STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Oh Man, Sass!  I miss out on what DH says 1/2 the time, but that is not always a bad thing.  AND without his teeth, I don't even TRY anymore, Ha!   And I have hearing aids IN!   It's still really hard to understand any S's, or F's....  I mean I can't hear them even when I say them.  Wink

    But it could be worse.    At least I have hearing aids AND hands that are beginning to resemble hands again!    DD said they almost look like normal skin!     

    I KNEW how allergic I am to Paint Stripper, insecticides, Epoxy, etc.  When DH uses epoxy on something, it HAS to stay out in the garage until it dries.    Twice I've wound up in emergency because of the hives, shaking, and welts I get.    So I should have KNOWN that what I was putting on Lacee for her Hot-Spots would give me trouble...   But I'm getting older, and I can't reason things out like that....Ha!  

    Yes Sass.... the car DOES always sound good....Smile  DH says, "Is that the brakes squeaking?"  And I say what brakes....  And WHO CARES who is mowing their lawn????   Like I need to KNOW that?  And who needs to hear thunder IN the house?   I can go out if I need to hear it.   And trucks going down the street?  Again, who cares?   I think he just asks me because he KNOWS I can't hear it.    Not important!  If a truck runs INto the house, then I would probably hear it.  Maybe....Wink  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy you got number oneWink What about number two? Happy dance about handsCool RE: truck---DH can't see either

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Speaking of dhs, wish you could have seen mine today. You know those cartoons where the boat springs a leak and the cartoon guy plugs one leak with his fingers and 2 more leaks start? Well thats what happened to him today on our porch. He was trying to stop all these leaks and more kept coming..It really shouldnt have been funny, but it was...Of course it rained all day and our roof was torn up in spots, but he thinks hes got all the leaks running away from the inside walls which is a good thing.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Mary amazing and you didn't even say STFULaughing

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Mary---NO PICTURES---that would be fun to see, for us not him. LOL

    Chevy I know it'a not funny but I kniw I'm just starting to notice if there is a certain tone, voice, TV whatever I don't hear it well--like I used to--so I;m staeting to say I wasn't listening It's so much easier for me. But my SIL has worn a hearing aid since he was little and if the TV is on and we're talking my GS thinks we're yelling at each other. And I realized we're not hearing each other --This isn't fun, but I feel worse for him than me. LOL

    I haven't been on the ball latey (shut up Chevy), I mean I've been so tired al the time but it must be the pain meds cuz I hurt so much and I'm no martyr, I don't like it so I'm a little down (shut up Chevy) I'm the perfect straight woman for Chevy.

    It's supposed to be warm the next few days, I haven;t been in a pool in 7 yrs, at least--so I'm going to try ==It's the getting in an out probably go in easier cuz once I've climbed up I can just fall in, but getting out between my weak arms, bad knees and back--everyone will laugh and I don't care but if I laugh and I will I'll have less strength and no one can help me cuz they laugh to hard. I know this cuz everytime I fall they're litterally laying on the floor with me laughing and I'm peeing laughing. So this should be interesting, I;m no petite woman. OK I'll STFU

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    OMG cami, I'm dying! You are too funny and sweet! I hope the pool will be SO much easier than you think. If not, tell them to STFU for peetie wheeties, and HELP you!

    blondiesweetie, aarrrrgggghhh! I hate it when the port doesn't work! That is even MORE annoying than some dink (Chevy's word) clicking his car alarm 8,000 times outside your bedroom early on a Sunday. You pay thousands of $$$ for a port and they say " Oops! Here let us stick you somewhere else. ". I once asked for my money back. Uh oh, sorry, this is about you, not about me.

    And Blondie, we do NOT want your plurals to be effusive or even effaced. Tell the x-ray tech that before they do it, okay?

    Sassy - you go get 'em!

    marywetporch - sorry things are soggy right now.

    Chevy - "who needs to hear thunder IN the house". OMG, you're right! rofl!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Veggy, Lillinois (Lilli), Mary, Blondiiee  and evryone who gave SH info on chemo - Thank You!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Dunesleeper - I love Royal Farms.  In my past life I worked as a consultant for them performing food safety inspections and keeping them in compliance with the nutrition labeling laws.  You will see my former boss some day, a very nice and smart guy named Ed Sherwin.  The fried chicken from Royal Farms is the bomb!  And they also have Tasty-Kakes.  Huh, some nutritionist I am.  Just remember to wash your hands Sister Warrior and Good Luck!

    SAS - thank you for your comments about my work with a fellow BC patient.  I really do love what I do.  Tomorrow at 2pm (Friday), I am giving a presentation to the doctors and staff of my Oncology Center so that they are clear on the steps to properly refer a patient for Medical Nutrition Therapy.  I am even bringing some healthful but yummy snacks.

    Now a question for you Hoolies.  For one month now, I have been in misery with joint pain and stiffness in my fingers, shoulders, hips, knees, elbows and feet.  Finished Chemo on May 1 and finished RADS on June 30.  I have taken every pain med from Norco to Duiladid to Fioricet to Extra Strength Tylenol and Tylenol PM and even Celebrex and I have very fleeting and only temporary relief.  What is up?  To make matter worse, after the bilateral salpingo oophorectomy next week, my MO wants me to start on Femora whose #1 SE is joint pain and stiffness.  I refuse to fill that script and will have to talk to him again about this pain and ask him to think about another AI.  Any suggestions?  And not to mention the insomnia!!!!  Ok, now I will STFU but still need HELP!

    (wilted) Flowers

    P.S. - One other good thing for nausea are Ginger Capsules taken twice per day.  I got some inexpensive ones that really helped keep the nausea at bay at the (evil) Wal-Mart!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Flowers I don't have any real actual medical advice like our girls will give u but I can give  my theory. All this crap that we get seems to wake up every piece of arthritis that we might have had but barely bothered u, also peripheral neurapathy has become another frightful mess to have--when I finished I do remember the Dr saying u'r arthritis has realy gone all over, but the chemo and rads did wonders, You have to tell u'r Dr. right away cuz if there is a way to halt more stuff from happening u need to do that. Now of course this might be for now and the flare u will go away, but don't take it for granted. OK like I said u will get some real advice from some of the girls, I just know I started with the neurpathy, and arthritis, then I went to severe arthritis and scoliosis, then I went to degenerative disc disease, maybe if I opened my mouth more it would have not gotten this far, I don't know, maybe it would have--but I do know other women that started aching like crazy so tell them how u feel so maybe they can fight it so it doesn't get so far. That's just my theory and mine alone---so maybe it will help.??? I hope so 

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited July 2013

    "Gabapentin may also be used to treat other nerve pain conditions (such as diabetic neuropathyperipheral neuropathytrigeminal neuralgia) and restless legs syndrome."  this is what helped for my pain - i had relief with the 1st dose - i hope it works for you.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Flowers, I have Post polio. S/S of PPS are varied, but I was behind the eight ball with AI's. I developed fibromyalgia with my first AI arimedex. I longed for just my old muscle, bone, &joint pain, fatigue, insomnia, weakness after I went on AI's. Prior to Ai's, I managed with just Valium and with very careful s/s management. The individual reaction to AI's is all over the map. So, what happened to me doesn't mean it will happened to you. My pain control regimen was on the extreme end b/c I started on the extreme end, then got worse. Fentanyl patch 25 mcg, my way of using it was posted a few pages ago. Oxy for breakthrough was rarely used. Valium for neck, TMJ muscle spasms and other muscle spasms used when present PRN, but not in conjunction with other benzo's. Ativan(benzo) 2-4 mg@ bedtime with 10 mg of Melatonin for insomnia. Savella 25 mg-NSSRI(low dose) for the fibro, it has a mid range antidepressant effect. Tried Femara. Aromasin sounded like it would be worse than Arimedex and Femara for me, but gave it a try. Tolerated it from June(?) 2010 till end of Aug 2012. Went off it one month before brain sx b/c of AI's affect of reducing immunity, and resumed one month after.. I wasn't going to risk a brain infection. Mo wasn't happy, but Oh well.

    In a do over, I would add regular massage therapy, and a return to the old polio treatment of hot packs.

    Phylli Thanks, plan to be at endocrin's office when it opens at 8. I'll get the ball rolling and keep it moving. :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Flowers Cool have fun with your presentation and goodies, I'll be waving from the back row :0

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Well the BS called me to touch bases with me after the last negative ultrasound for thoracic Outlet - He said that the test only ruled out the vein and artery constriction and is willing to refer me to a neurologist to check out the nerve situation.  Come to find out my sleep doc is also a neurologist and could potentially test me for the nerve impingement.. But that is also what my pain does too and he wanted to do the inplanted nerve stimulator.. I am so confused right now.  BS also said it would be good to touch in with my new primary and see what she thinks on his Idea - neurologist or thoracic surgeon??  I also told him about left ankle being extremely more swollen than the right - and he told me to call my primary this morning after taking measurements - he said if the left calf is a cm more swollen that the right - i should check for a blood clot and please call my primary asap.. ANOTHER veinous study!!! no no no.... STFU!  I just want to enjoy july with my grandkids!  

    Ok - New rule - always end on a good note! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Oh Honeys!  I slept later!  Damn!  That's funny sass... You named Jackie "Lillie"!  Yes, good one!  I have to go tend to DH, HE got up early too!   Cammi!  You wild woman you!  I KNOW what you mean, each time you say "shut up Chevy" because YOU mean it too!  Ha,ha, and HAH! 

    I'll be back later .....  promise! xoxoxo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Phylli@ Go's office 7:53 he had BX order ready, written last night with copy sent to central scheduling. Called central scheduling not received, Recalled office@ 8;15--office sent to wrong fax number :)  Now going to bug insurance. And make sure Jayesh will be in town. Office will call when fax sent. So, I then can bug central scheduling. No preliminary blood work, tells me my analysis was correct. Called Jayesh's office he's in town asked if he prefers any particular doc to do BX. Round robin calling. I'm shooting for BX mon or tues. Let's see if I can getter done.  Everyone's being very cooperative and sweet:) They don't mind me being proactive(pushy)

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Praying for you SAS - Hope everything is ok!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Foley, Thanks, I know how to work the system. I'm in attack mode, but I do it nicely. My fav ENT doc is in town with no vacations schedule. If sx required he'll fit me in. I'm one of his favorite nurses.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

    Lili is saying good morning to all.  Cam, you know so much and you have a heart the size of all outdoors.  Enormous attitude as in so good.  Don't know for sure, but I think swimming.....or floating, or just 'moving' in the water is tremendously good exercise.

    I wouldn't care about getting in or out of the pool.  I too don't always "look" the greatest ( so you can believe I so hate it when I fall ) getting up.  It is total effort and I usually have to find some way to get to my knees, then put my hands down and force myself up with them.  If my hands ever go bad I don't wish to mention how deep the do-do will be for me. 

    Anyway....I feel so for anyone having se's from the AL's.  I really have done quite well on Arimidex/Anastrozole.  I did go through a bad period for a brief time, but just about the time I was going to CALL for help.....everything resolved.  The biggest issue I think is my lack of patience many times.  Frustration level can go through the roof. 

    Anyway.....hope you enjoy that pool Cammi and get lots of good activity and great muscle stimulation out of it. 

    Shame on you Chevy....but hey enjoy.  I think it is sort of fun getting up a bit late....though I do tend to punish myself by feeling that I have to do the things I would have done or at least mycoffee time is pushed by ( just forgotten for he time ) until I accomplish what needs to happen for the dogs to be quiet, etc.

    Tons of things to do today.....just because its Friday I guess.  I am enjoying not having to get up and go to work, but being home will not become my work and I bet I stay close to teh work schedule I had....just working here at home now.  What freakin' fun.  And the worst part -- no one is going to pay me. 

    Well you know what idle hands onward and upward for the day.


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    chevy - I get up late every morning!  Most mornings I feel like Lilli and need to get up and get things done, but I DON'T!  Haha!  Then I feel guilty or lazy or something.

    I've been off work since March and just this morning decided "WTH, I have cancer and am in the middle of chemo.  I don't have to answer to anyone, including ME!" How is that for a great attitude in the  A of M?  Yes, I know.  I'm a slow learner.

    Foley - You have been through so  much.  Just put all the docs in one room and make them duke it out until they come up with the right answer!  If they don't, slap them around and send them back in until they get it right!  I hope you get some permanent relief SOON! Constant pain is so debilitating, and annoying, and anger-making, and and takes up too much time feeling it and thinking about it. 

    sweet-tart - I agree with Jackie about staying ahead of the nausea. Take your Zofran or compazine and if your stomach is still not settled in a couple of hours, take the other one. I usually start with Zofran and then go to compazine. My doc gave me prescriptions for both at the beginning of chemo. I also get Aloxi with my infusion.  If that is not working, call the doc's office. 

    I also agree with veggy about keeping a log/journal of when you take meds!  Add a line for symptoms.  For me that is essential because I have CRS!  That way when I call the doc's office to complain about something and they say "how many days have you had that symptom, Mrs. Graham?"  I don't have to say "How the hell would I know?  I'm sick!"  That doesn't work so well.....especially after the first 10 times.

    In addition - if you are having pain, stay ahead of that also. Do NOT feel like you're wimping out. You're not. Just think of it as managing your treatment.

    Having said that about nausea and pain, also manage your diarrhea or constipation. There are good threads here on BCO about those two things. They can make you as miserable as the nausea and pain, so don't discount them. (Also be sure and read the links that Sassy posted. She's amazing!) Mine was so bad that I had to - well nevermind - but INSIST that your doc's office help.

    Same thing with sleep. Take the meds. Your doc will prescribe them.

    You may think, STFU! That is a lot of crap to remember. Yep, it is. But you are now officially "special". You get that designation with your diagnosis.

    Sassafrasspants - So glad you are out kickin' ass and takin names!  Me - I'm driving over to the coffee shop for a lovelysoothingdelicious triple latte.  Yummmmmmmmm.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning--was I here before now?? I just rewoke up, I do that sometimes--why ??u ask--cuz I can.LOL

    Jackie u'r words are so kind not just to me to everyone--u do have a wonderful outlook for life and people, but u know I do have to tease u sometimes, cuz I know u can take it. LOL

    Sas if I was u'r secretary----- again, I'd be in my clown suit on the tower with my repeat rifle. Oh Phylogun knows what I mean-u are a dynamo, and it takes me most of the day to file my nails, unbelievable how much u accomplish--I'm like Mrs. Wiggins on the old Carol Burnet show and u'r non stopping.

    Ok Chevy u got up late--are u on some timetable? Well ok u'rd like to get things done, Since I don't do much I guess I don't think about time like I used to.

    Ok all my hooligans, I'll be back later, after I find my clown suit.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Sass, I don't know WHAT is wrong with you, but I'm thinkin' whatever it is you want it done Monday or Tuesday?  What AM I dense?  What is "SX"??

    Or even "BX"  ??  Guess an ear candle won't help you?  Just wondering.....Wink

    Lilli!  Glad you are home now!  You will always find tons to do!  Even if it is wrong!   So Cammi has a heart the size of all outdoors?  So is her butt!  She SAID so..... I think.  Or is that me?    So see?  She can't go near the water!

    Cammi talked about swimming???  My God I would never try that now!  I would sink like a tractor tire!  Straight to the bottom!  They would not even be able to save me......  "She's a gonner" they would be saying, while wiping their brow.

    "She sunk like a 7-ton Zephyr Train!"  "Just wait a few days..... she will float and we can hook her like a shark!"   So don't get near the water Cammi!  This, spoken from a true expert.  (I heard that somewhere)  Water is not our friend.  If you weigh over 50 pounds just get a kiddie-pool. 

    I nearly drowned in the SHOWER this morning!  I was washing my hair, with my delicate head tilted back, and the water ran down my forehead, into my face, and I thought I would choke to death!   Has anyone ever drowned in a shower?   And shampoo does NOT taste good!   So I saved myself, by turning around.....miraculous!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy, well if you 've changed your feathers to turkey feathers you can drown in pouring rain. BX-biopsy, Sx--surgery---Thyroid ultra sound has many irregularities, uses allot of terms associated with cancer. Learned more than I ever wanted too about thyroid last evening.  So, I want the bx asap. And checked to make sure the surgeon not going on vacation for sx. Pushing buttons.              You didn't get the second joke;)

    Cami what I used to do with my secretary every morning was we'd have coffee and discuss what was up for the day. VERY nice  way to start. :) These days evreything in spurts, but when troubles abrewin' I do go only one speed CHARGE>>>>>.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Dear friends in Hoolieland

    I get credit for Lillie's name - not Sassy!!!!  

    Cammi - stop calling yourself terrible or other bad names or I'm gonna slap you upside the head. You are smart, wonderful, hilarious, kind, and our rock (along with Chevy, of course).

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Thyroid Biopsy first available date July 19th, FRI. 10 am. Actually, works kind of good, my ENT surgeons--JP, his surgery day is Fri. I trust him more than anyone else for a thyroidectomy. So, this is a positive. He can pop in if he cares too or look at the slides on the 22nd. F/U with ENT surgeon Mon July22nd. My plan is to be on the table July 26 th. Let's see if I make it.  Can't see this not happening based on report, but we'll see. Call out to OR Director RE:Anesthesia, Circle, and scrub. Trained him when he was a new grad, and DS and he played soccer together for years. They've got all new anesthesia folks so will get Matt's recommendation and or see if their's a special anest. doc JP likes to work with. Matt'll know if JP has a crew he likes assigned. If not SUE for circle. Sent report to JP and asked him to keep a slot open for me on the 26th, this may be hard. He has 25,000 patients. I'm really persumptive that he hasn't got his surgery line up filled. But I know he will do what he can. 25,000 is more people than live in the community I live in.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Chevy I'm so proud of u--u saved u'r own life just by rurning AWAY from the water--See we can do this all. I didn't say for sure I was going to try swimming I said maybe, cuz if I know my kids (and I do) they will never save my life, cuz they all would be laughing so hard I can see it now after battling cancer for years camille succombed to being in a 4 foot pool whie her family was by her side unable to move because of laughter. So I will tread lightly. Altho lightly isn't in my body shape. Oh and thanks for asking sas that cuz I didn't know either.

    OK Sas U'r thyroid (u think) has cancer? or u have thyroid cancer however u say it--and they do a biopsy for it. WTF are the symptoms--Oh another thing to go thru for u. Does it ever stop? And I know u do know (God forbid) u do have it what the treatment is--it's so odd to me.. U can't be with anyone for at least a week--Oh How goofy this all is.

    And Shell u must still be on cloud nine as well u should be--Chevy and I are on maybe cloud 2 or 3 depending on our day. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh I did forget to tell u I was a lifeguard----Completely staying out of the deep end of a pool I not only saved my life, but I;m sure saved others that I would have pulled down with me.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Cami are we talking TURKEY's in re: to Chevy(gossipping say it low so she can't hear it:). Stopped at a turkey farm one time, just cuz I was interested. ALL, thousands of turkey's, protected with these overhead shed roofs. Reason given by turkey farmer was turkey's can drown in rain. So what happen's to wild turkey's ??? 

    CT on June 21st DR A saw something suspicious. Called and faxed to Dr G's office CT report on 7/3.  He read it and wrote an order. Had Ultrasound 7/10 walked the report up to dr. G's office 7/11, he wrote for BX  which was to be called to me this morning. Except I was there at opening. MY study last night said first step based on description would be biopsy. Biopsy confirms what I read last night. Too many words associated with need to rule out cancer, and that biopsy is first step. The whole thyroid(both lobes) are lumpy bumpy, increased in size, Solid and Cystic nodules and some Hypoechoic nodules. Took me awhile to say it hypoechoic. Had a little help from a friend :)

    The importance of being proactive. First fax from his office sent to the wrong fax, 2nd fax didn't include H&P, 3rd fax ended up in the computer netherlands. 4th fax with complete info made it. If I hadn't made all the calls to verify sending and receiving- it wouldn't be scheduled, BUTTTTTTTT it is. I'm on the ENT surgeons radar and he love's me. My doc's loved  me or respectfully feared me, except one we openly disliked each other. 

    Prerigistered copay charge was 200$ paid by credit card, called insurance carrier and it's 150$. That's corrected.

    The OR Director thought I was a fabulous teacher. He's like 6'5, when I could, I'd have him sit while I was teaching, it hurt my neck LOL. I'm pleased, very pleased. All the ducks are in a row. Except OR room crew. DS just finished a very intense thingy with a law thingy. So, held concerns till that was done.

    Current research for those that have heard that there is a connection between BC and Thyroid cancer(TC), older info says there is. Current May 2013 -Says if TC occurs first and there was radiation-yes, or if there was any of the uses of radiation in the 50's for all the stupid stuff they used it for then-yes. Radiation for any other reason that could have exposed the breasts i.e Mantle radiation for lmyphoma-yes. I don't fit any of that. Except bad genes from Paternalgrandma's side. How much Dad's Benzene exposure at 25 that kept him in bed for a year who knows. So, unless post analysis, they determine something different. There's no relationship. endocrine.web--great site, but going through the whole site. They haven't updated some of their web pages to the new information, they have on front web pages.

    Cami, I'm okay--seriously, I'm in attack mode. Self preservation, if that's an easier concept. When the path report comes back which will be the day of BX, I'll cajole the doc, JP likely will be onsite to agree or disagree. There are 4 main cancers with 2 variants. I will be rooting for the "well differientiated". The other two main ones aren't so good. But been there done that, I was proactive in the BC thing, and I'm here now. The BC thing was highly aggressive and brain tumor dx'd same day b/c of pushing buttons--I gotter done in three weeks to BMX. Cancer may get me in the end , but it ain't getting me now, Uh Uh no way, not without a fight.

    Jp called and said the guy doing the bx is good.

  • rennamr
    rennamr Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2013

    I think I may also have costochondritis. Been having problems taking deep breaths for the past 5 days. Finished radiation almost a month ago. I have ocassional sharp pain in my sternum, as well as the side, under the arm pit that I had radiated and lymph nodes removed. When I sneeze, it's very painful in my sternum as well. CT scan shows no inflammation in lungs, so doc has no reason/sign of abnormality to explain my breathing difficulty, but now have left him a message asking if costochondritis could be a factor. Can you test for that?

  • rennamr
    rennamr Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2013

    I can totally relate to what your saying and STFU is my favorite acronym! No matter what anyone else is going through...YOU are going through your own personal hell in dealing with your diagnosis and treatment. That doesn't make it any less significant because it's "not as bad" as someone else. It's still bad, tramatic, scary,'s all that. You have a right to be angry, scared, sad, and it's good to cry. It's a good way to purge.

    It was nice to read this because it's my exact thoughts as well.