STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    The spinach- artichoke dip was a hit and came home with three pieces of cake. It was fun to be out but it took a lot out of me. Funny, nobody brought a "veggy" tray.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
    Oh Damn!  I just hit some un-known key, whilst I was trying to post, and it went away!

    Okay, ONCE again.....  We have a NEW one from Texas!  Hello miss Sweetheart!  YOU must be the yellow-rose of Texas?   Oh Wow!  You have already been through it!  We're here for you....


    They should add this thread as a MUST for newly diagnosed, "going through it all" gals!   We will take care of you....and never make comments about your spelling.... or whatever!  Unless you need reminded.....


    So Miss Ducky has taken on the roll of sexiest, crabbiest, smartest, shortest, loosest woman on this thread.  She PROBABLY is.... And we have to humor her.  She has a terrible reputation as a Pilot wrangler.  She is not allowed to fly any more.... ever since that last incident..... I might add though, that that Pilot sends her weekly flowers, and thank-you cards! 


    Shellsonthebus!  Okay FINE!  GO cook for your boys.... Leave us all wondering how you are!


    Yes Chabba...  Anybody who knows anything ALWAYS knows about Chocolate Cokes!  Even a chocolate root-beer!  Did you know that Laverne of Laverne and Shirley put chocolate in her Pepsi?   Where have you gals BEEN? 


    Phylidreamingagain!  So you have a finer quality?  Mind telling us what it is, and who you were with when you found it?  I mean if you can tell us..... you know.


    And Cammi!  Another hooligan who doesn't behave.... guess that's why she's HERE though....    So Hi Spookie, Aussie, and Veggy! 

    Go drink a chocolate coke instead of a glass or Jack Daniel's this time!


    It's MY SCROLL WHEEL!  If I press too hard, it removes you!  At least I found the cause of my dismay....  That's why I have to copy and past a post, before I post it....  Does anyone know what I am talking about?  Or CARE?  Ha, ha!  xoxoxo


  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013
    I thought Laverne and Shirley put milk in their Pepsi?

    Edited... I just googled it. It was milk and Pepsi.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    What HAPPENED?  I wrote a post and it disappeard right before my eyes!   I was SAYing Veggy, that you are RIGHT!  It WAS Pepsi and milk!  But I think Pepsi with Chocolate is better....Ha! 

    And Shells, I am so happy for you and your husband and your son!  You have come a long hard road.... and it worked!  Congratulations.  It has to take something like a scare, or rock-bottom to knock some sense into them.  And sometimes it happens quite a few times.... Anyway, just wanted to say I am happy for you..... 

    I'LL just be happy when my DH gets his teeth!  Supposed to go Thursday!  If he don't wear the damn things, I will wire them to his ears!  I've SEEN men that are to stubborn to wear their teeth.... riDICulous!  So it ain't gonna happen! 

    I mean it's hard enough to understand him, I mean hear him, especially without his teeth!  Good Lord I wouldn't dream of going ANYwhere without my upper plate!   I only take it out to brush them!  Then I slap those little things in faster than  the speed of light.... or is it sound? 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Hi hoolies, Chevey of course we care(wink, wink). So, you married to a gummer,probably doesn't shave either. A real treasure there.

    Ducky fell back into the Hoollie House.  Chevy was trying to take over the coolest, sexiest. You showed up just in time

    Hi Sweetheart nice to have you here. Have no idea what kind of nicknames you'll get. The one you have is pretty good to start with

    Hello cami& Mary&philly&sweetpea&bernardiJuly18th&April13th?&chickiglad you feel better&dwilliknock the lady out,veggyhappyouhadfun:)

    Had MRI of Liver this Am, they took xtra films. Interesting experience, not a STFU type.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Ummmm a red cow sounds good about now. Red pop and vanilla ice cream.

    But here it's called soda, any flavor, and you get funny looks if you ask for pop.. Or you get asked where are you from up north.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2013

    Sas, Hope the liver is OK. Perhaps it was the prettiest they'd seen in years!

    I learned my lesson. Went away for the 4th and didn't have much computer access. I have been reading this thread FOREVER trying to catch up. Had a great 4th with 2 GS & parents. Marched in the parade, went blueberry picking, and to a mountain lake. DS fished with no results. Found some pie cherries. Hard to find anywhere. Everyone plants bings and rainiers - too sweet for pies.

    Chevy, the blueberry U-pick had chickens, turkeys and several exotic birds. Some of the baby turkeys got out of the pen. We told the owners and the man showed up on a little wagon with two huge dogs. He said they were wire-haired something griffons; bred to hunt birds. When the birds get out they will catch them in their mouths and put them back in the pen without hurting them at all. I'm not sure about the psychological effects long-term on the poor birds.

    Welcome Sweetheart on the Gulf Coast. We lived in Houston for 14 years. We'd go to the beach in the evening, have a bonfire & dinner, swim in the morning before it got too hot.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Hi everybody. for those of you who dont read omg, gs and I were in Walmart yesterday. He has become totally obsessed with me having 1 boob. Just cant understand it. While we were waiting in the check out line, he announces to everybody, My Grammy only has 1 boob. Now we all know how crowded Walmart is on Sunday afternoon...He then looks around to make sure he has everybodies attention and says,Her boob got sick and fell off. Just like he was carrying on a normal conversation with somebody. I just smiled and got out of there really fast...little stinker...They started on my sreened in porch today. Yay! They are probably dying, its so hot and humid out. Sounds like the house is falling down-no nap for me today. Oh Sas, keeping my fingers crossed for you. I hate mris. Hope everybody else is on the mend. I finally am...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Welcome Sweety, whatever u want to say, just say u can see most things that are said are useless info.

    Oh and of course Ducky comes back just in time to announce all of her attributes--that she has made u, we let her of course, but we all kniw the truth.

    Veggy I told u u'r dip would be good and of course no one brough veggies, not in front of u--they probably had it hidden.

    Shell we are all so happy for u and now u'r accomplishments are even happier for u--it' wonderful.

    Sas prayers for that MRI-----

    Spookie I forgot about the red cow--gosh and I don;t know what I call it anymore, I think I say the name like 7up, or gingerale??? I don;t drink it anymore. not for health reasons God forbid, I've just lost my taste for it. I just drink water now.Oh sometimes gingerale and on occasion diet Dr. Pepper with loads of ice and beer mix. Tastes like a fountain drink

    Phylobookie is probably reading that's more important to her--oh unless she's getting chemo than I bow to her. I can only bow 1/3 way down and I'm sure her ankleabracelet limits her in some way so we're even.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG Chevy I didn't mention u OK let me think of something-hmm. ammmm. aaaaa.ammmm whwhwhwh well nothing came to mind .

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Gma meant to add that I hope you have a good month, and will check in every now and then to let us know how your doingxoxox

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Miss Texas with the Sweet ♥....welcome to the crazy house

    Miss sexy thing

    Miss Shellybelly....make sure YOU rest too and dont over do that work stuff

    Miss Chevyplate....keep those teeth in might expect something

    Miss Sassafrass....liver ok? extra films...hmmm I'd check the internet soon

    Miss Wren...oh said PIE...damn I want pie now

    Miss say the damnedest things at such weird times....yay for the porch

    Miss can be my twitchsister

    Miss tons of compliments on your creations...wore the red, white and blue on 4th of July xoxo

    Miss Veggy....I've never heard of the chocolate coke fanominon either...but we are the youngest....tee hee

    Miss Spookie.. NE Ohio must be out of the loop

    Miss Pie....I know ...must watch Cami

    Miss Chabba...cherry coke is one of my favorites

    Hope I didnt miss anyone recent...if so..I'm sorry and xoxo

    Okay ladies....had a great day...pain less, but I got to see my new little Cooper a is my little guy at 4 weeks in next post

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Marywhatareuthinkof? she's not on for a while so she won't read it ti next month--watch she'll miss us and drop by.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited July 2013

    Chickie - what a cutie patootie!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better today.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    chickie I just saw that pic. Oh so cute.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    rofl cami, you're too funny. I was STUDYING! Really, I mean it. Shellybelly and sassypants inspired me. Okay, that sounds as good as it's gonna sound. I was studying up on how to organize 5gb of digital image files. You probably heard me snoring!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi Savgigi....thanks..he is a snuggler

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Phylocanureally read---I thought u were just learning how to read I mean prison walls does not a poet make. But If u'r serious I'm glad u'r studying for what--how to crack safes (the new ones) oh I know hacking, that's why I got a computer but it's really difficult--I'm having difficulty and I's a smart won. yea right.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Phyllismartypants!  YOU were studying  "how to organize 5gb of digital image files."????????  You have GOT to be kidding!  At least I know what gb stands for.... it's "grab-bag"..... right?  "digital image files"..... Is that like some hot-shot name for.... ummmm "pictures?"   I've got that covered. 

    Chikkadoodle!  I LOVE your names, or whatever they were.... Now if I would just copy and past again, I would always remember!

    Cammi....You are a hoot!  "Prison Walls."..... Ha, ha!  Yeah, and she probably wrote everything on there!  I have to go back a page and see what ELSE I can be a smart-a$$  about....Wink xoxoxoxo

  • SweetheartinTX
    SweetheartinTX Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2013

    A big thanks to all the ladies who welcomed me! ( Ducky, Shell, Chevy, Sas, Wren, Cami, and ChickaD) I hope i didn't miss anybody.

    I guess i need to check out this thread more often to keep up! You ladies are a hoot!

    I was able to come up with my screen name pretty easy cause that's what everyone is always calling me / describing me as. My other nickname isn't as nice... 4 foot 2. (Because i am short....but i damn sure ain't that short) Picked it up in high-school so i am not as fond of it.

    Well i hope all is well with you ladies this evening... I get to go to bed early because i get my port put in tomorrow. Then Chemo on Wednesday 👿

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

    Long day today so just a quick hi for now.  You gals are way too funny......nothing special going on today, but am way, way behind now and have some major catching up to do. 

    The puppy.....such a cutie.  I am a dog and cat over.  Have a Pomeranian ( Baby Boss ) A Min Pin ( Minnie ) a brown Terrier and ??? ( Teeny Tina ) Puggle ( Chico ) Bishon-Poo ( Poncho ) black Lab Retriever ( Bill ) and that's all folks. 

    Hope you all have a really gorgeous and nice day.


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Welcome Sweetheartin TX !  I am several miles north of you outside of Dallas/Fort Worth (why the hooligans gave me the name "Flowers", which I love) but I am not a native, just a transplant.  I have been here 7 months now and I like TX. quite a bit.  I'd rather be down on the Gulf with you though as I love the beach and the ocean (who does'nt).  All the best to you on this un-planned journey.  You can ask and say ANYTHING you want here and you will always get a variety of kind, compassionate and funny replies.  Peace y'all!


  • SweetheartinTX
    SweetheartinTX Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2013

    Howdy Flowers!

    I am glad you like Texas. I am a native and probably too proud, lol. I live pretty close to the beach but sadly don't go as much as i would like. And here lately, there have been just a little too many shark bites, sightings and catches for my comfort. It's actually quite strange because i have never in my life heard of so many.

    But i do enjoy the weekly drive out there just to sit in the car and listen to the waves.

    Thanks for the best wishes. I think we all could use as many as possible :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Sweetgettingaport---OK that's easypeezy, u'll be home tomorrow and just a little sore and Wed. start chemo==good get it started so u can get it over with. There are a few on here getting chemo now so they'll be right with u and we'll be here to cheer u on.

    OK everyone was I nice enough--u think I fooled sweeteart??? LOL

    Just finished my excercises for the day--I sure as hell don't get those feel good endorphins people talk about. Not even 1 endorphin comes thru. Just misery.

  • gildedcage
    gildedcage Member Posts: 68
    edited July 2013

    Oh, this thread makes me laugh. I try to be sensitive to peoples weird responses to me having cancer. No one knows what to say or do - I get it. But still, there are just some things said that can't pass without notice. As so many other ladies here have noted, I've heard the whole "You can get a nice boob job out of this" comment more than a few times. Comments about how great it will be to lose weight on chemo, etc. For the most part I just shine it on. A couple of times I've pointed out that mastectomy and reconstruction are vastly different in both procedure and results from your standard boob job but I get that people don't want to hear that. They don't know what to say so they just try to keep it light. Truth be told, I'm guilty of making some jokes about cancer, boobs, BRCA, etc. myself to lighten my own mood so people feel it's ok to follow suit. And honestly, it usually is as long as the person isn't minimizing the awfulness of the situation. That's my own personal peeve. I just don't want the difficulty of it downplayed.

    The only person I've outright been irritated at is a friend who said, "I know what you are going through. I was diagnosed with herpes last year". I appreciated the support and the intent but let's face it: getting a life threatning diagnosis is not the same as a herpes diagnosis. I only wish it was! Not that a herpes diagnosis doesn't suck - it does. But you don't have to do chemo, have your breasts cut off and reconstructed and do radiation for herpes. That was the only comment that really stuck in my craw; partially because it came from a close friend and partially because it illustrated that she just couldn't get outside of herself long enough to understand the enormity of my situation. But if someone wants to make a joke about how truly sucky and ridiculous this whole breast cancer diagnosis is, I enjoy that. 

    Anyway, I always like to tell my friends that I'll keep them ABREAST of my cancer situation. It gives me a smile everytime I make that little joke. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Wecome fullst--we all know how horrendous this is and unfortunately now u have to know and I'm sorry for that. But U have to have some up time otherwise u'r in the dark the whole time. We are here to support, help-if we can- but alot of just plain silliness cuz I personally don't like to think all the time whag a predicament we're in. And I am the one who can't type or spell, even thos my job depended on it for many uears-- so u have to read between the letters for me. So come on aboard and just join in. BTW I laughed about u'r friend say about herpes.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Hello new little sweet tart! I'm from Houston, transplanted to the wilds of Nebraska. Good luck with your port. If there is a problem with it just come back here and let cami know. She'll fix it! We will all monitor you through chemo and give you ridiculous suggestions as well as moron support. We also have nurses here that give good advice, so try not to confuse the two.

    Welcome fullest! I didn't really type 'fullest', stupid auto correct did that, but it could be your new name!

    Cami, I wish I had an endorphin for you, but I can't read well enough to search for it. :p. You're right, in prison speeling gud wasn't required.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Fullest, did she really?! Ha, at least you're not contagious. Uh oh was that too harsh?

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Mary, your GS is such a sweetie and loves you so much. Little Spidey!