STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Sweet Pea,Dwilli & Sweetheart and any newbies this link is to my thread "Just Diagnosed get prepared" It's lots of practical stuff. ChickD has used it.

    This is a link to 4 threads that were put together as being beneficial to newbies. I am proud that mine is the first---it was like SO cool, but they have it in logical sequence. Practical, then Melissa does it from a medical point of view, then understanding path report, then a wonderful post about what it is to come out the otherside of BC.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Sweetheart, If I remember correctly, stomach issues were not too bad on adrm. could be a combination of so many drugs in a short span...pain meds , anesthesia, all the stuff they give you in chemo. Thats alot. Hope you feel better. I think tylenol would be ok for the head-ache. Thats what they always told me to take.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited July 2013

    GmaFoley, sorry they have still not determined the source of your pain. Bummer.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited July 2013

    I start work on Sunday! I have to go to PayLess tomorrow for some slip-resistant black shoes. I HATE black shoes. Then to Goodwill to see if they have some black slacks. So, after I get the word that I am on the schedule for Royal Farms, I get phone calls from DSW (shoe store) and Kmart about applications I put in to those places oh so long ago. Yep. All this in one day. Well, at least they are finally WANTING me. STFU!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    dunes--good luck Sunday--it's always strange starting a job (I think) but u must be ready so u have to tell us how it goes--competely.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Sweethearthurtin', Hope things are getting better for you.  Keeping you close in my heart.

    Dunesleeper,  Congrats on the job!  

    Hello to the rest of the hooligans!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Julia --having any fun---you've got your oldsters. You're watching out for them. What are you doing for yourself? From a  nurse that knows to another nurse, nurses don't watch out for themselves.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Sas, I'm taking care of me. Spending time with my GD gives me respite. I've certainly learned to say "no" to people/requests. I stay away from toxic people and environments. Of course, I have all of you.

    My DH is home until Sunday so we are doing things together including yard work. We are planning to spend Saturday with the family at the coast. It will be GD first time.

    How are you taking care of yourself, sassypants?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Julia, doing okay. But going to break confidence of phone coversation  b/c it is too treasured not to share. You're still in honeymoom status after X years (forget but it's allot :)) What fun!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Sweetheart - I have been searching the internet looking for some answers for you.

    Definately take tylenol for a headache. If you are too nauseated to take it orally, use it in suppository form, available over the counter.

    I'm just not sure what to do about the nausea. I would try all of the prescriptions given to you, one at a time, to see which ones work the best. Try combinations next. Try not to get too dehydrated, it will make the nausea worse... small sips of water, ginger tea, peppermint tea, or anything that appeals to you. If you want to try carbonated drinks, swish a spoon around in the glass to  break the bubbles down a bit. Start with 7-up or ginger ale. This may sound bizarre as hell, but one of my favorite anti-nausea tricks is classic coke, not too cold, with a bit of fresh squeezed lemon, half a glass to start. Stir with a spoon to break the bubbles. Chewing on small amounts of candied ginger may help. 

    I've found that placing a cool cloth at the back of the neck does wonders for nausea.

    Eat smaller frequent meals, go towards the cooler rather than warmer side in temperature....  rice pudding, tapioca pudding, ice cream, frozen yogurt, fruit ices. I made rice pudding with sweet (mochi or sticky) rice and rice milk for a friend undergoing chemo, she said it helped. If milk upsets your stomach, ask friends and family to make bland rice pudding with rice milk or almond milk. Don't be afraid to use white sugar - you need the calories and if it helps your food taste better, go for it. 

    I'm not very knowledgeable about this, just wringing my hands trying to think of what might help you chemo  girls feel better. The THC in cannabis helped my 15 year old brother when he had leukemia. My mom made a  tea for him and he was able to eat a McDonald's Happy Meal (ugh). That was 35 years ago and we still tease her about it.

    God bless you, Phylly, Mary, Blondiee, Chicka and any of our other hoolies going through this.  Please let us know what helps the most. Veggy - any thoughts?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    See Sweetheart I told u, u wpuld get help here--just not from me--not that I don't want to help, I just don't know much about anything--never paid much attention, but we have nurses here and they know alot.

    U know Sas and Julia, Shell that's true about nurses and teacher, u'r used to taking care of others so much there are a lot of teachers and nurses on these threads. It's strange almost.

    I hope all u chemo people are having a good or decent at least day now Sweetheart if u have any legal questions u ask Phyloillegal anything and chickens is Chevy's department. And ducky (who has been quiet lately is our fashionista) and I'm not bad about the bald thing--I can help on that. And others have talent for all kinds of things so u'r in a good place here.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    As I was writing to Sas I realized this is kinda a STFU moment, so I added it here also - Family arrived late last night - my ultrasound went like this: "She put my arms in every position possible and we still got a steady pulse - don't know what else to say - then she said it must be nerve related without arterial involvement - whatever that means... I'm discouraged - it means what I knew all along - chronic pain that is just going to stick with me..  I got a comment that - "We can hope it goes away soon" - That's a STFU statement if I ever heard one."  I realized this week has been my 2 year mark after radiation.. If I only got a $1 for every time I heard the statement above.. I would have enough money to pay my medical bills LOL.. Lets end on a good note:

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    GMAcan'tfindreason---I know how aggrevating that is--just pay attention u'rself or even write it down how u feel for how long. I know mine is chronic now, but at first it was like doesn't seem bad u have to walk more--Yea well it didn't work that well. I really think there is a lot of stuff thrown at us and altho the cancer is treated some of our bodies are reacting to all that we went thru and other things hppen, but they really don't know all the answers yet. Just my thinking--which we know what that's worth. LOL

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Cami - all I can do is smile - I understand  and I appreciate all opinions including yours.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Miss Sweet♥....mostly the Compazine works for my nausea. .but when not I use something call Emend (sp?)...its long lasting...ask for that prescription.

    Ohio NE area of Novelty  ...east of Cleveland

    Florida SW area of North Fort Myers, FL

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Roseburg porch - South, East & West view 

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited July 2013

    Mornin' Hoolies! Just checking in. I worked 7 12-hr night shifts in a row in LA, then went to Orlando to see my GD sing at Disney World, then took a few days off before I head back to the west coast this weekend. I feel like I just caught my breath and just caught up on reading this thread.

    I hope all those getting chemo or having surgery or just in general feeling bad or in pain get relief soon and feel much better.

    Thanks to all the hooligans for keeping me laughing.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Foley all that we talked, the least probable, but in probable category was arterial. No one tested for it before. Now you have someone that tested and put you through every position to see if pulse disappeared. My question is did they put you in the position that caused symptoms which we talked about? Venous and nerve were/are probable. With TOS all(nerve, artery,vein) have different dx methods.  AND if it ends up none. Then you have a ruled out a set of diagnoses( not mispelled , plural for diagnosis).  We talked about looking at that side of your body as a quadrant. Neck to tips of fingers and to midline of body, to somewhere --below breast-- not quite waist. MY long story about my neck and 3 years in traction--never got a radiologic dx, but the spasms and pain were very real. Just as yours is. I have MRI report(2010) of stenosis at level that was trouble all these years(46 years).  It's a hoot b/c in the 46 years of medical mgt., it was the least of my problems when MRI done in 2010. Was stenosis present for 46years --no. In those 46 years, I do something to aggravate the neck level, I pay for it dearly. We talked position. You have felt changes(pain) with position, that changing position or activity has improved symptoms. Most you figuired out on your own i.e this position caused pain, so you stopped or changed what you did. Do not minimize this. The docs may b/c they don't have a "thing" i.e neuroma, to say what causes your pain. But if you do something and it reduces pain--keep doing it. The hardest thing to do is change behavior (as I sit typing with a cig ). I told you about the most boring year in my life and job change which lead to neck improvement. BUT my life after those 3 plus years in traction, has revolved around prevention since that time. Were there periods where it was a problem since ---yes. Each time I analysed what the offending source was and changed it. What we weren't able to talk about was the part that chiropractic did for me. I'm absolutely not suggesting that chiropratic be a solution to your problem. But for me it was a major solution along with behavior changes i.e physical activities that caused trouble --I changed the activity. Can your neck arthritis, first rib/clavicle space change, shoulder impingement , muscle spasms or other unidentified source be a cause for your pain even though the docs say no, the answer is yes. YOUR pain is real, you know it. IN the end after all dx tests have been done, if they say "We can't find a source for your pain" doesn't MEAN anything other than they can't find a source. Many people don't understand that statement. Many docs don't understand that statement. BUT to often when docs can't find a source, the patient is lead to believe or made to feel, it's all in their head i.e. imagining it. The best analogy I can come up with right now is, all the complaints(medical usuage of word) people on Arimedex had with the drug. I once saw an interview with one of the lead researchers on Arimedex. His statement was that in clinical trials "They never saw(observed/received/documented) the severe musculoskelatal problems and severe s.e.'s  that were seen after the drug was approved." And "That they would have to go back and re-evaluate what this meant". He at least recognized these complaints were real. BUT how many women were/are lead to believe by their MO's, that their complaints are not associated with the AI's. (Tamox not an AI, so, wasn't part of the interview). Foley, no matter what is diagnosed, do not allow yourself to think that this is not real.

    Edit. Crips almost a whole page passed while I was writing this one response. Well Foley, it follows what you were thinking.

    EDIT: We didn't talk about neck traction as a form of birth control.  Only did it once with the 10lbs of traction on. Paid for that one time for almost three months. After that, the clue phrase was "going to hang up now."

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Illinois.......rainy weather depends on where in Washington State you live....Tacoma, Seattle yes.........I lived in Yakima, (the fruit bowl of the nation).......sun almost everyday.....gorgeous place......I could see Mt. Rainer from my kitchen window....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Ducky - still hot here and will be hotter next week - No rain in sight

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    When I was going through that blasted red red devil all I wanted was lime sherbet, lemon lime soda, ginger ale and water.

    Keep diligent with the nausea pills. Take them before you need them. Waiting until you need them isn't good. Emend was my friend. I would take zofran wait two hours then take compazine. I would also take Prilosec - prescription strength. I tossed my cookies once because I didn't take the meds on time. I kept a pen and tablet close by and kept track of when and what I took. Never had a problem after that.

    Eating was discouraging. Nothing had flavor. A lot of times I followed the BRAT diet...B bananas, R rice, A applesauce, T toast. Nibbled a lot. Drank plenty of water.

    That's about all I remember.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

    Morning.....was writing a rather long post about A/C chemo when I got bumped off so my computer could update itself.  Rude is the word that comes to mind.  Had it told me it was about to annilate my post I could have c/peed in into a different place.  AArrrrrggggg.

    So Chick....this is for you.  Back in 2008 I had the same chemo...the A/C and it kicked my butt royale.  I guess I was just too old.....I couldn't even remember what nausea felt like......only had  it a couple of times with my pregnancies.  By the time i started trying to use the methods that worked so well for others.....seemed like my body was into miss-behavin' and did not want to give that up.  The other women I had chemo with said....take the anti-nausea meds starting right BEFORE you even take the chemo and keep on for a few days.  It worked for them. 

    I lost 38 #'s ( but thank goodness I had it to lose ) during the 6 mos. of my chemo txs.  I also came by the white diet late.  Potatoes, eggs, banannas, tapioca, yogurt,  --- anything that is white and bland.  White bread for toast is great at this time.  I did seem to notice a craving for Jello......and maybe because I craved didn't do any damage and stayed down. 

    Also.....after I had gone as far down as I could and started back up the other side......I seemed to always crave tuna fish on toast.  I put apples and raisins and celery in my tuna fish ( who knows maybe it was something I made it with, I don't know ) but I always but always wanted only that and would eat it all day after I made it.  Alway laughed a bit while eating it......thinking....guess I really like that poison.  The chemo is not enough for me...I now must have some good old mercury poisoning. 

    Still, I'm a believer that your body knows what it needs and will ask you for it.  How many gallons of ice cream I have let my loud mouth body have.......amongst other and sundry goodies of wide variety.  Cream yum.  Cappuchino cheesecake...yum - yum. 

    I'm digressing here......I had the A/C for three months.  Apparently since I never got a handle on the nausea thingy ( I think you will lthough easily ) I just went ahead and tossed my cookies or whatever was there duing the 3 months of Taxotere......and nausea and vomiting are not even a se for that. 

    I gave myself Nuepogin shots ( for 7 days after each tx. ) after every round of chemo and stayed quite was during a very cold and snowy winter here and I never developed as much as a sniffle.  So even though there were a number of challenges.....i did get through the chemo and was even quite proud of myself for my stamina. 

    My biggest method for the hard, hard days was to tell will feel better after the next ten minutes.  A lot of times I did not, but I'd just start all over again with that refrain......just give yourself ten minutes and it will be much, much better.  So for 6 mos.  I lived a good portion of my life in tem minute increments.    Usually anyone can get through almost anything for ten minutes. 

    If you feel the urge to nap....I would.  I did a lot during that time period and it did not seem to affect my night time sleeping.  Your body is working hard while it is acting as Conan the Barbarian killing all those cells and destroying your hair and all that junk.  Be kind and take that nap.

    I did say before that I was a champion sleeper and I was.  My best method for not getting the drowsies soon enough to suit me is  ( I have a t.v. in my bedroom ) that I turn on the boringest program I can find and quite soon ( I have a sleep timer )  I am falling to sleep in self defense. 

    I hope you path becomes really, really smooth.  Now maybe I will try and go back ( I saw your first post about chemo on the page just back of this one ) and read what I missed.

    Going to the show today.....not sure of the name...a comedy my gf says with the bad word every other sentence.....will I become de-sensitized ????

    Hope you all have a great day. 

    I know my spell checker had to have flown the coop long time ago so excuse any mistakes.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    jackie so many good thoughts in your post. LOL on the ten minute thingy. I used to say that when work got really choatic.  Basically, ER days. "We can do anything for the next ten minutes". Got us through many a time. You can imagine the choas when I used "Okay were in one minute mode" :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Cami would you stop that :(, I'm gonna tell Mom on you :(      BTW I 100%agree with you.


    STFU, I have to study my thyroid report.

    Edit:16:30 still learning, but have to eat  Edit: 17:15 learned enough, on the diagnostic treadmill for awhile longer. Edit 19:10 Kept learning, Attack mode starts at 8am 7/12/2013

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Love all the good words Jackie♥

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    Chevy no tamixofin ever...never took it he told me it would make he gain weight...

    chickie I want to rent your florida porch, love ft myers was there last year.....

    sweetheart, good luck with the port...ah the red stuff...

    dunes, congrats on the job....take care of yourself tho

    GMA great pix

    Mary so excited you are getting your porch..and more

    Shell I am so excited for you and should be proud of yourself and thanks and the lung thing, we after the bathroom walk which is like right there, the oxy level was 71, 79, 76, apparently normal for me is 93....on the PET scan it says plural effusion - who knows.....

    Thanks Phyllie that works....of course the port didn't work, tried heprin so they just took it out of my chemo and zometa then was having trouble breathing again, gave me got a call and they want me to get a chest xray so tomorrow I will go and get it, the reason is they are looking for fluid in my lungs like I had last year and had to get it taken out....

    I get emend through the iv when I get chemo along with another anti nausea medication which doesn't really work, dr. told me to take a zofran before I went....them I use compezine then I get high if I feel like, he also said I could use ativan for it if none of them work..

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK u hooligans--WTF are u talking about now--But first--I loved u'r post Jackie, u always make so muchbsense--10 minutes--love that. But all this snti-nausea sruff it was all given to me in my port--I didn't take one pill for it. But the first four months I did work as much as I could went out to lunch every day that I worked and ate scrambled eggs with toast-not pot or anything else that's all I could eat, my gf's were getting sick and tired of looking at eggs everyday--I told them I didn't give a chit and I always got plastic utensils. Then after surgery was another year and 1/2 of chemo and all I wanted was ice cream--vanilla-but the really good stuff--but I didn't work then just silly, it reminded me of tastes for pregnency like a certain taste u need to have. And I thought this is very hormonal even tho I had no uteris or ovaries but why did thst happen? see why I have so many theories LOL And the red devil was rediulous but as I told u I'd hold my pee and when I got home would pee and not flush the toilet and my dgt would be there and get hysterical--I laighed so hard, but it only worked one time. She's not that stupid-so my fun with that one didn't last long.Cuz she tole my other dgtr and they didn't think it was funny. So u see that's how I deal with everything. That's why I'm not alot of help to anyone for advice cuz I rhink so differently I want to help but my words are hard to come by with some seriousness--I'm terrible

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    No Cammi..... You have the BEST sense of humor!  Even tho I only understand 1/2 of what you write, I just know you, and I know what you are saying.... sometimes..... maybe never.

    And what do you mean about WTF are you talking about???  Do I have to know now?

    I don't know anything about everything, and nothing about all those meds and red-devil you gals talk about....

     I just know they are NOT fun, and usually make you really sick..... I'm so sorry.....  I just think of you all, going through chemo.... and to have you still post here, going through hell, is just beautiful!

    Jackie ALWAYS makes sense....!  Ha, ha!    She is just the opposite of me....  That's why I love her.....  My Daughter in Orlando always goes to sleep with their TV on..... I would go nuts!   She has always done this..... maybe I did it to her?  Wink  But even when she was in College, she said she had to have some noise to fall asleep.....  And me?  I can't hear a damn thing it's pretty quiet around here.

    Hi Blondie....So I can use that excuse for why I gained weight?  Ha!  I just took it for 14 months...that was enough.

    And Marywiththeporch!  About TIME!  I am so glad you can go out in a bug free zone now!   We are all jealous!

    Veggy, you said lime-sherbet!  I LOVE sherbet!   Any kind.... You know I found key-lime marshmellows, so I am going to make that Key-Lime Pie from WW, with the lime yogurt, Sugar Free Lime Jello, and cool-whip.... in a graham-cracker crust!   The lime marshmellows just sounded GOOD, so I'll save you all a piece!

    Hi Ducky, Sass, Savgigi and Chikki!  Hope you all are doing good!

    GrammiFoley.... I sent that sign on to my Daughters!  Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Chevy u can copy from here, I can't--don't try and tell me how just let me think u'r smart--cuz if u start that bucket chit, the only thing I know about buckets is water, mops and put one next to u bed t nite when u'r tummy hurts.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy, My two standard jokes about hearing loss, you kind have to figure it out.

    1. The car always runs well

    2. You always miss out on the good gossip