STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Chevy, beautiful home but why do you have long-necked chickens in the front yard? Is that for cami?

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Chevy, that's a great house. My dad was a health inspector for the city of Denver. He knew all the best "whole in the wall" restaurants and the safest ones to eat at. Once a month, on Saturday morning, we would head up to North Denver. Visit Carboni's bakery for just out of the oven bread and then to a market where we would get imported tomato paste and long spaghetti. Then to another Carboni's for Romano cheese and sausage. If it was around Easter we would go to an ice cream shop and get canoli shells and filling. what a great dessert. We would eat at Patsy's and Jim's pizzeria. I loved Frangi's ravioli. Used to bring them back to Oregon in my suitcase.

    We always preferred Elitchs over Lakeside- better kiddie land and more shade. Do you remember when Starr Yelland's teenage son stood up on the roller coaster and fell to his death? He did it right under the sign that said "no standing"...

    I miss the old Denver.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Hope we hear from Ducky soon.

    Veggy, speaking of green pee.. I took myself to urgent care one morning when my pee was reddish pink...tested negative....I realized I had a big beet salad for supper the night before,

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2013

    Chevy the house is beautiful ;) thank you for sharing!! I love your tree is it a blue spruce?

    Flowers when is surgery again? Is it the 18th?

    Hope everyone has a good evening.

    Hugs xoxo

    Sweet Pea

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    Red beet salad pee made me smile. I'm too hot to laugh.

    I put together a spinach artichoke dip for tomorrow. I never made one before. Anyone want to be a guinea pig and test it for me? I tried to stay true to the recipe. After I cool down I have to make a cake...from a box.

    Hope everyone is doing well, especially those going through chemo and procedures. My fuzz is growing a little longer. I was thinking when it gets a bit longer I want to get lightening stripes razored in on the sides.


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    I'll be your guinea pig, veggie. I'm sure it will taste wonderful.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Beet salad hahzhaha--they all had a laugh on that one.

    Veggie u'r going to put u'r oven on??? I had/have somewhere a recipe for a delicious cake u make in the crock pot. It's like 4 ingrediants and takes 3 hrs on low and u put vanilla ice cream on it warm--OH I wish I knew where it was It's so yummy and no oven. Sorry

    Phyloeagleye--I saw them too but I didn't want to give Chevy the satisfaction of me noticing it--she probably took a chicken and pulled it's neck as far as she could.00she's do that u know.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    I just downloaded about 20 new books.  Yippee!  All for free.  Some are even authors that I know.  Now I can sit on my chemoass for DAYS and just read!  Well, that's not really different, but you know what I mean.  At least cammi does or says she does understand the weird crap that I type.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!  Just had dinner at my sis's house.  It was yummy.  It was hotter than 10,000, firecrackers today!  About 102, I think.  I'm glad I was inside vegetating. (no offense veggie who is not the chicken food)

    I used to love driving at sorta high speeds in my little Fiat.  I was still young and stuff.  It had no a/c of course and in Houston summers it was HOT.  I used to have about a 13 mile commute home from where I worked downtown so I would drive home with the top down. That was back in the pantyhose days.  I'd get sick of the traffic and heat about halfway home and while traffic was stop and go, I would scootch around and peel off my pantyhose and throw them in the back.  It's a trick when you're driving a stick.   Sometimes other drivers applauded!  I'm glad nobody every followed me home. I couldn't do that these days.  Ankle monitor, you know.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Well almost really fouled this up. Wasn't watching. I hit cntrlc then went to backspace and hit delete. Had I not had copied it. I would have lost the whole thing. It's safely pasted here and in the original area but no longer a topic thread which is okay.


    sas-schatzi… FL Joined: May 2009 Posts: 6,943

    You can use this information to creat your own personal storage area of information. Can be used to store anything you want. Links, a particular post you like, whatever.

    How to use: make your own, by cutting and pasting instructions, cntlC, then hit new topic--title topic by your screen name & type title "personal storage space". ctrl-v to paste instructions in box , submit, and it's done. Hit favorites and you have your own personal page for whatever you want to keep.

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    5. No rules: it your own personal post it storage area.

    Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out shouting "holy crap....what a ride" SAS

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    No spook don't remember the pink ones...

    Shell I had a MG Midget, loved it and I didn't get the convertible out of my system.....

    Chevy how cute is that....

    phyllie and Mary how r u feeling and chickie plz check in...

    Scan went well...of course I asked the oncologist if they were going to stick me or give me anything and he said no and they did (sugar water) and I had to sit for an hour, played word search on my went ok, now for the wednesday....feeling ok, still out of breath, and forgot and straightened up my room and of course got out of breath, will I ever learn, I found what I was looking for tho, lol....oh and don't know if I told you but the car is fixed, although there is another issue it runs.....yay!!!

    it is friggin hot here, said it was going to to be like 104....had to go out for above and of course had to do what I wanted where I don't have to go out tomorrow, but michael is playing 2 bb games....the twins were going to go to the phillies/braves game, but oldest son and I decided it was too hot.....

    hope everyone is ok....gonna go and watch tv and rest, want this bronchitis seems like it is hanging on


  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    I made my cake and frosted it too. We put a fan in the window in the kitchen and blew the hot air outside. Now I'm trying to figure out how long to cook the artichoke-spinach dip in the crock pot.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Well girls, Im on my way to bed.. Have felt very weird today. Dizzy off and on for some reason. equilibrium(sp) seems off or something. If its not better by Monday will have to get it checked out...Boys are busy watching the race and boxing, niether of which trips my trigger. All I have to keep me company is a farting dog, so Im putting her to bed too. I am so excited..My sister called tonight and for my birthday next month, shes taking me and dh  on a train trip through the Natahala Gorge in the Tenn. mountains. Ive always wanted to do something like that..Omg not only is the dog farting but now dh is too...I know..stfu and tmi. love you guysxoxox

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    I think in a day I should be out of the chemo funk...rough time still..miss you all terribly. .♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Mary. OMG to funny---Farting dogs, and husbands Rofalol Hope you get your head fixed. Mine still swishes and swirls, but it's weird at first.  Now I just enjoy the ride.

    Veggy late party?

    Ckicka Thanks, you made my day. Hope tomorrows better

    Shellshiner, you were a wild girl. Sneaking out in the middle of the night. Did DS do as much wild stuff as you? MG, cousin had one, and said you had to be a mechanic to own one LOL.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    Sunday get together with close friends. Just did the preparing the day before.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Oh goody we'll all be there. What would you like us to bringWink

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited July 2013

    Sorry Sass, saw your post three pages ago, which was probably 24 hrs ago, it's now 7:26pm, Sunday here.

    PM'd you re DH.

    Hi ladies, have been lurking since this thread started and get the giggles with all your shenanigans...I don't think there is

    much of a cultural difference even though we live so far apart.

    Please don't any of you stop STFU, I need you.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Sheila, come join us, these hooligans are the nicest people. I'm the GEEK. Chevy's a beatifulest wannabee LOL. We make words up all the time. Say STFU when we want to. Lots of good things.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
    Morning gals! 

    Yes Sweet Pea...!  That Colorado Blue Spruce tree is over 100 years old now!  Was 50 years, when we moved in.  We had another one in the back, planted at the same time, but had to have it taken out....  They can REALLY be a mess with the needles, etc....

    Under it is a "little"...(well it used to be little) dwarf pine tree I had planted in a wooden barrel where yet aNOTHER tree had been planted. 


    And what do you mean Phylliseeingthings??? Those are two white Swans!  They were "watch swans".... "WERE" because they have been moved to the back...Ha, ha!

    Nope, no chickens for me...  Chicken-sittin' is only hard if you have to go in their coop, withOUT them making a mad dash for any open space!   I THOUGHT of bringing over a can of mace to tame those girls down, but it would not be appropriate...especially to their owners.


    But glad you like the house... I was up on the front-porch roof painting it one year....  but wouldn't do it again...


    Julianna, when my DH and I were going together, we used to go get a loaf of warm "cripple" from Carbone's....  It was cheaper, because didn't bake as "pretty" as some... Then we would go buy either a cube of butter, or a pack of Salami, and go eat it all...Ha!  Dating did not cost us much...  And New Years Eve, we would splurge and go to Patsy's!  It's still there you know! 


    Yes, I remember about his Son!  Also when the little train rolled over off the tracks and someone else got killed.  That's when they took the train out.   I worked there in about 1953... in the "Barbecue"... just up the front walk-way to the left, by the Merry-go-round!  I made 55 cents an hour, but got a "raise" to 60 cents when I worked behind the counter!  Do you remember when they would have a DJ come in on week-end nights and take requests and play them on the radio?  We were dancing all over that place, Ha, ha!  And the DJ would say your NAME over the radio, and who the request was FOR!!!


    And JIM'S PIZZERIA~!   We LIVED there!    I remember making-out in the car, while waiting for our pizza to be made!  And the next morning, my LIP was the size of a toaster! 


    Thanks for the memories! 


    Miss Phylliwiththenohow!  From Barnes & Noble?  I LOVE those free books!  You mean into your Nook?  Did you download any trashy books?  Those are fun too!  And the "short-stories".....  Somehow they are just easy to read, and without 50 million characters.  I read too, you know.  And you LOOSE WOMAN!!!  I'll BET the other drivers were going NUTS!  Ha, ha!   Yes.... a stick!  I think that's all there WERE in those days.... I still drive one...

    Yes, your ankle-monitor would put a damper on your stripping antics.


    Sassy, I just copy and paste my post after "writing" it, then I can go from page to page and not lose it... Is that basically what you mean? 


    Hi Blondie and Veggyrachelrayperson!   I love to cook too.... sometimes.   I just do box-cakes.... they are so much simpler!  When I make up recipes, they usually are a complete flop!

    DO NOT EVER MIX FRESH DELICIOUS PINEAPPLE IN ANYTHING! Especially a cake.... like a fruit cake... It will screw the whole thing up.  I mean it doesn't even make a decent PUDDING!  It was a horror story!  That thing bubbled up whilst baking, and I thought it came ALIVE!  Like a volcano!  I was ready to call an ambulance .... for the STOVE!!!   So sometimes improvising is dastardly.


    Marywiththestinkers.....  Just carry around some room spray, and spray them all over!   Did your DH tell you it was a spider?  Ha!  My Dad did!    I watched the races too!   Hey, I hope your dizziness gets better.... I just HATE that! 


    We miss you too Chickers!  ((( littlechick))))


    Hi Aussie!  So fun to have you here!  Nah, we're only different because you're further...  Hope you stay awhile.... I know!  I'll fix you a chocolate coke, and we'll sit around and talk sports.... Ha!  Nope, I don't know sports!  That's what guys do.  Know anything about chickens? 


    Love all you Hooligans!  xoxoxo

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Everybody must have turned in early last night. Didnt have much to read when I woke up this morning. Had to laugh at myself, kept looking out the window while I was still in bed. It looked really foggy..Kept asking dh if it was foggy outside, he kept saying no... so when I finally sat up and looked out the window, I figured out that it was just the bottom of my windows were so dirty I couldnt see out of them...I geuss we all know what Im going to do today!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning Hoolies, rhymes with coolies---Italian mean Butt--saying it nicely.

    Just trying to wake up--Let the dog out, gave him water gave him a treat and the cat came runnin' for her treat meowin' all the way.

    Marywhatthedirtutalkin'about---Foggy hahaha dirty windows, hahaha--I really enjoyed that one. But the dizzyness is no fun got it, get it all the time -it used to be fun, but it's grown old now. I hope they do something for u.

    OK Chevy fess up u really planted the 100 yrs old tree, yourself---I know u were just a kid whe u planted it, but its' u'r tree. And make-out, while waiting for a pizza oh, when the pizza was done did u stop making out? hahaha

    Welcome Aussie Sheila or did I welcome u before--confusion that's all I have.

    And Phylostripnakedifucan, of course u took u'r panty hose off while in traffic with trucks looking down and the stick shift--I bet the whole area knew about u. And if it wasn't for the ankle bracelet u'd still have a conv. and purposely go thru loads of traffic.

    Chickie--rest and feel better.

    Veggy u worked hard, I hope u enjoy u;r day. That dip sounds fantastic--cake OK.

    Sas get some rest--u need it I know.

    I talked to my cousin last nite for about an hr. she's a hoot. She asked if I wanted to go anywhere today, meaning someplace to just sit and do nothing hahaha--she's the one had cancer, heart attack--etc, stil works FT an amazing woman and she always calls and so sweetly say how are u. I've never known anyone to go thru as much chemo as u and u must be miserble, blah, blah blah we talk and then laugh about all our stuff-She'll be in an ambuance and yell take me home I'm not going and really make a big thing about it and they have to let her go home--she;s a terror. She's the one that lives by the lake and we go in a couple of weeks for the fireworks--so much fun. I'm younger so she still treats me like that, that's why she's so sweet to me.

    Well the kids wi be home and I will have ony one furbaby to be responsible for--one thing last nite after I let him out I said now go to bed and he did. na dmy cat went with him--oh I don't know what hapoened I didn't look but they didn't fight so I was fine.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    awww cami, what a cute little....doggie?  LOL, yes I might do it today, but I doubt I'd still fit in that little bucket seat.  The view from the trucks would be so much more.......BAD! Plus I'd have a wreck.  I can barely trim my toenails much less squirm out of pantyhose.  Oh the good old days!  That was about 1975.

    chevy - these books I downloaded from Calibre (pronounced cali-bur)  A friend gave it to me on a flash drive.  The flash drive contains the complete program and about 4,500 books.  All sorts of titles and authors including Stephen King and James Patterson.  A LOT of other stuff too.  Romance, mystery, fantasy, horror, even real literature.  I KNOW!  It's like f'ing MAGIC!  

    You can hook your Nook or Kindle up to your computer and transfer from the flash drive to your Nook.  I have a nook tablet so I also have an app that lets me download wirelessly.  It took a little while to figure it all out, but that's because I had to learn how to do it wirelessly.  With the cord is easy.

    I have no idea how my friend got the 4,500 books and he doesn't either.  He said he got it from someone else.  These are all books in some sort of electronic format.  Might be Kindle or epub or even Word.  You can tell it which you need.  The program says none were pirated.  Evidently you can purchase an e-book, from B&N maybe, then upload it to the big lbrary for everyone to use.  That's way beyond me though.

    I also sometimes use Overdrive Media Conosole.  That's online and is connected to US libraries.  Since I'm in a small town, the selection is pretty limited, but Denver's should be HUGE!  Gotta have a library card to log in.  Those books you download and instead of returning the book, in two weeks, POOF it's gone or you get a message saying "Time's UP Slowpoke!"

    Let me know if you want more info.

    AussieShiela - welcome aboard.  Please feel free to ignore anything I say.  I don't mind.  I'm used to it even! 

    mary - sorry you had to go to bed early because of foul farting.  You should tell DH that his farting fumes fogged up the windows.  Then he can clean them!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013 know I nearly drool every time I see your house.  It just looks so loved and cared about and it shows it. 

    I'm so far behind......I didn't get to read everything.  Cars....hmmm, I was not allowed to drive my folks car nor get a license.  We were thin in the household for money and insurance was added expense.  I did not learn to drive until I married for the second time...........oh my -- what a great day when I got my first license.  I have always  ( none that was a sports car though ) had a car since that day.....and some I truly loved -- like my Buick Regal -- 4 doors, leather seats, double sun roof, power everything.  Now....well, since I live out in the country and drive country roads....I have a Chevy 4-wheel drive Blazer.  It does the job but there is no pizazz there at all....nada. 

     One of these days....I'll get something else -- when my Blazer groans for the last time.  Until then.....boy I do appreciate never having been unable to go when I needed or wanted too.  Interresting tid-bit as well.  I learned to drive on the California freeways...zowie.  Back in those days if people went 95 so did you or you would get run down.  We moved back home with my NEVER having driven in snow or having a clue how too. 

    My first three years here I was mainly terrified of the winter driving and did all I could to avoid it......then that next winter.....I just decided to quit being foolish, dig my heels in and go for the gold..ummm well, the ability to drive in adverse weather conditions.  It was a problem that basically solved itself once I decided to recognize that I could be as capable as anyone else.....if I would just make myself confront living in snow country.


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Illinois Lady - sorry I missed you.  I was busy yapping as usual.  Welcome!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG Jackie u learned to drive in CA--that's the epitamy (Phylospell-pronounced e-pit a me) of earning hiw to drive--I've been there and I could never drive there. And even thos I lived here driving on snow I didn't mind as much as when it was snowing and icing==Oh that always made me worry. Everyone sliding at the lights or stop signs--u'd just watch people slide into them--Never got used to it. That was the only reason I didn't like snow, otherwise it never bothered me to see snow or get a blizzard like rain storms--they scare me.

    Phyloohsoinnocent---Tht's one of the reasons u have an ankle bracelet on--Oh I don't know where these came from? and the guy who gave them to me, he doesn't know either? Sell that story to Chevys chickens, maybe they'll believe it. So now u get to read and u'll have a whole new vocabulary of words. Well I have read everybook that has ever been written--I did read the dictionary so all those words are in books. So there.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi my is a bit better for me..pain down from 9 to maybe a 5...this round really threw me for a loop..I need to laugh and quit rolling around sighing in a bit of your post...hope all my chemo gals are getting better...and everyone is doing ok...

    For you sexy librarians who like to read...try books every day its great! first car was a red 1982

    I'll catch up soon.....watching one of my favorite movies now....Legally Blonde

    Big hugs and thank you for keeping tabs on me!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    And book bub sends a daily email with free and cheap deals.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh ChickaD I'm laughing cuz one of my D=1stDD's very good friend bought a red Fiero the first year it cam out and he only used it at certain times and he still has it in a garage. I don't know why???

    Oh my kids just came home and the Dog went craxy jumping on the door, yiping running all over the place. OMG well he'll forge about me now. All that love I gave him, and it's over. LOL


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Happy Sunday Sister Warriors.  I've enjoyed reading everone's posts today as I have intense joint pain for no known reason.  Oh well, I plan to watch the TV show "Lost" on Netflix as I have never seen it.  Hard to believe, I know.  Peace, Hugs and Blessing to all of you who are in pain or dealing with the nasty side-effects of these wonderful treatments we must endure.   And yes, for those of you who have inquired, my bilateral salpingo oophorectmy will be performed on July 18, 2013 at 7:30am here in Texas.  The MD's nurse told me to report to the hospital at 5:30am.  What the FU double toothpicks will they be doing with me for 2 hours?  Scary!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Little Flowers.... What they will do is feed you a steak and mashed potatoes with gravy, and a big Margarita!  Then you will fall asleep in a stupor, and they will do their job!  They pretend they are doing blood-work, and taking vitals...( I heard that somewhere) and they will hook you up to bags and bags, and hook you to the ceiling so you won't move.  And they hand-cuff you!  Just ask Phyllibadgirl!    Sorry little honey...  We'll all be thinking about you, anyway.... 

    Jackie, I'm STILL afraid to drive in the snow and ice!  I'll cancel any appointment to get out of driving when I don't have to!

    And who was it that ASSumed I planted that 100 year old Blue Spruce???  So Ha, ha!!!!  When we had the first one taken out, I counted the growth circles inside!   SEE?  I DO know something!   THAT'S my story, and I'm sticking to it!  Oh CAMMI  said that!  Little Brat!    And ANOTHER thing!  I remember I had on my beautiful white puffy Prom dress, and I was just 16, and "he" was my boyfriend, and yep, we ate that pizza with our other two friends in the front seat and went home....  So HA! 

    Sorry Flowers for your pain....  Can you take Aleve? 

    My Daughter in Florida called this morning... We were talking about my birthday coming up, and she wished she could be here....  She finally said "you're OLDER than me?"  Ha, ha!  If I were to venture a guess, I would say yes!  I was only 21 when I had her...  she was like my little doll.  Man, I was sooooo young!  I barely knew how to write cursive much less raise a child!