STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Chickie! What a love bug! How old is that baby? A yellow lab? Details pleeeeze? Spookie is a very spoiled Maltese.

    Mary!!! Ya got me in the wrong corner of Ohio. It's Cincinnati actually, a great place to be from and I'm never moving back.

    Welcome newbies, sit and read a spell.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Yep Phyl,  little spidy is my best bud. He is as sneaky as his picture looks. I finally went out and bought a phone with a camera on it, yes I gave up my old phoneCry. Now if I can ever figure out how to do it I can post some pictures. Of my New Room! Im so glad to see we have some new posters. and old ones back (ducky) who I think was just having a secret rendevous(sp) with her pilot. I know I didnt spell that right, but no one else cares about their spelling so I wont either...Hope everyone has a good night, good luck with port placements and any other things that are going on that I cant remember xoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Spookie I thought u said read and spell and I thought spell not here. Oh and I love our furbabies, I don't think u can spoil them, cuz they spoil us more.

    Phyloharsh I have a feeling we are the worst welcoming group thab all the threads, we have scared people away, but the ones we haven't are laughing a little more than they would have so that's our mission. Altho personally I'm boring but I just blab anyway cuz no one cares. I just took my pain meds so at fiest I'm all wound up then I collapse strange meds. So I'll blab about nothing I know but it's better than when I talk to myself, I have so many arguments it just gives me a headache---so.......

    Did u'r mom ever make u egg cremes> That's when u could eat raw eggs, they where like milk shakes with eggs in them well 1 egg and whipped up. Like something Rocky would make before a fight---Oh Phlylofite u should know how to do that--and now u'r learning to to read good for u.

    My GS was cuddling with me tonite and said he wished I'd find a husband so I could find the love of my life. I said I'm an old lady now who would want me and he said an old, old man-brat---

    Oh well I'm tiring u all out--so u should thank me so u can sleep well.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Welcome newbies! There are a few of us who are slightly more sane (once in awhile). Best wishes for those with chemo this week.

    Hope everyone is having a good start to their week..

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Very few.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Shell, and I did say slightly....

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2013

    LOL!!! Love Ya Sas!!  I still have my dependable Honda 2001.  I figure the Cadi may be my last car in my life time--so if you talk to me in 10 years, i will still have it. I'll keep a car forever.  I bought the Honda new too and I can't let it go--ever.  They are both my babies!  Besides,  I bought them both without the help of a man--just me.

    Veggy--since I only am seeing my PS on a regular basis now--every pain I have I go to him about it.  Today, before my 5th 100 Ccs fill, I told my PS my back and shoulder on that side hurts since my last two fills and i am now taking pain pills around mid day each day until I go to bed.  I believe it is because I am blown up like a beach ball and it is close to my collarbone--up high instead of centered.   But like all men I know--I am going to forget he's a doctor-- he makes some other excuse for my pain.  He said he did not think it is the fills but maybe trouble with my discs in my neck.  I reminded him I had  disc 5, 6. and 7th replaced several years ago with titinium steel.   LOL!!  I remember when I came out of recovery after my MX and I saw my PS first, and I told him how much pain I was in; he told me it wasn't what he did to me but it was the BS because he use more invasive techniques. He threw the BS under the!!! Really don't know what to think of my PS. He is sort of funny but nice. However his only mission seems to fill and replace the TE  to get his part of the job done. 

      Okay ladies, change of subjects-  I got a letter stating I needed to get a colonoscopy because of some suspect polps removed several years ago.  The first thing I thought about was okay---here it goes again--now Cancer in the Colon. Talked to the GI department and they wanted to talk to my oncologist before scheduling the colonoscopy.  Still waiting to hear 7 days later.  I am going to exhale and try not to worry.  Because of another condition, i've had about 10 colonoscopies and they all came out okay--but that was before I had BC.  Is this the way it going to be==every cold now, every sore throat, every tummy ache, every fart??? lol!!!... Oh, well the life of a BC survivor.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2013

    Hi beautiful holligans...

    Ugh can't sleep :( hopefully the Benadryl will kick in!! Mary little spidy had me laughing so hard I was in tears. That was the best laugh in days thank you. Wish I lived near you I could go with you to Walmart and you and I could make a pair of boobs together. I will be your one boob partner in crime. I loved how little spidy said it got sick and fell off. Maybe that will help me explain one day when Austin is old enough... Or maybe won't say any thing about the boob.

    Sweetheart welcome I am so sorry you are going through this... We are all here for you if you need anything. The port placement will be a walk in the park. A little sore for a day or two. Prior to the procedure they will give you meds to relax and you will just sleep during the procedure. Gotta love fentanyl and versed. You can also ask your oncologist for some topical Lidocaine or Elma cream to rub onto your skin above your port 1 hour prior to chemo. You won't even feel a thing when they access the port. You can do it my strong chemo warrior F-Cancer!! Just think you are kicking its A**.

    Fullst I am so sorry that happened. I can only imagine, I have no idea what I would have said. I bet you had to control your facial expressions. If I had just taken a drink I probably would have spit all over her. Some people just don't get it. For me I hate it when close friends just don't say anything. It is more hurtful to me. Welcome ;) we will be here if you need anything. Phgraham I agree with you at least we are not contagious ;)

    Sass thinking about you ugh don't you hate waiting. Pls keep us updated. We lov ya and want to be here or u like u are for us.

    GMA hope you have an amazing time with family. We will miss u pls check in sometimes just to let us know you are okay.

    ChickaD glad you are hanging in... Almost done you can do it xoxo I get my radiation tattoos on Thursday... Ugh nervous... I know we are the radiation, eye twitching sisters. I'll STFU whatever we have to do so we are here right ;)

    Hugs to all the sisters!! Sending healing prayers and thoughts to everyone. I am so grateful to each and every one of you.


    Sweet Pea

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    good Morning Hoolies==I hope everyone wakes up with calmness.

    Sweety I think u'r behind time, here it's 5:30AM here but not u'r time yet there--so hopefully u'r still sleeping Let us know when u get home.

    Dwill it's so true what u said. Whatever the Dr's/ specialty is that's it. If u have another question about anything they don't know--only what they do. Sometimes I think they don't always listen cuz whatever they have done, it was fine for them so side effects of it they are not sure about it. My opinion only--and I thin a colonoscopy is the usual practice for all of us so it might be nothing--it's just part of this whole stupid picture.

    Sweet Pea I hope u feel asleep and got a good nite sleep. Isn't it strange how falling asleep is so different now, I mean I never had a problem and slept all night and now it's whatever. I just got my coffee--so I'm just waking up--Oh I have a busy day today --but I do move slowly so it takes longer hahaha 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Cammicracksmeup!  You still awake?  You say you have Dolphins?  I had Angel fish one time..... and OH!  Guppies, but that was years ago....Or is that the ONE thing you spelled right?  Isn't it awful about what that galfriend of Fullest SAID to her!  I think it's time for a smack-down!  What a stupid thing to say....  and YES.... SweetPea, is right... She SHOULD have said at least she is not "contagious"....Ha! 

    Sorry Fullest, for talking about you in the third sense, but your friend needs some lessons in manners!  And WE are just the ones to show her!  What a dink! 

    Have you noticed anything at all about the way Cammi types?  Or maybe that's just how she is?  If she DIDN'T type that way, we would not understand a thing she says... she is our "special" one...Wink

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Press Release I came across this morning.. Not sure it pertains but thought I would send it along to my hooligans...

    Title of article:

    FORMA Therapeutics and Cancer Research Technology to Discover Cancer Drugs Targeting Deubiquitinating Enzymes (DUBs)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Grammie!  WTH????  I have read that article twice now, and my brain just exploded.   I think it means that there are new advances in cancer research?  Or drugs?  I mean I need a translator...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Chevy u'r right have to get Phylohitman on the line to take care of herpiemania---Just kidding. and I might very well have said I had a dolphin I don't remember a thing.

    Oh GMA do u know where u are putting this article I didn't even understand the tytle and as far as the article, this is what I read blah, blah, blah-doo daa, blah blah---I think Chev y and I need an intepretorand Phyloreader is just learning so --oh oh poor Sas but she will understand it and Shell too.

    My sister went for her yearly regular checkup--all tests were fine  and her Dr. said u are a very healthy lady for 74--wel except for Stage IV cancer. we laughed so hard.

    Busy day for me today a shower alone takes up time, then gooing out for lunch then Drs. --Now that might seem pretty ordinary to u, bur not for me so I'll be busy.

    And yes I am the lousiest typist on here and I admit it--I took 2 yrs in schoo, typed with jobsmost of my life and worked for the government with typing being a mainstay. So no one in the government noticed so that made me type worse--It was the government for God's sake some of them in ILL were on their way to jail , u think they cared how I typed???? So here I am a disabled typist, but I can't get any money for that.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    This obviously isn't a Franchise - I only do franchise press releases so I was searching for those and this came up... I can't wrap my brain around it either, but I think they are working on a new drug that they just figured out WITH new advances in cancer research???  Didn't mean to explode your brain - we only have so many cells left. 

    Oh BTW the BS has ordered a vascular study to rule out Thoracic Outlet Syndrome..(Weds afternoon) Pocket party is requested.... I don't think it will be "ruled out"  but am ready to tell them that I have to be in a certain position for it to show up... 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Oh my poor little "special" typist.....Ha,ha!  I just can't help it, I laugh out loud when I even SEE a post from you, before I even try and decipher what you said!  You said something about endorphins, which I think is closely related to dolphins.... right? 

    Yes, get Shells and Sass to 'splain what that article said...

    You forked for the government?...(I typed "forked" instead of worked, and that was funnier than worked, so I left it!)  Well that explains many things about your typing.... Wink  It's even scarier that we all understand you!  Anyway, I love it!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Oh okay Grammie....!  We'll ALL be with you!  ((((grammie))))

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Totally in your pocket Gma this week...hopefully your pocket and not mine as my big ole butt wouldnt give you room to

    My little Cooper is a Morkie (1/2 maltese, 1/2 yorkie) 

    Welcome Miss you need to know anything about chickens...make sure to ask Chevy

    Miss SweetPea...good luck with your mapping is scheduled for last Wed of this month and I am nervous too

    So finally I feel better today from naturally I think I am Superwoman...I get up at 5am with my hubby and start cleaning and washing 8am I am flat on my went out bad...ugh ugh ugh....thank God I have every pain med under the sun to use....damn ( I have several ruptured discs in my spine)...funny how I just always seem to end up in bed rolling around sighing and sounded kinda dirty

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Oooh pocket party for Gma..good luck. Going to find something to do today. dh is in a funk and bitching about everything. And I mean Everything.wish he'd go back to work, but will be here until my room gets finished..Maybe Ill go on a vacation...

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    As far as radiation mapping ladies - Make SURE you are comfortable in the position they stick you in BEFORE you let them do the tats.  You will be in that position for the duration of treatment.. I felt bad and didn't say anything, then had pain and issues in that position the rest of the time.  Once they tattoo - they won't move you... because you would need another set - my tattoos now - you can't see unless you look for them. Just letting you know... 

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    I always say - what goes around comes around.... obviously, this week I don't have a grandchild - 

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Yes, Cammi, your typing sucks, but your beauty, charm, wit and sexiness make up for it. You and Chevette are the two roses among us.

    Sweetheart and Fullst, just to warn you, we will probably mess with your names and call you other stuff. Phyllisophical started us on this - her name changes every day depending on her moods (she's an ex con - the only one who admits to it, anyway). Now fullst you are just asking for some fun names, and I'll give you your first one: Fullstenita. Keep your spirits up and when you have trouble doing that, check in with us and we'll look after you. Do you want us to slap Ms. Herpes for you? 

    Howdy to Dwilly and Illy (Illinoislady). Dwills, don't worry too much about the colonoscopy - once you have polyps it's very common for them to do surveillance periodically. I worked in that field for a few years as  a Nurse Practitioner - sounds like they have you on a good surveillance program, and yes, every ache, pain and test will have you wondering..... it's a form of post traumatic response - once you get smacked upside down with our diagnosis it's normal to feel the way you do.

    Mary, you DGS is precious, just too, too funny. I would LOVE to have a critter like that to hang with.

    Well, it's 4:00 am - got up at 3 - can't sleep. My professor is coming to visit my pediatric clinical site today - hope she leaves with an eyeful at what she set me up in! I plan to be perfectly poised, although now I've only had about 4 hours of sleep so hope I am coherant.

    Phylette you sound so spunky, it does my heart good to listen to you.

    OK - off to the salt mines - boy will I be glad when this day ends! To all of  chemo ladies and those having surgeries and procedures, we're in your pocket, so if it gets noisy in there it's only us making the racket.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Goodmorning! picked up MRI report at 7:15 am. It was done yesterday morning. Ct 2 weeks ago showed a 5mm possible hemangioma(tangle of blood vessels). Stacey suggested going on the internet, While I knew lots about hemangiomas, I did learn a few things. 80% are present at birth an are estrogen supported. My little guy could have been present all this time. The difference is identified in the report, by the radiologist. They got a new machine that can pick up smaller 'things". Thats a positive for us all. Thyroid tomorrow. :)

    Our PHillyinthehinterland's computer is down b/c of a storm last night, She's fine :)

    Need to catch up on several pages

    HAVE A GREAT DAY, I'm smiling. LOL, If I get up and dressed to go get a report this early, yeah, I was a little worried. :) Thanks for everyon's concern. sassy

    Welcome newbies!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Sas, I know you are so relieved.BIG sigh.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Do we have DUBS or BUGS?

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    What?!?!  I thought I got caught up and posted one sentence and suddenly there is another whole page!  

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Sas, glad your report was okay. I'll be with you and Gma as you get tested tomorrow..

    Shell, hope your prof pays attention to your environment...and gives you extra credit for sticking it out!

    The rest of you Hoolies, have a good day.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    CkickaD clueless about the eyetwitch, but sounds like Sweet Pea has a handle on it.  Your Furbaby is so sweet.  We had two litters of Brittany's in 1981 &1982. Lots of furballs 21(10 & 11) little ones :) OHHHHh wish I had the fortitude to do it again. So, nice that your bonding so young. :)

    Flowers & April, remember this phrase after they start the IV "May I have the Happy juice now?" If they say not yet. Tell'em your really anxious, that usually works. LOVE that Versed. Used with 99% of all sx's. Same family as Valium, Xanax,Ativan, etc, but besides being OH sO relaxing, it also has an amnesic(forgetting effect). Lovely drug. LOVELY. I get to have it for a colonoscopy on my B-day. Melt into the bed relaxation. HMMMMMM.

    Wren, what fun, sounds like an old fashioned 4th--oddles of happy memories --nice. Loved it when the cherries came in season. We had one bing and one sour red. The bing tree was so great for climbing.

    Maryblushingcheeks, ohhh that GS ROTFALOL.  hAPPY DAY ON GETTING YOUR PORCH:)

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    Someone say pocket party? I'm in!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Yay! Got my stupid modem reset. Now, WTH was that thing Foley posted? I couldn't even read the title !(thank you cami). I hope it comes with a translation. Don't worry though, I will read it and report back so you don't have to read it yourselves. Or I could take a nap!

    I'm feeling a bit better today but labs at 1:30pm. I'll probably need a fghfhfvfvghffrguuhgfg!!! Neupogen shot.

    Now I must go say a prayer over my new 'puter and hope it didn't get fried in the storm last night.