STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    It is so nice to be appreciated isn't it Shells?!  Congrats on your great grades!

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited July 2013

    Shellshine so proud of you! We all knew you could do it. I knew it was in the bag as soon as the old mean doc gave an inch and showed respect. In my ongoing years of nursing, I learned to respectfully speak my mind and found it to be in turn appreciated,respected and trusted. You will be a great nurse practitioner.

    Mary tell your hubby I went fishing yesterday. Only half a day because it is 100 degrees and first time since surg. Last year.....and lymphedema. Brought home 10 decent sized bass to eat, tossed back quite a few. It was wonderful to me.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2013

    Congratulations Shellshine! I'm glad they gave you credit for your good work.

    Beatmon, jealous of the fish. Caught my first fish on lake Tenkiller. I was so excited.

    Sas, Sorry about the migraine. Those are awful.

    In pockets where needed today.

    Hugs to all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Bea I love that u enjoy fishing and u sound like u know what u'r doing too.

    Sas if u'r reading this stop!!! u need to rest u know that, u know what to do I hope it passes ASAP for u, migraines as I've heard are horrible. I get a headche and I'm miserble, I can't imagine a migraine.

    How are the chemo people feeling?--I hope not so bad, but I know it's not easy.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Bmom - how did you cook your fish?!! What a treat!

    Texan Sweetness and Flowers, awwhh – our hooliegang is growing nicely.  And it’s good for Phylly. She was getting lonesome for Texas, but she can’t go back until the statute of limitations has expired for her last, er, event. Meanwhile she’s reading lots about exciting capers so she can experience her former life vicariously.

    Flowers what date and time is your surgery scheduled so I can put it on my calendar, and what time zone are you in, please? Can you ask your PCP for prescription sleep assistance?

    Sweetness, how was your port procedure? Did you have your first chemo, yet? What is your chemo schedule? How are you feeling?

    Poor little Cammigirl – not even one little endorphin? Sounds like unsatisfying sex….. Now listen up here you little FF (fartface), YOU ARE NOT BORING so STFU. Your grandson is the sweetest little guy, tell him he is the love of your life! My son and mother are so close, he listens to her more than me. If I really want him to do something and he won’t, like shave I have my mom ask him and he does it.

    Fullette – stay away from herpeslady and hang with us, we'll treat you right.

    OK, now I want to have an Egg Crème so bad. My memere (French Canadian grandmother) used to make us a dish she called "booyee" - can't find the spelling on the internet, but it is called Floating Islands in English. Want me some right now!

    Jewellianna is our most calm and sane person on our thread, well Joan sort of is, too. They provide security when the boat is crashing around the turbulence too much

    Dwilly – I had back and shoulder pain during my fills, too, and my PS also dissed me. I learned on other threads that this is a common occurrence, and that other PS’s recognize it. I took NSAIDs and asked my PCP for a low dose short acting benzodiazepene  - took it in the evening and it helped. Xanax 0.25 or 0.5 is good, or ask for a longer acting type that is extended release. Valium is considered a muscle relaxant, but it has a longer half life. Be careful – benzos are super easy to become dependent on. I found I needed to slowly titrate myself off of them slow so I didn’t get a racing heartbeat and feelings of mild anxiety if there is such a thing as mild when you have anxiety.

    Annastaceylee, doesn’t benadryl give you a hangover the next morning? Ask your PCP for guidance – going through treatment is tough – it is appropriate to use prescription sleep aids when needed. Try not to get dependent, though, not good.

    Maryalmostporched, so happy for you. Please post a picture. Today is our first day of construction on an outdoor covered lanai at our place.  I’m excited – no extra money to do it with but we figured since we only owed $10,000 on our dinky old house, we got a big home equity line of credit, paid off the $10,000 mortgage to the  evil Bank of America (started with Countrywide but BOA  took over – can’t stand them). We can pay interest only until I get a job. I used to be so scared of things like this, always so prudent with financial matters, but BC changed my attitude. I need a covered lanai and a repaired  back bathroom dammit, and I ain’t waiting until I’m 65, 75, 85… I’m getting it now.

    Esther, you nearly broke my brain with that article, I just couldn’t finish it. Not enough room left.  Good advice about the radiation tats – smart cookie. I’m so glad we can help our other sisters going through these tough treatments.

    Sassypants, glad you are smiling after your MRI, and also glad your radiologist wrote his report specifically for your concerns, good man, or woman.

    Philly, WTH are DUBS or BUGS? Good luck with your puter. Yahoooo on the no neupo news. Let’s name it NNN or triple N, then we can throw up a collective cheer!

    Blondiee you better get your cute ass back over here and let us know how you are doing, and how your lungs are, you hear me??  HELLO……..are you there? Oh – I see you. You can’t stay out all night for days – you have a curfew of at least every 3 days or I’m calling the police.

    JackieLilinois, loved your “Cloud 9 is hard to get through the front door!” So true!!! Please share your sleeping tips with us, do you tend to not worry about things at night? I think that is my biggest problem, I think too much when I should be turning my brain off.

    Sass – OMG your last post without your glasses was so funny!!!!! Read it when you find them!!!

    Thanks for the kind words, Vegette. Please let PPK know when you meet withher. I PM'd her last week. Give her a big hug for me.

    Thanks Spookie, Savi, Juliette, EstherGrammy, Beatmom and everyone else for your kind words. I still have about 50 hours to complete over the next 2 weeks, but the pressure is off. I’m just going to relax and enjoy the time (for once).

    I love you Chevygirl, and Wren, April and Duckster. 

    Have run  out of severance pay and haven’t seen an unemployment check, yet. Than goodness for the HELOC....but need to take a few weeks off before starting a new job. Have been doing halfhearted job hunting effort, will need to get more aggressive when clinical ends. My “get up and go” “got up and went!”

    Phew – that was a long one, but after all I’ve put my hoolies through I owed you.



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Shells!  Love your post.... to everyone!  Yes, we are so happy, that things are so much better for you now....  And you didn't even have to shoot DH!  Little Jackie calls me "sunshine"..... So you can be our "sunshine" too! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    When I was little, I remember My Mom and Dad singing this to my Brother and I....  And the night before Mom passed away, we all gathered by her bed-side  and sang this to her.....  I just want to think she listened, and then 'went to sleep'.......  xoxoxoxo

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Miss Shellybelly.....YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone FOUND MY GLASSES, and only one page to catch up on ---wha' happened?

    Stacey, Thanks :) I agree on radiologist talking with us. I've been lucky to be able to do this.  On the insomnia thing, I had such bad insomnia. I started the Insomnia thread. The first 36 hours, we did 14 pages. The thread was active along time, but now isn't so much. Here's the link below. It's where CAMI and I met for the first time. I rarely go there anymore. It takes spurts, if people going through insomnia connect, then it flows for awhile. Put it in your FAVS. Maybe Flowers & you & Cami & I can meet there  LOL:)

    Flowers:) see above about insomnia :)

    Remember all Jo1955 is hyster/bso sx is the 13th. The same day as April's.

    Stacey--interesting that the chemo is affecting one of the cranial nerves. Wonder what it does to the other 11?

    Chevy I knew that ditto would mess with you. I also knew what I was referring too at the time. Now I forget,Frown OH well LOL. Voracsiousreader on Bonfires thread is up on an awful lot of research, she may have some info for you RE Tamox. The remark I made to Stacey Re: the eye twictching in response to one of the chemo's. The area affected is innervated by one of the twelve cranial nerves. The seventh crainal nerve is the Auditory-Vestibular (hearing and balance). If one chemo can affect a cranial nerve, what other ones including Tamox are affecting them?

    Beatmom your a nurse too! that makes a bunch now--stacey, shells, jullianna, littlegoat, you, me---6 nurses Cool. BTW when you were fishing and said you caught six bass and "tossed back quite a few". Was that fish or brews :)

    Cami- My migraines are easy ones. I'm lucky. It's all a visual thing, very slight headache, maybe some nausea for a few minutes. The visual thing last 20 minutes to the minute each time. Others have it so much worse.   Overdid the exercise yesterday, lots of muscles screaming at me. Are you walking?

    Mary it's 6:30 so today's work should be done, one day down and hope your DH isn't. SO happy uou are getting your room. You'll be able to eat out there when it's nice, just listen to the forrest things, besides just for puffing.

    Shells, i did read my post LOL. When I had my brain sx in Mar.2012, I couldn't wear my glasses for weeks b/c the ear piece was right over the incision end at the right ear. My posts were hysterical, after I was finally able to go back and read them. I was on Fuzzy's thread then. Everyone was so kind, but they definitely had to do mental gymnastics to figure out what I said. Insomnia was a big issue then, so, I came to BCO. Funny. You need time off --you deserve. I HATE BANK OF AMERICA TOO. They are evil. Some of the stories I've read about the mortgage fiasco and since. Be careful to ask them for "Satisfaction of Mortgage" letter and have it recorded at the County Clerks Office. I bet they give you a hard time about it.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    I am so excited, not only am I getting my back porch covered, but we're going to do the front one as well, plus ceremic tile on the back porch instead of leaving the wood, all for less than the price the other guy gave us just to do the screened in porch. Im like you Shells, I dont want to wait until Im 65 or 70 to do it, so Im dipping into my retirement account before its all gone to medical bills. It starting to look really good though. Just hope it doesnt rain tonight cause they had to tear into the existing roof and rain would be a bad thing. Keeping my fingers crossed.....Will get some pictures when its a little farther along.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Yay Miss Mary...I love sitting on my porch in Ohio....or my "lanai" when in Florida.....people always laugh at me in Florida when I call my lanai a porch

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Ms. Shellshine - I live in the suburbs of Dallas, TX. so I guess we are on Central time.  My surgery (bilateral salpingo oophorectomy) will be at the local hospital (Flower Mound Presbyterian) on Thursday, July 18, 2013 at 7:30 a.m.  They want me there at 5:30 a.m. which makes me a little nervous.  Many of the Hoolies here have told me what to expect at this early hour including a steak dinner, fudge, a male stripper and many more fun and imaginative things.  You are all a riot!  Congrats. to YOU on your recent experiences with your schooling.  I only wish I lived closer to you and could pick your brain everyday.  I miss working so much!  After this last surgery next week, I intend to pound the pavement and get back to work ASAP.  I am a Registered Dietitian and Food Safety Consultant and I miss using my brain very, very much.  My MO and GYN doctors have started referring their patients to me and that has been a blessing!  I met with a woman about my age 3 weeks ago who also has BC and has been losing lots of weight.  On Monday she called me to report that she has gained 2 pounds by following the customized meal plan that I developed with her.  What a nice thing for her to do. Her MO is my MO and he even commented on what a good job I did with her.  What a nice turn of events.  I hope to be able to give free nutrition presentations for both the Oncology and Gynecology practices starting in August and generate more referrals.  Thanks once again for thinking of me and my current situation.  My Sister is a nurse at Baylor Grapevine Regional Hospital and she will be taking good care of me after the surgery.  She is an awesome nurse who would only get her BSN although I have tried for years to talk her into becoming a NP.  She is as smart as a whip but hates studying!  She gets more Gold Star comments than any other nurse in the hospital and is always getting little extras from her supervisors and the Administration.  Oh well, she is happy with what she is doing I guess.

    To all of my other Sister Warriors, stay safe and be well.  I hope that everyone has a better week with no pain and little to no SEs.  I hope the glasses are found and everyone else has something to look forward to other than this damn disease.  I am so lucky to have you all in my life and will be forever grateful for the care and caring I and so many others receive on this thread everyday.  HUGS!


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    I think Foley's article had DUBs or bugs....or something. Hellifiknow!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    This is Ohio porch

    this is Florida porch

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Oh Chick-how did you get a picture of my backyard? Just kidding.Thats what I would love to have though.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Miss Mary....tee hee

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Not vascular/arterial thoracic outlet syndrome. Doc will get offical report in a day or so.

    Hugs to all.

    Thanks for the pocket party. It was awesome.

  • SweetheartinTX
    SweetheartinTX Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2013

    Shellshine - I got my port placed yesterday and I felt okay afterwards but this morning I was in quite a bit of pain, felt like my collar bone was broke. Then I had my first round of chemo. I felt fine during and right after but about 2 hours afterwards, I started feeling bad. I feel super nauseous, achy, and like I got flu symptoms.

    I have taken 3 of the 4 nausea medicines that they prescribed. It's not helping! I got the damn shakes now.

    Chemo ain't no bitch!!

  • SweetheartinTX
    SweetheartinTX Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2013

    Oh and hello to all you other beautiful ladies too! Hope you are all feeling better than me today !

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Sweetheart, what kind of chemo are you on?

  • SweetheartinTX
    SweetheartinTX Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2013

    Adrimycin ( aka Red Devil) and cytoxan right now

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    OT. Savgigi

    Monday, July 15 is St Swithans day. AlanS will get us if we don't do it!!!! HeHee

    Barb T2, OmniPod since 1-09

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Oh Miss Sweet♥....I totally feel your pain with chemo...I am not handling my rounds (on #3) either...they SUCK!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    ChicaD, what part of Fl & Ohio?

  • SweetheartinTX
    SweetheartinTX Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2013


    Yeah this is yuck! Hope I feel better tomorrow. Or at least a little better. Is there anything you take besides the nausea medicine? I feel like I have a headache but don't know if I should take some Tylenol or not.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited July 2013

    OK, Spookie. I will put it on my calendar. I would not want Alan coming after me Tongue Out

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK guys get over here and help sweethearthurting----Make sure u keep hydrated, plenty of water or vitamin water loads--See I know that==gingerale made with real ginger and don't lay down yet--di u have a comfortable recliner?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Savgigi. It would be a long trip!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Flowers---what nice thoughts for us all. I did find the glasses as you likely can tell. Sounds to me like you are walking and talking yourself into a job at the MO's office. Then you can act as a consultant at other MO's offices in the region. $$$$$$$. So, put on your calendar to learn about consulting "How To's" later this year:) Two lbs to some may see small, but in a cancer patient the was consistently on the downward trend IT'S A BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT.  Along with that Dear Flowers, it tells me you have a way about you. You got that one patient to believe that she could do something. THEN she did it.   You caused her to believe and act. That's huge. Her life sucks. She's exhausted. She's in treatments that drain her enough going to pee is work. YOU got her to follow a diet plan. We can talk til were blue, but if it doesn't change action, then the words are worthless. You gotter' done. ATTA GIRL!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Sweetheart I have worked as a nurse with pain docs and absorbed allot. Did allot of study on my own. Worked in allot of different nursing jobs that pain control was an issue. WE can talk by phone if you want. PM'g takes way to long. sassy