have known it was u--the quiet ones are alsway guilty. And u are the uni-boober good for u.and Veggy I'm a nono-boober and I don't care.

    Dwill so innocent--yea u'r just going along for the ride---sure, not trouble, no fuss--like we believe that????

    Sas it's called pain pills

    Oh I was in another Lassie moment, he was standing yiping and pointing his head so I said is it Timmy, is Timmy in trouble show me boy, show me--so he led me to his water bowl and it was empty. So I filled it.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    Momma always said that it was the quiet ones you have to look out for. They may not say it but they are always thinking. I wait for the right time and then erase your favorite threads. Its like they were never there. Sometimes I do it to myself.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Veggy nice to see u fess up you computertrasher. Uniboober, does that mean that the TE's out, or coming out.  Well I did get twoboobers, my twins a nonoboober.

    Dwillitravellady, scandal, we love to gossip, a harlot broke up your marriage. Oh bollicks(UK spelling) her. Have a great trip with son& partner. So nice you get to be with them. My son's only 2 hours away and If i get to see him every 3-4 months, I feel lucky. Sent a PM

    CaMIIIIIIIIi okay I get it DUH, yes the items that make our movement from place to place, and sitting, and getting up tolerable. I still think of you every time I go to swim. Your the reason, I started again. Yeah you. Parts of my body are very happy with it. Other parts aren't. I've decided to blame the sudden weight gain is to be put scarely on that bloody thyroid growth. So, I have a hormonal imbalance. It's absolutely responsible for the 30lb weight gain and all those dents in my butt.

    Timmy is a very smart dog. Very. He can probably lead you to the door when he wants out. Also, the treat cupboard. So, the question is who has who trained? I have two of the same and they have trained me very well. I follow all their commands.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    So, Cami & veggy are we up for awhile? I'll just bring the bottle of wine to share? Okay ya'll must have gone somewherelse to play. I'll check back.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Sas di u every sleep, I mean really sleep---I take meds to so I get tired and as soon as my Katie-Kat want to go to sleep she starts talking to me and cuddling all over---U'r right we are trained.I just let the dog out for the night so I told him to go to bed and he did (for now) so Katie likes to do so roaming stress=free the the dog is laying down Ugh stupid --they are harder to live with than some people. I like just one, my cat is so easy -no letting out, just feed her once and she doesn't bother me except to cuddle.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2013

    Sas and Cami--believe me, I'm innocent! Innocent Aren't all us hooligans innocent?  Now I would love to see the harlot's face when my son drives up in my new car--the one I got before I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I got my dream car --a 2013 Cadillac ATS--My  U of I license plates reads--"Ms. Dot".   See how she likes those cookies---"Still she rises.."   The harlot is 20 years younger than my ex and the same age of our oldest son.  I think I am going to enjoy Atlanta!  It's my time to flaunt now!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Dwill good for u and flaunt it all u want--we may be innocent but that doesn't mean we can't show off. Oh men.