STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited July 2013

    Veggy I LOVE your Lassie pictures. Portraying Lassie as evil. Now that is priceless! I also laughed at your green pea syndrome. I had an external hemorrhoid around Christmastime, and I was sure it was a tumor. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning Hoolies---Is ussie Sheil new--I always miss something--if u'r new Welcom, if u'r not than u know I forget everything.

    Chevy I hope that's it for u'r hands--all this time and it might just be something stupid, I didn;t say u;r stupid, I said it COULD be something stupid. Oh Ducky will be back so don't get so comfortble in her throne, she's thro u'r ass out as fast as u st down. Are we back at the effin chickens AGAIN and oh yes the chick picked up her but and with her beak pointed to it so u could have it. Oh how sweet they are to u. I just kniw u'r giving them some food on u'r own--don't tell me it's all veggies.

    sas I hooe u'r getting some rest. And a STEALTH I thought that was aplane too--wow it must be an unbelievable car. It's got to be fixed up and see what it can do. Sounds wicked.

    It's nice nd sunny this morning and so far nice.

    Blondie ad chickie I hope u'r feeling better today---watch that bite if it starts getting bigger go to the ER that's all I know, but I know that.

    Why does it seem to me that when u guys wake up u'r all happy and awkae and I feel like crap,? Or are u faking it too. I want to know. LOL

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    chickie this is hoping u are ok....hang in there...

    Me, the breathing is getting better not reading just posting have to go get the PET scan at 1130 am leaving shortly, can't eat so will stop and get something on the way will be 94 but they are saying more like 101 so I will not be out long.....will be back to read later, have a good saturday alll....luv u !!!!

    Shells can spell but forget everything thank goodness for spell check..

    1st car was a red 65 mustang...daddy bought it for me I was 17!!

    Thanks Sassy for checking on SP....


  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    Why must you feed me to the chickens?


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    My, you guys were busy last night. I was busy watching my ghost shows on the travel channel. I can never get caught up on everything you're saying when I miss that much...Except for Dwills blazing into Atlanta in her fine Caddy-shouldnt bring any attention there-no sir.Ive never had a cool car..teen-age car was a Pinto-the only car in the world I begged my dad Not to get me...went from that to another ugly Ford, cant remember what it was..then went to Mom-vansyuck. Didnt get anything I picked out until last year when I bought myself a little Rav-4. I love that car...Kids dont laugh at how slow I drive anymore. Dh has to tell me to slow down when we're in the mountains,but it sure is fun....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Oh Veggy!  No little honey.... Not YOU, just sprouts I grow in my planters, Ha, ha!  I COULD take them fruit-loops, but afraid they would leave evidence, and their parents would get mad...Wink

    Blondie, will you know something today from the scans?  Hope it shows that you are normal....again!  I HATE when I am feeling just lousy, and they can't find anything WRONG!   Or like the cat-scan that showed my back "only" had a slight bulge in one of the disks, and I could hardly WALK!    Finally had to have a double-laminectomy for THAT "minor" problem.  That pain, (sciatica) will bring you to your knees.... and you'll just want to stay there! 

    Yes Cammiconfused.... I HOPE it is something....!  But they are better, and don't know if it is the Estrogen cream OR the Urea cream, and also wearing long gloves when I fool around with little dog-face..... and that hot-spot spray!

    It was so QUIET in the little nesting "box" and SHE was in there.... but I didn't bother her....  and she came down, and I snatched her egg!  YOU are getting as bad as ME with these chickens, Ha, ha!   I DIDN'T shove her out of there!   She likes me....I can tell.... Rosie is her name..... laying eggs is her game...... Wink

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning everyone -- my, I woudl love a throne.  Well, there is a porcelain one in two rooms of my house.....I think that is as close as I'm going to get. 

    Chevy....what great news about your hands.  Sure hope it is a SIMPLE answer.  Amazing in a way that  ( this has come up so many times before ) our tendency is to go for the big stuff.  Something so dreadful couldn't have an EASY answer or FIX.  I've done it so many times......yet, in my own mind I get the best results when you take everything down to the lowest point you can to find the answer.  Can't look at anything like the huge technical problem with long drawn out complicated formulas that it seems to be.  Cut it down to the right size.....then fix it.

    As to the Cadillac Lady.....there is one of those priceless items.  Funny sort of thing.  When my first dh and I split --- I actually did the splitting, I was super ok when he remarried.  Then he remarried again, and again after that.  He is on number five.  I have been quite friendly with all of them.  I can think of him fondly -- but am VERY glad that someone else puts up with him.  He was too much for me.  Anyway....real sense of freedom making yourself happier than they could or ever really did. 

    Spiders.....we have a lot of them here in Illinois.  Brown Recluse is a biggie.  We have a plethora of strange looking bugs.  Most of the ones I don't much care for are outdoor ones so not  too much of an issue for me.  I do avoid them when possible. 

    Good day to all.


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited July 2013

    I always wanted a sports car.  When I bought my first car I wanted the '56 Thunderbird.  Dad talked me into a '60 Ford Falcon, I was moving accross the State and he thought it would be more reliable and car repairmen were notorious for taking advantage of single women.  The Falcon was a lemon and the town's repairman was the schools busdriver who believed it was his God given duty to take good care of the "poor, under-paid teachers cars."  I always wanted a sports car and the same day I applied for Social Security - at 62 - I bought a '95 Plum Corvette!  Almost a year ago I had to give up driving her because it got too hard to get out of her.  Eight years was enough to satisfy my need for a sports car. Replaced her with a Lincoln.

    DH has been driving Sassy, the Corvette, but he has trouble getting in and out so today we say goodby to her.  Our best friend, his son and their wives are coming down from Port Townsend to take her away.  She shows her age a bit but the son wants her and will restore her to her glory.  He knows what he is doing, has the experience and the tools for the job.  I will make him promise to bring her for a visit when he has her all fixed up.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Chabba a corvette is like a piece of gold wen all restored--that had to be a fun car to drive.My dad allowed me to get a DL when I was 16 but didn't allow me to drive-yet my brother got his own car.And my other brother could use my dad's car. and my sister didn't get a DL til she was married. It was different then. So when I got married I actually had a car to drive--I don't even remember what it was but I could drive it.

    Veggy no one wants to feed anyanimal with u'r body so don't worry. Calm down.

    Chevy so now u call them by their names--what next sitting with them while they lay an egg and grab it from them.Chevy this is probbly of no use to u, but I was thinking u know those dry, dry things u get on u'r elbos, well I used surgeons skin stuff and in a few day they'r all gone--u can use it anywhere on feet and other areas--Like I said I don't know if that's of any intetest to u , but I just thought of it.

    I still smell like Pink Sugar so sweet, hmmm so relaxing too. After I take a shower I'm so happy, but before I think oh I can't do this, but I do. I'm very dramatic.

    OK how are all the sickos doing, I hope u have a better day and Blondie I sure hope all is well. As soon as u know u have to tell us. (((HUGS)))

    OK I'm done ypping I was kind today, well as kind as I could be, but don't count on that all day, I can only keep that up a short time.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    You got me so upset thinking you were going to feed me to the chickens. I was like....uh....running around..... uh..... like a chicken with its head cut off.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013 my feathers ruffled up a bit......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK Veggy have u settled down? Now I'm not clucking around here, relax.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Ladies of "a certain" age might remember this. When DD was in HS, in the late 80s DH bought her a 67 Mustang. She drove it for several years, then he took it back and restored it.

    Sanding down through 13 layers of different colors paint, come to the original paint. It came from the factory. PINK. We still have it and it is still pink

    Anybody remember pink ones?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Spookie yes--OMG u'r DH sure knows what he is doing.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Oh my sweet friends, you have delighted me beyond measure with your morning glories. You are such a blessing, what a wonderful way to start the day!

    The first car that I drove was my dad's Chevy Impala. I used to sneak the keys  at night, roll it down the driveway and start it up down the street, then go visit my friends from 1 a.m to 3 a.m., then come home and slip into bed quiet as a mouse! Never got caught!! Next car was a Valiant that I shared with my live-in boyfriend when I was 19. The first car I owned all by myself was a 69 MGB when I was 21 and in nursing school. Oh how I loved that car, and oh how I got having a convertible out of my system at an early age! Lots and lots of fun, fun, fun and memories of teaching my brothers how to drive it, having breakdowns all the time among all the other adventures. Then when I met DH I bought my first new car, a sensible Toyota Corolla because I wanted something safe for having family. Then a Toyota Sienna! From sportscar to van......loved that Sienna, but 12 years later donated it to charity and got my Honda Fit which I love, love, love so much. I keep cars forever, until they can't go anymore, and plan to do that with this baby. 

    No feeding Veggy to the chickens, you guys, you hear me?!! You got her feathers all ruffled and now she might lay an egg...

    Sassy wil probably be MIA for awhile. Where the hell is Duckster? I'm gonna go hunt her down....

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Good afternoon you nuttie buddies!

    I'm still trying to get through this chemo juice hangover. I also learned that another vibrant young woman that I truly admire is has entered hospice. Where is the f'ing cure for f'ing cancer!?

    To distract and entertain myself I've been reading regency romance novels. One after the other. Good heavens, I hope it doesn't cause permanent drain bamage. Oh wait, I already have that!

    Love all the car stories! Loved my Fiat Spider convertible the best of all the ones I've owned.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    I think I have all my eggs in one basket and I'm ready to nest-le down for the rest of the day. I got myself scrambled up for nothing.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Veggy, just keep your sunny side up!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    So, okay, we're still on cars....  I used to drive my Dad's car.... a '51 Buick!  That thing was sooooo big!  But I could not ever afford my own car.  DH drove a 51' Olds!   And that's what we had when we got married in  57!   We finally borrowed money from my Grandma to get a 52 Chevy, and I even put a head-liner in it with material, and stiched it like they do with coffins....Ha!  That was the only way to hold it up!  

    Then we got a 55 Chevy, and finally a 57 chevy!  DH put a stick in it.... converted it from the automatic!  We loved that car....  Just finally sold it about 10 years ago to his Nephew for $17,000!  Probably could have gotten more, but he was family.  Everything had been chromed on that thing... It was a hard-top, and black, and would fish-tail down the highway everytime DH thought he was being Evil Knievel!   Glad he got too old to work on it, and wanted to sell it.  MY car is a 99' Chevy Prism!  And has almost 115 thousand miles on it, and still runs perfect.   It was my first "new" car!  Wink

    Spookie!  I remember when Elvis Presley came to town, and bought his Officer friend, and 4 others, PINK CADILLAC'S!   I WISH he was MY friend! 

    Hi Veggy....  I'll THINK of you and Cammi, when I go check on "the girls!"  Hopefully they will reward me with another two-yolk egg!   You guys are just jealous!   Actually I wish you were WITH me, to help me get in the coop, without the girls making a run for it!   You could be the border patrol!  Ha, ha! 

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2013

    Hi ladies...

    Love all of the car stories, I am jealous! Sass how cool Stephen must have been so excited, that's a muscle car. My first car was a Ford Aerostar Van, ugh not cool but I was grateful just to have a car to drive. My friends loved it bc we could all fit. My dream car when I was 16 was the volkswagen cabriolet. I wanted to put my Beastie Boys bumper sticker on the back. Boy did I day dream about that car :)

    Chevy that is so cool that your grand-dad worked in the green house. What fun memories... My first kissing make-out sessions was on the ferris wheel. Loved the original twister the remake is not the same.

    Blondie so glad you are going for a PET scan. I was just so pissed, zpack my a**!! Pls let us know!!

    Hugs xoxo

    Sweet Pea

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Sweet Pea!  Remember Lakeside?  I remember going up the Roller-coaster, and my Brothers friend leaned over and kissed me!  I thought I died and went to heaven!

    After we graduated High School, me and my girl-friends went to Elitch's....Ha!  None of us ever drank, so that was our "party!"  Oh!  You live in Centennial!  We live in "West Highlands"....  Ha, ha!  Wasn't that roller coaster at Elitch's called the cyclone?  I THINK it was!

    Used to be called just plain old North Denver, but somehow, we became sophisticated, and uppity!  Wink  Our Daughter used to live over there by Cherry Park, before they moved to Orlando.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    My mom and I "shared" a 65 Buick Skylark convertible. Big 310 Wildcat engine. Had a lot of fun with it, but no tickets. Anyway, they went out one nite in it. So my dads car was there and I wasn't about to stay home. He had a 64 Chevy 11 convert. Got the car out and back, no problem. Figured all ok. He asks me the next day where I went? Uh, how'd you know? The gas gauge went down. Duh

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2013

    Chevy I lov the highlands that is a beautiful area. One of my friends lives over there and just loves it. Do you like Pasquini's... Great restaurants up your way. Ugh I found the funniest tee shirt at Park Meadows trying to post it so you all can get a good laugh today... Well we will see if I can figure it out.


    Sweet Pea

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    I've never been to Pasquini's, but I love  the "Pizza Salad" at Parisi's on 44th and Tennyson!  We still live in a little Victorian House, next to an irrigation ditch.... built in 1886!   But our whole neighborhood is changing so fast!  When a house sells, it is scraped, and they put in huge 3 story doubles!    They then sell each side for almost $800,000!  It's just unvelievable.   I think the area is so hot, because it is close to "down-town," the mountains, and highways!  

    Spookie, those old cars really ate up the gas!  But I remember when we were just 16, and we could buy gas for about .25 cents a gallon!  And we would pump it ourselves from those glass-topped pumps! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    That is so cute!!! Ilove it.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Beautiful home Chevy.  Lucky you!

    Thanks to all for the well wishes regarding my upcoming surgery.  I was told DaVinci would be there in the OR with me.  HA!  Too bad it is not Leonardo (DaVinci) or even better, DiCaprio!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chabba what a great story, and it's staying in the family. and it's named after ME. ha see I;m the most beautiful one with a good engine to boot and a shiny red exterior with all that sweet red roo!!

    Mary's four wheeling in the mountains

    Veggy's lost her head and is running around with a spray of green behind her.

    Chevy's surmising------love the house  :)

    Dwilli's conquering

    Cami smelling like pink sugar, Cami exactly how does pink sugar smell?

    Shells I did finally get up HAHA. wine makes me hungover. The other stuff doesn't

    Do ya'll realize how many had cool cars. just in this small group

    Stacey yup Ds had one of the coolest cars in his highschool very cool.

    sorry phyllis

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    I was going to ask her that, but I thought she must have known what she meant, only maybe not...Wink And I didn't want her to think she didn't know what she was talking about, because I sure didn't!  

    Thank you Mary and Flowers!   

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Flowers it's me forgetting again----when is u'r surgery????

    Chevy I love u'r house, it looks like a house in a fairy tale, ok no not Hansel and Gretal--I mean  nice one.

    OH my poor car that's gone 22 yr old buick with original milage like 30,000 something miles, got rid of it last year :(:(:(